Current Issue
Volume 6, Issue 4, 2015 (July - August)
- Analysis of some of causes of congenital malformations of the face, jaws and teeth.
Sergey N Gontarev*, Alexander V Tsimbalistov, Irina P Ryzhova, Boris V Trifonov, Natalya M Kunitsina, and Inna S Gontareva.
- Endoscopic Surgical Interventions in Diagnosis and Treatment of Mirizzi Syndrome.
Vladimir F Kulikovskii*, Alexander V Soloshenko, Aleksandr A Karpachev, Andrei L Iarosh, and Yurii Iu Vlasiuk.
- Adsorption of Methylene Blue by Biochar Produced Through Torrefaction and Slow Pyrolysis from Switchgrass.
Valeeva A Albertovna*, Grigoryan B Rubenovich, Bayan Maxim Raimund, Giniyatullin K Gashikovich, Vandyukov A Evgenyevich, and Evtyugin V Gennadyevich.
- An Improved Gene Expression System to Generate Transgenic Arabidopsis Thaliana Plants Harboring a Bacillus Ginsengihumi Phytase Gene.
Nyamsuren Chuluuntsetseg, Liya R Valeeva, Margarita R Sharipova, and Eugene V Shakirov*.
- Analysis of Bovine Serum Albumine, Caseine and Tryptone Proteins Hydrolysis by 1H NMR Spectroscopy.
Aidar G Bikmullin*, Farida K Alimova, Albert V Aganov, Vladimir V Klochkov, and Konstantin S Usachev.
- Analysis of Efficiency of Mathematical Model of Prognosticating the Emergence of Heart Vehicle Restenosis Risk in Cardiological Practice.
SI Sivakov*, VM Nikitin, YI Afanasiev, and SY Grigorova.
- Buried Soils in the Floodplains of Small Rivers of Middle Volga.
Sania G.Kurbanova*, and Nina B Prohorenko.
- Characteristics of Algocenoses of Small Water Reservoirs at the Territory of the National Park “Nizhnyaya Kama” being Influenced by Oil Production.
Lilia Y Khaliullina*, and Nadezhda Y Stepanova.
- Clinical Case of Constrictive Pericarditis.
Olga A Osipova*, Tatiana P Golivets, Iuri I Zhuravlev, Igor I Khamnagadaev, Dmitrii A Basarab, and Elena A Perutskaia.
- Comparative Assessment of Methods for Forecasting River Runoff with Different Conditions of Organization.
Fedor N Lisetskii*, Vitaliy I Pichura, Yaroslava V Pavlyuk, and Olga A Marinina.
- Drainage Degradation Influenced by Anthropogenic Load in Different Landscapes of the Forest-Steppe Zone (in terms of the Region of Belgorod).
MA Petina*, AN Petin, YG Chendev, MG Lebedeva, and VG Belevantsev.
- Effect of temperature and pH Value of the Liquid Shared Selectivity Cation Exchange Membrane, nylon-PANI.
Dinar D Fazullin*, and Gennady V Mavrin.
- Genetic Structure and Effective Animal Population Size in the Conditions of Anthropogenic Changed Landscape.
Eduard A Snegin*, Aleksandr V Prisnyy, Anton A Sychev, Olesya Y Artemchuk, Anzhelika A Gorbacheva, and Elena A Shapovalova.
- Estimation of Genotype, Explant Size and Microbial Enzymes Influence on Regenerative Capacity of Potatoes.
Olga Yu Tikhonova, Anna A Toymentseva, Alija A Savenkova, Albina T Gizatullina, Elena A Gimaeva, Semen G Vologin, Nazira A Karamova, and Zenon Stasevski*.
- Evaluation of the Ecological State Of Water ReservoirsUsing the COI Protein of Zooplankton.
Ludmila L Frolova*, Airat R Kayumov, and Arthur M Husainov.
- Experimental Study of ATP-Dependent Potassium Channels Activators Using Possibility in Surgery.
Inga M Kolesnik*, Mikhail V Pokrovskiy, Vladimir D Lutcenko, and Tatiana G Pokrovskaya.
- Expression OfPantoea Agglomerans Phytase From A Strong Constitutive Promoter In Arabidopsis Thaliana Plants.
Liya R Valeeva, Nyamsuren Chuluuntsetseg, Dariya S Troshagina, Margarita R Sharipova, and Eugene V Shakirov*.
- Features of the Structural Organization of Phytoplankton of Coastal Shallow Water of Volga and Volga-Kama Reaches Of the Kuibyshev Reservoir.
Liliia I Khaliullina*.
- Heterologous Expression of Bacillus ginsengihumi Phytase Gene.
Alina A Akhmetova, Aliya D Suleimanova, Anna A Toymentseva, Nelly P Balaban, Daria L Iljukhina, and Margarita R Sharipova*.
- Impact Monitoring of Mining Enterprises of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly on Hydro Ecological River Situation of the Belgorod Region.
Andrey G Kornilov*, Sergey N Kolmykov, Mariya A Petina, and Mariya G Lebedeva.
- Influence of Micromycetes on Lectin and Antioxidant Activity in Wheat Germs.
Landish Zavdetovna Khusnetdinova*, Julia Yurevna Nevmerzhitskaya, Gulnaz Hidiyatovna Shaymullina, and Olga Arnoldovna Timofeeva.
- Interrelation between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Cardiac Nerves within Ontogenesis.
Almaz R Gizzatullin*, Rustem R Minnakhmetov, Guzel F Sitdikova, and Farit G Sitdikov.
- Leaf Anatomical Structure in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Mutants Deficient in Photoreceptors.
Demina Galina Vladimirovna*, and Yakushenkova Tatyana Petrovna.
- Metabolic Profiling of Streptomyces Strains from Different Types of Tatarstan Soils Using GEN III OmniLog System.
Keremli A Saparmyradov*, Chulun Bolormaa, Ibragimov A Nabiullovich, Kashinskaya D Victorovna, Tuhbatova R Ilgizovna, and Farida K Alimova.
- Polyphenolic Compounds Composition Study in Ocimum basilicum L. Herb and the Development of Their Quantification Assessment.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev*, Oleg Olegovich Novikov, Elena Teodorovna Zhilyakova, Valery Konstantinovich Tokhtar, and Inna Alexandrovna Sevruk.
- Diagnosis of Asthenic Vegetative Syndrome in Patients with Chronic Viral Hepatitis Based On Correlation Analysis of Heart Rate Variability.
Olga A Efremova*, Valeriy M Nikitin, Maksim S Mitin, Elena A Lipunova,and LudmilaAKamyshnikova.
- Economical and Ecological Assessment of Chalk Suspensions Use for Agriculture.
Irina A Shok*, Marina V Vladyka, and Elena N Kamyshanchenko.
- Morphology of the Ectopic Pancreatic Tissue in the Major Duodenal Papilla.
Alexander A Dolzhikov*, Aleksei V Tverskoi, Svetlana A Petrichko, and Tatiana S Mukhina.
- Retrospective Analysis of Population Oncological Morbidity at the Certain Territories, Suffered from the Chernobyl Accident (1981-2005).
Boris S Kovalenko*, Dmitriy V Volkov, Oleg V Zakharov, Boris V Kravetz, and Tatyana P Golivets.
- The Effect of a Frailty Management Program on the Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients after Surgical Treatment.
Svetlana G Gorelik*, Vladimir D Lutsenko, Kirill I Prashchayeu, and Tatiana N Tatyanenko.
- The Influence of an Individual Annual Cycle on a Person’s Psycho-Physiological Conditions.
Valentina V Grebneva*, Alexey J Kovtunenko, and Victoria B Tarabaeva.
- The Possibility of Use Research Methods of Soil Organic Matter for Assess the Biochar Properties.
