Current Issue
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012 (April - June)
- Gravimetric determination of the Cu (II) with Schiff bases derived from sulfa drugs and 2-hydroxy, 1-napthaldehyde / benzoyl acetone.
Dasharath P Patel, Shailesh P Prajapati and Pankaj S Patel
- Synthesis of 4-pyrano-1, 5-benzodiazepines catalysed by bismuth (III) derivatives
FodiliMokhtar, Hoffmann Pascal and Amari Mohamed
- Study of the Effect of Mobile Phone Radiation on Antibiotic Sensitivity in Micro organisms(E. coli)
Arunkumar G*, J Valsalakumari, Padmaja V, Nagajyothy, AnupamaJayaraj, Sajan MK
- Stability Indicating RP- High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Determination of Tegaserod Maleate in bulk and solid dosage formulations
Venugopala Reddy KR*, Anantha ram G Harish MNK, ArthobNaikY andKeshavayya J
- Synthesis of Hydrazine Carboxamide-2-[(2-Hydroxy-1-Naphthalenyl) Methylene] as an analytical reagent for the Extractive Spectrophotometric determination of Fe (II)
Lokhande RS*, Ratnamala P Sonawane
- SubclinicalNeurotoxicity of Mercury: A Behavioural, Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Perspective
Alhibshi EA
- Anticonvulsant Activity of Methanolic Extract of Jasminumgrandflorum Linn in Experimental Animals
PatilSM* and Saini R
- Synthesis, IR Spectral Studies and Biological Activities of some Rare Earth Metal Complexes with Biochemically relevant Ligand
Richa Gupta*, NishaAgrawal and Gupta KC
- Comparative account of heavy metal analysis of selected plant species by ICP-AES
Inam F, Deo SS, Kadam NS, Mahashabde RP *
- Antibacterial Activity of Some Newly Synthesized 2, 5-Substituted Oxadiazoles andThiadiziole and Their Transition Metal Complexes
Wanale SG* and Pachling SP
- Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Anionic Mixed ligand fluoro Copper (II) Complex incorporating Citric as Coligand
Chira R BhattacharjeeandAbhijitNath*
- Pharmacological Screening on Leaves of the Plant of HemionitisArifolia (Burm).T.Moore
Kumudhavalli MV*, Jaykar B
- Preliminary Physico-Phytochemical Study of the bark of Acacia nilotica
Anita Shakya*, Shakya VK, NeetuArya, Saxena RC
- Effectiveness of Compression Coated Tablet Formulation for Colon Specific Diseases and Disorders
Mohammed Jameelpatel*, Sadath Ali, Roshan S
- Macroscopical and microscopical study of Tecomastans Linn. Leaf
Chandan Das*, Sujit Dash, DurgaCharanSahoo
- Diversity of zooplankton population at Sorai drain mixing point of Betwa river to check pollution level.
Yadav SK, Thapliyal NK and KapilSoni K
- Studies on Microencapsulation of Salbutamol Sulphate
MallikarjunMugli*, DoddayyaHiremath, AjaykumarPatil
- Preparation and Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Microspheres of Efavirenz for Enhancing Its Dissolution Rate and Bioavailability
KPR Chowdary and Annamma Devi GS*
- A Brief Introduction of Combinatorial Chemistry
Sanket Patel*, D Giles, Ajay Chowdary, Ekta Patel, Vidhya Thomas
- Effect of Acephate on Testicular Functions of Albino Rats
Suresh C Joshi* and Preeti Sharma
- Resting Heart Rate as a Measure of Cardiovascular Endurance in Swimmers and Non-Swimmers
Devendra M Patil, Shivraj P Manaspure, Jayashree V Gadkari
- Synthesis, Characterizationof some novel disperse azo dyes based on 4-(N-acetyl amino) 2-methyl phenacyl chloride.
