Current Issue
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2013 (October - December)
- Preliminary Physico-phytochemical Study and Pharmacognostical Standardization of Psidium guajava Leaves
Krishanu Samanta, Romi Yadav, Rishikant Tripathi, Ashok Kumar, and Emdad Hossain*
- Interaction Study of Curcumin with 1-Butanol Binary Mixture
Manjunath M S and J Sannappa
- Formulation and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besylate Floating Tablets
Ramasubramaniyan P*, Palanichamy S, Deepu VM, and Rajesh M
- Dried Blood Spot Sampling Analysis: Recent Advanced and Applications
Jimi M Desai* and Ravindra RP
- A Report on Rubber Degrading Bacterial Sps. from Vellore Soil Contaminated With Tyre Waste
KP Pramodh Kumar*, V Sai Shiva Shankar, R Deepak, Suneetha V and Bishwambhar Mishra
- Synthesis and Characterization of Sebacoyl Bis-P-Bromophenyl Urea Polymer
Ghubde RS*, Bonde AD, Gandhare NV, and Juneja HD
- Mercury Exposure Effects to Skin Tissue of Mus Muscullus at Fibroblasts Cell Proliferation and Collagen quantity.
Titik Taufikurohmah, Agoes Soegianto, I Gusti Made Sanjaya, Afaf Baktir, and Achmad Syahrani.
- Study of the role of Copper, Zinc and Magnesium in Diabetic Nephropathy
M Prasad Naidu*, Shiva Kumar, S Mahaboob Vali, Desai Madhav and G Subrahmanyam
- Scarabiasis – A Rare Disease with a Rare Presentation
Rugmini Kamalammal*, and Soorya Rao R 
- Effect of Pioglitazone on Abdominal Fat Distribution in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Gowri Thilagam T*, Tamilarasi S,Parameswari R, Raadhika R, and Mathivani M
- Electrochemical behaviour of 2-hydroxy-5-methyl benzophenone benzoylhydrazone
D Manjula and P Venkata Ramana*
- Pattern of Use and Adverse Reactions to Antisnake Venom in Haemotoxic Snake Bite
Mathivani M*, Parameswari R, Sarojini R,Geetha K, and Gowrithilagam T
- Biosynthesis of Zirconium Oxide Nanoparticles using Marine Actinobacteria and its Applications
KV Bhaskara Rao*, Divyaa Srinivasan, Shane Dan Christo, Sruthi Laura George, L Karthik, and Gaurav Kumar
- Preparation and Properties of Papain Immobilized onto Metal Ions Cross-linked Chitosan Beads
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum*, Narsito, Sri Juari Santoso and Rudiana Agustini
- Formulation Development and Evaluation of Orally Disintegrating Tablets of Losartan Potassium by Direct Compression Method
Jagadale Sachin K,* Patil Pradeep S and Navale Rajini.
- Evaluation of Memory Enhancement Activity and Shock Motivated Brightness Discrimination Response by using Y-Maze.
D Eswar Tony*, T Vijaya, D Sathish Kumar, M Sathish Kumar, A Narendra Babu, and N Rama Rao
- Prescribing Patterns of Antihypertensives in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) in Relation with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Categories and Essential Drug List in Two Tertiary Care Hospitals Gulbarga
Tanuja V Hooli , Sathisha Aithal , and S Manjunath
- Towards the Prediction of a Three-Dimensional Structure of Human GLP-1 Receptor
A Ranganadha Reddy*, Sreedhara R Voleti, and Ch Lakshmi Padma
- Effect of Substrate Temperature on Structural, Optical and Surface Morphological Properties of Spray Deposited V2O5Thin Film
Mansur Bashaand L Akilasundari *
- Studies on Toxicity of Ag (I) on Plants and Microbes
Devlina Das, Lakshmi V, Nilanjana Das, and Vimala R*
- Role Of Nano Encapsulation And Inclusion Complexation In Mouth Dissolving Strips Of Atorvastatin
M Abinaya, D Ramya Devi*, and BN Vedha Hari 
- Risk Prediction of Morbidity and Mortality in Emergency Laparotomy by Possum Equation
Srinath S*, Naveen HS,and Manjunath
- DNA Binding and Antimicrobial Studies on Co (III) and Fe (II) Metal Complexes Containing Mixed Ligands
