Current Issue
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014 (January – February)
- Medicinal Plants with Potential Nootropic Activity: A Review.
Patel VS, Jivani NP*, and Patel SB
- Development and Analysis of Bis[(Benzo-15-Crown-5)-4-Methyl] Pimelate Based Potassium Coated Wire Ion Selective Electrode.
Raghunathan R, Neelamegam P and Murugananthan K
- Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Substituted phenoxy Derivatives of Phosphorylated and Thiophosphorylatedbenzazoles.
Chandni Jain, Meena Nagar and Gita Seth*
- Detection and Determination of Various Types of Clostridium perfringensinSheep andGoatby Cultureand ELISAMethodinKhuzestanProvince.
Pooladgar Abde Rahman, Loni Rahman, HeidariRazieh, Pilechian Langrudi Reza, Ghaemmaghami Shamsedin.
- A Comparison of Copper, Zinc, and Iron in the Serum of Chronic Cigarette Smokers versus Non-Smokers.
Arvind Rao HT*, and Suchetha Kumari*
- Analysis of Subcellular Localization Sites and Calculation of Isotopic Mass for Catharanthusroseus.
Ramanathan K, Arun N and Kalaiselvan S
- Comparative Effects of Two Antimalarial Drugs (P-Alaxin and Coartem) on Serum Electrolytes and Serum Enzymes in Albino Wistar Rats
- Physico-Chemical Properties of Biodiesel Obtained from Callophylluminnophyllum Oil.
VN Ariharan*, VN Meena Devi, ST Gopu Kumar, and P Nagendra Prasad
- 3D-QSAR Models to Predict Antiamoebic Activities of the Cyclised pyrazolines and 2-(quinolin-8-yloxy) acetohydrazones.
Samira Mbarki*, Menana ELHALLAOUI
- Effect of Temperature on Theperformance of Porous Membrane Activated Sludge Reactor (PMASR) Treating Synthetic Wastewater.
Anita MaslahatiRoudi*, SabariahBinti Abdul Rahman, ShreeshivadasanChelliapan*, Amin MaslahatiRoudi, HesamKamyab, MohdFadhilMd Din and Mohammad Soltani.
- Quality and Quantity of Municipal Solid Waste in Mashhad.
Anita Maslahati R*, ShreeshivadasanChelliapan*, and Amin Maslahati R.
- Physico-Chemical and Phytochemical Investigation of Plant Sesbaniasesban.
Kumar Sandeep*, BajwaBaljinder Singh and Kumar Narinder
- Quantitative Determination of Usnic Acid Content in Usneasiamensis by TLC-Densitometry and TLC Image Analysis
Chayanon Chaowuttikul, Worathat Thitikornpong, Chanida Palanuvej,* and Nijsiri Ruangrungsi
- Comparative Evaluation of Total Salivary Proteins in Leukemic and Healthy Children of Mixed Dentition Age Group.
Rahul R Deshpande*, Megha V Jadhav, VishwasPatil, Rajdeep Singh, MayuriMutha, and Bhavana S Metha
- A Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Various Extracts of Embelia basal Against Salivary Microflora of Mixed Dentition Age Group.
Rahul R Deshpande*, Pallavi K Kakade, Priya S Panvalkar, Vivian K Varghese, Gayatri S Kamble, and Nirmala R Deshpande
- Speciation of Enterococci as a Urinary Pathogen with Its Resistance Pattern: A Study from Pondicherry.
Civamani Deepa, Sreenivasan Srirangaraj, Praveen Charles MV, Arunava Kali*, and Sivaraman Umadevi
- The Role of Platinum (II) ß -Carboline Complexes in Autophagy and Cancer Developement by Molecular Modeling.
Lebbad Fatima, MeradMeriem, Soufi Wassila, and Ghalem Said*
- In-vitro Experimental Studies on Selected Natural Gums and Resins for Their Antimicrobial Activity.
Sravani P*, Y Kiranmayee, S Narasimha M, VS Reddy, S Asha and R Bharath Kumar
- Characterization of Black Ni and Sn as Optically Selective Absorber Coatings in Thermal Solar Collectors Mainly (Part ?).