DG Patel and NK Prajapati*
- Role of Ponceau-S-Oxalic Acid System for Generation of Electrical Energy in Photo galvanic Cell
Mahesh Chandra
- A method to determine total moisture content of Propellant Oxidizer--Ammonium perchlorate (coarse and fine grade)
T VeeraReddy,Bakul Das, TS Reddy and S Suresh
- Studies on Multimedia Dissolution Profile of Zolpidem Tartrate Sustained Release Matrix Tablets
Masheer Ahmed Khan*, Raj Kumar Mehta
- A study of adduct formation of heterocyclic nitrogen bases with nickel (II) chelate of di (3-chloro-2- methylphenyl) carbazone
AF Dodamani
- CaudaEpididymal Lesion in Male Rats after Subchronic Exposure of Malathion
Nisha Jain*, ArtiSharmaand SC Joshi
- A Validated RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Ramipril and Valsartan in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form.
Parthiban C*, BhagavanRaju M, Sudhakar M
- Removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by using Natural plant material Cynodondactylon
Samu SolomonJ, Martin DevaprasathP, ChandramohanM
- Design, Physicochemical Characterization and Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of BilayeredBuccal Tablets containing Statin Derivative
Shah Viral H*, ShelatPragna, Shah Gaurang B
- Synthesis and Biological Screening of Some Novel Hetero-Aryl Chalcone and their complexes
Sirsat SB, Halikar NK, Pund MM and Vartale SP*
- Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Drug Delivery System Using an Anti-Asthmatic Drug
Truman Fernandes*, DivakarGoli, KalyaniPrakasam
- Speciality Preferences of Indian Medical Graduates and Factors Influencing Them
ThirunavukkarasuArunBabu*, NoyalMariya Joseph, VijayanSharmila, Balachandran Sathish
- Determination of Time Period of Fruit-Bud-Differentiation and the Associated Histological and Biochemical Changes in Mango Hybrids
Palanichamy V* NN Reddy, SBabu, Emmanuel Selvaraj, Aranganathan and BhaskarMitra
- GC-MS Determination of Bioactive Components of AlstoniavenenataR.Br
Sutha S, Kalpana Devi V and Mohan VR*
- Phenolics Content and Antioxidant activity of Crude Extract of OldenlandiacorymbosaandBryophyllumpinnatum
NayanaHazarika, Pusparaj Singh, AnowarHussainand Sanjib Das*
- Removal of Cu (II) from Aqueous Solution by Using Natural Plant Material Cynodondactylon
Samu Solomon J, Martin Devaprasath P, Chandramohan M
- Influence of Thymus serpyllum essential oil on Aspergillusparasiticus morphology and aflatoxins production
Eweis M*, Ali Abd-AllaImhemmed, Amber S Gad 
- A Morphological Study of Variations in the Origin and Course of Radial Artery
Chandni Gupta*, VikramPalimar, Murlimanju BV, Vaishali R Shetti
- Theoretical evaluation of sound velocity in Ternary liquid system
Sumathi T*, Punithasri S and Jetruth Mary Alphonsa K
- Study on In-Vitro Evaluation of Fruits of Syzygiumcumini as A Natural Anti-Solar Agent
Pratik P Maske*, Sachin G Lokapure, KiranPatil, John I Disouza
- Phytoconstituents and Therapeutic potential of Thujaoccidentalis
Kumar Brijesh, Rani Ruchi, Das Sanjita, Das Saumya
- The Effects of Zinc Application on the Copper Contents of Some Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea) Varieties in the Çukurova Region of Turkey
Seyyid Irmak
- Formulation and Characterization of Gliclazide Controlled Release Tablets
ParasakthiN,Palanichamy S, Ramasubramaniyan P*, Rajesh M and ThangaThirupathi A
- In-vitro Antibacterial Activity of Honey on Health Hazardous Microorganisms
Nagaraj K*, Suvarna VC and GayathriD
- Preliminary phytochemical analysis of bark of Ficusbengalensis Linn and Antibacterial activity of its bark oil.
