Current Issue
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2016 (March - April)
- A Study on Various Computers - Aided Drug Design Methodologies.
S Gowri*, S. Kalpana, Yovan Felix, and K Vijay.
- Salivary Electrolytes in Patients with Periodontal Disease.
Vanja Vucicevic Boras*, Vlaho Brailo, Dunja Rogic, Ivan Puhar, Andrija Bošnjak, Ana Badovinac, and Ana Andabak Rogulj.
- Design of Voice and Hand Gesture Controlled Quadcopter
Sugadev M*, Logashanmugam E,Immanuel Rajkumar R, Vasanth K.
- To Evaluate and Compare the Efficacy and Duration of Action of Caudal Fentanyl and Bupivacaine with Midazolam and Bupivacine in Children during Post-Operative Period.
Sangeetha Babu, and Anand Sriram*.
- Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis.
J S Jangwan, and Seema Nautiyal*
- Assessment of Embryotoxicity of Urban Highway Runoff in Manila Using the Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryo Toxicity (ZFET) Test.
Arnold V. Hallare, Alyssa Nicole Y. Morales, Baby Lyn Ann S. Tanalgo, Peter Yuosef M. Rubio, and Allan Patrick G. Macabeo*.
- An Interesting Case of Sub- Acute Budd Chiari Syndrome.
Padma V,Karthikeyan R*, NarendranA, and Syed Mohammed Javid MSA.
- Optimization of Batik Wax Waste ReutilizationbyBlending Method using Gum rosin, Paraffin, and Lardon Handmade Batik Fabric Production Towards Zero Waste Management.
Nita Kusumawati*, Supari Muslim, Anang Kistyanto, and Deny Arifiana.
- Potential of Lamun (Enhalus acoroides) Seeds from West Seram Coastal Area as Natural Antioxidant.
Maria Nindatu*, Farah Noya, Theresia Seimahuira, Elizabeth Kaya, Dely Wakano and Marleny Leasa.
- Non-Traditional Laboratory Markers and Disease Activity in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Hala M. Koura, MF Elshamaa, A. Galal, Eman A. Elghoroury, Gamila S. El-Saaid, Soha Atef, Heba Farouk, and Sherif M. Zaki.
- Analysis of Twitter Data for Understanding Tweeting Activity of Public
Pradeep Kumar G*, Ezhilarasan C, and Sandhiya R.
- Antiretroviral therapeutics with different mechanisms of action on HIV infection.
Ladislav Novotny* and Surra AL-Mutairi. 
- Rare Presentation of Pseudomembranous Colitis: A Case Report.
Aishwarya S*, Hemalatha Ganapathy, and Parijatham BO.
- Formulation and In-Vitro Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablet of Desvenlafaxine Succinate by Interpolyelectrolyte Complex (IPEC) Formation Technique.
Bhusnure Omprkash G*, Kawale Prasad, Gholve Sachine B, and Giram Padmaja S.
- Facial Human Bites: Outcome of Primary Reconstruction.
ER Srinivas*, and C Balasubramaian
- Physiological Response of Lupinus termis to Trans-Cinammic Acid and Benzoic Acid Treatments under Sandy Soil Conditions.
Mohamed E. El-Awadi*, Yasser R. Abdel-Baky, Mervat Sh. Sadak , Abo Bakr A. Amin A, and Mona G. Dawood.
- Hyophorbe verschaffeltii DNA Profiling, Chemical Composition of the Lipophilic Fraction, Antimicrobial, Anti-Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Activities.
Shaza H Aly, Mohamed R Elgindi, Abd El-Nassar B Singab, and Ibrahim I Mahmoud.
- Synthesis and Characterization of New Thiazolidinones Which Are Used To Decrease Blood Glucose Level.
Rusul NM*, Mahmood SM, and Haider AM. 
- A brief research on current status and development of nano particles in clarified Juice and food assessment studies-A review
Suneetha V*.
- Analysis of Body Fat Composition Using Bioelectrical Impedance Method among Young Normotensives and Pre Hypertensive Individuals.
Deepika V, Vijayakumar R*, Latha S, and Jayakumar P.
- Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies and Antimicrobial Activity of Mono and Binuclear Metal Complexes of New Azine Ligand Derived From 4, 6-Diacetylresorcinol.
Badr A Elsayed*, Walied A A Mohamed, and Aisha YE Al-Dawood.