MF Shaffei, N Khattab, AM Awad, and HS Hussein*
- The Role of Phospholipase C Isozymes during Fibrinolysis and in Relation to Platelet Function in Goat Blood.
Manoj G Tyagi, AnandRamaswamy, DiyvaDeepika V and Aniket Kumar
- Comparative Study of Ethanol Production from Different Industrial Waste and its Managerial Benefits.
Muthumani S* and Anbuse
- Stability Study of Chitosan Nanoparticles Containing Some ntiretroviral Drugs
J AdlinJinoNesalina,*, and A Anton Smithb
- Construction and Characterization of the Intestinal Biofilm Model of Candida spp
Afaf Baktir*, Masfufatun, Galuh Ratmana Hanum, Kiky Rizky Amalia, and Purkan
- Evaluation of Self Medication Practices Among Medical and Non Medical Individuals.
Tejashree T, Sarala N*, and Girish M Bengalorkar
- Correlation between Salivary Constituents of a Mother and Child.
Rahul R Deshpande, Vishwas Patil, Mayuri Mutha*, Megha Jadhav, Bhavana S Metha, Rajdeep Singh Chhabra, and Tushar V Gadkari
- Hemolysin Production and Antibiogram Pattern of UropathogenicE. Coli Isolates from South India.
Lavanya Segar, Sreenivasan Srirangaraj, Arunava Kali*, and Sivaraman Umadevi
- Study on Injuries to Hippocampus, Amygdala, Cerebral Cortex and Their Effects on Conditioned Taste Aversion in Total Body 60 Co-?-irradiated Rats.
Vanita Gupta and Madhu Bala*
- Phytochemical research of plant extracts and usein vitro culturein order to preserve rare wild species Gladiolus imbricatus.
Krvavych AS*, Konechna RT, Petrina RO,Kyrka MS, Zayarnuk NL, Gulko RM, StadnytskaNE,and NovikovVP.
- In vitro antioxidant properties of the traditional medicinal plant species, Ehretia microphylla Lam. and Erythroxylon monogynumRoxb.
Palaniappan Ranjitham, Senguttuvan Jamuna, Kandasamy Padmavathi and Subramaniam Paulsamy* 
- The Changes in the Serum, Liver, Kidney Protein and Genomic DNA Profiles in Rats Treated with 7,12-Dimethylbenz(A) Anthracene and Plantago major L.
Ismet Berber,*Suat Ekin,Abdulkadir Levent, and Gokhan Oto
- Protective Impacts of Zinc against the Toxicity of Smoking Induced Fluctuated levels Of testosterone, Estrogen and Zinc in Smoker Men.
Ahmed Mohammed Ahmedand Hisham Waggiallah*
- The Mechanism of Forming the Granules on the Basis of Lactose and Microcrystalline Cellulose.
Kytova OV, Kovalevska IV*, Kutsenko SA, and Ruban OA
- Updated Review on LC-MS.
Alagar Raja M*, Shailaja V, David Banji, Rao KNV, and Selva Kumar D
- Comparison of Linear and Non Linear Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Different Postures.
Rajesh Kumar Sharma*, and ShailjaChambial
- Vitex negundo Induced Protein Changes in the Fat Body of Corcyra cephalonica
*M Madhaviand S Sabita Raja
- Can Magnesium be an Influencing Element in Type 2 Diabetics?.
Goyal V, Agrawal Y*, and Chugh K
- Synthesis, Characterization and Anticonvulsant Activity of 2-Ketophenyl-3-(Substituted aryl)-1-Thiazolidin-4-Ones
Vats V*, Upadhyay RK,Upadhyay S and Gupta U
- Adsorption Studies of Congo Red from Aqueous Solution on to Rice Husk.
K Kumaraswamy*, B V Dhananjaneyulu, M Siva Jagadish Kumar
- 2,4-D the Appropriate Composition for Controlling Citrus Postharvest Decay.
KavoosAyazpour and AbdolhosseinAboutalebi*
- Characterization of the Human Skin Microbiome.