NeenaUnnikrishnan*, RinkuMathappan, Manu Somanath, D Sheela
- BioremediationPotentialofBrassicajuncea against Textile disposal
A Smrithi*, T Bhaigyabati, and K Usha
- Fatal Deliberate Self-harm in Adolescents- A Manipal Perspective
VikramPalimar, Vidhi, Chandni Gupta
- Synthesis of Some Novel Bis Type 2-Mercapto Benzimidazole Derivatives
RV Heralagi*, KN Jayaveera, B Shivkumar
- Isolation, Characterisation& Strain Improvement of 2, 4-D Degrading Bacteria from Sewage Sample In Bangalore
GauravBhide, Archana L, Shruthi SD*, Chetana SH
- Development of Fluroquinolones as a potent antibacterial agents:A Review
M Somashekhar*, P Maske, RV Heralagi, NV Kalyane
- Silymarin-loaded Cellulose Acetate Electrospun Fiber Mats: In Vitro Enzymatic Degradability and Cytotoxicity Tests
ManisaraPhiriyawirut*, ThawatchaiPhachamud
- Statistical Optimization of Processing Variables using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for Sensory Evaluation of Aloe Vera Chocolate Preparation
K Jayabalan* and C Karthikeyan
- Evaluation of Antigonorrhoeal Activity of Saponins Extract of Sapindus MukorossiGaertn
DipakBhargava, Jagadish Narayan Shivapuri, Sanjay Kar, Bijay Raj Pandit, AmrullahSidhiqie, AahutiUpadhyay, Shikha Thakur, Keshab Chandra Mondal*
- Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic activity of Terminaliabelerica fruit extracts
VaseemAAnsari*, H HSiddiqui, SatyaPrakash Singh
- Bio-efficacy of Unripen Fruits of Winter Cherry (Withaniasomnifera)
PremlataSingariya*, Padma KumarandKrishan Kumar Mourya
- Efficacy of Cardioprotective Effects in Ethanolic Extract of SidaRhombifolia Linn. On Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Infarction in Albino Rats
Ramadoss S*, Kannan K, Balamurugan K, Jeganathan NS, Manavalan R
- Serum Ceruloplasmin Albumin Ratio as a Biochemical Marker to Assist the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients
Ramesh *, RakeshMudaraddi, RavindraMaradi
- Molecular Interaction studies in Ternary Mixture of Ethyl hydroxy benzoate by Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements
SV Kumara Sastry, ShaikBabu, HA Sie Tiong1 and S SreehariSastry*
- Formulation and inVitro Investigation of Polysaccharides Based Drug Delivery Systems for targeting Aceclofenac to the Colon
KaluriVamshi Krishna, MallikarjunMugli, Shaik Zia-ur-Rahman, SM Chickpetty* and ShegunshiKalappa
- Antipyretic efficacy of Various Extracts of Sidaacuta leaves
Rakesh Sharma, Suresh Kumar, DharmeshShrama*
- In-Vitro Anti Cancer Activity of Ethanolic extract of the leaves of Achyranthesbidentata (Blume)
SobhanBabu Kota*, Sivakumar P, Karthiyayini T, Rajkumar M, Senthil Kumar KL
- Formulation and Evaluation of Losartan Potassium Sustained Release Matrix Tablets
Murali Krishna K*, SelviArunkumar
- Chitosan nanoparticles: A Novel Vehicle for the Enhanced Ocular Delivery of MoxifloxacinHCl
Sabitha K*, C I Sajeeth, K Santhi
- Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used by the People of District GANDERBAL JAMMU AND KASHMIR
Irshad Ahmad Baba*, Sunil Dubey, Aparna Alia, Saxena RC, Aijaz A Itoo, KhusbooPowar
- Ethanolic Extracts of Ocimum sanctum, Azadirachtaindica and Withaniasomnifera cause apoptosis in SiHa cells
Abhimanyu Kumar Jha, Meenakshi Jha, Jagdeep Kaur*
- A study of morphological alterations of Meyerozymaguilliermondii (JN128648) cells during mannan synthesis
Savitha K Koilery, TR Keerthi
- Phytochemical Investigation of Seed of Cucumiscallosus(Rottl.) Cogn
Tara Chand*, Anil Bhandari, Bhupendra Kumar Kumawat, Ashok Sharma, Vijay Kumar Bansal, Anil Pareek
- Hepatoprotective Activity of CnidoscolusChayamansaagainst Rifampicin and Isoniazide Induced Toxicity in Wistar Rats
K KulathuranPillai*, N Chidambaranathan,M Mohamed Halith,SJayaprakash, N Narayanan
- Anti Nutritive Bioactive Compounds Present In Unconventional Pulses and Legumes
- Antimicrobial Activity and Spectral Characterization of Flower of Buteamonosperma
BP Singh* and Swati Sahu
- Impact of Organochlorine Pesticide on Oxygen Consumption in the Freshwater Bivalve MolluscLamellidensCorrianus.