Sreekanth B*, Gopinath SM, Veena Pillai V, Ismail Shareef M, Jagan Mohan Reddy, VishnuvardhanTK, Murali Krishna P, and Sridhara V 
- Treatment of Frozen Shoulder: A Double Blind Study Ccomparing the Impact ofTriamcinolone Injection Alone or In Association with Joint Distention
Saeidian Seyed Reza,Forough Bijan, Hemmati Ali Asghar*, and Tahmasebi Morteza
- Development of New Analytical Method and Its Validation for the Determination of Loratadine in Bulk and Marketed Formulation
Megha J Solanki*, EVS Subrahmanyam, and AR Shabaraya
- Development of New Analytical Method and its Validation for the Determination of Metoclopramide Hydrochloride in Bulk and Marketed Formulation
Megha J Solanki*, EVS Subrahmanyam, and AR Shabaraya
- Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation on A Few Cucurbitaceae Plants
Bhavani MB*, Leelavathi S, and Ismail Shareef M
- Superporous Hydrogel (SPH): An Innovative Approach of Gastro retention
Leena P Deore*, and Devidas G Bachhav
- Clinical Study of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Diabetes Mellitus
Sharath Kumar D Shah*, Gireesh AS, Mounika Kilariv, Ghouse Pasha, Anupam Biswas, Neelesh Kumar S Shah, Chandana SS, and Kanu Priya
- Towards understanding Alzheimer's Disease: An Overview
Mayur Bagad, Debajyoti Chowdhury and Zaved Ahmed Khan *
- Bacterial Profile and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Blood Culture Isolates from Pediatric Age Group Attending A Tertiary Care Centre
Bindu D,* Chitralekha S, Menezes GA, Illamani V
- Thermo gravimetric Analysis of Copper (II) soaps Derived from Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) and Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Edible Oils
Sharma R, Heda LC, Joram Aand Sharma 
- Investigation of In Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and In Vitro Anti-Oxidant Activity of Bark of Albizia procera Benth
Sangeetha M*, Chamundeeswari D, Saravana Babu C, Rose C, and Gopal V
- Acute Hemorrhagic Cystitis in Children: A Case Series
Gopalakrishnan Manigandan, Chandrasekaran Venkatesh, Sadagopan Srinivasan, Shyam Choudhury Puskar*, and Prasant Nayak*
- Epigenetic Modulation Mechanisms in Psychiatric Disorders: Gene and Trigger and Erase and Re-write Hypothesis
Akhil P Nair and Zaved Ahmed Khan*
- Antihyperlipidemic and Antiatherosclerotic Activity of Rimonabant in Wistar albino Rats.
Ashish Mahajan, Praful Patel*, and Patil SD
- The Role of Serum Uric Acid in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Shashikala Lamani*, and HL Vishwanath
- A Flexible Regulatory Approach for Different Raw Materials Suppliers Using QbD Principles
Buket Aksu*, Mehmet Aydogan, Bayram Kanik, and Ediz Aksoy
- Prenatal Isotretinoin Exposure Reduces the Neuronal Population of Hippocampus in Rats
Jai Aditya, Sampath Madhyastha*, Sudhanshu Sekhar Sahu, Vasudha Saralaya, Divya Premchandran, Teresa Joy
- Case Report: A Rare Case of Primary Ovarian Pregnancy
Hemant Deshpande, Shilpa Chaudhari*, Chandrakantmadkar, Charusheela Gore,and Poorva Deshpande5 
- Coordination Possibility of Uracil and Applications of Some of Its Complexes: A Review
Oladipo MA*and Isola KT
- Clinical Spectrum of Presentation in HIV Infected Children with Correlation to CD4 Percentage
Prabhavathi R, Basavaraj, Veera Shankar M, Taru Sharma, Bhavya, Vinodchandran, Remya, and Sreekantha.
- DNA Damage Assessment in Essential Hypertensive Patients Using the Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis (SCGE) Assay
Tarandeep Kaur and Gandhi G*
- The Effect of NF-Kappa B and Angiotensin II on the Proliferation in Human Breast Adenocancer Cell Line
Ozunal ZG*, Bayram R, Yavuz MZ, Ucbek A, Aydogar A, Uzun Ö, and Gepdiremen A
- Free Radical Scavenging Capacity and Antioxidant Activity of an Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Solanum rubrum Mill.