Giniyatullin K Gashikovich*, Smirnova E Vasilyevna, Grigoryan B Rubenovich, and Valeeva A Albertovna.
- Chromatic Gradient Appliance Algorithm In Cog Flank Dyeing For Its Flecture Angle Visual Estimate Acquired By Solid State Modeling Method.
V IU Karacharovskii*, MK Reshetnikov, SA Riazanov, VV Shpilev, and SV Borodulina.
- Electron Microscopic Evaluation of the Impact on Microorganisms of QuaternaryAmmonium Compounds.
Elena Lavrentevna Matveeva*, Valentina Pavlovna Korosteleva, Ellada Konstantinovna Papynidi, Galiya Rasihovna Yusupova, and Sergey Yurievich Smolentsev.
- Qualitative Characteristics Of Wheat Baking Flour Manufactured At Low-Power Mill.
Nurlaim Ongarbayeva*, Saule Turganovna,Zhiyenbayeva, Batyrbayeva Nurgul Bazilovna, Arailym Nurjankizi Yelgonova and Aizhan Berdaliyevna Mynbayeva.
- Seasonal Variation in Heavy-Metal Accumulation in Honey Bees as an Indicator of Environmental Pollution.
Farid Bilalov, Lyudmila Skrebneva, Oleg Nikitin, Eduard A Shuralev, and Malik Mukminov*.
- The Larch in the Russian Far East: Decorative and Curative Properties.
Genadii V Gukov*, and Natalya G Rozlomiy.
- The Concept of Synergism in the Farming Systems.
ALToigildin*, MIPodsevalov, AVKarpov,IAToigildina, and TDGrosheva.
- X-Ray Diffraction Characteristic Of Humic Acids Of Alluvial Soils In Ob-Irtysh Floodplain, Formed In Various Moisture Conditions.
MP Sartakov*.
- The Effect Of Cultivation Methods Of The Summer Rape In Intermediate Sowings On The Yield Of “Winter Crop-Summer Rape” Crop Rotation In The Middle Pre-Urals.
Elmart D Akmanaev*, Yulia S Peshina, and Marina A Khlybova.
- Evaluation of Analgesic Activities of Black Tea Decoction on Experimental Animal Model.
Chandan Chatterjee*.
- The Effect of Wool Protein as a Reducing Agent in the Making of Finer Antibacterial Wool Yarns by Nano Silver Synthesis.
Mohsen Hosseinkhani*, and Saeid Behnoud*.
- An Interesting Right Iliac Fossa Mass
KS Ravishankar, Gopi Saravanan, CT Karthikeyan, Gokul D Yatheendranathan*, & PDhinaharan
- Treatment of Landfill Leachate via Advanced Oxidation Process (AOPs) - A Review.
Anita Maslahati Roudi*, Ebrahim Akhlaghi, Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan, Ahmadreza Kaboli, Amin Maslahati Roudi, Hasan Aslani, and Sivathass Bannir Selvam.
- Antimicrobial Activity and In-Silico Analysis of 3, 5, 6-Trichloro-2-Pyridinol.
Dhaya Rani Varkey, Danie Kingsley J, and Jayanthi Abraham*.
- Evaluation of Genetic Progress in New Selections of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) Under Semi-Arid Conditions (Algeria).
Belahcene Nabiha*, Zenati Noureddine, Brinis Louhichi, and Djebar Mohamed Réda.
- Alcohol Affects Pregnancy by Hypothalamic- Pituitary-Gonadal Axis Derangement.
Nwangwa EK*, Ekhoye EI, Naiho AO, and Ekene N.
- Postoperative Evaluation of Patients after Small Jaw Cyst Surgery.
Tanja Alfirevic, Dora Balac, Mato Susic, Danko Velimir Vrdoljak, Vanja Vucicevic Boras*and Dragana Gabric
- Control of Wheel Chair Designed For Quadriplegics Using MEMS In Medical Application.
N Anuradha*
- Wireless Sensor Network with a Novel Key Distribution for Improved Four-Tier Network Security.
S Poonguzhali*.
- Adenomyosis in a Young Nullipara: A Rare Case Report.
Revathi Shree R, Ishwarya, S Hemanathan, and G Manimaran D.
- Yarn Properties of Dual-Feed Rotor Spinning of Viscose Fibers.
Ali Peyravi*.
- Use of Biochemical Parameters in Radiologically Proved Fracture Healing Property of Arjuna Terminalia, in Rats.
Giri RR*, Giri KR, and Palandurkar M.
- A Portable ECG Monitor Based On Embedded System Technology.
R Sherline Jesie*.
- Design of Photovoltaic Cell with Copper Oxide Electrodeby Using Indoor Lights.
Rahadian Zainul*, Admin Alif, Hermansyah Aziz,Syukri Arief, SyukriDradjad, and Edison Munaf.
- Leukotriene Synthesis Inhibitors Modulate Atherosclerosis Progression In Hypercholestrolemic Rabbits.
Najah R Hadi*, Bassim I Mohammad, Ihsan M Ajeena, Ahmed Mahmood, Sahar A Majeed and Tahir Hussain.
- Supercritical Fluid Extraction: Applications to Biological System.
Vidya Pradhan*, Mohd Moaviyah Moghal, Vishal Ladniyaand Samreen Fatema.
- A Study on Clinical Profile and Treatment Pattern of Lung Cancer in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Kerala, India.
Roshni PR*, and Aiswarya Purushothaman.
- Prevention of Prehypertension Complications in Conditions of Volatile Blood Pressure.
Inga A Shirikova*.
- Rectal Prolapse: A Case Series Analysis.
KS Ravishankar, Aravind, Sasikumar Pattabi, Gokul D Yatheendranathan*, and Mahesh Jeeva.
- Diagnostic Fine Aspiration Cytology of Papillary Carcinoma of Thyroid.
Jamaiyar A*.
- Leptospiral Pneumonia and Septic Shock: A Case Report.
Shanthi Ramesh*, Madhan Kumar M, and John Solomon P.
- Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Benzoxazole, Benzimidazole and Benzthiazole Based Cationic Lipids as Anticancer agents.
Amarnath Velidandi, Kranthi Kumar Gadidasu, and Srilakshmi V Patri*.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline at Different Temperatures.
Omar Melad*.
- Synthesis of Novel Peptidosulfonamides Derived From Modified Oxazolidinones.
Malika Berredjem*, Abdeslem Bouzina, Billel Belhani, Hadjer Cheloufi, Fouzia Bouchareb, and Nour-Eddine Aouf.
- To Study the Efficacy of Different Formulations of Aloe Vera (Spp. Aloe barbadensis) On Wound Healing in Rats.
Garima Lakhanpal*, Seema Bhalerao, Sagar Sharma, and Harshal Patil.
- Clinical Anatomy of Nerve Variation
M Kavimani*, and Christilda Felicia Jebakani.
- Purification and characterization of glutathione S-transferase of the African catfish Clariaslazera gonads.
Guneidy RA*, Shokeer A, Abdel-Ghany SS, Saleh NSM and Hamed RR.
- A Comparative Study of the Effect of Gallic Acid on Cancer Cells and Normal Cells.
Yumnam Priyadarshini Devi, Addepally Uma, Mangamoori Lakshmi Narasu* and Chepuri Kalyani.
- Investigation of the VDR Gene Polymorphism in Unrelated Gujarati Group with and without Diabetic Mellitus Type-2.
Dhruti B Shah, Darshan D Doshi, Krishna M Singh, and Rajesh K Patel*.
- Classifiers for the Epilepsy Risk Level Classification from Electroencephalographic Signals.
R Harikumar, and P Sunil Kumar*.
- Identification and Characterization of Bioactive Compounds from Ruta graveolens L. leaf Extract against Najanaja Venom.
