Current Issue
Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010 (July – September)
- Anti-diarrhoeal and cardiotonic activity of extracts of Elephantopus scaber linn in experimental animals.
P Muthumani, AJM Chiristina, S Venkataraman, R Meera, P Devi, B Kameswari, B Eswarapriya
- Can a Pharmacist improve life of Diabetes patient? An overview..
Kumanan R, Sudha S, Jayaveera KN. 
- pH metric studies of Ferrous (II) complexes of substituted derivative of Coumarin.
KB Vyas, KS Nimavat, GR Jani*, RP Patel, JA Chaudhary and MV Hathi. 
- Assessment of school and college students awareness about aids in urban area.
PK Saini, AK Rastogi, M Abid, A Patra, P Chattopadhyay, KK Maheshwari, AK Wahi, NA Khan*.
- Synthesis, spectral studies and antimicrobial study of aminomethylated derivatives of 7-azaspiro [4.5] decane-6, 8-Dione.
Sheela Joshi*, Purti Bilgaiyan, Anju Das Manikpuri, Kapil Vyas, Anju Pathak.
- Role of Spices in Diabetes Mellitus.
Mohammad Yaheya Mohammad Ismail*, Nagwa M Assem, Mohammad Zakriya. 
- Biosynthesis of guggulsterone in the callus culture of Commiphora wightii. Arnott. bhandari (Burseraceae).
S K Mishra*, A Kumar.
- Protective effect of Lepidium sativum against doxorubicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats.
Nilesh Shinde, Amit Jagtap, Vaishali Undale, Sujit Kakade, Sachin Kotwal, Ravindra Patil.
- Statistical assurance of process validation by analytical method development and validation for omeprazole capsules and blend.
D.Kumaraswamy*, B. Stephen Rathinaraj, Ch.Rajveer, S.Sudharshini, Bhupendra Shrestha, Rajasridhrar.
- Comparative sun protection factor determination of fresh fruits extract of Cucumber vs marketed cosmetic formulation.
Hogade Maheshwar G*, Basawaraj S Patil, Dhumal Prashant.
- Useful markers to predict the risk of Diabetic and Non-Diabetic osteomyelitis.
Veena Shetty, Suchetha Kumari N*, Damodara Gowda KM, Naveen P.
- Antioxidant and antihyperglycemic potential of methanolic extract of bark of Mimusops elengi L. in mice.
Ganu GP*, Jadhav SS, Deshpande AD.
- Recent Advances in NDDS (Novel drug delivery systems) for delivery of Anti-HIV drugs.
Arvind Sharma*, Subheet Jain, Manu Modi, Vikrant Vashisht, Harpreet Singh.
- In vivo anticancer activity of Clerodendrum serratum (L) moon.
Ashish S. Zalke*, Ashish V. Kulkarni, Devendra S. Shirode, B. Duraiswamy.
- Synthesis of some Mannich base cyclohexanone derivatives and their pharmacological activities. Aspergillus fumigatus using fruit peel waste as substrate.
Ch.Rajveer*, B.Stephenrathinaraj, S.Sudharshini, D.Kumaraswamy, Bhupendra Shreshtha, Prasanta Kumar Choudhury.
- Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Tablet of alfuzosin Hydrochloride.
Lingaraj S.Danki*, Abdul Sayeed, Sagar Kadam, Shantveer Salger.
- Antioxidant activity of traditionally used backyard Indian medicinal plants using frog heart as a model.
P Praveen Kumar*, K Satyavathi, MC Prabhakar.
- Formulation and in vitro evaluation of gastric oral floating tablets of cefixime for controlled releaseCalycopteris floribunda lam.
Raghavendra Rao NG*, Pentewar Ram, Thube Ketan, Suryakar VB.
- Spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous estimation of paracetamol and domperidone in tablet dosage forms.
Venkatesh P*, Hepcy Kalarani D, Ravindra Reddy K.
- Hesperidin and Curdlan treatment ameliorates γ-radiation induced cellular damage and oxidative stress in the liver of Sprague-Dawley rats.
Sang Hyun Park*, Kannampalli Pradeep, Mi Hee Choi, Kyong-Cheol Ko, Hae-Jun Park.
- Mucosa as a route for systemic drug delivery.
S Sangeetha*, D Nagasamy Venkatesh, PN Krishan and R Saraswathi.
- Ionic Composition Of High Altitude Himalayan Rivers With Respect To Their Source Of Origin.
JS Jangwan, Nirpendra Semwal*.
- Dissolution of Curcuminoids from Solid Dispersion Using Different Carriers.
Phaechamud T* and Sotanaphun U.
- Isolation of 28-pentyl-3-galloyl-betulinate and11-hydroxy friedelane from the plant Argyreia speciosa.
