Current Issue
Volume 4, Issue 2, 2013 (April - June)
- Production and Optimization of Extracellular Alkaline Proteases from Bacillus Sp. Isolated From Marine Soil
Prasenjit Dam, Merina Paul Das*, L Jeyanthi Rebecca, and S Sharmila
- Synthesis and Charecterisation of Schiff Bases Derived From Acetyl Coumarin and Evaluated For Anti-Microbial Activity
Balaji PN*, SKP Seleena, Gummadi Vidya, Tummala Himateja, Bodhanapu Neelima, and Thummala Lakshmiteja
- Screening of Antifungal Activity of Some Essential Oils and Antifungals on Clinical Fungal Isolates from Diabetic Patients
Sanchali Padhye*, Sapna Rai, Nidhi Narula and Swati Dekate
- Application of Solid phase Extraction Cleanup for the Determination of Pesticide Residues in Fresh Food Items Followed by GC-ECD
Abdulnaser Hajisamoh*,Sarimoh Sosanae, Nawawi Lemeahmad and Jamilah Abu
- Expression of Genes Encoded 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2, 6-bisphosphatase and 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase in U87 Glioma Cells with ERN1 Loss of Function: Hypoxic Regulation
Minchenko DM, Lypova NM, Harmash YA, Kulinich AO, Marunych RY, Karbovskyi LL, *Minchenko ?H
- Needle Free Injection
Gopibabu Jampani*, Brahmaiah, Chandu Baburao
- Phytochemical Screening and GC-MS Analysis of Ethanolic Extract of Rhizomes of Maranta arundinacea L.
Nishaa S, Vishnupriya M, Sasikumar JM, and Gopalakrishnan VK*
- Effect of Glucose intake on the Stability of a Dynamical Model used for the study of diabetes mellitus.
Adewale Sunday O*, Adekanmbi DB and Olanrewaju Philip O 
- Important Advances on Antiviral Profile of Chromone Derivatives
Ramandeep Kaur *, Nisha Taheam, Anil K Sharma, and Rajeev Kharb
- Kinetics and Mechanisms of Drug Release from Swellable and Non Swellable Matrices: A Review
Chime Salome A*, Onunkwo Godswill C and Onyishi Ikechukwu I
- Spectrophotometric Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Olmesartan Medoximil and Hydrochlorothiazide in Tablets
Babita Kumari*, Mahesh D Burande, and Prashant K Choudhari
- Direct Current Electrical Conductivity Study of the Thermal Decomposition of Copper (II) Monohydrate and Zinc (II) Oxalate Dihydrate.
Athare AE*, Nikumbh AK, and Kolhe NH
- Synthetic Approaches in Obtaining Novel Biologically Active Quinones
Svyatoslav Polovkovych*, GlebZagoriy, Oksana Bondarchuk, Renata Vynnytska, et al.
- Dissolution Rate Enhancement of BCS class II drug, Paliperidone by Spray Drying
Pandey A*, Rath B, and Dwivedi AK
- A Review on Potency of Vesicular Systems in Targeting Drug Delivery
Chiranjeevi G*, M Muthukumaran, and B Krishnamoorthy.
- Antimicrobial study of some aromatic halogenohydroxy aldehydes and ketones
Sarla N Kalyankar* and Arvind M Patil 
- A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Debris and Smear Layer Remaining Following Use of Greater Taper Rotary Instruments
Soumya Shetty *, Mithra N Hegde, and Darshana Devadiga
- Study on the mechanism of Azotobacter chrococum MTCC 446 after degradation of phenol and cyanide
Smita Mondal* and Chandrajit Balomajumder
- Comparative Study of Yields of Heptaldehyde and Undecylenic Acid from Castor Oil and Its Derivative
Sathish Kumar M*, Nagarajan K, Ramakrishnan K, and Vikram M
- Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Infant Feeding Practices in Rural Tumkur
KB Rangaswamy*
- The Effect of Acetic Acid in Anthocyanins Extraction from Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) Pericarp
Nyi Mekar Saptarini*, Fathi, and Ferry Ferdiansyah Sofian
- Development of the Optimal Composition and the Technology of New Combined InjectableDrug with Prolonged Action Based on Disulfiram and Naltrexone
Gleb Zagoriy, Nataliya Zayarnyuk*, Boris Sobetov, Aelita Krychkovska, Olexandr Karpenko, et al.
- Insilico Drug Target Identification and Potential Drug for Obesity - A NovelDrug Designing Approach
Krishnamoorthy P, Praveen Kumar PK, Jayalakshmi T and Siva Ganesh M
- Antinociceptive Screening of Methanol Extract of Anogeissus Accuminate
R Shwetha, Hemamalin K*, P Sumalatha, and Uma Vasireddy
- Value Addition Property of Zinc Oxide Eugenol after Electron Beam Radiation
Mithra N Hegde, Nidarsh D Hegde, Aastha Puri, Suchetha Kumari, Ganesh Sanjeev, and Shilpa Shetty.