Ebenezer Samuel King J, and M Balasubramanian*.
- The Effect of Lead on the Process of Formation of the Testes of Wistar Rats.
Olga Sergeevna Shubina* and Natalia Anatolievna Dudenkova.
- Multidisciplinary Approach for the Treatment of Subgingival Crown-Root Fracture: A Case Report.
BG Yogesh*, Sandhya N Shingte, PV Sreedevi, Bharathi Shetty, Charithra Shetty, and P Sheshadri.
- Post-Operative Clinico-Pathological Spectrum of Oophorectomy Specimens (A Rural Scenario).
Nasib chand khabra*, Bhavna Gulati, Sanjay bedi, Laxmi Narayan Garg, Samal Nauhria, Astha Narula, and Palak Mahajane.
- Evaluation of Fungal Growth (Penicillium sp. and Trichoderma sp.) using Cobalt Ferrite (CoxFe3-xO4) Magnetic Nanoparticles.
R Vidya*, B Keerthika, K Divya, K Venkatesan, and D Rajan Babu.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Cr (III), Mn (II), Fe (III),Co (II), Ni (II), Cu (II) and Zn (II) Complexes of 2(a-mercaptoacylhydrazonyl) benzimidazole.
GH Anuradha*, and M Neelamma.
- Assessment of Lycopene Effects on Herpes Simplex - 1 in Tissue Culture.
Ahmed Hadi Saeed*, Khalida K Al-Kelaby, Hussein Abdulkadhim A, and Hashim R Tarish Al-Janaby.
- An Analytical Approach for Effective Location Marking of Landmine Using Robot.
Booma G*, and Umamakeswari A.
- Effect of Limestone Dust Exposure on Lung Physiology Decline and Increase of Interleukin6 Level of Blood Serum of Limestone Processing Workers in Kesamben Village, Plumpang Sub-district of Tuban Regency.
Inne Ariane Gobel*, J Mukono, and R Endro Sukmono.
- Emerging Technology Based on Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for MRI Scans.
Adeline Sneha J*, Akshaya PS, Indira KP, and Amala Rani V
- Effect of y-radiation on Structural, Thermal and Photoluminescence Properties of Biologically Important Copper (II)-picolinate Complex.
Sudheer Gurugubelli, Anima S. Dadhich and Saratchandra Babu Mukkamala*.
- Intestinal Parasitic Infections in Pre-School and School Going Children from Rural Area in Puducherry, India.
S Hema*, S Umadevi, S Pramodhini, Srirangaraj, and Selvaraj Stephen.
- Technique of Treating Fractures in Long Bones of Lower Limb with Associated Simultaneous Loss of Limbs in the Same Injury Complicating Their Treatment.
S Kumaravel*.
- Brain Pathological Tissues Segmentation using IFCM and Comparison with FCM and K-means.
D Selvaraj*, and R Dhanasekaran.
- Potential Risk and Health Safety Analysis of Mobile Phones with Different Radition Levels Using SAR and Connect Value Measures in India.
S Santhosh Kumar*.
- Antimicrobial activity of Punica granatum and Psidium guajava on Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis: An In-Vitro study.
Paranjyothi Magadi Visveswaraiah*, Manjunath K, and Sneha S Vijayashekar.
- Studies on the Mutagenic Effectiveness and Efficiency of Gamma Rays, EMS and Combined Treatment in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) var.TMV3.
Anbarasan K, R Rajendran* and D Sivalingam.
- Holt Oram Syndrome.
Sitendu Kumar Patel, Abhishek Kumar*, Madhur Yadav, Niraj Bohania and Ashok Kumar.
- Multiprobiotic Administration Induced Longevity and Decreased Oxidative Stress in Rats.
NS Skochko*, EA Torgalo, TV Beregova, and DS Jankowski.
- The Pecularities of Serum Leptin Level in Patients with Prolonged Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Antonina V Antonenko*, and Tetyana V Beregova.
- Image-Based Surface Crack Inspection and Pothole Depth Estimation.
Satyavratan G*, Neelamegam P, and Rubalya Valantina S.
- Antibacterial Activity of Scoparia dulcis Extract on Uropathogenic Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
Prabavathy D* and Niveditha R.
- Evaluation of Pain Experience During and After Scaling and Root Planing (SRP) Using Local / Topical Anesthetic Agents: A Comparative Study.
Savita S, Sachidananda Chungkham*, Rithesh K, and Syed Sirajuddin.
- Obstacle Avoidance and Target Tracking Mobile Robot.
B Raguraman*.
- Analysis of Apple Fruit Diseases using Neural Network.
Sima Kumari*, Neelamegam P, and Abirami S.
- Population Fluctuation of Tomato Leaf Miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) During Winter and Summer Plantations in Egypt.
Mahmoud YA*, Ebadah IMA, Abd-Elrazek AS, Abd-Elwahab TE, and Masry SHD.
- The Use of Ultrasonography in Zygomatic Arch Fractures-A Preliminary Study.
Anand D*, Kavitha Prasad, Vineeth K, Akash Raja Ram, and Sudha S Patil.
- Screening of CTX-M Type Extended Spectrum BETA-Lactamases Producing Clinical Isolates from Tamil Nadu, India.
Ramesh N*, Prasanth M, Avani Patel, Mihir Shah, Parth Agrawal, and Gothandam KM.
- A Review on Immunomodulatory Effects of Probiotics.
Rohit Sharma*.
- Contribution of Trees to Oral Health in India.
R Pradeep Kumar*.
- Effect of Wheat Germ Extract on the Viability of Probiotic Bacteria and Properties of Labneh Cheese.
Sahar H S Mohamed, Faten L Seleet*, Azzat B. Abd El. Khalek, and Fatma A Fathy.
- Evaluation of Plant Growth Promoting Activity of Rhizosphere Bacteria of Different Crop Plants
Sayali Deolankar, Ishita Chakarborthy, Neethu Kamarudheen, and KV Bhaskara Rao*
- Comparison in the Physical and Strength Properties of 3 Year-Old Gigantochloa brang and G. Scortechinii.
Razak Wahab*, Mohd Tamizi Mustafa, Mohammed Abdus Salam, Izyan Khalid, Mohd Sukhairi Mat Rasat and Irshad Ul Haq Bhat.
- Evaluation of In-vitro Cytotoxicity of Monochoria vaginalis, Ipomoea carnea, Nardostachys Jatamansi Extracts on Hela Cells.
V Sivajothi*, Shruthi SD, CH Sudha Bhargavi, and A Muthukumar
- Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Pyrazolone and Pyrazole Analogues Containing Benzimidazole Moiety.
G Manjunath, G Bheemaraju, M Mahesh, and P Venkata Ramana*.
- Removal of Reactive Yellow 145 Dye from Simulated Industrial Waste Waters over Prepared Supported (Co, Ni) 3O4/Al2O3 Spinel Catalyst.
Emman J Mohammad, Salih H Kathim, and Abbas J Attia*.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Sr-doped LaFe0.7Ni0.3O3 perovskite.
Omar Ben Mya*, and Mahmoud Omari.
- Pharmacodynamic Interaction of Coccinia Indica with Omeprazole in Experimentally Induced Ulcers in Rats
Hansa Gupta, Jyothi Y*, Vamsee Veena A, and Deepika Bora
- Stability Indicating HPLC Method for Determination of Torsemide in Bulk Drug and Pharmaceutical Dosage Form.
Aniket P Sarkate*, Shantanu D Shinde, Ajinkya P Sarkate, and Jaiprakash N Sangshetti.
- Topological Analysis of Transmission Networks to Identify Vulnerable Links.
Sandeep Vasudevan R*, and Aadaleesan P.