Christopher W Cefalu*
- Anatomical Study of Anterior Interosseous Nerve in Indian Adult Cadavers.
Bindurani MK*, Lokesh HM, Muralidhara P Shepur, Kavyashree AN, and Lakshmiprabha Subhash
- Partial Characterization and Serological Relationship of a Tospo Virus Infecting Sunflower (Helianthus annuss. L) In South India.
VenkataSubbaiahKotakadi*, SusmilaAparnaGaddam and DVR Saigopal
- Structural Stability and Electronic Properties of Neutral, Anionic and Cationic Cesium Chloride Nanostructures – A DFT Study.
Nagarajan V and Chandiramouli R*
- Hepatoprotective Effect of AzimatetracanthaLam on Ferrous Sulphate Induced Toxicity in Albino Rats.
Sowmya A and Nagarajan V*
- An Overview of Microbial Proteases for Industrial Applications.
Bashir SajoMienda*, AdibahYahya, Ibrahim A Galadima and MohdShahirShamsir
- TEM Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles Synthesisin Glycerin: Novel Safety Materials in Cosmeticsto Recovery Mercury Damage.
TitikTaufikurohmah*, I Gusti Made Sanjaya, AfafBaktir, and AchmadSyahrani
- A Study on Chelation and Antimicrobial Activity of The Complexes of 4-Amino-5-Phenyl-3-Mercapto-1,2,4-Triazole and Its Benzylidene Derivatives
Alia Begum*, B Sreedhar, K Laxmi, P Mamathaand ChSarala Devi**
- Comparison Result of Inversion of Gravity Data of a Fault by Cuckoo Optimizationand Levenberg-Marquardt Methods.
Reza Toushmalani*, ZeinabParsaand Amir Esmaeili
- Comparison Result of Inversion of Gravity Data of a Fault by Particle Swarm Optimization and Cuckoo OptimizationMethods.
Reza Toushmalani*, Amir Esmaeili,and ZeinabParsa
- Genetic Code as Binary BCD and Gray Code
UdayBhaskar, AdeeshNagpal, Himanshu Paul, and M Yamuna*
- Teratagenecity and Maternogenicity – Myths and Facts
BishtManisha*,and Dhasmana DC
- Nanotoxicology and Its Implications.
MohdFarhan, Imran Khan, and Padma Thiagarajan*
- RP-HPLC Analysis of Acebrophylline in API and Capsule Dosage Form.
SravaniTakkarusu, Sridhar Thota*, Venisetty Raj Kumar, VenumadhavNeerati
- Synthesis of 2-Substituted-1 H-Benzo[D]Imidazoles through Oxidative Cyclization of O-Phenylenediamine and Substituted Aldehydes using DioxaneDibromide.
Satish S Birajdar, Girish D Hatnapure, Ashish P Keche, and Vandana M Kamble*
- Synthesis and Analysis of Metal Chelating Amino and Diamine Precursors and their Complex Formation on Copper (II) using Conductivity and Spectroscopic Methods.
PrakashanandCaumul*, Kishore Boodhoo, ShenazBibiBurkutally, ShivanandsinghSeeruttun, NawfalNamooya, NafiisahRamsahye, NausheenJoondan
- Anti-oxidative Effect of Polyphenol-Rich Extract of Russulaalbonigra.
AdhirajDasgupta, Debal Ray, Ananya Chatterjee, Anirban Roy, and Krishnendu Acharya*
- Studies of Second Structure of 16S rRNA Gene in Uncultured Paenibacilus Species Clone T-168
Sheyda Akhshabi and Abolhasan Rezaei*
- Studies of the Rate Homology between 16S rRNA Gene in the Uncultured Paenibacillus Species? Clone: T-168? and Other16S Rrna Gene in the Paenibacillus Species.
Sheyda Akhshabi and Abolhasan Rezaei*
- Cardio, Neuro And Renoprotective Activities of Atorvastatin in Streptozotocin-Induced Type2 Diabetic Rats Undergoing Treatment with Metformin and Glimepiride.