- Free Radicals: Generation, Defenses and Implications in Various Diseases
Preeti K, Suresh, and Abhishek K Sah
- Defluoridation ofwater by precipitationwith lime and calcium Sulfate
Djamel Atia, and Abdelghani HOGGUI
- Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization, In Silico DNA Studies and Antibacterial Activites of Copper(Ii) and Zinc(Ii) Complexes derived from Thiazole based Pyrazolone Derivatives
J Senthil Kumaran, S Priya, J Gowsika, N Jayachandramani S and Mahalakshmi*
- Identification and Expression of ATP Synthase F0 Subunit 6 in Tilapia Fish during Temperature Acclimation
Iman M K Abumourad, Shenouda M Girgis,*, Magdy I Hanna
- Influence on the Overall Performance of the Mulberry Silkworm, Bombyxmori L. CSR2 X CSR4 Hybrid Cocoon Reared with V1 Mulberry Leaves Irrigated by Distillery spentwash.
Chandraju S*, Girija Nagendraswamy, Chidan Kumar CS and Shree Harsha Kumar SS
- Anti Proliferative Activity of Various Parts of Tecoma stans(L.) Against Human Breast Cancer Cells Invitro
Thirumal M, Kishore G*, and Surya Srimanthula 
- Cross-sectional study examining the differences between US rural and non-rural adults in appropriate prescriptions for nitrofurantoin for the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in the ED
David R Simmons, M Nawal Lutfiyya*, Darin J Steenerson, Kathryn J Pederson, Kenzie G Hohman , Laura C Palombi , Krista Huot
- Invitro Anthelmintic Activity of Clerodendrum Paniculatum Linn Leaves
Praveen M, K.Radha*, V Padmaja, Helen William, and P Ajithkumar
- Synthesis and EPR Study of K8Cu2Hg2As2W19O67 (H2O): Cu (II) Dimer Encapsulated in a Polyoxometalate Lattice
Jeyabalan T*, and Praveen Peter
- In vitro antioxidant activity and in vivo hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of Allium cepa bulb in paracetamol induced liver damage in Wistar rats
Eswar Kumar K*, Harsha K N, Neelakanta Rao N, Sudheer V, Giri babu N
- Impact of Homocysteine, Folate and Vitamin B12 levels in patients of Arteriosclerosis
Pramod Kamble*, M P Bankar, Prakash Zende, Dhiraj Trivedi, and Abdulrahaman Momin
- Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Screening of Extracts of the Stem Bark and Leaves of Cassia Sieberiana Dc
Amaeze NJ, Abdulsalam TO and Okoliegbe IN*
- Decolorization of Azo Dyes from Ranipet Textile Industrial Spent Wash Using Bacillus VIT SSG5
*Venkata Gopichand T, Saranya C, Suneetha V, and Ramalingam C
- Development of Simple Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Propranolol in Bulk and Dosage Forms.
M.Suman, C Narasimha Rao, K Siva Kumar, and P Venkateswarlu*
- Omeprazole – Floating drug delivery system
Jyothsna K*, and G Vijaya Lakshmi
- TVUS for Endometrial Thickness-and Review of Literature
Battula Sadanand* and Vasanta Leela
- Synthesis, spectral studies and biological profile of some new substituted diphenyl isoxazole derivatives
Ritu Kataria*,Sachdev Yadav and Devender Pathak
- Comparative Effect Of Carbimazole, Glycine Max And Citrus Sinensis On Serum Electrolytes And Urea.
OKON Uduak Akpan*, NKU Clement Oshie, UDOBANG John Akpan, UWAH, Anthony Fidelis
- Microcrystalliation of Glipizide: Effect of type of Stabilizer on Particle Size, Solubility and Dissolution
Steffy B Manjila, Jomon N Baby, EN Bijin, Icey Constantine, K Pramod, and J. Valsalakumari*
- Application of Interphase Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (Fish) In the Study of the Spontaneous Abortions Products
Khadidja Haoud *, Sarah Mellali, Latifa Mohammadi, Soraya Moulessehoul, Philippe Vago 
- Electrochemical Studies on Complexes of Copper (II) with Anticoagulant Warfarin sodium
Priyanka Dhingra* and Yashwant Singh
- Formulation and Process Validation of Coated Granules of Clarithromycin
Abhishek Gurjar*, and Tara Chand
- Screening of Limonia acidissima fruit pulp for Immunomodulatory activity
Sunitha K*, and Krishna Mohan G
- Evaluation of Wound Healing Activity of Leaf and Stem Extract of Kedrostis Foetidissima (Jacq.) Cogn.