- A Retrospective and Prospective Study of Large Bowel Obstruction in our Institution.
Magesh Kumar J*, Ravishankar KS, Prakhar Nagar, and Arul.
- An Interesting Case Report of Malignant Colo-duodenal Fistula.
Ravishankar KS*, Magesh Kumar J, Anto M, Kannan R, and Vinodh.
- Study the dielectric behavior of Allyl Bromide with Acetone using Time Domain Reflectometry Technique
Yuvraj sudake*, Kamble SP, Khirade PW, Mehrotra SC
- Characterization of Chromate Sorption on a-alumina.
Bouhouf Loubna, Chahrazed Boukhalfa*, and Ali Boultif.
- Characterization of Chromium (III) Sorption on g-alumina
Merabet Souad, Chahrazed Boukhalfa*, and Ali Boultif.
- Phenotypic Characterization of Clinical Isolates of Candida Species in Eastern Part of Nepal.
Ravi Shankar Gupta*, Ratna Baral, Basudha Khanal, and Bidhya Gupta.
- Synthesis, Characterization and Electrical Properties of Zr doped ZnO Nanoparticles and its Effect on Photodegradation of Methyl Orange.
Adly A Hanna, Walied A A Mohamed*, Hoda R Galal, and Ammar A Labib.
- Prospective Technology for Processing ofManure and Dung.
Edward I. Lipkovich, Anatoly M. Bondarenko, and Lyudmila S. Kachanova*.
- Case study on the implication of Bar code in Indian Pharmaceutical industry.
Renganathan R*, Vijayabanu C, Srinivasakumar V, and Vijayanand V.
- Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater Using Corn Cob.
Ibrahim Adelfattah*, Fathy Al Sayed, and Ali Almedolab*.
- Anthelmintic and Antibacterial Activity of Red Pigment from Aspergillus terreus.
Sreedevi R and Pradeep BV*.
- Correlation of ECG Changes with Pulse Oxymetry in Bronchial Asthma.
Aparna Patange, Piyush Prajapati*, Sadique Pathan, Sumit Chaudhari, andShivraj Afzalpurkar.
- Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies of Some Aryltellurium (IV) Complexes of 5-Chlorosalicylhydroxamate.
Sonu Chauhan, Sapana Garg, and KK Verma*
- Synthesis, Characterization and AC, DC conductivity of Tetramethoxy and Tetrahydroxy phenyl porphyrin.
S Uthayanila, and P Neeraja*.
- Compositional Study, Antibacterial And Antioxidant Potential Of Lepidium draba L. (Brascicaceae).
Sabrina Bicha?, Lotfi Benmekhebi, Nassima Boubekri , Rebbas Khelaf, Ignacio Brouard, Djamila Zama, Samir Benayache, and Fadila Benayache.
- Tables of proposed values for the Orientational Parameter of the Substituent I. Monoatomic, Diatomic, Triatomic, n-CnH2n+1, O-n-CnH2n+1, NRR’, and Cycloalkanes (with a single ring) substituents
Juan S Gómez-Jeria*.
- The Effectiveness of Laser Therapy on Pain and Function in FBS: A Case Report.
Animesh Hazari, Radhika Jadhav, Shyam Sundar Bhat, and G Arun Maiya*.
- Winter Day Patterns and Weather Forecasting for Agricultural Crops over Cuddalore Region.
S Meganathan*, and TR Sivaramakrishnan.
- Evaluation of Candida albicans adherence to different denture base materials
Mohamed K Mousa, Amani R Moussa*, and Hisham S ElGabry
- Reproductive biology of Strelitzia nicolai and Strelitzia reginae in the conditions of a greenhouse.
Mikhail Sergeevich Yamburov*, Tatiana Petrovna Astafurova, Elena Yurievna Zharnakhova, Svetlana Borisovna Romanova, Valentina Mikhailovna Smolina, and Lyubov Vitalievna Khotskova.
- Didactic Features Of a Learner’s English-Russian Dictionary of Biology Development.
Zifa Kakbaevna Temirgazina*, Kamilla Amangeldyevna Orazalinova, Gulmira Abuovna Khamitova.
- Correction of Condition Hypoxia of Pregnant Sows and Postnatal Adaptation of Piglets.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, Alexander Viktorovich Agarkov, Marina Nikolaevna Verevkina, and Roman Alexandrovich Tcygansky.
- Fatty Acids from VerbascumsongaricumHerb.