- Isolation of Highly Effective, Super Nodulating and Competitive Rhizobium Strains of Egyptian Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.).
Abdelaal Shamseldin*, Ahmed A Abdelkhalek,and SA Abo-Sedra.
- Free Radical Scavenging Activity ofFlueggea leucopyrus Leaves.
Rajeswari B, and Muthuirulappan Srinivasan*.
- Adsorption of methylene blue dye by using modified Fe/Attapulgite clay
Aseel M Aljeboree*.
- Swift Heavy Copper (50 MeV) Ion Induced Structural Modifications of Polystyrene.
Kawaljeet Singh Samra*, and Lakhwant Singh.
- Serum Uric Acid Level in Thyroid Disorders.
Ravisekar P*, Saranya R, Manjuladevi AJ, Shanthi B and Kalaiselvi VS.
- Effect of Potassium, Zinc and Boron on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Keitt Mango Trees?.
Baiea MHM, El-Badawy HEM, and El-Gioushy SF.
- A Study on Antibiotic Prescriptions for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (Urtis) in Childrens at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital.
Prabhakar TS, Rekha R*, and Vital Rao NS.
- Can Dental Restoratives be Re-Charged with Fluorides?
Marija Stevanovic, andElizabeta Gjorgievska*.
- Screening and Identification of Keratinase Producing Marine Actinobacteria from Chennai Sea Coast.
Soumya Nair, Deyasmriti Nandi, Sweta Nandi, Veena S, and KV Bhaskara Rao*.
- Clinical Significance of Assessment of Spermatozoal Creatine Kinase (CK) Enzyme Activity as an Indicator of Spermatozoal Oxidative Stress (OS) on Teratozoospermiac In Infertile Patients After Use of Simvastatin as Antioxidant Drug
Ahmed S Al-Hilli*, Noorhan Shakir Mhao and Najah R Hadi.
- Use of Simvastation as Antioxidant Drug Significantly Decreases Lipid Peroxidation by Utilization Of Malondialdehyde (MAD) Level Assay as an Indicator of Spermatozoal Oxidative Stress in Male Infertile Patient.
Ahmed S Al-Hilli*, Noorhan Shakir Mhao, and Najah R Hadi.
- Comparative Study of Proteolytic Microbes from Various Places and the Alkaline Protease Optimization Produced by Bacillus sp. using Taguchi’s Statistical Optimization Method.
Sonika Jha*, and Suneetha V.
- Effect of Endo-1,4-ß-Xylanase Enzyme on Appearance and Physical Properties of Jute Yarn.
AA Zolriasatein*, and M Hajilari.
- Artificial Intelligence in Fracture Healing Diagnosis.
Kumaravel S*, Sridevi M, Madhava Sarma P, and Prakasam P.
- Theoretical Studies of Structure/Activity Relationships Applied To Flavone Derivates for Drug Discovery.
Khadija Ben Smida, Salah Belaidi,Imane Benbrahim, andSalima Boughdiri*.
- Analysis of State Estimation Technique for a Quadruple Tank Process.
Vignesh Sairam R*, Valarmathi R, Muthukumar N, and Ramkumar K.
- In-vitro Phosphate Solubilization by Maize Rhizosphere Bacteria.
Komal Saini, Ashish Vyas, and Chayanika Putatunda*.
- Analysis of ß-lactamases Among Multi Drug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Hilla city-Iraq.
Noor Salman Kadhim Al-Khafaji, Hasanain Khaleel Shareef*, and Hussein Oleiwi Muttaleb Al-Dahmoshi.
- Automatic Identification and Segmentation of Exudates and Optic Disc in Color Fundus Images of the Diabetic RetinopathyHuman Retina.
Ganesan P*, Chelladurai R, Sureshkumar M, Sathish BS, and Kalist V.
- Optimization of Process Parameters for High Biomass, a- amylase and Protease enzyme by Piriformospora indica using Mathematical Model.
Swetha Seshagiri, and Padmavathi Tallapragada*.
- Structure Activity/Property Relationships of pyrazole Derivatives by MPO and QSAR Methods for Drug Design.
Riadh Hanachi, Salah Belaidi, Aicha Kerassa and Salima Boughdiri*.
- Evaluation of Periodontitis and Gingivitis in Athletes.
Suganya Elangovan*, and Jaiganesh R
- Mycochemical Analysis and Antioxidant Efficacy of a Wild Edible Mushroom from the Eastern Himalayas.
Adhiraj Dasgupta, Soumitra Paloi, and Krishnendu Acharya*.
- Neurobiological Perspectives in Communication through Second Language.
M Chandrasena Rajeswaran*, and S Padmasani Kannan.
- Crime Scene Profiling a Detective Tool in Forensic Chemical and Psychological Analysis.
Bernard Ronit Sebastine*, and Suneetha V.
- Productive Characteristics of the Lambs to Get Of Ewe, Who Were Subject To Prenatal Shearing.
Evgeny Nikolaevich Chernobai*, Viktor Ivanovich Guzenko,and Anatoly Anatol’evich Drovorub.
- Developing A Specialized Meat Product Based On Ostrich.
Natal'ja Jur'evna Sarbatova*, Vladimir Jur'evich Frolov, Olga Vladimirovna Sycheva, and Ruslan Saferbegovich Omarov
- Design and Kinematic Analysis of 4 Degree of Freedom Robotic Arm and its Application in Object Detection.
Harini S*, Neelamegam P, and Kumaravel S.
- Management of Amblyopia by Occlusion therapy
Lokesh HM*, and Bindurani MK.
- Role of endoscopic biopsyin upper Gastrointestinal diseases.
Sneha Jawalkar*, and Surekha U Arakeri.
- The effect of Mesophilic and Thermophilic Temperature on the Performance of an Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) Reactor.
Sivathass Bannir Selvam,Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan*, Mohd Fadhil Md Din, Rafidah Shahperi, and Maizatul Asnie Md Aris
- Justification for the Selection of Components InPhyto-Teas: Steviana.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Galina Petrovna Starodubtseva, Olga Vladimirovna Sycheva, Svetlana Ivanovna Lubaya, and Marina Vladimirovna Veselova.
- Bite Mark Analysis: Cheaper Ways to Aid the Rural World.
Ira Shukla*, and Suneetha V.
- A Green Route Synthesis of Imines and Diimines from ß-amino Alcohols as Promising Enantiopure Ligands.
Waghamare Baliram Y, Kumbhar Dnyaneshwar D, and Pardeshi Satish K*.
- Antimicrobial activity investigation of Aegle marmelos, Couroupita guianesis, Manilkara hexandra, Cow Urine and Dung.
Swati H Patel, Jigar V Suthar, Rajesh K Patel*, Urvi S Zankharia, Vishakha R Jani, and Kanagee N Gajjar.
- Purification of Pullulan from Microorganisms forFood andBiomedical Applications.
Suneetha V*.
- Prevalence of Hypertension in a Fishermen Colony of District Kollam, Kerala: A Cross-sectional Study.
Ahmad Nadeem Aslami *, Abraham Jobby, Vincy Nelson, and Sony Simon.
- Placebo Use in Clinical Practice, Clinician’s Perspectives.
Ajay Kumar*, Prashanna Raj Shrestha, Jenny Pun, Pratichya Thapa, Merina Manadhar, Brijesh Sathian, and Suresh Chandra Devkota.
- Enhanced Production of A. Niger Cellulase with Culture Based Strategies.
Ayla Sridevi*, Golla Narasimha, Arani Sandhya, and Pallipati Suvarnalatha Devi.
- Skin De-pigmentation Following Local Steroid injection in Orthopedic Conditions is Temporary.
S Kumaravel*.
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Wastewater Discharged from Tofu Industries in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia.