Kamble VS and Shinde RA
- Corrosion inhibition study of New Mercaptotriazoles and complementary effect of halide ions on mild steel in 0.5M sulphuric acid medium
Jayateertha NS*, N Hayavadana
- Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of 2-azetidinone and 4-thiazolidinone derivatives
SugumaranM*, SethuvaniS, PoornimaM
- A Study on Antidepressant Activity of Eugenol Excluded Clove Extract
JaffarSadiq M*, Padmanabha Reddy Y, KalavaBalaji, Narayana G
- Effect of Vitamin C and/or Vitamin E on Oxidative Stress and Lipid Profile in Diabetic Rats
Ghada Z A Soliman and Nehal M Bahagt
- Antioxidant level in the Seminal Plasma of Human subjects with different Fertility Potential
Shrikant Ashok Shete*, SandipMeghnadHulke, AvinashThakare, PrashantPatil, Kaore
- Papacarie® containing papain: A Natural Chemomechanical Caries Removal Agent
AmitBhardwaj, Shalu V Bhardwaj
- Correlation Based Response in Forage Maize (Zea Mays L.) for Various Fodder and Kernel Yield Traits
Sanjeev Kumar Srivas, Sanjay Kumar* and Singh UP
- Comparative Review on Harmless Herbs with Allopathic Remedies As Anti-Hypertensive
Joshi UH*,Ganatra TH, Bhalodiya PN, Desai TR, Tirgar PR
- The protective effect of caffeic acid and sesamol on human erythrocytes against hemin-induced hemolysis
VenuGanji*, Prasanthi PS, Lakshmaiah N, Venkata RamanaDeviCh
- Effect of combination of Ziprasidone with Carbamazepine on liver of Wistar albino rats
- Higuchian Matrix Mechanismfrom Transdermal Matrix System of Aceclofenac
MudasirMohamad * and Roheena Jan
- Evaluation of Phospholipase C enzyme activity in goat endometrial cells
Manoj G Tyagi and A Babu Vimalanathan
- Formulation Development of Losartan Potassium Microspheres Using Natural Polysaccharides and Their In-Vitro Evaluation
Aswarthaumakanthareddy M*, Sreeramulu J, SatyanarayanaPunna
- Dendrimers- Emerging Polymers for Drug Delivery and Its Future Prospects
Victoria bethapudi *, Naga Abhinaypasam, Srikanthvelchuri, BabuRaoChandu
- Comparative Study of Pulmonary Functions of Clarinet and Trumpet Players
Khuje PD*, SandipMeghnadHulke
- Production of Secondary Plant Metabolite Phyllanthin in Phyllanthusniruri Linn. by Leaf Tissue Culture
Prashanth Kumar S, Mandahasan A, Vijaya Kumar S, Dhirendra B Sanghai, Shreedhara CS, ManjunathSetty M *
- Prelimenary Phytochemical Investigation on Leaves of BalanitesAegyptiaca (L.) Delile
Bhupendra Kumar Kumawat*, Mahesh Gupta, Tara Chand, Yogendra Singh
- Screening the Fungus in Five Selected Cannals of the Cooum River
Shyamali J, Thulasi RM, Chandramohan C, Chandran M, Muthezhilan R and SekarBabuHariram*
- Ferula foetida“Hing”: A Review
JA Kareparamban*, PH Nikam, AP Jadhav, VJ Kadam
- A Study on Anti-hyperlipidemic Activity of Helianthus Annus in Rats on High Fat Diet
S Pavan Kumar Raju*, V Ramakrishna, R Raghavendra Kumar, P Praveen Reddy, K Gayathri, G Anjaneyulu, M JaffarSadiq