Balzhan G Makhatova*, Ubaidilla M Datkhayev, Nadezhda Ye Burda, andViktoriya S Kyslychenko.
- The Physiological Requirements for the Engineering of Milking Machines to Reduce Mastitis.
Ivan Vasil’evich Kapustin*, Vitaly Anatol’evich Grinchenko, Dmitry Ivanovich Gritsay, and Elena Ivanovna Kapustina.
- Morphometric Parameters Slaughtering Young Mink.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Alexandr Anatol’yevich Khodusov, Maria Evgen’evna Ponomareva, Viktor Ivanovich Konoplev, and Tatyana Ivanovna Antonenko.
- Multilevel Systematic Approach To Optimization Of Corn Grain Harvesting, Transportation, Post-Harvesting Processing And Storage.
Evgeniy Ivanovich Trubilin*, Evgeniy Vladimirovich Truflyak, and Sergei Mikhailovich Sidorenko
- The productivity of piglets with addition of carotene-containing drugs "Betatcinol" and "Betaviton" in the diets.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Aleksandr Pavlovich Marynich, Viktor Ivanovich Guzenko and Tronevsky Vitaly Vasil’evich.
- Validating the Differential Approach to Physical Education of Young Students Depending On the Psychophysical State.
Larisa Vladimirovna Byankina*, Valeriy Evgenyevich Mogilev, Irina Mikhailovna Vorotilkina, Sergey Victorovich Galitsyn, and Dmitriy Vladimirovich Chiligin.
- The Parameters of the Process of Dry Cleaning Root Crops with Using Screw Separator.
Vladimir Jur'evich Frolov*, Alexander Vladimirovich Bychkov, Sergey Mikhailovich Sidorenko, Violetta Nikolaevna Efremova and Gennady Gennadyevich Shmatko.
- Association between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Helicobacter pylori Infection.
Aishwarya S*, Subashini Srinivas , and Parijatham BO.
- Comparative Analysis of Biochemical Properties of Site Specific Methyl-directed DNA Endonucleases BisI, BlsI and EcoBLI Recognizing 5’-G(5mC)NGC-3’/3’-CGN(5mC)G-5’.
VA Chernukhin*, DA Gonchar, MA Abdurashitov, EV Kileva, OA Belichenko, VS Dedkov, NA Mikhnenkova, SKh Degtyarev
- Spectroscopic Analysis of a Simple Bandpass Absorption Filter Based On Copper Zinc Sodium Phosphate Glass.
YH Elbashar*, MA Mohamed, AM Badr, IM Ashraf, and HA Elshaikh.
- The Role Of The Cell Membranes In The Development Of Arterial Hyperetension And Drug Methods Of Its Correction.
Andrii Puzyrenko*, Nadija Gorchakova, Ivan Chekman, Liudmyla Antonenko, Mykola Notsek.
- A Rare Presentation of Ascending Colon Growth.
Arvind Gilbert J*, Keerthy Sagar Reddy, RNM Francis, P Darwin, CT Karthikeyan, andP Inbaselvi.
- An Unusual and Rare Presentation of Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Darwin P, Gokul D Yatheendranathan*, Pon Jeeva Mathan D, and Prakar.
- Fault Tolerance Approach To Improve Performance Computation Of Biological Jobs Using Cloud Computing.
P Padmakumari *, and A Umamakeswari.
- Determination of Marker Compounds in Combined Herbal Extract-Based Anti-Prostatitis Herbal Product.
Vladimir Beloborodov, Inna Voskoboynikova, Vladimir Kolkhir*, Aleksey Savvateev,and Natalya Zakharova
- Parameters Utilized in Screening for Salt Tolerance in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.).
Deepa Sankar P*.
- Role of Interleukin 8 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Systematic Review.
Rucha Bapat, Supriya Kheur*, Mohit Kheur, Tanya Sethi, and Archana A Gupta.
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Revisited: Evaluation Of The Clinical Relevance Of Elevated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate And Its Correlation With The Final Diagnosis.
Jyoti R Kini*, Kavyashree, Swathi Priya Datla, Deepa Adiga S, and Chakrapani M.
- Investigation of the Immunological Effect of Fermented Epilobium Angustifolium Extracts at the Cell Level.
Kolesova Olga*, and Vladimir Poilov.
- Occurrence and Rapid Enzymatic Detection of Candida spp. in Drinking Water; A Correlation with Bacterial Indicators and Physicochemical Parameters.