Amutha M*and Lalitha P
- Decent Approaches for Colon Targeted Drug Delivery System
Kushal Dhir, Harminderpal Singh Kahlon and Sukhbir Kaur*
- The Effects of Thymus daenensis extract on Maintenance and Growth of Yogurt Starter Bacteria
Sara Barati*, Gelareh Sohail Baigi, Sara soheil Beigi and Mehdi Dehghani
- Statistical Optimization of Ingredients for Sensory Evaluation of Idly Preparation Using Response Surface Methodology (Rsm)
E Krishnaprabakaran and T Viruthagiri
- Studies on the Mechanical and Biodegradability properties of Guna Protein/Cellulose Based Biocomposites
Abubakar Ahmed Hamidu, Buba ArdoAliyu, Jeffery Tsware Barminas, and SA Osemeahon
- Biochemical Screening Tests for the Detection of Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Children with Special Needs
Madanika P*, Malathi M, Viswanatha Kumar HM, Shiva Shankara AR, and Kumar GV
- Brain Cancer: Nanoparticle Based Drug Delivery System
Dinesh Kumar B*, Krishna Kumar K, Anish John, David Paul, and Joseph Cherian
- Celiac Disease- An Overview
Savitha KV, Rajasree RS*, K Radha, Shyni Bernard, Anny Mathew
- Phyto-genotoxicity Assessment of Sewage Water for Agriculture Applications
Abdel Migid HM* and Abdelrahman HMH
- Study of Drug Release from the Multiunit Floating System Beads Bearing Metronidazole using Hydrophilic Polymer by Ionotropic Gelation Technique
Shashank Soni*, Veerma Ram, Vandana Jugran Negi, Bhanwar Singh Chaudhary, Anurag Verma, and Manish Kumar
- Use of Zinc Oxide as Photocatalyst for Photodegradation of Copper Soap Derived From Azadirecta Indica (Neem) Oil
*R Sharma, LC Heda, SC Ameta, and S Sharma
- Effect of Phytohormones on Leaf Explants of Bacopa Monnieri L. Penn: An Endangered Medicinal Plant
Bhargavi Sharma,Manohar SH and Mala Majumdar*
- To Study the Utility of QTc Dispersion in Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy using Ewing’s Parameters
Nagendra N Sendil Kumaran D, Venkatesh G, and Dhananjaya BS
- Invitro Screening of MyristicaFragrans Houtt Fruit Pulp for Anti-Lice Activity
Surendra Kumar M*, Reshma M Rajan, Nusrath C, Dilshad Ahamed Pulikal, Sabeer PA and G Babu
- Devlopment and Characterization of Diltiazem Hydrochloride Microspheres
Arun M Mahale *, and SA Sreenivas
- Phenotyping Identification of Candida albicans for the Production of In House Helicase for Nucleic Acid-Based Detections for Fast Diagnosis
Boon Ping Haw, Ismail Asma, Ong Eugene, and Sreenivasan Sasidharan*
- Morphological Study of Wormian Bones in Dried Human Skulls
Shivaleela C, Kumar GV*,Malipatil SB, and Sandhya K
- Formulation and Optimization Evaluation of Floating Tablet of Ofloxacin
Gajanand Yadav*, and Tara Chand
- The Sweet and Bitterness of Sweet Flag [Acorus calamus L.] – A Review
Mythili Avadhani MN, Immanuel Selvaraj C*, Rajasekharan PE and Tharachand C
- Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic Effects of Zizyphus Jujuba Lam. In Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Anbarasi Balakrishnan*, and Brindha Pamaiah
- Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Clinical Samples of hospital located in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Reena Kiran Mukhiya*, Anima Shrestha, Shiba Kumar Rai, Kritu Pant, Ganesh Raiand Ramnath Singh
- A Retrospective Analysis of Urine Culture and Its Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Results.
Pooja Saggar
- In Vitro regenerated disease resistant cell lines of Pennisetum americanium against Downy Mildew
DV Rao and Savita Sagwan*
- Molecular Chaperones: Present Scenario and Future Perspectives
Mrinal Singha , Kunal Singha *, and Subhankar Maity 
- Development and Validation of a Simple UV Method for In-Vitro Estimation of Zolmitriptan in an Intraoral Dosage form
Garg Garima*, Siddiqui MD Nehal, and Garg Vipin
Thirupathamma D* Savithri G , and Kavya Sudha K 
- Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Clinical isolates of Gram-negative Pathogens from a Teaching Hospital, Pondicherry.