M Faisal*, Farid Mulana, Asri Gani, andHiroyuki Daimon.
- Removing of Organophosphorous Pesticides from Water Using Different Prepared Chitosans Obtained from Shrimp Wastes.
El-Sayed S, El-Kousy S, Talha N , and Ibrahim TM*.
- An Analysis of Custodial Deaths in South Western Region of Punjab – A 6 Year Study.
Shilekh Mittal*, Rajiv Joshi, and Ashwani Kumar.
- Biological and Thermal Studies of Hetero-Metallic Mn -Ln Aggregates.
Muhammad Nadeem Akhtar , Zunaira Sultan, Muhammad Shahid, Syed Ahmad Tirmizi, Muhammad Asif Hanif , Khaled F. El-massry, and Ahmed H. El-Ghorab*.
- Design, Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Novel Carbendazim Dithioate Analogs.
Magdy A H Zahran*, Amany M A Osman, Rania A Wahed, Magdy Attia, Erik B Pedersen, Gamal A Elnasser and Azza Sh Turky.
- On The Use of Adequate Imaging in Apparently Innocent Spinal Presentations in Adolescent Girls.
S Kumaravel*, and Mathiash Arthur
- Clinical and Histological Analyzes of the Response of the Pulp after Its Direct Capping with Calxyl, MTA and Biodentine.
Eftimoska M, Apostolska S, Rendzhova V, Gjorgievska E*, Stevanovic M, Ivanovski K, Jankulovska M, Elenchevski S, Pavlevska M, and Dimkov A.
- Prevalence of Bacterial Infections among Cage-Cultured Marine Fishes at the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.
Mohamed A Hassan*, WS Soliman, Mahmoud A Mahmoud,Sami Shabeeb Al-Shabeeb, and Peer Mohamed Imran.
- Potassium Channel Modifiers: A Review.
Shahid Saache*, Divhare SA, and Ghongane BB.
- Final Radiological Pattern of Bridging Callus Observed in Patients of Tibia Bone Fracture Tracked with Simultaneous Diagnostic Electric Stimulation.
S Kumaravel*.
- SEM Evaluation of Dentin Surface after Different Types of Caries Removal.
Sonja M Apostolska, Vasilka P Rendzova, Marina Eftimoska, Saso M Elencevski, Marija M Stevanovic, Kiro Ivanovski, Mira Jankulovska, Meri Pavlevska, Aleksandar Dimkov, Elizabeta Gjorgievska*.
- Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Clonidine for Attenuation of Hemodynamic Responses during Laparoscopic Hysterectomy.
KR Chellammal, GS Anand Kumar*, and Anand Sriram.
- Study of Effect of Azadirachta Indica Seed Oil (Neem Seed Oil) on A Model of Pyrexia in Albino rats
Kunal Sharma*, Divya Agrawal, Suhasini Dehury, Priti Das, Trupti Rekha Swain2, and Sanjay Kumar.
- Treatment of Textile Dyeing Industry Effluent Using Activated Carbon Prepared From Agriculture Waste (Sawdust)
Ashok Kumar Popuri*, and Prashanti Guttikonda.
- Preparing and Characterizing Study of the Photocatalytic Activity of New Couple Semiconductor Nb2o5/Sb2O3.
Marwa M Ali, and Nada Y Fairooz.
- Persistent Hiccups due to Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
Abhishek Kasha*, KH Noorul Ameen,V Chitradatwant Manikandan, and Aravind R.
- Investigation of Sialidase of Plasmodium berghei Infected Albino Mice in the Pathology of Malaria.
Akin-Osanaiye BC*, Nok AJ, Ibrahim S, Inuwa HM, Onyike E, and Amlabu E.
- Biochemical and Molecular Characterization (16s rRNA) of Bacteria Isolated From Soil Sample of Govind Sagar Lake, Himachal Pradesh and Baga Beach, Goa, India.
Anupam Kumar*, Aman Nikhil, Durgesh Mishra, Madhvi Bhardwaj, and Vikas Kaushik.
- Peroxynitrite Complex Production under Pulsed Spark Gas-Discharge Plasma Radiation in Air.
Irina P Ivanova, Svetlana V Trofimova Olga E Burkhina, and Igor M Piskarev*.
- Using Of Chitosan Scaffold Seeded With Autologous UndifferentiatedMesenchymal Stem Cells For Femoral Bone Defect Management In Dogs.
Ahmed Syed Soliman, Mohammed Said Amer*, Ashraf Ali Shamaa, Dina Sabry Abdelfatah, Gehan Gamil Shehab, Ayman Abdelmonem Mostafa, and Omaima Hagag Darwish.
- Obtaining Fertilizer Products from Phosphorus and Sulfur Containing Secondary Feedstock.
NN Kozhabekova, RA Kaiynbayeva, AA Agatayeva, AT Sadyrova, RM Chernyakova, U Zh Jussipbekov, and K Zh Yestekova.
- Speed Control of DC Motor using Genetic Algorithm.
Jagan Kumar M*, and P Aadaleesan.
- Diagnosis of Hematological and Non-Hematological Disorders Using Bone Marrow Aspiration and Trephine Biopsy(A Correlating Study).
Nasib Chand*, Shveta Singla, Karuna Sangwan, Hinna Bansal, Dishvin Bajwa, Abhimanyu Sharma and Subhash Goyal.
- Optimization of Gasoline Yield in FCC riser unit Using RSM.
Rahul Simon Bunny, Yash Dutt Pathak, Divyanshu Arya, and Niharika Dutt*.
- Antimicrobial Potential of Memecylon L. species from Western Ghats against clinical isolates of pathogenic bacteria.
Bharathi TR, Madhusudhan MC, Pradeep Kumar PM, Chandra Nayaka S, and Prakash HS*.
- Treatment Outcome of Patients with Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis on DOTS in a Teaching Hospital.
Neelesh Naik*, Mannur Sharada, Anirban Bose, Ahmed Faraz Khan, and ER Nagaraj.
- The Importance of Identifying the Status of Ilio-Tibial Band in all Cases of Lower Limb Deformities before Operative Treatment Is Undertaken.
S Kumaravel*.
- The Response of Growth and Yield of Potato to Spray Different Concentration of Organic Azot Mixed with Poultry Manure in the Soil Sandy.
Djilani Ghemam Amara, Senoussi Mohammad Mourad, Alia Zeid, and Kherraz Khaled
- The Bioactive Natural Products and Biological Activities of the Red Sea Soft Coral Sarcophyton: A Review.
Taha A Hussien*, and Tarik A Mohamed.
- Green Extraction: Evaluation of Lipid Contents of Chicory (Cichorium Intybus) Seeds Extracted By Four Different Extraction Methods Using GC/MS and HPTLC.
Saly A Abdel-Halim, Lobna M Abou-Setta, Magda T Ibrahim, Nevein M Abdelhady, Mahmoud A Saleh, Khaled A Shams*, and Mostafa M El-Missiry.
- Adequate Imaging Is Essential When Clinical Picture Is Ambiguous.
S Kumaravel*.
- Lipoid Pneumonia in a 10 Month Old Infant.
Kuppusamy Ramdass, Venkatesh Soma, Chandrasekaran Venkatesh*, Dhandapany Gunasekaran, Sadagopan Srinivasan.
- Duplicated Vermiform Appendix - Extremely Rare Anomaly: A Case Report.
Kadam Sheela D, Roy Priya P*, Doshi Megha A, Patil Pratibha P, and Kadam AD.
- A Study of Cardiovascular Autonomic Response among Young Adults before and After Isometric Exercise.
Hemasankar C, Veena CN*, Rajasekhar P, and Vastrad BC.
- Evaluation of Emotional Dimensions of the Subjects Practicing Integrated Yoga.
Sindhu R, and Vinay AV*.