Aiswarya G*, Rrajesh Gupta, Kambhoja S .
- Extractive spectrophotometric method for the determination of Memantine.
P Sai Praveen, V Jagathi, G Devala Rao and A Aparna.
- Reverse Phase HPLC method for the determination of cefixime in pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Khaja Pasha*, Dr C.S Patil, Dr. K. Vijaykumar, Dr. Sadath Ali, Dr.V.B.Chimkod.
- Characterisation of metronidazole granules prepared by melt granulation and melt dispersion techniques.
Michael U Uhumwangho*, Roland S Okor and Sylvia O Olobia.
- Preparation and characterization of X wt-%Ru/Al2O3 catalysts for cyclohexane oxidation using tert-butyl hydroperoxide.
I. Rekkab-Hammoumraoui, R. Benabadji-Soulimane, S. El Korso-Hamza Reguig,A. Choukchou-Brabam* and R. Bachir.
- RP-HPLC method for the determination of ambroxol in pharmaceutical dosage forms.
Khaja Pasha1, CS Patil, K Vijaykumar, Sadath Ali , VB Chimkod.
- Preformulation Studies and Compaction Properties of a New Starch-Based Pharmaceutical Aid.
Ohwoavworhua, Frank.O.* and Osinowo, Adebowale.
- A review on various scaffolds active against PfPFT target.
Neha Kaushik*, Pankaj Pradhan.
- Hydrodynamically balanced tablets of clarithromycin: An approach to prolong and increase the local action by gastric retention. Tectona grandis.
Rahul Sutar*, Rajashree Masareddy and Roopesh K.
- Stability Assessment Of Donepezil Hydrochloride Using Validated RP-HPLC Method .
Paresh P Chothe*, Ramaa C Subramanian, Vilasrao J Kadam.
- Antitumor Activity and Antioxidant Status of Symplocos racemosa Roxb Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma in Swiss Albino Mice.
M. Vijayabaskaran, Amol K. Badkhal, G. Babu, P. Sivakumar, P. Perumal, T. Sivakumar R. Sampathkumar and B. Jayakar.
- Development and validation of dissolution test for cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride pellets.
Mandava V Basaveswara Rao*, BCK Reddy, T Srinivasa Rao, M Sivanadh.
- Influence of fenofibrate on the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of gliclazide in rats and rabbits.
Chandrashekhar M Sultanpur, S.Satyanarayana, N Sreenivasa Reddy, Vasanth Kumar.
- Screening of Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial activities of stem extract of Capparis sepiaria Linn.
Prof T.Satyanarayana, Anjana A. Mathews*, Ch.K.V.L.S.N.Anjana Male, G.Surendra.
- Effect of Moringa oleifera on stress induced brain lipid peroxidation in rats.
Shameer Pasha*, Mohamed Khaleel, Sukhen Som.
- Effect of obesity on the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus varies with age among Indian women.
Dambel Suman S, Kumari Suchetha N*, Chethana KR, Ramitha K.
- Investigation of Electrochemical Behavior of Co(II)-Disulfiram Complex at the Surface of Gold electrode in Different Non-Aqueous Media.
Sohrab Ershad*, Jafar Khodmarz .
- Fruits are the chokefull treasure of nutrition.
B. Sai Mrudula*, N. K. D. Devi, B.R. Madhavi.P.L.Ravali,N.Manasa.
- Analytical methodologies for the determination of oseltamivir.
M. Espinosa Bosch, C. Bosch Ojeda, A.J. Ruiz Sánchez, F. Sánchez Rojas*.
- A correlative study of status of serum cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL-cholesterol in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with and without hypertension.
Narasimha Rai K*, Jeganathan PS.
- Phytochemical screening of Bidaria khandalense (Sant.) Loranthus capitellatus Wall., Viscum articulatum Burm.F. and Vitex negundo Linn.
Shahla Najafi, Batool SadeghiNejad, S.S.Deokule, Jasem Estakhr.
- Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of bivalent transition metal complexes with benzimidazole derivative.
Suman Malik , Supriya Das*, and Bharti Jain.
- Evaluation of a new tablet excipient from the leaves of Mussaenda frondosa Linn.
Dilip C * Ameena K, Saraswathi R, Krishnan PN, Simi SP, Sanker C.
- An approach to the formulation of transdermal film of oxybutynin
Vaseeha Banu TS*, Sukhen Som, Mohamed Khaleel, Nirmal. T Havannavar.
- Formulation and Evaluation of Verapamil HCL Gastroretentive Floating Tablet from matrices prepared using Compritol ATO 888.
Mahesh Molke*, MD.Majid Iqbal, Dr. K.S Rao.