- Angelica Archangelica Roots Water extraction as a Natural Antioxidant Tolerating ROS Production in Lead Poisoning
Bassem M Raafat *, Saad M Zahrany , Ali S Al-Zahrani , EmadTawifiek , Anas M Al-Omery
- Studies on In-vitro antimicrobial activity of Some Medicinal Plants from Visakhapatnam
O AnielKumar and S Deepthi Rani
- Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Microspheres of Norfloxacin
Manohara P*, Ashok Kumar K, SrinivasBabu P
- Comparative Study on Ethanol Production by Repeated Batch Fermentation Using an Immobilized Yeast Strain, Isolated from Toddy Sap
Kishore Babu N, Balakrishnan K RaghavaRao T and SeshagiriRao G
- Improved Physicochemical Characteristics of Amorphous Drug Solid Dispersions
A Pandey*, B Rath
- Application of MLR, PLS and Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of GC/ECD Retention Times of Chlorinated Pesticides, Herbicides, and Organohalides
SaeidAsadpour*, MahmoodChamsaz, MdJelasHaron
- Ultrasonic Velocity, Density and Viscosity Studies in the Aqueous Solutions of Hydrate Compounds
N Jayamadhuri, J Glory, P Subramanyam Naidu*and K Ravindra Prasad
- Synthesis,Characterisation and Antibacterial Activity of some [8-Amino-4,7-dihydroxy-chromen-2-one] , [N-(3-Cyano-4-ethoxy-2-oxo-2H-chromen-7-yl)-formamide] Derivatives. TheComparison with Standard Drug
Aziz Behrami*,KozataVaso ,SevdieGovori ,Islam Krasniqi ,SkenderDemakuIdreizVehapi
- Phytochemical investigation of CarallumawissmanniiO. Schwart
Abdelaziz M Dawidar, Ahmed Y Mubarak, Mamdouh Abdel-Mogib*, EssamAbdelsattar
- Effect of Different Formulations of Silver Sulphadiazine Cream on experimentally Induced Burn Wound Healing
KL Bairy*, Satish Kumar MC, Savin CG, Kiran Kumar N, Avinash M
- Prevention of Cadmium induced genotoxicitywith Emblicaofficinalis L. (Amla) in Allium Test.
ArpitaSamanta, and BidyutBandyopadhyay*
- Recent scenario on the genetic abnormalities in patients suffering from Haemophilia A: A review
SupratimBiswas, SuparnaChakraborty, Satadal Das*
- Transition Metal Complexes of N-(1-Piperidinosalicylyl) acetamide and their Biological Activity
D Sathya, J SenthilKumaran, N Jayachandramani* and AmaliRoselineEmelda
- A Pharmaceutically Active Compound as Corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in Acidic Medium: Electrochemical and Thermodynamic studies
Khaled Z Mohammed, A Hamdy*, M Abbas
- Effect of Modified Atkins Diet on Short Term and Intermediate Term Weight Loss
Supratik Bhattacharyya, RajashreePradhan, SajeebMondal, HarishankarPathak, Salil K Mandal
- Formulation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Floating Microspheres of Timolol Maleate
Raveendra M *, Lakshmi Narayana K, Sreedhar Reddy C, Suresh V 
- Metagenomic Approach to Explore Microbial Diversity and Genetic Potential of Uncultured Microorganisms from Different Environment Niches
Pushpender Kumar Sharmab*, Monika Sharma, JagdeepKaur* 
- How Odd is Odds Ratio to Understand and How Risky is Risk Ratio to Interpret?