Santhosh Kumar S*, Subramanian A, SUJA SK, Sudarshan M, and Chakraborty A
- Examination, Screening and Statistical Analysis with respect to Prevalent Alzheimer’s Disease
Parul S Kamat, and Suneetha Vuppu*
- Antibiotic Resistance in Food Poisoning Caused By Escherishia Coli O157:H7 in Hospitalized Patients At 5 Years in Iran
Moghni M, and Barati S*
- Development of New Analytical Method Validation for the Determination of Fluoxetine HCl in Bulk and Marketed Formulation by Colorimetric Method
Bini Makadia*, EVS Subrahmanyam, and Ramakrishna Shabaraya.
- Development of New Analytical Method Validation forthe Determination of Lamivudine in Bulk and marketed Formulation by Colorimetric Method
Bini Makadia*, EVS Subrahmanyam, and Ramakrishna Shabaraya
- Ameliorative Effect of Fish Oil on the Cisplatin Induced Hepatotoxicity and Nephrotoxicity in Rats
Mohamed SA. El-Gerbed*
- Changing Spectrum of Antibiotic Sensitivity in Enteric Fever- A Six Year Retrospective Study in North India
Geetika Dheer, Shaveta Kundra, Atul Goel, Tejinder Singh, and Vandana Berry*
- Electrocautery versus Scalpel Incision in Inguinal Hernioplasty
Shekhar Upadhyay, and Naval Bansal
- Development of Validated Method for Determination of Residual Solvents in Guaifenesin and Imidazole Alcohol by Gas Chromatography (GC/FID) with Head Space
Suresh Kumar Agrawal* and Devendra Singh Rathore
- Our Work on Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) and Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography (MECC) under review Since 1989 and proposing a new mode of operation for anions experimentally called Reverse Direction Anion Capillary Electrophoresis
- RSM Mediated Optimization of Amylase Production from Marine Bacillus sp.VITRKHB
KV Bhaskara Rao*, H Bose, K Richa, K Singh, L Karthik, and G Kumar
- Effect of Difference in the Dietary Galactose on the Rate of Onset and Progression of Cataract in Rats
Nurul Alimah Abdul Nasir *, Renu Agarwal, Effat Omar, Nor Salmah Bakar, Sushil Vasudevan, Renad Alyautdin, and Nafeeza Mohd Ismail
- Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Drotaverine Hydrochloride Tablets Using Factorial Design
Om Prakash*, S Saraf, M Rahman, Neeraj Agnihotri, and Vinay Pathak
- Synthesis, Spectroscopic and Thermal Studies of Newly Synthesized Transition Metal Coordination Polymers
SS Bhuyar*, HD Juneja, and LJ Paliwal 
- Preparation Characterization of In-Situ Prepared Silver/PVDF-PVP Nano-Composites
AM Abdelghany, EM Abdelrazek, AH Oraby, and E Lasheen
- An Epidemiologic Study of Gender Differences in Dental Space Anomalies
Mahesh Shivaji Taru*, and Kiran Plikundwar
- Genotoxic Effect of Lead Acetate on Drosophila Melanogaster
MZ Fahira Reshman, R Sumitha and *V Deepa Parvathi
- Structural and Electronic studies on Al Substituted SnO2 nano structures a DFT Study
Saravanakannan V * and Radhakrishnan T
- Evaluation of Elemental Profile of Tecomella undulata (Seem): An Endangered Medicinal Plant.
Saraf Aparna* and Sankhla Shweta
- A Study on Similar Look like and Sound like Brand
Kiron SS, PL Rajagopal, Saritha M, and Sreejith KR
- Oxidation–Reduction of methionine Sulfoxide Induced by an Argon–Hydrogen Plasma Jet
Wada T, Munegumi T*, and Harada K
- Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils of Chamaerops humilis (Arecaceae) on Some Pathogenic Bacteria
HASNAOUI Okkacha*, ADLI Djallal Edineand SENNOUR Raja
- Synthesis and Characterization of Some Biologically Active Heterocycles Containing Nitrogen
Ratnesh Das* and Gulzar Khan
- Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils from Flowers, Stems and Roots of Dorema ammoniacum D.Don from Iran
Masoud Sadeghei Takallo, Sami Sajjadifar, and Maziar Mansouji Avval*
- Prevalence of Hypertension and Diabetes in Ischemic Stroke Patients in South Indian Population
Binu Mathew*, Abhilash Thomas, and Suchandra Sen
- Analysis of Stability of Granisetron Hydrochloride in Nasal Formulations by Stability-Indicating RP-HPLC Method
BhaleraoAV*, Shirolkar SV, and Chitlange SS
- Induced Biosurfactant Production and Degradation of Lindane by Soil Basidiomycetes Yeast, Rhodotorula sp. VITJzN03
Jaseetha Abdul Salam and Nilanjana Das*
- Chemical Weapons: Lethal Weapons of Uncivilized World!