- Preparation and Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Tramadol Hydrochloride Using Compritol 888 ATO by Melt Granulation Technique.
Kavitha K, Rakesh K Deore* and Theetha G Tamizhmani.
- Studies on hepatoprotective effect of hexane extract of Dillenia indica against CCl4 induced toxicity and its safety evaluation in wistar albino rats.
Himakar Reddy K, Tharanath V, Nagi Reddy KB, Sharma PVGK, Reddy OVS*. 
- Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some 2 – aryl - 3 - [(4 - methyl cinnamoyl amino) - 4 - oxo – thiazolidines with synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some 2 –(4-hydroxyphenyl) - 3 - [(4 - methyl cinnamoyl amino) - 4 - oxo – thiazolidines.
PM Chatrabhuji, KS Nimavat, KB Vyas and NK Undavia*.
- Body mass, level of glucose and serum myeloperoxidase in offsprings of diabetic and non-diabetic parents.
Dambel Suman S, Kumari Suchetha N*, Kathyayani P, Geethashri A, Ramitha K, Chethana KR.
- Efficient and convergent synthesis of telmisartan.
A Sanjeev Kumar, Samir Ghosh, GN Mehta*. 
- Preliminary screening of diuretic activity of Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq leaves extracts in rats.
Meenal P Ullewar*, Amit R Bukkawar, Archana B.Bagade.
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- Simultaneous Estimation of Etoricoxib and Paracetamol in Combined Tablet Dosage Form
DR Chaple*, DS Fandi, PD Chaple.
- Studies on formulation and development of oxybutynin chloride matrix tablet for oral extended release therapy and In-vitro evaluation.
Raslamol K*, Saraswathi R, Subash S Pillai, Dilip C, Sankar C, Krishnan PN.
- Free radical scavenging activity of methanolic extract of Grewia tiliaefolia bark in various In-vitro model systems.
Nataraja Thamizh Selvam*, V Vengatakrishnan, S Murugesan, S Damodar Kumar.
- Comparative studies on anthelmintic activity of natural sweeteners.
Prasad P, Praveen Kumar P, Satyavathi K* and Prabhakar MC.
- Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Iron, Copper and Zinc in leafy vegetables and medicinal plant samples after preconcentration with p-dimethylaminobenzyl 3, 3 dimethylbenzidene on activated carbon.
K Chalapathi*, L Ramesh Babu, V Ravi and GP Maddaiah.
- An anxiolytic effect of Dolichandrone Falcata Leaves extract In experimental animals.
Khalid Saifuddin, Kature Dattatraya*, Suresh DK, Shaikh KB, CH Gopalakrishna, Loya PJ.
- Complexes of Cobaltocene: A Effective Atomic Softness and Fukui Function Based Study.
Vishnu Kumar Sahu*, Gayasuddin Khan, Ram Narayan Verma and Pashupati Prasad Singh.
- CNS activity of Nerium indicum flower part.
Pooja Saini*, N Kannapan, Parveen Kumar, Anupama Diwan, Vishal Antil,Shreya Sharma, Sandeep Singh.
- Nanomedicine: The Newer Generation Fusion Molecular Nanotechnology.
Vaibhav kulkarni *, Sandeep Waghulde, Shivaji Giram, Madhav Pande, Sachin Laddha.
- Influence of ionic strength on the association and dissociation constant of Ce(III), Tb(III), Dy (III), Nd(III), Gd(III) complexes with substituted heterocyclic drug such as Phenytoin -5,5-diphenylimidazolidine-2,4-dione.
GD Tambatkar, RE Khadsan and AS Kalawate .
- Electrochemical reduction behavior and differential pulse polarographic determination of Bambuterol HCl in pharmaceuticals and spiked human urine samples.
NY Sreedhar, * K Sreenivasaprasad, M Sankara Nayak and M Dhananjayulu.
- Biochemical responses of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) to elevated temperature stress.
U Chakraborty* and D Pradhan.
- An epidemiology of prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes among the adult residents in Dakshina Kannada district.
Siddartha, Pooja Mohan Rao, Suchetha Kumari N*, Sampath Kumar, Madhu LN .
- Comparative study of dissolution behavior on solid dispersions and inclusion complexes of rofecoxib .
Mohammed Gulzar Ahmed*, Kiran Kumar GP, Vedamurthy Joshi and Irfan Ali Mohammed .
- Investigation of hepatoprotective activity of roots & rhizomes of Antigonon leptopus Hook against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats .
N Jaya Raju*, B Ganga Rao.
- Differential pulse polarographic determination of chlomethoxyfen in environmental samples .
K.Balaji, C.Sridevi and C.Suresh Reddy* .