Mangaiarkkarasi A*,Erli Amel Ivan and Gopal R
- Comparative study of Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic and Ethanolic Extracts of Stevia rebaudiana Leaves
Sharmila Sutradhar *,U Preeti, Ayeesha Humera, and Amtul Maliha Muneem
- Antimicrobial Activity of Suaeda monoica (Forsst ex Geml) against Human and Plant Pathogens
Prasanna Lakshmi K* and Narasimha Rao GM
- Enhancement of Dissolution Rate of Poorly Water Soluble Drug by Solid Dispersion Technique
Ravi S Wanare 
- Effect of different fungicides on blast disease of rice caused by Magnaporthe grisea at different nitrogen levels.
Sireesha O
- Acute and Subacute Toxicity Studies of Cell Wall Contents of Probiotic (Lactobacillus Casei) in Wistar Rats and Swiss Albino Mice
Mehul R Chorawala*, Vandit R Trivedi, Divyang J Dave, Pratik M Oza, and Gaurang B Shah
- Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticle Synthesized by Using Costeus igneus
Vasantharaj S, Sathiyavimal S, and Hemashenpagam N *
- Microbial Extraction of Cobalt and Nickel from Lateritic Chromite Over burden using Aspergillus wentii
Supratim Biswas†, Pataki C. Banerjee, Siddhartha Mukherjee, and Rajib Dey
- Extraction and Characterization of Oil from Sesame Seed
Paul E Dim
- UV Spectrophotometric Methods for Estimation of Chlorpheniramine Maleate (CPM) In Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by Absorption Maxima Method and Area under Curve
Rajesh N Koladiya, and KR Pawar*
- A Fluorescence Quenching Study of the Human Serum Albumin-Quercetin Complex by Addition of Cu (II), Ni (II) and Mn (II)
Chonghag Kim and Rubén M Savizky*
- Formulation Design and Evaluation of Floating Microspheres of Rabeprazole Sodium
Amit Kumar Sharma*, Tara Chand, and Manoj Khardiya
- Contents of Some Vitamins in Five Edible Mushroom Varieties Consumed in Abakaliki Metropolis, Nigeria
- Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy: A Review
Yaseen Moosa Malallah Al- Lawatia, and AR Mullaicharam.
- Conceptual Insight of Etiopathogenesis of ADHD in Ayurvedic Idiom
Deepmala U Yadav*, Banshidhar Behera, and Abhimanyu Kumar
- Domestic waste water treatment using leaf extract of Moringa oleifera
Sharmila S*, Jeyanthi Rebecca L, and Md Saduzzaman
- Nutritional and Antinutritional Characterization of Two Wild Yam Species From Abakaliki, Southeast Nigeria
Afiukwa CA, Ogah O,UGWU Okechukwu PC, Oguguo JO, Ali FU and OSSAI Emmanuel C
- Evaluation of Insulin Potentiating Activity of Ethanolic Root Extract of Boerhavia Diffusa in Streptozotocin –Induced Diabetic Rats
Anvesh Kumar G*, Sharadha Srikanth, Vijay Chidrawar, Uma Maheswara Rao, Indala Rajesh, Mithun, and Pavan D
- Removal of Copper from Aqueous Solution by Aspergillus Niger, NCIM 616 Using AAS and ICPMS
M Sravani, V Sridevi*, K Vijay Kumar, N Harsha and T Kanthi Kiran
- Development and In Vitro Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Buccal Tablets of Tizanidine Hydrochloride Using Natural Polymer Locust Gum
Tate SS*, Taware GV, Shinde SD, Shete PM, and Gaikwad R
- Molecular Properties and Bioactivity score of the Aloe vera antioxidant compounds – in order to lead finding
Sadhana Singh*, Ashok Kumar Gupta, and Amita Verma 
- Optimization and Characterisation of Nasal Microparticles For Levodopa Delivery To CNS
V Chandrakala*, and A Mary Saral
- Spectrophotometric determination of Drotaverine Hcl and Mefenamic acid in tablets by chemometric methods
Vijayageetha Ragupathy* and Shantha Arcot
- Ethnobotanical approaches and phytochemical analysis of Chamaerops humilis L. (Arecaceae) in the area of Tlemcen (western Algeria)
Hasnaoui O*, Benali O, Bouazza Mand Benmehdi H
- Design and Optimization of Anti-Depressant Sustained Release Matrix Tablets
Kavitha K*, Sailasri Y, Akilandeswari K, Vijayalakshmi M, Velmani Gopal and Nalini CN
- Synthesis Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Some 2-Substituted 3-Acetic Acid Benzimidazole Derivatives
Tupe AP*, Pawar PY, Mane BY, and Magar SD
- Review On-Natural Compounds Used For Antioxidant Activity
Sadhana Singh*, Ashok Kumar Gupta, and Amita Verma
- Reduction Of Mono-Alkene-Bearing Monocarboxyl And Monoamino Groups By Argon-Hydrogen Plasma Jet
Wada T, Munegumi T*, and Harada K
- Anti-Ulcer Activity of Aqueous and Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Krishna Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum) in Albino Rats
Bharat Bhusan Mohapatra*, Mangala Charan Das, Subas Chandra Dinda , and KEV Nagoji
- Clinico – haematological response to experimental infection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 strain in Clarias gariepinus
Ajani F and Adetunji VO 
- Serum Electrolyte Status and Liver Functions in Different Phases of Menstrual Cycle
Malipatil BS*, and Shilpa Patil
- Illustrated key to the species of genus Cassia Linn.
Ashok M Patole
- Modified Quercetin Derivatives as Potent Anti Diabetic Agents: A QSAR Approach
P Valentina*, K Ilango, and K Indraja
- Microscopic, Molecular and Scopolamine Content Evaluations of Datula Metel L. Var. Metel and D. Metel L. Var. Fastuosa in Thailand
Somchai Issaravanich, Nijsiri Ruangrungsi, Chanida Palanuvej, Niran Vipunngeun and Kanchana Rungsihirunrat*
- Dual Production of Amylase and Protease Using Bacillus Subtilis
M Sathish Kumar*, MRK Rao, S Anbuselvi, and S Selva Kumar
- Application Of Optimize The Process Variables Using A Novel Adsorbent As Epicarp Of Ricinus Communis- Adsorption Studies On The Removal Of Reactive Dyes In Single And Multi System
Kamila Banu N and Santhi.T *
- Proximate and Mineral Element Compositions of Five Edible Wild Grown Mushroom Species in Abakaliki, Southeast Nigeria
Afiukwa Celestine A, Oko Augustine O, Afiukwa Joseph N, Ugwu Okechukwu PC, Ali Fredrick U and Ossai Emmanuel C
- Phytochemical Analysis of Two Wild Edible Mushrooms, Auricularia Polytricha And Pleurotus Ostreatus, Common in Ohaukwu Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Afiukwa CA, Ugwu, Okechukwu PC, Ebenyi LN, Oketa HA, Idenyi JNand Ossai Emmanuel C
- Influence of Combination of Crude Extract of Aegle marmelos Leaves and Tamarindus indica Seeds on Sugar and Lipid level in Normal and Streptozocin Induced Diabetic Rats
Mani Satyam, KL Bairy*, Manjunath Shivaram Shetty, and Sayantan Chakarvarty
- Evaluation of Centella Asiatica Leaf Extract for Wound Healing in Sterptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats
*B Somashekar Shetty and Sudhakar Pemmineti
- Status of Plasmodium Falciparum and Vivax in Jharkhand: A Five Year (2004-08) Retrospective Study at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi
Chandrahas Prasad, Shashi Bhushan Singh, Shanti Prakash, Satish Chandra, and Govind Kumar Gupta
- Study of Reaction Time and Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c)in T2DM Patients
Vedavathi KJ*, Venkatesh Gand Kanavi Roopa Shekharappa*
- A Comparative Study on Phytochemical Analysis of Murraya Koenigii and Manilkara Zapota
Sharmila S*, Jeyanthi Rebecca L, Merina Paul Das, Md Saduzzaman and Shashi Bala
- Investigation of Kondagogu Gum and Ghatti Gum as Binders in Formulating Metoprolol Tartrate Tablets
*Valluru Ravi, TM Pramod Kumar and HG Shivakumar
- An Osteological Study of Atlanto-Occipital Fusion with Embryological Basis and Clinico-Anatomical Correlations
Vinaykumar K, Shivaleela C, Kumar GV, and Lakshmiprabha S
- Adherence and Persistence of Air Microbes on Computer Silicon Chips
Arnab Nath, Anurag Basu, Saikat Basu, Subhrajyoti Bhowmick Debkishore Gupta, and Satadal Das
- Biopesticidal Activity of Azadirachta Indica A Juss
Sujata Mathur
- Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle from Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaf Extract and Investigation of Its Antimicrobial Activity.
Divya MJ*, Sowmia C, Joona K, and Dhanya KP
- Phytochemical Analyses of the Menthanol, Hot Water and N-Hexane Extracts of the Aerial Parts of Cassytha Filiformis (Linn) and Leaves of Cleistopholis Patens (Benth)
Adonu Cyril C*, UGWU Okechukwu PC2, ESIMONE CO, OSSAI Emmanuel C, BAWA Abubakar, NWAKA Andrew C and OKORIE Chris U
- Gastro Retentive Drug Delivery System for Cefpodoxime Proxetil- Development and Optimization
V Kamalakkannan*, C Kannan, K Jaganathan, KSG Arul Kumaran, and R Sambath Kumar
- Cassava Bagasse: A Potential and Low Cost Substrate for Cellulase Production in an Economical Fermentation.