- Synchronous Bilateral Breast Tumour of Different Histology: A Case Report.
P Darwin, C Arun Babu, G Vijayalakshmi*.
- Management Of An Open Triceps Rupture Associated With Comminuted Fracture Of Distal Humerus With Biological Material. Fifth Such Case Report in Literature.
S Kumaravel* and Joseph Victor.
- Adsorption of Phenol by a Biomass (Acacia Nilotica Branches) Based Activated Carbon for Water Purification.
Bhajan Dass and Pushpa Jha*.
- Seasonal Abundance, Number of Generations and Associated Injuries of the White Mango Scale, Aulacaspis tubercularis (Mangifera) (Newstead) (Homoptera: Diaspididae) Attacking Mango Orchards.
Salem HA, YA Mahmoud and IMA Ebadah.
- To Study The Association of QTc Interval Changes In Smokers.
Ajith S*, and Basavaraju K.
- Impact of Obesity on Malondialdehyde and Certain Antioxidants in North Indian Obese Punjabi Population.
Kuldip Singh* and Saranpal Singh.
- Towards Modeling of Copper-Phosphate Glass for Optical Bandpass Absorption Filter.
Aly Saeed, YH Elbashar*, and SU El Kameesy.
- Morphology and Morphometric Analysis of Human Foetal Liver Related with Gestational age of the Foetus in South India Population.
G Rajasree*, WMS Johnson, and M Kavimani.
- Perception of Rural Adults Regarding the Quality of Health Care Services.
Rose Ann Dominic, Shashidhara YN, and Malathi G Nayak*.
- Chlorhexidine: First To Be Known, Still A Gold Standard Anti-Plaque Agent.
GurbaniKaur, Archana Singh, Kaustubh P Patil, D Gopalakrishnan, Abhishek Singh Nayyar, and SachinDeshmukh.
- Production and Partial Purification of Protease from Chicken Feather using Gonatorrhodiella parasitica LS D40.
Sherien M M Atalla*.
- Response of Certain Tissues of Cyprinus carpio To In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo Exposure of Ammonia.
P Muni Lakshmi, and P Neeraja*
- Chemical Profile, Cytotoxicity Anti-Radicaland Hypolipidemic Activities ofTridax Procumbensof Benin.
Omédine Koukoui, Cokou P Agbangnan D*, Esperance Medoatinsa, Sylvie Prigent, Oliver Nusse, Laurent Combettes, Dominique Sohounhloue.
- Clinical Efficacy Evaluation of Wheat Grass Tablets as Supportive Treatment in Leukemia Patients.
MS Jigisha Kanaiya Lalsolanki*, and Laxman Bhaidpatel.
- Screening of Extracellular Enzyme Activities of Ganoderma and Fomes Species Collected from Northern East Algeria.
Melouka Hadda, Chekireb Djamel*, and Ouartsi Akila.
- Multiresidue Analysis of Pesticides in Soil Profile from the Loukous Valley using GC-ECD.
Elfadil Imane*, Tazi Rabea, Ouezzani Ismail, Altarawneh Rakan, Batarseh Mufeed, and El Azzouzi Mohammed.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene Oxide/ Crosslinked Chitosan Nanaocomposite for Lead Removal Form Aqueous Solution.
M A Moharram, K MT Ereiba ,Walid El hotaby, and AM Bakr*.
- Obtaining and Research of Callus Massof Gentiana lutea L Roots.
RT Konechna*,Yu T Konechnyi, RO Petrina, RH Shykula,Wieczorek P, Jasicka-Misiak I, and V P Novikov.
- Perceptions and Practices of Nursing Professionals towards Healthcare Ethics: A Pilot Study from Coastal South India.
B Unnikrishnan, Tanuj Kanchan, Nithin Kumar, Vaman Kulkarni, Prasanna Mithra, T Rekha, Ramesh Holla, BB Darshan, and Avinash Kumar.
- Development and Validation of Stability Indicating RP-LC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Tapentadol and Paracetamol in Bulk and Its Pharmaceutical Formulations.
Kalpana Nekkala*, V Shanmukha Kumar J, and D Ramachandran.
- Synthesis and Modification of the Morphology of Zinc Oxide(ZnO) Nano Particles with Induced Biopolymer Chitosan.
Yetria Rilda, Silvi Kurniawan* and Syukri Arief.
- Evaluation of Nonsynonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the DNMT1 GeneAssociated With Gastric Cancer by an In- Silico Approach.
Valasala Harika Lakshmi, Narayana Swamy A, and Sreenivasulu Kamma*.
- Age Related Changes of Human Salivary Electrolytes in Children between Deciduous and Mixed Dentition.
Rahul R. Deshpande, VishwasPatil, Ladu Singh Rajpurohit,VaishnaviKotwal, Khyaati V Gidwani*, Harsha S Nalawade, MayuriMutha, and DiptiPatil.

- Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Total Proteins in Deciduous and Mixed Dentition
Rahul Deshpande, Vishwas Patil, Ananth Kamath, Ladusingh Rajpurohit, Vaishnavi Kotwal, Suvarna Vinchurkar*, Shantanu Deshpande, and Mayuri Mutha.
- Role of Estrogen and Progesterone in the Periodontium.
Jaiganesh Ramamurthy*.
- Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Electrolytes in Male and Female Children in Deciduous Dentition.
Rahul R Deshpande, Vishwas Patil , Ladusingh Rajpurohit, Pranav Dungarwal*, Komal K Bagde,Vaishnavi Kotwal,Mayuri Mutha, Snehal Shep.
- Statistical Analysis of State wise Dengue Data in India.
Shreenidhi R, Vidya VS, Ramanathan K, and Shanthi V*.
- FII G20210A and FV Leiden G1691A Polymorphisms in Patients with Atherothrom botic and Cardioembolic Ischemic Stroke from Ukraine.
KholodkovaOL, Burlova Vasylieva MK*, Torgalo EO, Vovk TB, Kravchenko NK, Raksha NG, MelnykVS, Savchuk OM, Ostapchenko LI.
- Cementitious Concrete Oil Containers Corrosion.
Hala M Abo-Dief*.
- Nanotechnologies and Nanoparticles in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Kannadasan M*, Sharma VK, and Sumi Yadav.
- Process Design for Struvite Precipitation from Industrial Wastewater Stream: Special Design.
Khater EMH, Shalaby MS, Sh El Rafie*, and Haitham Youssif.
- Evaluation of Immune Response to Brucella Infection in Sheep.
Kareem G Mohamed*, Abdullah O Alhatami*, and Akram Motlak.
- A Predictive Docking study of the interaction of some Benzenesulfinamides and Tetrafluorobenzenesulfinamides with Human Carbonic Anhydrase Isoforms I, IX and XII.
Juan S Gómez-Jeria*, Andrés Robles-Navarro and Javier Valdebenito-Gamboa.
- Design and Evaluation of Microporous Colon Osmotic Drug Delivery System of Methylprednisolone A Central Composite Design for Optimization of Enteric Coating.
Krishna Reddy KV, Sathish D, Himabindu S, and Shayeda*.
- Synthesis and Antitumor Activity of Some New Symmetrical Diselenide Derivatives.
Nader Abbas Abed, Saad Shaaban, and Ehab Abdel-latif*
- Effect of Glimepiride on Health Related Quality of Life in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Abinash Panda*, Supriya Pradhan, Muralidhara Panigrahi, Gurukrushna Mohapatra, Himanshu Bhusan Sahoo.
- Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal Tea and Toothpaste of Mulberry Leaves (Morus albaL.).
Harrizul Rivai, W Rina, DY Rina, Ramdani, S Fatimah, PD Asiska, and D Akmal*
- Phytochemical and Biological Evaluation of Ambrosia Maritima.