Om kolthoum H Khattab, Amany A Abo-Elnasr, Raed S Al-Wasify, Hossam F Nassar, and Mohamed A Abbas*.
- Nonlinear Coupled Differential EquationsModeling of Drug Resistance in Conjoint Normal and Tumor Cells.
R Senthamarai and S Balamuralitharan*.
- Incidence of some epidemiologically relevant food-borne pathogens in street-vended sandwiches
Moustafa A. El-Shenawy, Rashed A. Zaghloul, Ibrahim H.Abbass, Amira I.Esmail and Mohamed T. Fouad
- Morphometric Study of Red Blood Cells in Horses.
Nezar Adili*, Mohamed Melizi, and Hadj Belabbas.
- Mitotic Inhibitor Activity of Glucosinolytes in Brassica juncea.
Zaynab A. Shahab, Mohammed A. Al-Diwan, and Wasfi A. Al-Masoudi*.
- Effect of Body Acupuncture on Anthropometric Parameters, Lipid Profile, Inflammatory Markers and Adipokines among ObeseAdults.
Laila Ahmed Abou Ismail, Nagwa Abd El-Ghaffar Mohamed, Solaf* Ahmed Kamel, Ghada Ali Helm, Lylah M Labib, Azza Sarry EL-Din and Iman Ibrahim Salama.
- The Effect of Casting Solution and Non Solvent Composition on the Performance of Polysulfone Membranes against Chromium (VI) .
Keshinanta Dyah Ayu Maharani, and Nita Kusumawati*.
- Molecular Amelioration ofAcacia arabica Gumon SomeMale Reproductive Aspects in Schistosoma mansoniInfected Mice
Islam M. El-Garawani*, Sobhy E. Hassab El-Nabi, Azza H. Mohamed and Hanaa M. El-Esawy
- Providing For Quality Grinding Grain for the Implementation of the Biological Potential of Productive Animals.
Anatolii Timofeevich Lebedev*, Roman Vladimirovich Pavlyuk, Anton Viktorovich Zaharin, and Pavel Anatolevich Lebedev.
- Study of the Influence of the Electrohydraulic Effect on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Muscular Tissue Using Atomic-Force Microscopy.
Andrey Ashotovich Nagdalian*, Natalya Pavlovna Oboturova, Roman Olegovich Budkevich, Magomed Aslanovich Selimov, and Egor Leonidovich Demchenkov.
- The Effectiveness of a New Drug for Deworming Nematodes of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Sheep.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, and Alexander Viktorovich Agarkov.
- The Condition of Sheep Breeding In the Regions of Russia and a Problem of Increase of Its Competitiveness.
Natalya Anatol’evna Dovgotko, Marina Vladimirovna Ponomarenko, Evgeny Valer’evich Rusanovsky*, Skiperskaya Elizabeth Viktorovna, and Tokareva Galina Viktorovna.
- Effect of Protein Additives on the Biological Value of Ham.
Natal'ja Jur'evna Sarbatova*, Vladimir Jur'evich Frolov, Olga Vladimirovna Sycheva and Ruslan Saferbegovich Omarov
- Correlation between the Concentration of the Matrixmetalloproteinase-1 Tissue Levels and Clinical Parameters in Periodontitis-affected Patients.
Stevica Ristoska , Kiro Ivanovski*, Sasho Panov, Emilija Stefanovska, Vasilka Rendjova, Snezana Pesevska, Sonja Mindova S,Katarina Dirjanska,Silvana Georgieva, andMaja Pandilova.
- Growth of Silver Nanoparticles Using Gamma Irradiation and Polyvinylpyrridone
A.B. El – Bialy,M.Dawy ,S.Abd El-Mongy,N.A.M.Shahin, Wael H Eisa,E. Abd El Aziz. Mohamed.
- Cellulose acetate / Poly (ethylene glycol) / Iron oxide composite membranes for improved dye removal
Rambabu K*, Velu S, and Anand VP Gurumoorthy.
- Survival and Development of Chilo partellus (Swinehoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Green Gram Based Diet in Laboratory Conditions.
Pedda kasim D, Suneetha P, Srideepthi R, Lakshmi Sahithya U, and Krishna MSR*.
- Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Using UASB ReactorFollowed By Down Flow Hanging Sponge Unit.
Hala S Doma*, Hala M El-Kamah, and Mohamed El-Qelish.
- