Current Issue
Volume 5, Issue 5, 2014 (September - October)
- A Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Embelia basal Extracts, Morinda pubescensExtracts, Chlorhexidine 0.2% against Salivary Microflora of Mixed Dentition
Rahul Deshpande,Vishwas Patil, Ananth Kamath, Priyanka Kachare, Bhakti Naik*, Manish Kumar, Pratiksha Mahajan, Gayatri Kamble and Swati Devare.
- Effect of In Situ Green Synthesis of Nano Silver and Starching on Textile Properties of Wool Yarn.
Mohsen Hosseinkhani*, and Ali Akbar Zolriasatein
- Statistical Modelling of Meningococcal Meningitis in Nigeria.
Adekanmbi DB* and Olaomi JO.
- Determination of Aflatoxins in Iranian nuts using HPLC Method.
Shakeri Zahra, Rahimi Ebrahim*, and Shakerian Amir.
- DREAM and C-fos Proteins Expression after Treatment with Malaysian Mitragyna speciosa.
Sumia R Emhemed Ali, Mohamad Aris Mohd Moklas*, andChe Norma Mat Taib.
- Anti-angiogenic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Punica granatum Peel on Experimentally -Induced Gastric Ulcer in Rats
Roba M Talaat*, Nehal E Abdel-Hakem, Sayed A El-Toumy, Rehab M Samaka, Azza H Mohamed, and Mohamed E Ebeed.
- Action Soap Misca-Mates in the Treatment of Scabies.
Soumahoro-Thes Pehie M*, Bagre I, Coulibaly FA, and Djama Allico J.
- Comparison of Tissue Lesions in Two Species of Marine Fish (Solea solea andMugil cephalus) Inhabiting Bardawil Lagoon.
Hanan S Gaber, Seham A Ibrahim, Midhat A EL- Kasheif* and Fawzia A El-Ghamadi.
- The Effect of Hydroxyurea on the Expression of White Blood Cell Adhesion Molecules in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease.
Mehri Ghafourian*, Bijan Keikhaei,Ali Reza Mohseni, and Rahim Chinipardaz.
- Evaluation of Topical Therapies in the Treatment of Hyposalivation.
Terlevic Dabic D, and Vucicevic Boras V*.
- A Comparative Study of the Antibacterial Activity of Two Chenopodiaceae: Haloxylon scoparium (Pomel) and Traganum nudatum Del.
M Allaoui, A Cheriti, S Al-Gharabli, N Gherraf*, E Chebouat, B Dadamoussa, and A Al-Lahham.
- Determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Without Nitrification and Mineral Oxidant Bacteria Interferences by Carbonate Turbidimetry.
Hassan Rezvani pour*, Noorollah Mirghaffari, Mehdi Marzban, and Abdolrazagh Marzban.
- Synthesis and Spectral Characterization of Nickel (II) and Copper (II) Complexes of 4-Chlorobenzaldehydethiosemicarbazone (CBTSC) and Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity.
V Asha Kumar, Y Sarala, MV Jyothi Kumar, M Sivasankar Reddy, A Varada Reddy*, and Ch Appa Rao.
- Role of Immuno - Histochemical Stains in Prostatic Neoplasms: A Hospital Based Study.
BO Parijatham, Ranjitham P, Poorana Priya P, and Subhashree AR.
- Socioeconomic Status and its Influence on Nutrition and Cognitive Performance in Children Between the Age of 5 Years to 15 Years Old.
S Amina Bharvin* , Sai Kumar P, and Devaki PR.
- The Assessment of Autonomic Status in Young Healthy Normotensive Subjects with and Without Parental History of Essential Hypertension.
Teena Sogan* , Keerti Mathur , and Manisha Sankhla.
- An Unusual Skin Lesion Presenting To an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
S Kumaravel*
- The Sub Atomic Particle Dance and Its Relationship to the Study of Charge Conduction While Monitoring Bone Fracture-Healing.
S Kumaravel*
- In-Vitro Cytotoxic Activity of Methanolic Extract of Embelia tsjeriam Cottam against Human Breast and Colon Cancer Cell Lines.
Vasanti Suvarna* .
- Effects of Ibuprofen on Kidneys of Albino Rats.
Pratima Baisakh*,Biswa Bhusan Mohanty, Divya Agrawal, Manas Ranjan Baisakh, Bijay Kumar Dutta, and Prafulla Kumar Chinara.
- Impact of Boron Foliar Application on Quantityand Quality Traits of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Egypt.
Mohamed S Abbas*, Mohamed D H Dewdar, El- Sayed I Gaber, and Hamdy A Abd El-Aleem.
- Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Management of Traditional Medicine among People of Shopa Bultum, Southeast Ethiopia.
GemedoMisha, RaghavendraYarlagadda, and MessayWolde-Mariam*.
- Theoretical Study on Conduction of Electric Charges across the Trabecular Components of Bone When Intact and During Healing Of a Bone Fracture.
S Kumaravel*
- Synthesis, Charectrrization of Indole Having Tetrazol - 1, 3, 4 - Oxadiazole Derivatives and Evaluation of their Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities.
P Ashokgajapathiraju*, LK Ravindranath, and J Sreeramulu. 
- Evaluation of Hepatoprotective, Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties of Saponins of Momordicacymbalaria in N-nitrosodiethylamine induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Albino Rats.
Maulik M Patel*, Vamseedhar Annam, Sowmya MD, Nalinimohan C, and Raghunatha GV.
- Antiglycation, Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Activity of Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) Fruits during Ripening Stages.
Sandhya Rani, Pallavi Mandave, Aniket Kuvalekar*, and Prabhakar Ranjekar
- Electronic and Optical Studies of PbO with Oxygen Defect: A DFT Approach.
S Shalini, K Vijayanand, and D Balamurugan*
- Efficient Production of Bioethanol from Waste Glycerol Using Microwave Irradiation Induced Mutant Escherichia coli.
Saifuddin M Nomanbhay*, and Refal Hussain.
- How to Evaluate the Risk of Malnutrition in Patients with COPD?.
Chandra Selvi E, Saikumar P, and Naveen Kumar.
- DNA Polymorphism of theDrought Tolerance Gene GmDREB2 of Indonesian local Varieties Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr).
Estri Laras Arumingtyas*, Andy Sugianto, and Muhammad Rizza Pahlevi
- Morphomeric Study of Mitral Valve of Human Heart.