Ali JJ Makkawi, Eman M Keshk, Maha M ElShamy, and Mamdouh Abdel-Mogib.
- Problems of Ecological Morphology of Human beings and Animals.
Leonid Petrovich Teltsov*, Natalia Anatolievna Dudenkova, and Olga Sergeevna Shubina.
- In-Vitro Screening for Salt Tolerance in Rice.
Deepa Sankar P*.
- Seasonal Variations In The Microbial And Pathogenic Biomass In Low Quality Water Collected From Two Egyptian Agricultural Drains.
Mohamed Saber, Salah Abu-sedera, Ibrahim A. Matter* and Alaa M Zaghloul.
- Seasonal Variations in the Microbial Biomass and Pathogenic Bacteria in Low Quality Water Collected From El-Salam Canal: Case Study
Mohamed Saber, Salah Abu-sedera, Ibrahim A Matter*, and Alaa M Zaghloul.
- Supra Ventricular Tachycardia in A Pregnant Woman with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Geetha SK*, Saraswathi K, and Nirupa S.
- Visual Reaction Time in Congenitally Deaf Children.
Veena CN*, Nandan TM, and BC Vastrad.
- Preparation, Properties and Evaluation of Folate and Riboflavin Enriched Six Functional Cereal - Fermented Milk Beverages Using Encapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum orStreptococcus thermophilus.
Osama M Sharaf*, Kawther El- Shafei , Gamal A Ibrahim, Hoda S El- Sayed,Jihan M Kassem, Fayza M Assem, Nabil F Tawfek, Baher A Effat, Azzat B Abd El-Khalek, and Nadia Dabiza.
- Neuroprotective Effect of Moringa oleifera in Scopolamine Induced Cognitive Impairment and Oxidative Stress in Wistar Albino Rats.
Rahmath A*, Nisha Rajan, M Ahamed Shahal, Seena TP, and Sreekumaran E.
- A Simple and Convenient Synthesis of Novel Thiopyrimidine Derivatives as Anticancer Agents
Afaf KE El-Ansary, Neama A Mohamed, Khaled O Mohamed, Hend MW Abd-Elfattah, and Mai El-Manawaty.
- Liposphere: A Versatile Drug Delivery System - An Over View.
Ganesan V*, and Allimalarkodi S.
- Impact of Disturbed Circadian Rhythmin Call Center Workers.
Devendra Manohar Patil*, Rima Patil, Satish Mali3, andVrinda Dalvi.
- Constants of Motion for Complex Hamiltonian with Sextic Potential in ECPS.
Jasvinder Singh Virdi*.
- Metastatic Tumors of the Oral Region: A Review.
Sanjay Murgod*, Girish HC, Shyamala K, and Savita JK.
- Performance Analysis of an Efficient D Flip-Flop Based Linear Feedback Shift Register Using CMOS Technology
Priyankapushpa Beaulah J, Rosaline Sophia D, B Rajasekar, and N Mathan*.
- Effects of Stocking Rate on Behavior, Serum Cortisol and Heart Rate of Hanwoo (Bos taurus coreanae) Heifers.
Moon SH,Kim DH, Park JH, Kim SJ, Oh MR, Kim DH, Cho WM, Jeon JH, Jang SY, Jeon BT,and Kim NY*
- Effect of Acute and Chronic Administration of Losartan, Atorvastatin and Their Combination on Animal Models of Epilepsy.
Sanjeev Kumar, Megha M, Bharti Chogtu*, and KL Bairy.
- Production of Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs) from Chloroaurate Ions Using Aqueous Extract Of Air-Dried Premna obtusifulia Leaves.
Salprima Yudha S,* Eka Angasa, Totok Eka Suharto, Yuta Nishina, and Zulfikri Achid Mardlia
- Complex Cystic Ghost Cell Odontoma Mimicking As a Residual Cyst: A Case Report.
Veerendra Kumar B, Madhura MG*, Suma S, and Sarita Y.
- Molecular versus Morphological Identification of Fusarium spp. isolated from Egyptian corn.
Sally I Abd-El Fatah, Mohamed M Naguib, Ebtsam N El-Hossiny, Yousef Y Sultan*, Taha Hussien Abodalam, and Tapani Yli-Mattila.
- Decreased Interleukin-4 Level of Type I Hypersensitive Mice Using Scopoloetin Isolated from Noni Fruit(Morinda citrifolia L.).
Yufri Aldi*, Yori Yuliandra, Ellyza Nasrul, Yanwirasti, Dian Handayani, and Amri Bakhtiar.
- Study of Gamma Ray Attenuation of High-Density Bismuth Silicate Glass for Shielding Applications.
Aly Saeed, YH Elbashar*, and SU El Kameesy.
- Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus among Adults in Rural Field Practice Area Singanodi of Navodaya Medical College, Raichur, Karnataka, India.
Baseer Md*, Revathi S, Saba N, Anant Takalkar, SG Hiremath, and Sreekantha.
- Use of Un-centrifuged Bone Marrow in Delayed Unions and Non Unions of Diaphyseal Fractures of Long Bones in Adults.
S Kumaravel*, M Gulam Mohideen, and Anand Jain.
- Quantum Chemical Study on the Corrosion Inhibition of Some Bipyrazoles.
H Zarrok , M Assouag , A Zarrouk*, H. Oudda, A Hallaoui, R. Touzani, M Allali, B Hammouti, M El Hezzat, and M Bouachrine.
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of 5-(azidomethyl)quinolin-8-ol as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Medium.
H Tayebi, B Himmi, Y Ramli, A Zarrouk*, A Geunbour1, A Bellaouchou, H Zarrok,M Boudalia, and A El Assyry.
- Theoretical Study of a New Group of Corrosion Inhibitors.
A Zarrouk*, M Assouag, H Zarrok, H Oudda, F Bentiss, R Touzani, B Hammouti, And M Bouachrine.
- Screening For the Production of Lovastatin by Different Aspergillus Species.
Tarek AA Moussa*, Mary S Khalil, and Hanan MK Abdel-Fatah.
- Gender Difference in Hand Grip Strength and Electromyogram (EMG) Changes in Upper Limb.
Manjuanth H*, Venkatesh D, Swetha Rajkumar and R H Taklikar.
- Hepatotoxic Activities of Nicotiana TobacumIn Albino Wistar Rats.
Nwangwa EK*, Ekhoye EI, Ugoji E, and Esegbue P.
- An Open Label, Randomized, Parallel Group Study To Compare the Efficacy and Safety of ß-galactosido- sorbitol with ß-galactosido-fructose in Treatment of Constipation.
Santhosh Kumar M,K Jagadeesh, Shreenivas P Revankar, and KN Chidananda*.
- Lipidemic Changes in Perimenopausal Middle Aged Women with Subclinical Hypothyroidism.
Gaurav Gupta*,Rajan Gupta, andSeema Gupta.
- Synthesis, Free Radical Scavenging Activity, Antimicrobial And Molecular Docking Studies Of Novel Pyrazine 2-Carboxylic Acid Derivatives Of Piperazines.
Hareesh H.N, Nagananda G.S,Minchitha K.U, Swetha S, Ganai S.A, Dhananjaya B.L, Nagaraju N, and Kathyayini N*.
- Comparison of Oral Hygiene Status between Pre-Clinical and Clinical Dental Undergraduates.
Shruthi Chandrasekaran*, and Sheeja S Varghese.
- Induction of Chromosomal Aberrations in Allium cepa Root Tips Cells Exposed to Azo Dye Scarlet RR.
Joydeep Dutta*, and Aijaz A Mala
- A Mathematical Relationship between Dietary Fumaric Acid Level and the Fatty Acids Composition of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.).
Osama M El-Husseiny, Alaa I Obayes*, Rania S Mabroke, and Ashraf Suloma.
- Flaxseed as Functional Food.
Moetazza M Alshafe*, Seham S Kassem, Madeha M Abdelkader, and Emtenan M Hanafi.
- Bicondylar Angle of Femur: An Anthropometric Study in South Indian Population.
Jyothi Lakshmi G*, Afroze MKH, Yogesh C , Veena Pai, and Lakshmiprabha S.
- Spectrum of Morphological and Histological Characteristics of Spinoglenoid Ligament with Its Topographical Anatomy.
Sucharitha Annam*, and Roshni Bajpe.
- A MP2 study of HighlyStrained C12H12 Hydrocarbons derived from Trivalent Graphs.
Juan S. Gómez-Jeria*.
- ARM MicrocontrollerBased PortableEquipment For UVA&B Therapy.
WilsonBritto M*, and KTIlayarajaa.
- Soil Quality And Health Management Through Farming Practices: To Ensure Agricultural Sustainability.
Havugimana Ernest, Arun Kumar, Balkrishna Sopan Bhople, Pradeep Kumar Srivastava*, Raj Deo Singh, and Sanjat Kumar Sahu.
- Ionic Strength Dependence of Formation Constants, Protonation and Complexation of Leucine with Iron.
Mohammad Hamidi, and Mehdi Vadi*.
- Clinical Profile, Etiology, Classification And Outcome Of Cardio-Renal Syndrome At Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In Western Maharashtra, India.
Virendra C Patil*,Chinmay Kulkarni, and Harsha V Patil.
- Synergetic Effect of EDTA Concentration, Temperature, PH on the Crystal Growth, Polymorphism and Morphology of CaCo3 under Co2.
S Bhuvaneswari*, and K Subramani.
- To Study the Prevalence of Refractory Errors in School Children.
Ajith S*, and Sandhya R.
- Medico-Folklore Study on Some Pteridophytes from Kerandimal Hills of South Odisha with Emphasis on Drynaria quercifolia (Linn.)J. Smith.
Ranjan Padhy* and Santosh Kumar Dash.
- Morphometric Analysis of Supraorbital and Infraorbital Foramen in Maharastrian Skulls.
Priya Roy P*, S D Jadhav,Kumar Sai Sailesh ,MA Doshi, and M P Ambali.
- Relationship between Organizational Culture, Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Case of Employees in Sports Organizations of Lorestan (Iran).
MortezaSepahvand, and SardarMohammadi*.
- An Analysis of Human-Induced Succession in a Fresh Water Ecosystem by Means of Bioindication.
Denis Petrov*.
- Early Prenatal Detection of Mutation of Dystrophin Gene in Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Abdra?hmanovaZh U*, Mahambetov K O, and Abildinova G Zh.
- Features of Distribution Scree Shot at Shots from Modern Semi-Automatic Smoothbore Hunting Guns: «Saiga 12» and Vepr «Molot».
YV Kolossov*, TZ Zhakupova, VD Ossipov, and FA Galitskiy.
- Florula of Larval and Imaginal Phases of the Volfartova Fly (Wohlfarthiamagnifica) In the Conditions of the Steppe Zone of The Pavlodar Region.
AABitkeyeva* and L T Bulekbayeva.
- Formation Of Anionic Vacancies Of Oxygen By High-Temperature Heating Of Compounds On The Basis Of Oxides Of Alkaline-Earth And Rare-Earth Metals Of Equimolar Composition In The Air Environment.
Yury A Korochkov*, Andrey M Kokinov, Tatyana M Zorina, and Vyacheslav V Rodin.
- Impact of Vermicompost on the Productivity of Agricultural Crops.
A D Akbasova, GA Sainova, I O Aimbetova*, M MAkeshova, D K Sunakbaeva.
- Organization of Emergency Medical Care to Victims in Road Accidents in Northern Regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Yernar Tursynbetov*, Mazhit Shaidarov, and Andrey Dubitsky.
- Physicochemical and Biological Properties of Polysaccharides Contained in Biofilms Formed by Psseudomonasalcaligens.
F D Voronov*, and N A Sidorova.
- Anomalous Manifestation of Erosion and Suspended Sediment Yield on the East of Russian Plain.
- Asarumeuropaeum L. (Aristolochiaceae) Cenopopulations in Forest: Responses to Climatic Factor.
Svetlana V Fedorova*.
- Bacterial Response of Oil-Degrading Bacteria Consortia to Heavy Oil upon Its Transition to Easy-Flowing Hydrocarbons.
Nikolai V Morozov*, Tatiana V Bagaeva, and Hugo Bautista.
- Combined Use Of Medical And Biological Means Of Recovery By Powerlifters.
Ilnur A Galimov*, Viktoria A Martynova, and Svetlana R Sharifullina.
- Diversity of Life Forms HypericumPerforatum as an Essential Component of the Species Stability in Steppe Meadows of Forest-Steppe Zone.
Svetlana A Dubrovnaya*, and Landysh Z Husnetdinova.
- Influence of Probiotics «Spas» And «Biosporin» At T-2 Toxication of Broiler Chickens.
Arthur I Gindullin#, Tatyana A Shamilova, Diana A Gindullina, Mikhail Y Tremasov, Arkadiy V Ivanov, Alexander A Ivanov, Albert N Chernov, Malik N Mukminov, and Eduard A Shuralev.
- Macrozoobenthos of Skurcha Lake (Republic Of Abkhazia) Under Changing Hydrochemical and Hydrological Conditions.
Elvira G Nabeeva*, Venera M Ivanova, Dina Y Mingazova, Nafisa M Mingazova, and Roman S Dbar.
- Purification And Characterization Of Extracellular Lectin Extracted From Culture Liquid Thermodesulfobacterium Mobile ECM – 1128.
Alexey V Kobelev*, and Tatyana V Bagaeva.
- Screening of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria According to Their Ability to Synthesize Lectins.
Aleksei V Kobelev*, Rinat S Mukhammadiev, Rishat S Mukhammadiev, and Tatiana V Bagaeva.
- C-Kit Expression as a Feature of Functional Differentiation of Progenitor Cells.
MaksimSergeevichKaligin*, Aleksandra SergeevnaPliushkina, AngekinaAndreevnaTitova, Marina AleksandrovnaTitova, AnisaAzatovnaGumerova, and
Andrei PavlovichKiiasov.
- Dependence of Bio-Chemical and Physiological Indicators of the TaraxacumofficinaleWigg State on the Intensity of the Traffic Flow.
G V Vorobyev*, T I Ogorodnikova, A F Khamidullin, G KhAkhmetzyanova, and V N Vorob'ev.
- Dynamics and Polypeptide Composition of Lectins in Wheat Germs Infected With Plant Pathogenic Fungi.
Gulnaz H Shaymullina*,Julia Yu Nevmerzhitskaya, and Olga A Timofeeva.
- Features of Hemodynamic Parameters of 12–14-Year-Old Pupils with Hearing Impairment.
Dmitrii A Shatunov*, and Roman E Petrov.
- The Ligand Behavior on the Surface of Acetylcholinesterase.
Rustam K Ayupov*, and Natalia I Akberova.
- Field studies on Ichthyophonasis (Ichthyosporidiosis) infecting Red Sea Cultured grouper, Taradi, Plectropomusareolatus in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with a special trial for treatment using Moringaoleifera.
Hussien A. M. Osman*, Ahmed M.E. El-Refaey,Abdul Rahman, Q. Al-Zahrani,and Mohamed, S. Hazzaa.
- Biological and Thermal Investigation of Lanthanide (III) Nitrato Complexes with Schiff Base of 4-[N-(2-methoxybenzylimine) formyl] l-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyazolin-5-one.
G Rijulal*.