Peddolla R, Rondi S and Venisetty RK*
- Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizers: Assurance and Apprehensions Revisited.
Dixit A*, Pandey P, Mahajan R, and Dhasmana DC
- Frequency and Distribution of Blood Groups among Rural and Urban Population of Tumkur District, Karnataka.
Shashiraj HK, Venkatesh G*, Sendilkumaran D, and Sachin JI
- Kinetics of Anodic Oxidation of Niobium in 0.1M L-Ascorbic acid: Solvent and Temperature effects.
*V JeevanaJyothi and CH Anjaneyulu
- Clinical Evaluation of Anti-Nociceptive Activity of Terminalia arjuna extract In Albino Rats.
BhomikGoel*, Nishant Pathak, Dwividendra Kumar Nim, Rakesh Kumar Dixit, and Rakesh Chaurasia
- Characterization and In-vitro Susceptibility of Malassezia SpeciesInPityriasisVersicolar Cases from a Tertiary Care Centre.
Kalyani M*, Bhuvaneshwari G, Narasimmhalu, ShameemBanu AS,Renu Mathew, and Jayakumar S
- Low Fat Yogurt Reduce Weight: Randomized Clinical Trial from Malaysia.
Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar*, Muhamed T Osman, and Mahfoudh Abdulghani
- Toxic Effects of Aluminum on Certain Protein Metabolic Parameters in Two Rice Varieties during Leaf Senescence.
M Muthukumaran*and A VijayaBhaskara Rao
- Comparative Kinetic Investigation of Oxidation of 3-Methylindole by PeroxomonosulphateandPeroxodisulpahte Using Ethanol Medium
Stephen J*, SubramaniK ,Muniyappan K, and Chandramohan G
- Allelopathic effect of Spinaciaoleracea L. and Psidiumguajava L. on Vignamungo (L.)Hepper
A Martha Leema Rose, P Karthiga Gandhi, BD Ranjitha Kumari and S Anitha*
- Development and Validation of Stability- Indicating RP-HPLC Method for the Estimation of Agomelatine in API.
Meghana M, Sridhar Thota*, Raj Kumar Venisetty
- A Convenient Route to the Synthesis of New Trisubstituted Pyrazolines and their Antimicrobial Activity
KR Raghavendra, K Ajay Kumar* and S Shashikanth*
- Artificial Sweeteners and Sugar Substitutes -Some Properties and Potential Health Benefits and Risks.
Fatima Bukhamseen and Ladislav Novotny*
- Dielectric Studies of Binary Mixtures of Aromatic Aldehyde with Polar and Non Polar Solvents.
R Anandhi and P Krishnamurthi*
- Development and Validation of RP-HPLC Method for the Estimation of Leflunomide in Bulk Drug And Tablets.
S Palled*, YD Padmavathi and AR Bhat.
- Assesment of Transferrin Saturation as an Indicator of Iron Overload in Homozygous &Hetrozygous Form of Thalassemia.
Aparna A Sagare*, and Dhiraj J T
- Semi-Empirical Based 3D-QSAR Studies Of Some Pharmacological Important Compounds with a Pathogen.
Kishor Arora*
- Alternative Oral Drugs to Pioglitazone in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Arun Sharma*, M Thulasimani, S Amarnath, AKP Praveen, S Jaikumar, S Basalingappa, and S Ramaswamy
- Endosulfan Poisoning Induced Myocarditis: Rare Manifestation of a Commonly Used Insecticide in India: A Case Report.
Narmada P Patel*, Roopesh Jain, Bhupendra K Ratre, and Umesh Patel
- Analysis of Important Dairy Products: Isolation and Characterization
LK Attri* and HumeetNarang
- Time Delayed Capsule Device for chronopharmaceutical drug delivery system of Diltiazem hydrochloride-Formulation and Evaluation
V Kamalakkannan*, and KSG Arul kumaran
- Meningo-Orbital Foramen-In South Indian Dry Skulls and Its Incidence.
Gopalakrishna K, KashinathaShenoy M, and Preetha
- Synthesis and Biological Studies of Schiff Bases from Substituted Amino Benzothiazole on In-Vitro Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Microbial Activities.