L Nayak*, S Senapati, D Agrawal, BB Mohanty, L Pattnaik, and PK Chinara.
- Evaluation of Donor Deferral - Lessons Learnt.
PooranaPriya P*, Subhashree AR, and BO Parijatham.
- A Study of Effect of Air Pollution on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in Traffic Police Men with and without Breathing Masks.
Basavaraju K, Thejaswini KO, Vivek P, Arifuddin MK, and Kavitha BS.
- A Case Report of Superficial Brachial Artery with Its Embryological Basis and Clinical Significance.
Kishor Patil, Monali Sonawane*, Pravin Rathod, and Mrinalini Gaikwad.
- Food Behavior of Rats Under Development of Obesity.
Karpovets TP*, Konopelnyuk VV, Savchuk OM, and Ostapchenko LI.
- Four Year Follow Up of Reconstruction of an Adult Upper Limb Crush Injury with Wrist and Finger Drop.
S Kumaravel* and Joseph Victor.
- Growth and Micro Structural Characterization of In2O3 Thin Films Prepared by Electron Beam Evaporation Technique.
Veeraswamy Y*, Vijayakumar Y, and Ramana Reddy MV.
- Homology Modeling Studies of Ras Protein in Cancer.
SK Salamuddin, Ch Venkata Rami Reddy, and A Ranganadha Reddy* 
- Pharmacological and Phytochemical Properties of Betula utilis: An Overview.
Deepa Verma*, Saininad Ajgaonkar, Neha Sahu, Madhavi Rane, and Nikhil Teli.
- Inflammatory Fronto Nasal Polyps.
Sumitha R*, and R Hari Prasad.
- A Cross Sectional Study of Stature and Weight in Down Syndrome Patients.
KR Asha*, Lakshmiprabha Subhash, and CM Nanjaiah.
- Appraisal On: Tablet Coating and Its Outcome with Complementary Sprouting Technology.
OM Bagade?, RR Pujari, NA Nemlekar, PP Kharat, AM Shete, and MD Vanave.
- A Rare Cause of Foreign Body Sensation: Throat.
Sumitha R*, Vijaya Sai GC, and R Hariprasad.
- Chitosan as Multi Performance Bio Material: Properties and Applications.
Reyhaneh Azarmi and Ali Ashjaran*.
- Graphene as Single Layer of Carbon Atoms: Perusal on Structure, Properties and Applications.
Ali Ashjaran*, and Hanieh Oshaghi.
- The Effects of Various Dyes on the Antimicrobial Activities of Microbial Cellulose Nonwoven Fabrics Treated by Rodalon.
Ali Ashjaran*.
- Envision of the Microbial Contact withMycosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles.
Eman A Helmynda * Amal A Mekawey
- Standardization and Quality Evaluation of Cassia surattensis seed extract.
U Seeta Uthaya Kumar, Subramanion L Jothy, Sivapragasam Gothai, Saravanan Dharmaraj,Yeng Chen,andSreenivasan Sasidharan*.
- Structural and Antibacterial Properties of Silver Substituted Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles.
Sheena Xavier, Harry Cleetus, Nimila PJ, Smitha Thankachan, Rintu Mary Sebastian and Mohammed EM*.
- Anaesthetic Management of a Patient with Wolff – Parkinson – White (W.P.W. Syndrome) In a Case of Breast Mass Undergoing Excision.
Hansa Jayakumar*, and Harish
- Formulation and Evaluation of Gastroretentive Floating Tablets of Quetiapine Fumarate.
T Rama Rao, K Bala Krishna, Mohammed Asif Hussain*, Maimuna Anjum, and Mohd Azizurrahman.
- Correlation of Proximal Femoral Geometry with Bone Mineral Density and Serum Osteocalcin in Assessing the Risk of Hip Fracture in Postmenopausal Women.
Prabhu K*, VS Kalaiselvi, and SV Mythili.
- Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Aqueous Extract of Vanda Tessellate Leaves and its Anti-oxidant and Antibacterial Activity.
Manjunath Hullikere M, Chandrashekhar G Joshi*, and Peethambar SK.
- Screening of Biowaste Materials for the Sorption of Cerium (III) from Aqueous Environment.
Jaya Sre Varshini C, and Nilanjana Das*.
- Gastric Adenocarcinoma with Choriocarcinomatous Differentiation Presenting As Greater Omental Mass.
Manimaran D*, Karthikeyan TM, Dost Mohamed Khan, Revathishree R, and AnuradhaS.
- Classification and Recognition of Herbal Leaf Using SVM Algorithm.
A Maheswari, N Bharathi, P Neelamegam*, and T Gayathridevi.
- A DFT Study of the Inhibition of the Papain-like Protease (PLpro) from the SARS Coronavirus by a Group of 4-Piperidinecarboxamide Derivatives.
Juan S. Gómez-Jeria*.
- Recent Advances in Lyophilization Technology.
Swathi S Kommawar*, Ravindra L Bakal, Anil Dewani, and Anil V Chandewar.
- Exploring the Utility of Fruit Juices as Green Medium for Biginelli Reaction.
Tanay Pramanik*, and Aadil Hussain Pathan
- Trace Elements in Health and Disease: A Review.
Sitalakshmi R?, and Sai Kumar P.
- Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant Properties of Curry Leaves and Euphorbia helioscopia.
Atul Lalwani*, Antika Sinha, and Md Tofique Raza.
- Assessment of Quality of Ground Water in and Around Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India.
K Chandra Mohan, J Suresh and P Venkateswarlu*.
- Liver Abscess Caused by Morganella morganii Subspecies sibonii Biogroup G in a Chronic Alcoholic Patient.
Sarfraz A, Ansari MAA, Bhattacharyya S*, Jaiswal N, Das S, Singh S, and Ravikirti.
- Hydroxyapatite Formation and Bone Bonding Ability of Ternary Borate Glasses Ceramics Containing ZnO.
AM Abdelghany*, Nadia H Elsayed, and Asma M ALturki.
- Pineal Parenchymal Tumors: A Clinicohistopathological Study from a Tertiary Care Institute in India.
Binayke Rachana S, Sisodia Shantilajil M, and Honap Sayali N*
- Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties of Different Extracts of ‘Ehretia laevis’ Against Salivary Microflora.
Rahul Deshpande, Ananth Kamath, Srishty Chaturvedi*, Mayuri Mutha, Snehal Shep, Rasika Torane, and Nirmala Deshpande.