Ambrish Singh* and Robin Kumar Jha
- Determination of polyphenolic content and antioxidant activities of essential oil of Ocimumsanctum, L
Sathaye S* and Redkar RG
- Production, optimization and purification of bacterial cellulase by solid state bioprocessing of agro biomass
Ajay Kumar Singh,Abhas Kumar Maharana, HarisonMasih, Yashab Kumar, Santosh Kumar Mishra*
- Hydrochemical Analysis and Evalution of Ground Water Quality in Sandesh Block, Bhojpur (Bihar)
NeerjaKalra*, Rajesh Kumar, Yadav SS, Singh RT
- Optimization of parameters for decolorization of Coomassie Brilliant Blue using Trameteshirsute
Rengadurai S*, Preetha B, Viruthagiri T
- Studies on Some Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Characteristic of Potable Water Used in Some Different Area of Ahmedabad in Gujarat
J S Desai
- Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of some Pyrazoline-Piperazine merged Compounds
KokilaParmar*, JayendrasinghVihol, KalpeshgiriGoswami, VaishaliChauhan and Anil Mahato
- Nanobiosensor – A Modern Approach in the field of Biotechnology
- Effect of Noise Pollution on Psycopharmacological and In-Life Parameter Changes in Wistar Rats
SekarBabuHariram*, MeenakshiK ,Deepika B, Gayathri K , Sekar M
- Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Bihpuria Area of Lakhimpur District, Assam, India
Siba Prasad Sarmah, JayantaChutia
- Assessment of Awareness and Attitudes towards Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs amongst Urban Population: A Questionnaire Based Study
Gupta VK*, Gupta CD, Patel JR
- Probiotics: An Approach for Better Treatment
Sunil Kumar Mishra*, Pratibha Mishra, MohitSaxena
- Formulation and Evaluation of Aceclofenac Compression Coated Tablets for Colon Drug Delivery
Mothilal M*, Swati PS, ShaikNelofar, Damodharan N, Manimaran V, Lakshmi KS 
- Synthesis, Spectral Studies and Biological Evaluation of Some Benzimidazole Derivatives containing Sulfonamide
UdayKalidhar*, Rajinder Kumar, AmandeepKaur
- Synthesis, spectral studies and biological activity of some novel biphenyl imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole derivatives
AmandeepKaur*, Rajinder Kumar, UdayKalidhar
- A Study of Students’ Attitudes towards the Use of Different Types of Audio-Visual Techniques for Biochemistry
Prasanna Chandra M*, Biswajit Das, SumeruSamanta, Ayaz K Mallick
- Floristic Studies of KavitiMandalam, Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh
RamanaPV andByragi Reddy T 
- Heterogeneous Circulation of Salmonella Species and Plasmodium falciparum Specific Immune Complexes: Immuno - Suppressant in HIV Participants in Nigeria
Michael Ezeani*, Charles Onyenekwe , KinikanwoWachukwu , Samuel Meludu ,Martins Ifeanyichukwu , Rose Ukibe ,Daniel Anyiam , Anthony Onochie , SamualUzodimma , UjuamalaOkafor
- Evaluation of Anti-Fertility Activities of Leaves of Artabotrys Hexapetalus (Linn. F)
Karthik YP*, Vrushabendra Swamy BM, Vishwanath KM
- Pharmacological Perspectives of Cynodondactylon
Amrita Asthana?, Anil Kumar, SumitGangwar, Jyotsnadora
- Studies of the Immuno-stimulant properties of TinosporaCordifolia
Prakash R*, Pranavswarup G, Jayashree V
- Neuroprotective Effect of Flavonoids in Global Cerebral Ischemic Conditions
Prakash R*, Jayashree V, Pranavswarup G
- Study of the Alleviation of Salinity Effect Due to Enzymatic and Non-Enzymatic Antioxidants in Glycine Max
Susheel K Verma, MeetuChaudhary*, VeeruPrakash
- Kineticsof oxidation of Gabapentin by Bromamine-Bin NaOH medium- A Mechanistic Approach
R Ramachandrappa*, UshaJoseph ,PushpaIyengar
- Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of extracts of Cosciniumfenestratumroots and EmbeliaribesBurms. flower in animal models of hepatotoxicity: A biochemical and histological assessment
Basavaraj H*, Purnima Ashok, PrasannaGS
- Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles from Alpiniapurpurata and their antimicrobial properties
Aswathisreenivasan CV*, JustiJovitta C* , S Suja
- Comparison of Insecticides Pollution in Drinking Water Based on Ground Water Sources
FarhangFarahmand, FarhidFarahmandGhavi,GevorgPirumyan