Balaji PN*, KP Priyanka, P Sai Sahithi, Reddy Prasanna K, R Lathamani, and Aswini M
- Anti-bacterial and ß-Lactamase inhibitory effects of AnchusaAzurea and GlobulariaAlypumextracts.
Naoual Boussoualim, Hayat Trabsa, ImanKrache, Lekhmici Arrar, and Abderrahmane Baghiani*
- Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Floating Tablets: Design, Evaluation and Release Kinetics
T Rama Rao, and Mohammed Asif Hussain*
- Hand Foot and Mouth Disease in an infant.
VadlamudiHaarika, Venkatesh Soma, Chandrasekaran Venkatesh*, Dhandapani Gunasekaran, Palanisamy Soundararajan, and Sadagopan Srinivasan.
- Pathway Engineering, Epitope Mapping and Docking Of Hepatitis B-HBxProtein.
Anju K Prasad, Bibhuti P Barik* and Prabodha K Behera
- Bioremediation of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in a Sewaged Soil by Certain Remediative Amendments Followed by Phytoremediation.
Hoballah E*, Saber M, Matter I, and Zaghloul A
- Identification and Characterization of Drought Stress Protein on Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr)
Estri Laras Arumingtyas*, Evika Sandi Savitri, and Joni Kusnadi
- Assessment of the Need for Incorporation of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Second MBBS Practical.
Khond SB, Pathak SS, Gupta VK*, and Arshiya T
- Development and Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Microspheres of Tetracycline by using a Spray Drying Technique
Hire NN*, Derle DV, Deore AB, and Nathe KR
- Estimation of Des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin with Alpha Fetoprotein Elevates the Diagnostic Performance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma among Upper Egyptian Hepatitis C Patients
Nabil Mohie Abdel-Hamid*, Abdel-Hamid NM, Wahid AM, Anbar NH and HelalyT
- Evaluation of Anti-Catatonic Effect of Leaf Extracts of TragiaplukenettiR.Smith on Phenothiazine Induced Catatonia in Rats.
Sathish Kumar M*, Farzana SK, and RamaraoNadendla
- Compatibility Analysis of Entomopathogenic Fungi Beauveriabassiana (NCIM No-1300) With Several Pesticides.
Ravi Kant Singh*, Smriti Vats, Brajesh Singh and Ravi Kant Singh
- Effect of SapindustrifoliatusLeaf Extractson Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines.
D Pradhan*, and G Tripathy
- Ethnomedicinal recipes for Ophthalmic and ENT problems & allied diseases from Tribals of Sriharikota Island, Andhra Pradesh
*R Bharath Kumar and and **B Suryanarayana
- Anti-Ulcer Activity of Methanolic Extracts of the Whole Plant of Leptadeniapyrotechnica Against Gastric Ulcer in Rats.
SanghPartap, UjjwalTewari*, Jyoti Sati, Kuldeep Sharma, Keshari Kishore Jha
- In Vitro Germination of Date Palm Pollen Grains Affected By Different Sugar Types.
Omayma M Ismail*
- Effect of Oral Curcumin Administration on Insulin Resistance, Serum Resistin and Fetuin-A in Obese Children: Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study
Nagwa Abdallah Ismail*, Shadia Ragab, Abeer Nour Eldin Abd El Baky, Mona Hamed, and Al Shaymaa Ahmed Ibrahim
- Fatal Acute Liver Failure by Herpes Simplex Virus- A Case Report
Yuthika Agrawal*,VipinGoyal, Tapesh Bansal and Neeraj Gupta
- Development and Evaluation of Polyherbal Formulation for Hair Colorant.
Rajesh Yadav*, NitaYadav, MurliDharKharya
- Utility of Biotechnology to Oil and Fats Industry.
Rita Awasthi, DeeptiShikha, SusmitaBajpai and Sanjay Awasthi
- Fast Dissolving Tablets of Domperidone Using Natural Superdisintegrant: Formulation and Optimization
NehaKanuja, ManjuNagpal*, LoveleenKaur, Gitika Arora Dhingraand RajniBala
- Synthesis, Characterization of Telechelic Bromine Terminated Poly (Ethylene Oxide) and Its Inhibition Effect on Mild Steel Corrosion in Sulfuric Acid.