- Spectrophotometric Determination of Phentolamine by Charge Transfer Complex Method.
G Dilli Rani, C Narasimha Rao, C Narasimha Rao, and P Venkateswarlu*.
- Analysis on Thermal Degradation and Chemical Contents of Bamboo Gigantochloa brang.
Razak Wahab*, Mohd Tamizi Mustafa, Mahmud Sudin, Mohd Sukhairi Mat Rasat, Aminuddin Mohamed, and Nik Alnur Auli Nik Yusuf.
- Unusual Benign Tumour of the Breast- A Case Report.
Sasikumar Pattabi*, CT Karthikeyan, Sabarisan R, Johny Christopher D, Hemalatha Ganapathy, and G Ganesh Kumar.
- Assessment of Microbial Contamination of Ethiopian Currency Notes.
Harikrishna Ramaprasad Saripalli, Lydia Swapna Nandam, Zenebe Teka, and Haftom Kebede.
- Assistive System for Remote Accident Patients.
G Umashankar, G Hari Krishnan*, RJ Hemalatha, Sheeba Abraham, and Sindu Divakaran.
- Potential Biocontrol Agents Used For Management of Aflatoxin Contamination in Corn Grain Crop.
WafaaHaggag*, El Habbasha S.F, and MedhatMekhailTawfik.
- Synergistic effect of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria (NFB) and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) on Cicer arietinum.
Loveleen Kaur*, Pankaj Sharma, Mrinal Sharma, and Robinka Khajuria.
- Quarantine: A Concept to Preparedness.
Sibyl S, DarshanaBennadi*, and NanditaKshetrimayum, and Vinayaka Konekeri.
- Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Moringa oleifera Leaves on Albino Rats.
Ayon Bhattacharya*, Divya Agrawal, Pratap Kumar Sahu, Trupti Rekha Swain, Sanjay Kumar, and Sudhanshu Sekhar Mishra.
- Virulence Factors and Antibiogram of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated at Tertiary Care Hospital.
Shameem Banu AS, Mathuri M, Bineshlal Y, and Jayakumar S*.
- Therapeutic Significance of Polymeric Nano Particles as Carriers for Sustained Ocular Therapy: An Overview.
Santhi Kumaraswamy*, Sokalingam Arumugam Dhanaraj, Sridevi Chigurupati, and Selvadurai Muralidharan.
- Acute and Long Term Safety Evaluation of Grape Seed Extract and Zinc Containing Multivitamin-Mineral Nutritional Food Supplement in Rodents.
Shakta Mani Satyam, Laxminarayana Bairy Kurady*, and Rajadurai Pirasanthan.
- Synthesis and Efficient Photoluminescence Properties of europium (III) Complexes by Adding Second Ancillary Ligands.
Satish Kumar, Manju Bala, Dayawati, VB Taxak, and SP Khatkar*.
- A contribution on Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
Magdy, I.Hanna , Maha A. El-Hady, Hanaa A. Ahmed, Saher A.Elmeadawy and Amany M. Kenwy
- Study of Oxidative Stress and Its Relation to Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
A Jamuna Rani*, and SV Mythili.
- Study on Prevalence of Staphylococcus Species in the Oral Mucosal and Periodontal Lesions with Screening for Methicillin Resistance.
Aishwarya J Ramalingam*, Chitralekha Saikumar, Sameena Khan, V Illamani, and Menezes GA.
- Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Studies of 8-[4-(4-Chlorocarbonyl-phenylimino)-buta-1,2,3-trienylideneamino]-2-oxo-2H-chromene-4-carbonyl chloride [Complex with Fe (II) , Co (II)].
Aziz Behrami*, and Islam Krasnqi.
- Non-Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Copper in Alloys Samples Using 2,4-Dihydroxyacetophenone acetoylhydrazone
M Renuka and K Hussain Reddy*.
- You Are Never Too Old To Swing.
Kumar Sai Sailesh, Archana R, Antony N J, and Mukkadan J K*
- Screening of Extracellular Keratinase Producing Fungi from Feather Processing Area in Shenbakkam, Vellore District, Tamilnadu, India.
Pamela Sinha and Bhaskara Rao KV*.
- Tuberculosis of Breast - Case Report.
Sasikumar Pattabi*, Ravishankar KS, Satish Reddy Y, Sabarisan R, and Johny Christopher D.
- A Study on Synthesis of Novel Chromogenic Organic Reagent 3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxy benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone and Specrtrophotometric Determination of Nickel (II) in Presences of Triton X-100.
M Hymavathi*, C Viswanathaand N Devanna.
- Green Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Senecio glaucus - Mediated Silver Nanoparticles.
YA El-Amier, AM Abdelghany*, and A Abed Zaid.
- Bacterial Profile and Antibiotic Resistance Pattern of Aerobic Gram Positive Bacteria Isolated From Pus Sample.
Bindu D*, Chitralekhasaikumar, Kiran M, Praveena R, and Illamani V.
- Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis Induced by Pyrazinamide in Children.
A Thumjaa*, T Kathir Subramaniam, and S Divya.
- Marine Streptomycetes: Characteristics and Their Antifungal Activities.
Wafaa Haggag W*, Abd El Kreem F,and Hoballa E.
- Biofilms: Its Significance and Properties
Chitralekha Saikumar, and Aishwarya J Ramalingam*.
- Correlation of Leptin with BMI, Lipid Profile and Waist, Hip Ratio in Adolescent Girls – A Pilot Study.
VS Kalai Selvi*, K Prabhu, Kumaran, PR Devaki, Manjula Devi, and J Rathi Roopavathi.
- Comparative Efficacy and Safety Study of Analgesic Effect of Fentanyl I.V. and Paracetamol I.V. in Postoperative Patients in Multidisciplinary Hospital.
Inshiya Dawoodi and Zarine Khety*.
- Serum Creatine Kinase Activity in Thyroid Disorders.
SV Mythili, P Ravisekar*, B Shanthi, V Kalaiselvi, and AJ Manjuladevi,
- Surgical Treatment of Odontogenic Injuries of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve after Endodontic Surgery.
Sergey Vladimirovich Sirak*, Armenak Valerievich Arutyunov, Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Schetinin, Alla Grigorievna Sirak, Irina Anatolievna Kopylova, and Ruzanna Arturovna Avanesyan.
- Clinical and Morphological Substantiation of Treatment of Odontogenic Cysts of the Maxilla.