KR Sugumaran, S Pavan Chakravarthi and V Ponnusami*
- Evaluation of New Binder Isolated from Tinospora cordifolia for the Preparation of Paracetamol Tablets
K Sijo Davies, R Sivakumar*, CI Sajeeth, and Y Hari Babu
- The Effect of Descureania Sophia L. and Prunus Domestica L. in Prevention of Constipation among Iranian Hajj Pilgrims, Saudi Arabia
Mehdi Pasalar, Kamran Bagheri Lankarani, Davood Mehrabani*,Hamid Reza Tolide-i, and Mohsen Naseri
- Determination of Thermal Degradation in Palm Oil Using Viscosity and FTIR Analysis
S Rubalya Valantina*, R Chandiramouli, K Aniruthaan and G Jeyanthinathan
- A Preliminary Study of Acid Base Balance Status In Intensive Care Unit Non Vegetarian Malayalee Patients Admitted with Metabolic Encephalopathy.
Liji K , Warrier PK, and Deshpande SR
- A Study to Assess the Hormonal Profile of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Puducherry
Kanagavalli P*, Muraliswaran P, Sathisha TG, Thirunaaukarasu Dand Lakshmi K.
- Evaluation of Selected Medicinal Plants for Anticandida Potential
Kavita Salkar*, Ashish Suthar, Vijaysingh Chauhan, and Vinayak Naik
- Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory activity of stems of Passiflora foetida Linn. in rats
Jennifer Fernandes*, Michael Antony Noronha, and Ronald Fernandes
- Study of Lipid Profile and High Sensitivity C - reactive protein as Prognostic Indicators of Cardiovascular Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Prospective Study
D Varunkumar, BV Maruthi Prasad, HL Vishwanth
- Withania Coagulans in Treatmen of Diabetics and Some Other Diseases: A Review
Jhansee Mishra *, Alok Kumar Dash, Shailesh Nandan Mishra, Ashish Kumar Gupta 
- Effect of Acute Administration of Celecoxib on Anxiolytic Activity of Fluoxetine in Albino Mice
Johan Pandian J, Kingshuk Lahon*, and Lavakumar S
- Biosorption of Malachite Green Dye Using Plant Leaf Powder
Sharmila S*, Jeyanthi Rebecca L, Merina Paul Das, and Shashi Bala
- Microspheres: An Overview and Current Technological Development of Floating Drug Delivery System
Hitesh Sapkale*, Abhijit Sorate, Nutan Jagtap, and Sapana Ahirrao
- Additives in Milk and Its Effect on Dental Caries in 13-15 Year Old Adolescents
Mithra N Hegde *, Ashwitha Punja, Ganesh Bhat, and Uday S Mahale
- Nanorobots: A Future Medical Device in Diagnosis and Treatment
Meena Kharwade*, Monika Nijhawan, and Sheela Modani
- Screening of Antioxidant, Anticancer Activity and Phytochemicals in Methanolic Extract of Hibiscusrosa-Sinensis Leaf Extract.
Divya MJ*, Sowmia C, Dhanya KP, and Joona K
- Formulation of Sustained Release Diltiazem Hydrochloride Matrix Tablets through Optimization and Their Evaluation
Masheer Ahmed Khan *
- Formulation and Evaluation Of Sustain Release Matrix Tablets of Levosulpiride
Sandeep Singh Tanwar *
- Physico-Chemical Characterization of Cotton seed Oil for its Potential use as Biodiesel
VN Ariharan *, VN Meena Devi and P Nagendra Prasad
- Natural Excipients
Prachi S Sabne*, Amruta N Avalaskar, Rashmi Jadhav, and Pooja S Sainkar
- Review on Pathophysiology and Treatment of Acne
L Chandersekar
- Effect of Tragiaplukenetii R-Smith Leaf Extracts on Learning, Memory and Reasoning Using Hebbs William Maze.
M Sathish Kumar* D Eswar Tony, and N Rama Rao
- Leptospirosis Complicated By Cerebral Edema and Hypotension in a 13 Year Old Boy
Jegan Devi, Chandrasekaran Venkatesh, Nanda Chhavi, Dhandapani Gunasekaran, and Palanisamy Soundararajan
- Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Evaluation Of Mn(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) Complexes of Pyridine -2- Carboxylic Acid.