- Isolation and molecular characterization of bacillus megaterium isolated from different agro climatic zones of Karnataka and its effect on seed germination and plant growth of Sesamum indicum .
Shiva Reddy DM, Mohan BK, Nataraja S, Krishnappa M, Abhilash M* .
- A correlative study of glycosylated hemoglobin in normal and Type 2 Diabeteic patients.
Narasimha Rai K*, Jeganathan PS .
- Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity of some new 2-pyrazolines using triethanolamine as reaction solvent .
Shyam S. Mokle, Archana Y. Vibhute, Sandeep V. Khansole, Sainath B. Zangade and Yeshwant B. Vibhute*.
Breath biomarker for clinical diagnosis and different analysis technique .
Jessy Shaji*, Digambar Jadhav .
- Assay of tolperisone by extractive spectrophotometry .
V Jagathi*, M Shaiba, K Raghavi, M Sindhura, R Prashanthi.
- Fluorescence Approach to Micellar Solubilization of A Heterocyclic Alkaloid : Quinine Hydrochloride .
Seema Acharya* and Vini Mathur .
- Study of homocysteine, lipoprotein (a), lipid profile with oxidative stress in nephrotic syndrome and lupus nephritis.
Jyoti Dwivedi*, Purnima Dey Sarkar . 
- Brain tumor stem cell:Â A emerging tool for investigation and inhibition of tumor genesis in brain.
Akhil Jhalani*, MK Gupta, Natasha Sharma, Dilip Agrawal, Mahaveer Pr Khinchi .
- Antimicrobial activity of ethanol extract of leaf and flower of Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv .
Rajesh Kowti, Harsha. R, Mohammed Gulzar Ahmed*, Hareesh AR, Thammanna Gowda SS, Dinesha R, Satish Kumar BP, Irfan Ali M.
- Antibacterial properties of tannins isolated from leaves and fruits of Emblica officinalis Gaertn .
Saheb L Shinde*, SB Junne, AT Shinde, SA Patil, SS Wadje .
- Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of some mononuclear Ru(II) Complexes .
Sreekanth Thota*, Subhas Somalingappa Karki, Jayaveera KN, Jan Balzarini, Erik De Clercq .
- Evaluation of In-vitro Anthelmentic Property of Passiflora edulis Linn .
J Sangeetha*, K Soundarya, K Santhosh, C Sindhura.
Anti-nociceptive activity of a polyherbal formulation RO7D, in experimental models: Possible mechanisms .
S Jaikumar, S Viswanathan, BR Asokan, S Sengottuvelu , S Ramaswamy*. 
- Synthesis, Characterization & in Vitro Biological Studies of Novel N-Aryl Piperazinyl Fluoroquinolones.
Shanmugam Srinivasan, Shweta Gupta, Ruchi Marwah, P Manisankar, Rupesh Kumar* .
- Direct and Derivative Spectrophotometric Determination of Zinc (II) using 3,5 -Dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone(DMHBIH) .
GVS Vallinath*, KB Chandra Sekhar and N Devanna .
- Wound healing activity of human urine in rats .
Ramesh HA, Mohammad Azmathulla*, Malay Baidya, Mohammed Asad.
- Effect of Piper longum linn on histopathological and biochemical changes in isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction in rats .
Khushbu Chauhan*, Lalkrishna Parmar, Roshni Solanki, Virendra Kagathara, Dhaval Madat, Timir Patel.
- Assessment of Pharmacists’ knowledge on correct inhaler technique .
*Valentine Uche Odili , Christy Oreva Okoribe.
- Herbal medicines as an effective therapy in hair loss – A review .
Patil SM*, Sapkale GN, Surwase US, Bhombe B.T.
- Pharmaceutical product development and preformulation studies: early approaches, present scenario and future prospects .
Patil JS*, Marapur SC, Kamalapur MV, Shiralshetti SS .
- Acute toxicity and uterotonic activity of aqueous extract of Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae) .
Bello Shaibu Oricha*, Bashar I, Muhammad BY, Onyeyili P.
- The pharmacokinetics of amoxicillin in healthy adult Nigerians .
Bello Shaibu Oricha*, Hayyatu Umar .
- Direct and derivative spectrophotometric determination of Molybdenum (VI) in presence of micellar medium in food stuffs, pharmaceutical samples and in alloys using cinnamaldehyde-4-hydroxy benzoylhydrazone (CHBH) .
CH Kethani Devi, D Gopala Krishna, N Devanna*, KB Chandrasekhar .
- Microbial transformation of Bioactive Natural Products .
Gopkumar P* and Gopal Mugeraya.
- Study of Antidiabetic activity of ethanolic extracts of aerial parts of Smilax perfoliata and Flemingia wightiana
Venkatehwar Reddy Atla*, Rama Rao T, and Naidu A