Sergey Vladimirovich Sirak*, Armenak Valerievich Arutyunov, Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Schetinin, Alla Grigorievna Sirak, Albert Borisovich Akkalaev, and Dmitry Valerievich Mikhalchenko.
- Social Composition and Motivation of Patients in Applying For Implant Dental Service.
Sergey Vladimirovich Sirak*, Ruzanna Arturovna Avanesyan, Alla Grigorievna Sirak, Evgeny Vyacheslavovich Schetinin, and Madina Kazbekovna Demurova.
- Microbiocenosis of Oral Cavity in Patients with Dental Implants and Over-Dentures.
Sergey Vladimirovich Sirak*, Ruzanna Arturovna Avanesyan, Albert Borisovich Akkalaev, Madina Kazbekovna Demurova, Elvira Alezandrovna Dyagtyar, and Alla Grigorievna Sirak.
- Influence of Transcranial Electrostimulation on the Osseointegration of Dental Implant in the Experiment.
Dmitry Valerievich Mikhalchenko*, Alexey Vladimirovich Poroshin, Valery Fedorovich Mikhalchenko, Irina Valerievna Firsova, and Sergey Vladimirovich Sirak
- The Local Immunity of Dental Patients with Oral Galvanosis.
Dmitry Valerievich Mikhalchenko*, Alexandr Vadimovich Zhidovinov, Alexey Valerievich Mikhalchenko, and Tatyana Fedorovna Danilina.
- Effect of Lemongrass Supplementation on Antioxidant Enzyme Activity within the Longissimus Muscle of Hanwoo (Bos taurus coreanae) heifer.
Sang Ho Moon, Mi Rae Oh, Sun Hee Cheong, Byong Tae Jeon, Seong Jin Kim, and Si Heung Sung and Jae Hyun Park*.
- In-vitro Experimental Studies on Latex yielding Plants for their Antimicrobial activity.
Satyaveni G, K Rishitha, M Raj Kumar, Md Rameezuddin, S Asha, and R Bharath Kumar*.
- Comparison of Cognitive Performance Between Boys and Girls in the Age Group of 5 Years to 15 Years Old in a Semiurban Area.
S Amina Bharvin*, Sai Kumar P, and Devaki PR.
- Pharmacological Evaluation of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Leaves of Canthium coromandelicum (Burm.f) Alston: with Special Reference to Its Anti-diarrhoeal Activity on Albino Rats.
Sanjeeb Kumar Patro, Dinakar Sasmal*, Papiya Mitra Mazumder, Mohendra Pratap Chopra, Ashok Patanaik, and Padmacharan Behera.
- Study of Sympathovagal Balance in Obese Males.
Chethan HA*, and Priya CR.
- Biofilm and Oral Health.
Reshma Rahman*, and Jaiganesh Ramamurthy.
- Parameter Estimation Modeling for the Analysis of CN Diseases by Alternative G-CSF Treatment.
- Morbidity Pattern of Certain Cancers in Chennai City, Tamil Nadu, India: A Review Article.
Rama Ravi*, and Srinath Ramamurthy
- Oral Manifestions in a Diabetic Patient – Diagnosis and Management.
Manikandan S and Laliytha KB*.
- Pleomorphic Adenoma: A Case Report and Review of Literature.
Manikandan S and Laliytha KB*.
- Oral and Systemic Health during Menopause - A Systematic Review.
Hemalatha VT*, Julius A, Manisundar N, Sarumathi T, and Aarthinisha V.
- Fibrous Dysplasia: A Case Report and Review of Literature.
Manikandan S and Laliytha KB*.
- Liquid Phase Oxidation of Benzhydrol by Using Nano Crystalline Iron Supported on Ceria Mixed Oxide Catalysts.
VB Mane, SP Chavan, RJ Sayyad, JM Deshmukh, SA Waghmode, and SP Dagade*.
- Multifocal Glioblastoma: A Case Report with Review of Literature.
DinishaEinstien* HemalathaGanapathy, Santhanam R, and Karthik V.
- Comparison of Rapid Urease Test and Culture in the Diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori.
Chitralekha Saikumar, J Manonmoney*, and Kiran Madhusudhan.
- Structure and Physical Properties of Silver Borate Bioactive Glasses.
H Kamal*
- Sensitive Kinetic Spectrophotometric method for Sub-micro molar Determination of Diazepam in Drug Formulations and Biological Samples.
M Reza Shishehbore* and Behnaz Ghayedan.
- A Case Study of Rabies in a Buffalo in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
V Illamani*, and K Mahesh.
- Co-Relation of Level of Stress in Different Age Groups with the Levels of HS-CRP, A Sensitive Predictor of CoronaryVascular Events.
Shilpa M*, and Tejaswini KS.
- Comparative Studies of Natural and Synthetic Rubber.
P Vijetha*, Y Prasanna Kumar, K Kumaraswamy, Alka Kumari, Pragati Singham,and N Satyasree
- Hand Foot Mouth Disease in an Immunocompetent Adult.
S Manikandan, D Manoharan*, KB Laliytha, and P Sasikumar.
- Investigating the Environmental Impacts of Nuclear Power Plants.
Mojtaba Shirvani*, Ali Akbar Dusti, and Iman Baghbani.
- Investigating the Environment Impacts of the Wind Farms.
Mojtaba Shirvani*, Ali Akbar Dusti, and Iman Baghbani.
- The Effectiveness ofthe New Pay Systemin Kazakhstan: Opinionsof Health Workers
Mamyrbekova Saltanat*, Kurakbayev Kural, and Luca G.Brusati.
- Formulation and Evaluation of Pantoprazole Sodium Sesquihydrate IR Buccal Films.
Dheerajvarma K*, Sai Krishna P, Lakshmi Prasanna.
- Efficacy of High Speed Super Solubility Test In Detection Of Sickle Cell Diseases at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India.
Chandrahas Prasad, Hemant Narayan Rai, and Shashi Bhushan Singh*.
- Inherited Marfan Syndrome.
T Vidhya, Gokul D Yatheendranathan*, M Divya, S Raashida, and A Saranya.
- Effective Management of Maxillofacial Injuries due to Bear Attack.
Srinivas DR*, Harish I, and Vinay AV
- Comparative study of efficacy of Atorvastatin and Atorvastatin with Niacin in the management of Hyperlipidemia.
Bekkam Shobha, M Vanaja, and Ramesh K*.