MO Agwara*, NB Ndosiri, A Mohamadou , and AM Condé
- Theoretical evaluation of ultrasonic Velocity and Excess Parameters in Binary Liquid Mixtures of Bromobenzene with alkanols
M Indhumathi*, G Meenakshi, VJ Priyadharshini, RKayalvizhiand SThiyagaraj
- Nanoparticles And Reproductive Toxicity: An Overview
Suresh C Joshi and Utkarsh Kaushik 
- Synthesis and Antimicrobial and antifungal activities of novel Bis-imine Derivatives
Sonnekar VS, JadhavWN,Dake SA and Pawar RP*
- In vitro antioxidant, anti-acetylcholinesterase activity and GC-MS analysis of essential oil from flowers of Ageratina adenophora (Spreng)
S Vasanthi and VK Gopalakrishnan*
- Characterization of Bacteriocin Produced by Lactobacillus delbreukii Isolated from Yoghurt.
Morami Devi, L Jeyanthi Rebecca*, and S Sumathy
- Antidepressant Effect of Tramadol on balb-c mice in Animal Models of Depression
Lourdu Jafrin A*, Banupriya R, and Meher Ali R
- Evaluation of the Bark of Aegle Marmelos (Bael) Extracts for Their Effect on Coagulation Profile in Albino Rats
Swamy RM, Mani PM, Manjunath GN, Naveen Kumar, and Prasad Byrav
- Composition and Diversity of Tree Species in Dudhpukuria-Dhopachori Wildlife Sanctuary of Chittagong (South) Forest Division, Bangladesh
M Akthar Hossain, MK Hossain , Mohammed Abdus Salam *, and Shafiqur Rahman 
- Stimulatory Effect of Acid Hydrolysed Okara Fortified with L-Asparagine on Fungal L-Asparaginase Production by Aspergillus Terreus MTCC 1782
Rahul Kumar, R Agalya Devi, Aishwarya Nair and K Balakrishnan*
- Effect of Aqueous Seed Extracts of Two Varieties of Phaseolus Vulgaris on the Lipid Profile of Rats
Njoku, Ugochi Olivia; Agu, Chidozie Victor* and Nwodo, Okwesili FC
- Epidemiological Pattern and Risk Factors of Corneal Ulcers in Malabar Region of Coastal Kerala
Kashinatha Shenoy
- Methionine Production by Coryneform Bacteria through Fermentation
Venkata Narayana A*, Vamsi Priya A, Venkata Nadh R, Swami AVN,Sumalatha B, and Vijaya Leela M 
- In Vitro Antioxidant Activities of Methanolic Extract of Triumfetta rotundifolia (Linn.) Family (Tiliaceae)
Sanilkumar Ramachandran*, and Kottai Muthu Arumugam
- Growth and Characterization Studies on Acetamide-Picrate Doped With Copper Sulphate-A Nonlinear Optical Crystal
K Rajarajan*, KR Dhanalakshmi Alias Reka, A Anandhi, and G Madhurambal2
- A Rare Presentation of Pseudomembrane Following Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis (EKC).
M Kashinatha Shenoy
- Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetic Disease Using Associative Neural Network
Neelamegam P*, and Rajalakshmi M
- Clinical and Gross-pathological Diagnosis of Infectious Bacterial Diseases of Layer Chickens in Ajmer region of Rajasthan.
Tripti Dadheechand Reena Vyas*
- Gram Negative Bacterial Pathogens and Their Sensitivity Pattern in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of COPD
Viswambhar V, Vishnusharma M, Harsha DS, Sabir Cholas, Sowjanya, and Anupama N*.
- Evaluation of In-vitro Anti-Arthritic Potential of Aerial Parts of Ipomoeapes-caprae (L.) R.Brand Estabilishment of Its Mechanism of Action
Deepak Venkataraman*, W Clement Atlee, T Purushoth Prabhu, G Surya, R Kannan, I Sheik Nasar
- Troponin Proteins and Their Role in Physiological and Aging Process?
Manoj G Tyagi*, Nikhil Shukla and Madhab Lamsal
- Studies of Diltiazem Hydrochloride Sustained Release Matrices Profile in Multimedia Dissolution Conditions
*Masheer Ahmed Khan
- Eeffects of Garlic Oil Administration on Some Immunological Parameters in Induced Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Fatma Ali Alashkham, Ariza Adnan, Nor Salmah Bakar, and Muhamed T Osman*
- Perspectives on Antimicrobial Potential of Benzothiophene Derivatives
Rajeev Kharb*, and Kushal Bansal
- Rationality of Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Rakesh Kumar*, Jagminder Kaur Bajaj, and Paramjeet Kaur
- Biochemical Variations in Acute Pancreatitis
Usha S Adiga, Vickneshwaran V, and Sanat Kumar Sen
- Prevalence of Multidrug Resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Extended Spectrum ß Lactamase Producing Escherichia Coli in Urinary Tract Infection
Thakur S*, Pokhrel N, and Sharma M
- Synthesis, Characterization and Morphology Behaviour of Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II) and Cu (II) Chelate Polymer Compounds Based on Chelating Ligand
Ratiram G Chaudhary *, Harjeet D Juneja, Nilesh V Gandharec and Mangesh P Gharpure
- Study of Cognition in Type 2 Diabetes with Yoga Asana and Pranayama
Rajani Santhakumari*, Indla Yogananda Reddy, Challa Satish Kumar Reddy, Archana R.