Inbaraj SD*, and Menezes GA
- Biopharmaceutical and Physicochemical Study of Substance and Suppositories with Tamsulosin Hydrochloride
Vita Gritsenko*, Olena Ruban, Inna Kovalevskaya, and Dennis Pulyaev
- Visual Development and Visual Acuity Testing In Children
Kashinatha Shenoy M*, Gopalakrishna K, and Preetha
- A Review on Leucoderma
Sukhbir Kaur*,Harminder Pal Singh Kahlon, and Kushal Dhir.
- Ftir Analysis of Some Pills of Forensic Interest
Rajvinder Singh R*, Ajit Kumar, and Ramanjeet Kaur
- Impact of Noise Stress on the Immune Status of Albino Rats
Archana R?
- Synthesis, Characterization Thermal Studies of Copper (II) Amino Acid Complexes
Shraddha Shukla*, Anupama Kashyap and Anil Kashyap
- Diagnosis and Classification of Level of Kidney Function UsingAssociative Neural Network and Polynomial Neural Network
Rajalakshmi M, Neelamegam P*, and Bharathi N
- Impact of an Insecticide ’Encounter’ (Herbal Plant Extract) on Carbohydrate Content in the Freshwater Fish, Labeo Rohita
Binukumari S* and Vasanthi J
- Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Flowers ofPlumeria rubra L. f. rubra and Plumeria rubra f. lutea: A Comparative Study
Kalam Sirisha*, Yegnambatla Rajendra, Periasamy Gomathi*,Kasarla Soujanya, and N Yasmeen
- Screening of Latex Producing Plants for Their Milk Clotting Activity
Anusha R, Maheshwari Kumari Singh and Bindhu OS*
- Unascended Kidney: A Case Report
Gireeshand Nagashree MV*
- Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Its Importance
Anjula Sachan, Pratap Shankar*, and Rakesh Kumar Dixit
- Bacopa monniera Treatment Reverses Chronic Unpredictable Stress Induced Depressive like Behavior by Increasing Expression of Neurotrophins in Rat Brain
Somoday Hazra, Sourav Kumar,Ritabrata Banerjee, Rudra Prasanna Banerjee, and Amal Ch Mondal*
- Diversity and Distribution of Pteridophytes in the Flora of Ethiopia and Eretria
Fikre Dessalegn*
- Amelioration of Histopathological Effect of Lead Induced Testicular Damage by Vernonia Amygdalina Leaves
Ligha AE*,Kola-Ojo OB, and Jegede AE
- Study of Probiotic and Antioxidant activity of Lactobacillus sp.
Pradeep Kumar Sharma, Rajdeep Roy, Mythili Sathiavelu, and Sathiavelu Arunachalam*
- Influence of Formulation and Process Variables on the Formation of Rifampicin Nanoparticles by Ionic Gelation Technique
Subashini Rajaram, and Rajendran Natham*
- A Review Neurocysticercosis Diagnosis and Treatment Issue
Ayush Dubey, Somnath Singh Raghuvanshi*, TN Dubey
- Bran Bread: Chemical Composition, Fungal Load, Biological Impacts and Intervention
Sherif EA Badr*, Hanan MA, El Ghandour, Eman M Ragheb and AS Abdel Rahman
- Knowledge on Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination
Vineeta Jose, Malathi G Nayak*, and Preethy Jawahar
- Antagonistic Effect of Benzalkonium Chloride on Nicotine Induced Contractions
Bhaskara Reddy Nallamilli*, Sucharita P, Lakshmi Prasanna M, Maruthi V, Ramakrishna K, Ravi Kishore B, Satyanarayana S
- Synthesis, Characterisation and Screening of Anthelmintic Activity of Some Novel Schiff Bases
Sharmila Sutradhar* Amtul Muneem Maliha, and Ayeesha Humera.
- Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Autolysed Extract of the Indian Earthworm Pheretima posthuma after Preliminary Purification - An In Vitro Study
Mahendra Kumar Verma and Kota Sobha*
- Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Antibacterial Evaluation of Berberis Tinctoria Lesch. (Stem Wood and Stem Bark).
Saha Pradeep*, and Patel Kanu Bhai Ramesh Bhai
- A Facile and Efficient Method for the Synthesis of Quinoxaline Derivatives Using [2-(Sulfooxy)Ethyl]Sulfamic Acid as a Novel Difunctional Bronsted Acid, Recyclable and Organocatalyst
Sami Sajjadifar*, Hadi Noorizadeh, Hojat Veisi, Omid Louie, Maziar Mansouji Avval, Sobhan Rezayati
- RecentPharmacologicalReviewon Cinnamomum tamala
Borhade Pravin*, Lone Krishnkant, Joshi Shreyas, Kadam Ajay, and Gaikwad Priyanka
- Study of Utilization of Antenatal Care Services in Slum and Non- Slum Areas of Vijayawada City
Swetha R, J Ravikumar , and R Nageswara Rao
- Vinca roseaNormalizes Oxidative Stress and Inhibits Hyperglycemia Induced Increase in VEGF in Zebrafish Retina.
Jayshree Nellore *, Cynthia Pauline P, Surya Prabha Mohanan,Ramya Ravikumar, and Ragavi Chidambarathanu Pillai 
- Recent Progress in Fiber Optic Biosensors: Applications
C Bosch Ojeda and F Sánchez Rojas
- Nasal Drug Delivery System as a Potential for Nasal Solution of Metoclopramide ydrochloride – In Vitro and In Vivo Properties
Menaka M*, and Pandey VP
- Biology of Skin Aging: A Review
L Chandersekar*
- Spectroscopic Investigation of Optical Parameters of Pure PMMA and Azo - dye Doped PMMA films
HM Zidan, NA El-Ghamaz , AM Abdelghany * and A Lotfy
- Validated Spectrophotometric Methods for the Determination of Nabumetone in Tablets Dosage Form Using Three Dinitrobenzene Reagents
Mona M Bedair , Azza A Gazy , Tarek S. Belal*, Karin M Guirguis
- Nutrient Recovery from Sewage Wastewater and Bittern as Precipitated Struvite Using Zeolite and Activated Carbon as Adsorbent
Sh El Rafie*, Randa Othman, Marwa M Shalaby and S Hawash
- Auditing Waste Management Practices in an Indian City
Ashutosh Das*, R Vasanthi, Mukesh Goel and K Ravi Kumar
- Modeling of Freeboard Fluidized Bed Gasifier Integrated to Bubbling Dense Bed
A Venkata Narayana* and M Vijaya Leela
- Protein Modification during Germination of Sorghum Bicolor
Malomo Olu*, and Alamu E A
- Salivarius K12 as A Probable Probiotic
Sheen Ann John*, B M Shantala, and V Narashima Rao
- Synthesis, Spectroscopic and Thermal Investigation of New Nickel (II) Amino Acid Complexes
Shraddha Shukla*, Anupama Kashyap and Anil Kashyap
- Performance of an Anaerobic Stage Reactor (ASR) Treating Synthetic Wastewater during Start-Up Phase Using Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Sludge
Mahat SB, Chelliapan S*, Yuzir A, Md Din MF, Anwar AN, Othman N and Shamsuddin S
- Relation between Waist-Hip Ratio and Lipid Profile in Female Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus atients
Narasimha Rai K*, and Jeganthan PS
- Spectrophotometric Determination of Drugs Using 2,3-Dichloro 5,6-dicyano p- benzoquinone as Analytical Reagent
Sayaji Rao*
- The Optimization ofSodiumCarboxymethylCellulose(NA-CMC) Synthesizedfrom Water Hyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solm) Cellulose
Ida Musfiroh, and *Aliya Nur Hasanah Iman Budiman
- PREs-Clustered motifs in Drosophila melanogaster
Sabahuddin Ahmad, Abuzar Hamza, and Khalid Raza*
- The Effect of Subculture on the Bacoside A Content in Adventitious Shoot Cultures of Bacopa monnieri (L)
PM Naik, BR Patil*, LG Jaggal and VK Jangid
- Synthesis and oxidative dehydrogenation of 3, 4-dihydropyrimidin-2-(1H)-one by Ce (SO4)2.4H2O
SK Pardeshi *, D D Kumbhar, B Y Waghamare, and PD Lokhande 
- Nootropic Activity of Zingiber Officinale in Albino Mice: A Behavioral and Neurochemical Approach
Abhisek Pal, Monalisa Jena*, Swati Mishra
- Studies on Comparative Larvicidal Efficacy of Methanol Extracted Latex of Calotropis Procera and Temephos against Aedes Aegypti in Arid Parts of Rajasthan
Manju Singhi* And Anil Purohit
- Phosphate Adsorption on Sediments from Rhumel and Boumerzoug Rivers in the Northeast of Algeria
Sarah Azzouz, and Chahrazed Boukhalfa*
- Testicular Effects of Artemisinins: Are They Reversible?