- Microwave synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of some Heterocyclic Schiff’s base Metal Complexes of First Transition Series.
Mohammed Fakruddin Ali Ahmed*.
- Reconstruction of Femoral Length from Its Proximal Fragments and Diaphyseal Segments in South Indian Population.
Asha KR*, Vinaykumar K, Bindurani MK, Kavyashree AN, and Lakshmiprabha Subhash.
- Synthesis of Novel Alkyl (dialkoxyphosphoryl)-1H-indole-3-yl)acetate, Dialkoxyphosphoryl[2,3 b]indole-3-carboxylate and Dialkyl methyl phosphonate Derivatives Using Wittig-Horner Reagents and their Antimicrobial Activity.
Naglaa F El-Sayed, Ewies F Ewies, Leila S Boulos*, and Maysa E Moharam.
- Estimation of Microalbuminuria in Hearing Loss in Diabetes Mellitus - A Review.
K Sumathi*, and VS Kalaiselvi.
- Oral Implications of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents – A Review.
Deepak Viswanath*, and Madhumitha Naithani.
- Determination of Organotin Compounds in Coastal Sediments by Propylation and GC-MS analysis.
Mohsen A. AL-SHATRI, Abdulmumin A. NUHU*, Chanbasha BASHEER, Abdulrahman AL-ARFAJ4, Bassam Al-TAWABINI.
- Virulence Factors of Candida Species Isolated from Respiratory Tract and Urine.
Tilak Ramu G, Pramodhini S*, Noyal Maria Joseph, Umadevi S, Srirangaraj S, and Selvaraj Stephen
- Effect of Fytolan on Cauda Epididymis and Accessary Sex Organs of Male Rats.
BL Mehra, Priyanka Sharma, Utkarsh Kaushik, and SC Joshi*.
- Cephalic Vein Variation.
M Kavimani*, and Christilda Felicia Jebakani.
- Total Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity of Aqueous Rhizome Extract of Three Hedychium Species of Manipur Valley.
Th Bhaigyabati, P Grihanjali Devi and GC Bag*.
- Dissolution Enhancement of Glimepiride by Solid Dispersion Technique.
Priyanka Shrestha*, Shiva Kumar Bhandari, SM Ashraful Islam, and Santosh Adhikari.
- Characterization and Ammonia Sensing Property of Spray Deposited Nanocrystallite ZnO Thin Films.
T Elavarasan, Suhashini Ernest*, and S Ramesh.
- Evaluation of In-Vitro Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory Properties of Aerial Parts of Zanthoxylum rhesta.
Vidyamadhavi K , Chandrashekhar G Joshi*, Manjunath Hullikere M, Nivya MT, Anand D, and Raju NG
- Correlation of Fasting Plasma Glucose with Waist Circumference in Perimenopausal Women.
A Pranita*, DB Tambe, and AR Joshi.
- Simultaneous Estimation of Brinzolamide and Timolol Maleate Using Chromatographic Methods.
Purvi A Shah*, Ankita S Kadikar, Niketa R Gevariya, and Kalpana G Patel.
- Paraduodenal Hernia - A Rare Cause of Recurrent Abdominal Pain.
Rugmini Kamalammal, A Abdul Aziz*, Gunasekaran Anandan, S Santha Kumar, and M Shafath Ahmed.
- Application of Homogenous Oxidative Methodologies for Study of Degradation of Prototypical Textile Dyes.
D Diana Florence, R Baskaran*, S Sridhar, and A Muthulakshmi
- Analysis of Involvement of Cytokine Genetic Polymorphisms in Development of Genital Endometriosis.
Churnosov Mihail Ivanovich*, Oksana Borisovna Altuchova, Natalia Aleksandrovna Demakova, Evdokimov Valeriy Ivanovich, and Sorokina Inna Nikolaevna
- Anatomical and Functional Results of Surgical Treatment Of Complex Rectal And Uterine Prolapse.
Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky*, Natalia Vitalievna Oleynik, Dmitriy Alexandrovich Storojilov, and Andrey Valerievich Naumov.
- Association of Interleukins Genes Polymorphic Markers with Speed of CGN’s Advance.
Elena Vasil'evna Nekipelova*, Svetlana Sergeevna Sirotina, Kirill Ivanovich Proshchaev, ElenaVasil'evna Kalmykova, and Mikhail Ivanovich Churnosov.
- Associations of Cytokines Genetic Polymorphisms with Development of Endometrial Hyperplasia.
Natalia Aleksandrovna Demakova*, Oksana Borisovna Altuchova, Valentina Semenovna Orlova, Sergey Petrovich Pachomov, and Evgeny Nikolaevich Krikun.
- Bile a-Amylase and Lipase – Possible Predictors of Acute Pancreatitis in Case of Bile Duct Stone Impacted at the Major Duodenal Papilla.
Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky*, Andrey Leonidovich Iarosh, Alexander Valentinovich Soloshenko, Alexander Aleksandrovich Karpachev, Sergey Borisovich Nikolaev, Ekaterina Pavlovna Bitenskaya, Yurii Yurievich Vlasuk, and Alina Sergeevna Molchanova.
- Diamond - Like Carbon Coating is a New Strategy to Improve the Surface Properties of Biliary Stents.
Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky*, Alexander Valentinovich Soloshenko, Andrey Leonidovich Iarosh, Alexander Aleksandrovich Karpachev, Alexander Iakovlevich Kolpakov, Yury Yuryevich Vlasyuk, Ekaterina Pavlovna Bitenskaya, Alina Sergeevna Molchanova, and Marina Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova.
- Endothelium-Protective Action of Thioctic Acid and Rosuvastatin Combination at Concomitant Hypoestrogen and L-Name-Induced Deficit of Nitric Oxide.
Vladimir Ischacovich Kochkarov*, Olga Viktorovna Molchanova, Mikhail Vladimirovich Pokrovskii, Tatyana Grigorievna Pokrovskaia, Vladimir Ivanovich Jakushev, and Oleg Sergeevich Gudyrev.
- Foreign Bodies of Thyroid Grand
Vladimir Dmitrievich Lutsenko*, Vladimir Ivanovich Shutov, and Vitaliy Petrovich Ivanov,
- Foreign Body Reaction Associated With Diamond-Like Carbon Coated Surgical Polypropylene Meshes.
Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky*, Alexander Valentinovich Soloshenko, Andrey Leonidovich Iarosh, Alexsander Anatolievich Dolzhikov, Alexander Iakovlevich Kolpakov, Alexander Aleksandrovich Karpachev, Ekaterina Pavlovna Bitenskaya, Alina Sergeevna Molchanova, and Yurii Yurievich Vlasuk
- Genetic Variations of Interleukins are Associated with Hysteromyoma Developing.
Oksana Borisovna Altuchova*, Natalia Aleksandrovna Demakova, Sergey Petrovich Pachomov, and Irina Vitalevna Batlutskaya.
- Method of Predicting the Probability of Restenosis after Coronary Artery Stenting.
Stanislav Ivanovich Sivakov*, Valeriy Mihailovich Nikitin, and Yuriy Ivanovich Afanasiev.
- Mildronate in Patients with the Stable Angina Pectoris: Influence on Mitochondrial Activity.
Olesya Viktorovna Romaschenko*.
- Polymorphism of Vascular Homeostasis Genes and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Chronic Glomerulonephritis.
Olga Nikolaevna Litovkina*, Elena Vasil'evna Nekipelova, Svetlana Sergeevna Sirotina, Tatiana Igorevna Yakunchenko, Olga Alekseevna Efremova, and Inna Nikolaevna Sorokina.
- Psychiatric Disorders among Women after Late-Term Therapeutic Abortions (Clinical Findings and Risk Factors).
Viktor Alexandrovich Ruzhenkov*, Marina Alexandrovna Kolosova, and Viktoria Viktorovna Ruzhenkova.
- Psychopharmacotherapy of Mental Disorders In The Course Of Physiological Pregnancy
Viktor Aleksandrovich Ruzhenkov*, Rustam Telmanovich Kuliev, Viktoria Viktorovna Ruzhenkova, and Alevtina Viktorovna Boeva.
- Quantitative Evaluation of the Response by the Maxillary Sinuses to the Occlusal Load.
Alexander Viktorovich Tsimbalistov*, and Alexander Alexandrovich Kopytov
- Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Correction in Adma-Like Gestosis Model.Vladimir Vladimirovich Gureev*, Sergei Alexandrovich Alehin, Mikhail Vladimirovich
Pokrovskiy, Alexandr Anatolievich Dolghikov, Mikhail Viktorovich Korokin, Oleg Sergeevich Gudyrev, and Inga Mikhailovna Kolesnik.
- Simulation of Endothelial Dysfunction Associated With Hypestrogen-Induced Nitric Oxide Deficit.
Vladimir Ischacovich Kochkarov*, Olga Viktorovna Molchanova, Mikhail Vladimirovich Pokrovskii, Tatyana Grigorievna Pokrovskaia, Vladimir Ivanovich Jakushev, and Oleg Sergeevich Gudyrev.
- Studying the Impact of the Genetic Polymorphisms of Chemokines on the Arterial Pressure Level and Kidney Function in Patient with the Chronic Glomerulonephritis.
Inna Alekseevna Yushina*, Elena Vasil'evna Nekipelova, Svetlana Sergeevna Sirotina, Fedor Ivanovich Sobyanin, and Nina Ivanovna Zhernakova.
- Surgical Management of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases.
Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky*, Natalia Vitalievna Oleynik, Alexander Valentinovich Soloshenko, Andrey Valerievich Naumov, and Dmitriy Alexandrovich Storojilov.
- The Use of Diamond - Like Carbon Coated Surgical Polypropylene Meshes for Incisional Hernia Repair.
Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky*, Alexander Valentinovich Soloshenko, Andrey Leonidovich Iarosh, Alexsander Anatolievich Dolzhikov, Alexander Iakovlevich Kolpakov, Alexander Aleksandrovich Karpachev, Ekaterina Pavlovna Bitenskaya, Alina Sergeevna Molchanova, and Yurii Yurievich Vlasuk.
- Production of Bio Diesel from Soapstock via a Two Step Heterogeneous Catalysis.
Satya Sree N*, Madhusudhan Rao V, and Vijetha P.
- Evaluation of Residual Amounts of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Traces of Heavy Metals in King Talal Dam.
Fuad, A. Ababneh* and Idrees, F. Al-Momani.
- Effect of Media on Bacteriocin Production by Lactobacillus brevisand Evaluation of Anti-Bacterial Activity.
S Karthick Raja Namasivayam*,J Ceely Rebaca Angel, RS Arvind Bharani, and MY Karthik.
- Multi Drug Resistant Escherichia Coli Forming Intra-abdominal Abscess in a Case of Gossypiboma: Case Report and Review of Literature.
Ansari MAA, Bhattacharyya S*, Sarfraz A, Jaiswal NK, and Kumar M.
- Case Report: An Interesting Case of Seroconversion after a Spontaneous Flare in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B.
Vinoth Kumar, and S Habeeb Ahmed Abdul Kaiyoom*.
- Prevalence of Anaemia in Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Noorul Ameen, Aafrin Shabbir, and S Habeeb Ahmed Abdul Kaiyoom*.
- Using Ti1-?Al?N Coating to Enhance Corrosion Resistance of Tool Steel in Sodium Chloride Solution.
?L ??m?n?v?*, VI ?ichigin, ?? Soshina, and Karmanov VV.
- Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis: A Review.
Sarumathi T*, Saravanakumar B, Amudhan A, Hemalatha VT, and Aarthinisha V.
- A Review of Oral Candidiasis in Oral Mucosal Lesions.
Sarumathi T*, Mahalakshmi K, Saravanakumar B, Hemalatha VT, and Aarthinisha V
- Bilateral Nasolabial Cyst- A Case Report.
Sathish Prabhu*, and I Venkatraman.
- Flow and Heat Transfer in A Pipe Containing A Disk.
P Vijetha*, N Satyasree, B Lalitha Kumari.
- Elemental Compositions of Cadaba fruticosa (L.) Druce Leaf by ICP-MS.
J Shashikanth, Ch Mohan and P Ramachandra Reddy*.
- Chemical Constituents of Anacolosa frutescens.
Agnes B Alimboyoguen, Kathlia A De Castro-Cruz, Chien-Chang Shen, and Consolacion Y Ragasa*.
- Sero-Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C Co-infection in Multi-transfused Children in South India.
Kiran Madhusudhan*.
- Microbial Quality Assessment of Broiler Chicken Meat and Evaluation of Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile of Isolates from Retail Outlets of Vellore, Tamilnadu, India.