Anil Barak, PalashJyoti Das, HemlataVashisht, Sudershan Kumar*
- The Impact of High Frequency Ultrasound Waves on Diluted Whey Proteins Resulted From Dairy Processing
Mohammed Matouq*,Nii Susumu, Zaid Al-Anber, Ohannes Markarian, Omar Al-Ayedand Tomohiko Tagawa
- Pharmacological Evaluation OF Leaf Extracts OF Tragia PlukenettiR. Smith
Sathish Kumar M*, and Ramarao Nadendla
- Ionic Conductivity and Electrochemical Studies of Mg2+ - Ion Conducting Peg-Al2o3 Composite Polymer Electrolytes
Anji Reddy Polu*
- Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude And Practice on the Use of Natural Antioxidants Towards Cancer Prevention Among Health Personnel at Muhimbili
Rainalds RS Malele* and NdeleSayuni
- The Study of Iron Related Parameters in Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Pregnancy
Yogenderp, Sujatha r, Rangaswamy r, Sreekantha, and Avinash ss.
- Histo-pathological Analysis of Salivary Gland Lesions with Ki-67 Immunoprofile.
Sangeetha N*, Palaniappan V, Hemavathy N, and Subathra K
- Diagnostic Utility of Latex Agglutination Test and Antibiogram Of Isolates Causing Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Pediatric Age Group.
Jagadevi*, Jagadeesh and AnjanaGopi
- TGA as an Amperometric Reagent for Trace Determination of Gold (III)
Rajni Arora1, RituLangyan, Dayawati, VB Taxak, and SP Khatkar*
- Effects of Flavonoids from Morus Alba Leaves Extract on Experimentally Induced Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) In Rats
ShyamSundar Gupta, G Rajesh Kumar, Manju Sharma,Garima Pandey, PK Mohapatra, and Ch V Rao*
- Homocysteine: The Amino Acid Toxin.
Dinesh Prakash Upadhyay and Laxmikant Gupta*
- Biodiversity Conservation in Rajasthan: Role of a Botanist.
LataSharma, and Upadhyay DP.
- Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of Some Novel Naringin Semisynthetic Derivatives.
Duganath N*, Sridhar C and Jayaveera KN
- Design and Development of Press Coated Prasugrel Hydrochloride Tablets for Pulsatile Drug Delivery System.
N Narasimha Rao*, GS Mahalakshmi Yadav, P SrinivasaBabu, and V Saikishore
- Use of Beta Blockers in Patients with Reactive Airway Disease and Concomitant Hypertension or Ischemic Heart Disease.
Rahul Magazine, Bharti Chogtu*, DhanyaSoodana Mohan, Shruti Nair, andTanwiTrushna
- Chemical Composition, Phytochemical Constituents and Antioxidant Activities of the Seeds Extract of Apiumgraveoleus L from Yemen
Al jawfiYaser* ,AlsayadiMuneer, BinmansorAbdelhafid , Atikbekkar Fawzia
- An Assessment of the Genetic Load of Hemoglobinopathies by Using Retention Time Chromatogram: A Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study, Located In Ranchi District of Jharkhand.
Chandrahas Prasad, SB Singh, Tulsi Mahato, Shanti Praksh, and Satish Chandra
- The Study of Etipathogenesis and Modalities of Management of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding.
Vinayak N Tukka, Nagaraj Bhalki, Sreekantha*, Avinash SS, and Remya.
- Study of Binding Site for Losartan and Irbesartan As Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists as Antihypertensive Agents - Part I
Anupama A Parate*
- Simultaneous Determination of Naphazoline and Antazoline in Eye Drop Formulations using Net Analyte Signal Standard Addition Method (NASSAM) and Partial Least Squares (PLS).
Reza Hajian*, ValiZareShahabadi, AbdolmohammadGhaedi, HadissIzadi and MitraZafari.