Jonah Sydney Aprioku*
- Comparative Smooth Muscle Relaxant Activity Of Dihydropyrimidine Derivatives 5-Acyl-6-Methyl-4-Phenyl-2-S-Ethyl-1,4-Dihydropyrimidine (BK VI) , 5-Acyl-6-Methyl-4(2,3 Methylenedioxy) Phenyl 2-S-Benzyl-1,4-Dihydropyrimidine (BK VII) and Nifedipine on Isolated Rat Uterus.
Shalini Salwan*, Poonam Salwan, Walia R, Bajaj V K And Kaur B
- Practical Method for Isolation of Residuals Determined from Polynomial Fitting to Gravity Data (Case Study Bandar Charak. Hormuzgan. Iran).
Reza Toushmalani*, and Amir Esmaeili
- Confirmation Of Quantity Of Inactive Gradients Added In The Pharma Drugs By Determining Mass Attenuation Coefficient
Manjunath Aand Kerur BR*
- Phytochemical and Anti-inflammatory Activities of the Methanol extract and Fractions of Dalbergiella welwitschii Baker (Baker .f) leaves
Fred-Jaiyesimi Adediwura* and Akinla Oluwakemi
- Nutrient Intakes and Digestibility in Dairy Calves Fed Congo-Signal (Brachiaria Ruziziensis) Based Complete Feed Block in Mizoram.
R Buragohain*, P Saikia and H Bayan
- Cumulative Effects of Septic System Disposal and Evolution of Nitrate Contamination Impact on Coastal Groundwater in Tuticorin, South Tamilnadu, India.
S Selvam, G Manimaran, and P Sivasubramanian
- Clostridium Difficile Infection: An Overview of the Disease and Its Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention And Management
Samir Issa Bloukh*
- Dental Caries Experience among Haemophilic Children
Mythri H*, Jagdish G R, and Chandu G N
- Estimation of Serum Nicotine Levels among Tobacco Users
Sujatha S Reddy* and Radha Prashanth
- Process Development for Lipase Extraction and the Effect of Extracted Lipase on Triglyceride Base System
Sasikan Kupongsak* and Pattama Lucharit
- Anaerobic Biotechnology for Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment
Chelliapan S* and Sallis PJ
- Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Pus Samples in a Tertiary Care Hospital.
SandhiyaR, Lakshmipriya R*, and Esthermary
- Schizophrenia: Interaction between Dopamine, Serotonin, Glutamate, GABA and Norepinephrine
Senthilkumaran Jagadeesh J*, and Shalini Natarajan
- Seroprevalenceof HBs Ag and HCV in Healthy Blood Donors at a Tertiary Care Hospital in India.
Kanchan Bhardwaj, Prasad KM, Ravisha Bhardwaj, and BL Bhardwaj
- Purification of Beta Asarone from Acorus Calamus. L
S Asha Devi*, Subhasini, and S Babu
- Synthesis, Characterization Antimicrobial Investigations of Copper (II) Complexes with Some Benzylbenzimidazole Derivatives
Sunita B Garud, and L P Shinde*
- Role of Inflammation in Growth, Invasion and Metastasis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma- A Molecular Insight
Shyamala K*, Sanjay Murgod, and Girish HC
- A comparative study of solubility enhancement of enalapril using formulation of solid dispersion and using hydrotropic solubilization technique
Dahima R*, and Gangwal S
- Contributions to the environmentof priority Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbonsfrom the Coal Camp Mechanic Village (CCMV) in Enugu, Nigeria.