Ayan Modak, Vivek Kumar, and KV Bhaskara Rao*
- Antibacterial and Phytochemical Analysis of Ethnomedicinal Plants.
Prabhjot Singh Jassal*, Wazbir Hussain Barlaskar, Avneet Kaur, Ankit Bhardwaj, and Loveleen Kaur.
- Monodispersed Gold Nanoparticles within PVA Film for Efficient Catalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue.
EM Abdelrazek, Wael H Eisa,A El-khodary and Arfa Awad*.
- Study of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Gene Mutations in Relation to Clinico-pathological Criteria of Breast Cancer in Basrah.
Abeer A Al-Mowali*, Sawsan S Al-Haroon and Saad AAbdualah
- Ascites in Cirrhosis: A Review of Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Raveendran SR*, Kiruthika A, Vaishali S.
- Prevalence of Babesiabovis and B. bigemina in animals slaughtered in Abha and Khamis Mushait abattoirs, Aseer, Saudi Arabia, using PCR assay
Osama Mohammad Sayed Mostafa* and Saad Bin Dajem.
- Intracranial Bleed - A Late Complication of Biliary Atresia.
Ramyaa Rajendiran* and Shafath Ahmed.
- Sequencing Batch Reactor for Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent.
Saidahtul Atiqah Abdullah, Najah Mansor Majdi, Siti Fatin Raudhah Shikh Md Saud, Norhayati Abdullah*, and Ali Yuzir.
- Natural Product ofWildZingiberaceaeElettariopsis slahmong:Biopesticide to Control the VectorofBanana BloodDisease BacteriuminWest Sumatera, Indonesia.
NasrilNasir*, Abdi Dharma, Mai Efdi, Yuhendra,and Fredrika Eliesti.
- Necrobiosis Lipoidica in Non-Diabetic Individual - A Case Report.
Prakashiny*, and Hemalatha Ganapathy.
- Effect of Zinc Ferrite nanoparticles on the growth of Chlorella pyrenoidosa.
Rintu Mary Sebastian, Vijayalakshmy K C, Lakshmi S, A V Saramma, and E M Mohammed*.
- Altered Hematological Profile of Oral Lichen Planus Patients.
Abhishek Jana and PratitiGhosh*.
- Amniotic Band Syndrome: A Rare Congenital Anomaly.
Hemant Deshpande, Chandrakant Madkar, Anika Ansari, Karuna Ratwani, Sumit Jethani, and Kishor Gosavi.
- A Case of Post Thrombolytic Intracerebral Haemorrhage.
Aafrin Shabbir, S Habeeb Ahmed Abdul Kaiyoom* and Noorul Ameen.
- Look for Diabetes Mellitus in Chronic Fungal Urinary Tract Infection.
Arunava Kali*, Sreenivasan Srirangaraj, and Marie Victor Pravin Charles.
- Computational Analysis of Significant Missense Mutations in OAT gene that cause Gyrate Atrophy.
Jincy Anna Jomy, and Rao Sethumadhavan*
- Estimation of Length of Femur from Morphometric Measurements of Its Distal Fragments in South Indian Population.
Bindurani MK*, Kavyashree AN, Asha KR, Vinaykumar K, and Lakshmiprabha Subhash.
- Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Ononis angustissima (Lam.) Trab.
Mechehoud Youcef, Pierre Chalard, Gilles Figuérédo, Eric Marchioni , Fadila Benayacheand Samir Benayache*.
- Evaluation of Antimutagenic and Anticarcinogenic Effects of Phenolic Compounds in Fresh and Dried Kernels of Pistachio, Hazelnut and Walnut.
Mozhgan Masoumi, Sedigheh Mehrabian, Mohammad Karim Rahimi, Fatemeh Bagheri, and Hassan Masoumi*.
- Removal of Cadmium (II) and Copper (II) from Aqueous Solution by Using Langsat Fruit (Lansium domesticum Corr) Seed.
Dilla Wahyuni, Firda Furqani, Ayu Widya Astuti, Khoiriah, Indrawati, Rahmiana Zein, and Edison Munaf*
- Palm Fruit (Arenga pinnata) Shell as Biosorbent for the Removal of Cu(II), Co(II), Ni(II), and Pb(II) from Aqueous Solution.
Hidayat, Meilia Innes Kurniawan, Nazris Nazaruddin, Rahmiana Zein, and Edison Munaf*
- Utilization of Soursop (Anonna muricata Linn) Seeds as Heavy Metals Biosorbent.
Sherly Amelia, Fani Armila, Putri Nilam Sari, Rahma Putri, Rahmiana Zen, Mai Efdi, and Edison Munaf*.
- A cross-sectional study on Morbidity Pattern among Leather Factory workers at Sripuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Arunkumar Yogaraj G*, Uma Devi R, and Krishnakumar J.
- Comparison of effect of single drop of Tropicamide 0.8% and Phenylepherine 5% versus multiple drops on Pupil and Blood pressure.
Sutapa Roy, Niharika Shetty*, Mahabaleshwar , and Lokesh HM.
- Computational Identification and Structural Analysis of Deleterious Functional SNPs in ARL6 Gene Causing Bardet-Biedl Syndrome.
Jincy Anna Jomy, and Rao Sethumadhavan*.
- Modelling of Structure Based T- Cell Epitopes of Bunyaviridae viruses, as a Genus of California Encephalitis Virus [CEV].
Neema Tufchi*, Kumud Pant, and Bhasker Pant.
- Protective and Antioxidant Effects of Cynara Scolymus Leaves against Carbon Tetrachloride Toxicity in Rats.
Madeha M Abdel-Kader, Eman M El-Sayed*, Seham S Kassem, Mohamed H. A. Shams El-Din, Mohammed M Haggag, and Zeinab El-Hawary
- The Pattern of Resistanceof Antibiotics toEscherichiaColiCausesUrinary TractInfectioninEastJava, Indonesia.
Juliana Christyaningsih*, Dewi Chitraningtyas, and Retno Sasongkowati.
- Gene Expression Analysis of Anti-oxidative Enzymes in Yeast against Oxidative Stress in Presence of Cinnamomum zeylanicum.
Vincenta Khristi, Jisha Elias, Neeta Dave, and Vinayak Patel*.
- Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Segmentation of OCT Images by Entropy Method.
Ganesh Babu TR, R Sathishkumarand Rengaraj Venkatesh.