- Anti-Arthritic and Immune Modifying Potential of Delonix Elata Bark Extracts.
MurugananthanGopal*, and Mohan Shamanna.
- Effects Green Tea on the Body Weight of Malaysian Young Obese Females: Single Blind Clinical Trial Study
Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar*, Muhamed T Osman, and Mahfoudh Abdulghani
- Formulation And Invitro Evaluation Of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets Of Ibuprofen
S Shanmugam, T Vetrichelvan and P Niranjan*
- Anxiolytic Effect of Ondansetron, a 5-HT3 Antagonist on male albino mice in the Elevated Plus Maze
Lourdu Jafrin A*, Shanthi M, and Meher Ali R
- Optimization of Physical Parameters for Chitinase Production from Serratia marcescens
L Jeyanthi Rebecca*, G Susithra, S Sharmila, and Amrita Singh
- Antibacterial Studies on the Flowers of Urticularia reticulata
PL Rajagopal*, K Premaletha, SS Kiron, and KR Sreejith
- Higher Nalidixic acid resistance pattern of Salmonella isolates from enteric fever patients in Kathmandu Model Hospital, Nepal
*Anand Bahadur Karki,Dwij Raj Bhatta, Basudha Shrestha, Bhuvan Khatri, Kul Raj Rai, Reena Kiran Mukhiya and Binod Lekhak,
- Cyclodextrins-The Molecular Container
Sanjoy Kumar Das*, Rajan Rajabalaya, Sheba David, Nasimul Gani, Jasmina Khanam, Arunabha Nanda
- A Review on Immediate Release Drug Delivery System
Manish Jaimini* and Saurabh Rawat
- Screening of commonly available solid process residues as substrate for L-asparaginase production by Aspergillus terreus MTCC 1782
Aiswarya Nair, Rahul Kumar, R Agalya Devi and K Balakrishnan*
- Insights into Chemical Oscillatory Reactions through an Illustrious Case Study of P-Sulphonic Phenol: Sulphuric Acid: Bromate System
Archana Garg*
- Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens MS-3: An Antagonistic Bacterium Against Clinical Isolates
Merina Paul Das*, L Jeyanthi Rebecca, S Sharmila, and Santosh Kumar
- Bactericidal Activity of Stoechospermum sp
L Jeyanthi Rebecca*, V Dhanalakshmi, S Sharmila, and Merina Paul Das
- Study On Ethanol Production from Cassava Leaves and Pulp using s.cerevisiae
S Anbuselvi and T Balamurugan
- Diabetes among Women in Urban and Rural Population- A Cross Sectional Study
Shalini M*, Srinivasa Murthy AG, Suresh Babu KP, Hamsaveena,Girish B, and Mounika K
- Synthesis and Antiproliferative Activity of Novel Thiazolidine and Azetidinone Derivatives
Kabilan C*, Shankar D, Alagarsamy V and Asiya Parvin A
- Analytical Method Development and Validation for Assay Method of Busulfan Injection by RP-HPLC Method
Sachin Rewaria*, and Vrushabendra Swamy BM
- Development and Validation of a Reverse-Phase HPLC Method for the Determination of Rosuvastatin in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
Raja Haranadha Babu Ch, Gowrisankar D*, Suribabu Ch, Badaree K and Sarvaraidu Ch
- Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Citrus Maxima (J.Burm) Merr in Animal Models
Shivananda A*, Muralidhara Rao D, and Jayaveera KN
- Synthesis of Carboxylic Acids from Alcohols by Contact Glow Discharge with Recycling System
Ito Y, Munegumi T*, and Harada K
- Design and Evaluation of Levofloxacin Effervescent Floating Tablets
Kalakonda Nithin Tej, KVS Ashrith, K Deepika, S Krishna Madhuri, KLU Sruthi, Saba Maanvizhi
- Assessment of Prevalence of Anaemia In a Specified Population and Various Adverse Consequences of Anaemia In Mother and Child.
Tarachand T. Meshram*, and Kailash I. Murarka
- Evaluation of Clinical and Epidemiological Profile of Anaemia: A Hospital Based Prevalence Study.
Tarachand T. Meshram*, and Kailash I. Murarka.