Dike Henry OGBUAGU* and Kingsley Nnaemeka OGBONNA
- Climacteric Symptoms and Health Status of Menopausal Women - North Karnataka
Chandramati J Rokhade*, Dhiraj J Trivedi, and Khyrunnisa Begum
- Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Agricultural By-products and Medicinal Herbs; As Potential Functional Animal Products
Sunhee Cheong, Byongtae Jeon, Eunkyoung Kim, PyojamPark, Mirae Oh and and Sangho Moon*
- An Exciting Style of Teaching to Increase the Exam Score of Students
S Roopa*, Bagavad Geetha, and Anitha Rani
- 16S rDNA Based Identification of Alkaline Protease Producing Alkaliphilic Bacillus Sp Isolated From Dairy Industry Soil And Evaluation of the Enzyme Potential In Detergent Formulation
Jyoti Verma, Sangeeta Saxena, and Shikha*
- Novel Synthesis and Anti-tumour Activity of 2-Hydrazino-1H-benzimidazoles
Sh. M. Abu-Bakr, *Kh. M. Abu-Zied,Mahmoud Youns, Amel Hashim, and Hoda I. El-Diwan
- Phylogenetic Relationships of Selected Kaempferia Plants in Thailand Based on RAPD Marker
Orawan Theanphong, Witchuda Thanakijcharoenpath, Nijsiri Ruangrungsi , Chanida Palanuvej and Kanchana Rungsihirunrat*
- Synthesis and Evaluation of New Novel Heterocycles Containing Benzothiazoles (1, 3) for Pharmacological Screening
Ashok Kumar KV* B Gopalakrishna, E Jayachandran, Ramkrushna, and Babarao Sawandkar
- Development and Validation of an RP-HPLC method for the estimation of Tolterodine in Raw materials and Tablet dosage forms
Vijaya Bhaskar S*, Seshagiri Rao JVLN, and Vijaya Sree 
- Development and Validation of an RP-HPLC Method for the Estimation of Trapidil in Raw Materials and Tablet Dosage Forms.
Vijaya Bhaskar S*, Seshagiri Rao JVLN, and Seetha Ramaiah P.
- Screening, Identification and Fatty Acid Composition: Analysis of Mercury Resistance Microalgae from West Sumatera, Indonesia.
RL Amza, K Oh-Hashi, Y Yamaguchi, K Tanaka, S Yoshida, A Dharma, E Munaf and M Koketsu
- Investigation of Massage and Moxibustion Treatment Efficacy for 270 Cases of Waist and Haunch Pain
Li Cheng, and Zhao Chang-Li*
- Microbiological Characteristics of Sour-Milk Feed Supplements and their Influence on Intestinal Micro-Biocenosis of Piglets
O Vichko*, V Chervetsova, and V Novikov
- In Vitro Anti Oxidant Activity of Extracts and Stigmasterol from Leaves of Clerodendrum inerme Linn
B Shanthakumar*, M Sathish, and A Jerad Suresh
- In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Contents of the Leaves of Olax subscorpioidea and Distemonanthus benthamianus
Kouassi Konan, N’guessan Jean David*, Méité Souleymane, Yapi Ahoua, Yapi Houphouët Félix, Djaman Allico Joseph
- The Effect of Sintering Process on the Characteristics of Hydroxyapatite from Cuttlefish Bone (Sepia Sp.)
Aminatun*, Siswanto, YM Penga, Istifarah, and R Apsari
- Prediction of Pb (II) and Cu (II) Ions Biosorption by Annona muricata L. Seeds Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Approach
Zulfi Abdullah, Melia Innes Kurniawan, Rahmiana Zein, Hermansyah Aziz and Edison Munaf*
- A Prevalence Study of Visual Impairment and Blindness among Elderly in an Urban Slum Community of Pune Cantonment, India.