- Mixed Order Drug Release Kinetics Induced by L-HPC LH-11: A New Frontier In Improved Dissolution Behavior of Solid Dispersion Tablets of a BCS Class 2 Drug.
Sutapa Biswas Majee*, Ushasi Das, and Gopa Roy Biswas.
- Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Haplophyllum tuberculatum (Forssk.) L.A. Juss.From Algeria.
Youcef Mechehoud, Pierre Chalard, Gilles Figuérédo, Eric Marchioni, Fadila Benayacheand Samir Benayache*.
- Risk Assessment Exposure of Mercury (Hg) at People who Consuming Nila Fish (Oreochromis niloticus) from Limboto Lake of Gorontalo Province.
Moh Rivai Nakoe*, Yohanes Ardian, Ahmad Ruhardi, Fajar Dwinugroho,Ririh Yudhastuti, Lilis Sulistyorini, R Azizah, and Diah Indriani.
- Adenocarcinoma with Endometrioid Differentiation of the Labia Minora:A Rare Presentation.
Dost Mohamed Khan*, Manimaran, Ishwarya, and Anuradha.
- Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Neem Leaf Extract (NLE) On Albino Rats.
Ayon Bhattacharya*, Rasmirekha Behera, Divya Agrawal, Suhasini Dehury, Sanjay Kumar, and Trupti Rekha Swain.
- Thermochemistry of Heteroatomic Compounds: Calculation and Optimization of Bond Energies of Organic Alkanes and their Halogeno Homologues.
Vitaly Ovchinnikov* and Alexey Kulakov.
- Synthesis, Spectral and Antibacterial Studies of Semi-Organic Single Crystal: Barium Thiourea Chloride.
S Raju*, R Muralidharan*, SmilaH, and Krishnan.
- Factors Motivating Sales Force in Pharmaceutical Industry: A Literature Review.
Navjot Kaur*, Navneet Kaur and Upendra Nagaich
- Biological Control of Rice Blast Disease by Streptomyces flavotricini.
Mary S. Khalil, Hani Moubasher and Farqad F. Hasan.
- Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome, Association of Factors: An Epidemiological Study among College Students.
MR Suchitra, Antony John Charles, and S Parthasarathy*.
- Studies on the Bio-Active Alkalophilic Actinomycetes From Terrestrial Substrates.
VS Venkateswara Rao* and P Ellaiah.
- N – Back Task to Assess Sex Difference in Working Memory: A Pilot Study.
Archana R*, WMS Johnson, and P Sai Kumar.
- Additional Belly of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - A Case Report.
Jayakumari S*
- Anomalous Branching Pattern of Lateral cord of Brachial Plexus - A Case Report.
Jayakumari S*, and Archana R.
- Study of Anatomical Variations of Human Tali Based on Their Calcaneal Articular Facets.
X Chandra Philip*, and G Prabavathy
- Evaluation of Antibacterial and Anticancer Activities of Oxadiazole Derivatives from N-Decanoic Acid.
Anu*, Vipan Kumar Kamboj, Bhawana Sati, and Prabhakar Kumar Verma.
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- Antioxidant Food Supplement Fortified With Flavonoids.
Vladimir Vsevolodovich Sadovoy*, Sergei Nikolayevich Shlykov, Ruslan Saferbegovich Omarov, and Tatiana Viktorovna Shchedrina.
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- Ecological Safety and Resource-Saving Improvement of the Production Systems by the Technological Process Simulation.
Ilya Lobach*, and Yury E Jakubowski.
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- Hygienical evaluation of LED lighting systems
Svetlana Anatolyevna Amelkina*, Olga Evgenyevna Zheleznikova and Lyudmila Vasilyevna Sinitsyna.
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- On The Prospects of Agro - Industrial Clusters Formation.
Tatyana Vasilyevna Savchenko*, Andrey Valeryevich Ulez’ko, Natalya Nikolayevna Kravchenko, and Alexander Alexandrovich Tyutyunikov.
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- Research of Reagent Concentration Effect and the Synthesis Temperature on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Nano-Sized Silicon-Containing Hydroxyapatite.
Michael Troubitsin*, Natalya Gabruk, Irina Oleynikova, Le Van Thuan, and Doan Van Dat.
- Revisiting Practical Guidelines for use of Light-Emitting Diodes for Lighting of Public and Administrative Buildings
Svetlana Anatolyevna Amelkina, Olga Evgenyevna Zheleznikova and Lyudmila Vasilyevna Sinitsyna.
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- Theoretical Substantiation of the Possibility of Regulating the Properties of Cold Coating Polymer Bitumen Emulsion Mastics.
Georgy Samuilovich Dukhovny*, Natalia Vladimirovna Selitskaya, Alexander Sergeevich Kolomatsky, and Svetlana Nikolaevna Zolotykh.
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- Assessing Concentration of the toxic Impact of Components in the Exhaust Gas of a Diesel Engine on the Thermal State of the Warm-Up Mode.
Khayrullin Azat Khativovich*, Rishat Rizovich Salakhov, Victor Mikhailovich Gureev, Rail Raufovich Khasanov, and Irek Florovich Gumerov.
- Prednisolone and Pentoxifylline Combination in Patients with Severe Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis.
Olga Ivanovna Tarasova*, Nataliya Vladimirovna Mazurchik, Pavel Petrovich Ogurtsov, and Valentin Sergeevich Moiseev.
- On The Prospects of Agro-Industrial Clusters Formation.
Tatyana Vasilyevna Savchenko*, Andrey Valeryevich Ulez’ko, Natalya NikolayevnaKravchenko, and Alexander Alexandrovich Tyutyunikov.
- A Study on Schiff Bases Containing Poly (Acryl Amide) In the Synthesis and Characterization.
Mamta Gautam*
- Amino Acids Profile of Kazakh National Soft Cheese Made of Goat’s, Cow’s Milk and Their Mixture.
Mariam KalabaevnaAlimardanova, TalgatKuralbekovichKulazhanov, MiladaPlockova, and NurshashZhexenbay*.

- Review Article: Pharmaceutical Approaches to Colon Targeted Drug Delivery Systems.
Kannadasan M*, Ram Kumar R, and Vijay Kumar S.
- Effect of Fly Ash Addition on Characteristics of Peat Soil.
Rini Masril, Edison Munaf*, Hazli Nurdin, Hamzar Suyani and Teguh B. Prasetyo.