R Harnagle* and PS Chawla
- Isolation Oil Producing Micro algae chlamydomonas snowii from Tropical Fresh Water, Indonesia
Afny Varitha, Abdi Dharma*, Edison Munaf, Nasril Nasir and Afrizal
- Synthesis of New Fused Tricyclic Quinoid Systems and Studying of Their Biological Activity In-Silico
Yuliia Dumanska, Yurii Shakh, Anastasiia Kudrinetska, Khrystyna Bolibrukh, Andrii Karkhut, Bohdan Lytvyn, Oleksii Kovalchuk, Olha Marshalok, Mykola Platonov, Sviatoslav Polovkovych*, and Volodymyr Novikov
- Potential Products of Coconut Shell Wood Vinegar
Ervina Mela*, Yandra Arkeman, Erliza Noor, and Noerazam Achsani
- Influence of Cement Dust on Ceramic Properties of Basalt Bricks
Randa M Osman, H Abu-El-Naga, EA El-Alfi
Sandeep Thakur, Mithra N Hegde, and Darshana Devadiga
- Potential Drug Candidates for Fast Dissolving Drug Delivery - A Review
K Kavitha, Kumutha Subramaniam*, Boey Jia Hui, K. Santhi, SA Dhanaraj, and M Rupesh Kumar
- Lasers in Restorative Dentistry: An Overview
Suvidh Virmani*, Mithra N Hegde, and Chitaranjan Shetty
- Preparation Characterization, 1H, 13C NMR Study and Antibacterial Studies of Schiff Bases and Their Zn (II) Chelates
V Prakash and MS Suresh.
- A Study on the Pattern of Self-medication for Acne Vulgaris in Medical/Paramedical Students
Jyothi R*, Deepa R, Pundarikaksha HP, and Girish K
- In Vitro Antitumor Activity of Alcoholic Extract ofPiper Betel Leaf
VA Kangralkar *and AR Kulkarni
- A Prevalence Study of Dental Caries in Different Socio- Economic Status Among Clientele of A Tertiary Dental Centre at Jabalpur, India
R Harnagle * PG Shyam Rao
- Ecotoxicological Studies on Heavy Metal Tolerant Microbes Isolated From Marine Ecosystem
Kavya Bai MP, Sundar K , Supriya R, Mahalakshmi P, Venkatraman M, Tamizhselvi R, Saran Kumar B and Vidya R*
- Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Substituted Imidazo [2,1-b]-1,3,4-Thiadiazole Derivatives as Anti-Inflammatory Agents
*Ramjith US, Karki S S, and Cyril Mathews Jacob
- Preparation and Characterization of Sustained Release Tablet Containing Solid Dispersion Granules of an Anti-Hypertensive Drug
G Nisha Shetty*, and T Mukesh
- Microalgae Application for Treatment of Textile Effluents
M Jaya Chitra, Ashutosh Das, Mukesh Goel* and K Ravi Kumar
- Primary MALT Lymphoma of Appendix: A Rare Case Report.
Sharique Ahmad*, Nishi Tandon, Ruchi Dinkar, Sonal Dhingra, and Nirupama Lal
- Molecular Line Probe Assay: Genotype MTBDR plus for Rapid Detection of Primary Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates From A Tertiary Care Hospital in Western India.
*Patil Seema, Angadi Kalpana, Modak Meera and Bodhankar MG
- Studies on Novel Azetidinone and Their Biological Studies
Jigar D Bhatt, Kiran S Nimavat and Kartik B Vyas*
- Hydrothermal Synthesis of MnO2 Nanoparticles using Teflon Lined Autoclave
M Senthilkumar, Balamurugan*, and BG Jeyaprakash
- Review Article on Gestational Diabetes
Pandey Surendra*
- Role of Thymidine Kinase Gene in White Spot Syndrome Virus
AK Soniyapriyadharishni*, and PB Ramesh Babu
- Amperometric Trace Determination of Se (IV) and Se (VI) using Thioglycolic Acid
Priti Boora, Rajni Arora, VB Taxak, Dayawati and SP Khatkar*
- Anthelmintic Activity of Alcoholic and Aqueous Extract of Anisochiluscarnosus (Wall)
M Manjunath Setty, Gupta Nilesh, Richard Lobo*, Saleemulla Khan, and CS Sreedhara.
- The Effect of the Citric and Malic Acid Additives on the Storage Stability and Sensory Parameters in Lemonade
Ahmed Humayun*, Sumeet Sourav, Proud Saha, Jaiprakash Singh, Neha Chaturvedi, and Chidambaram Ramalingam.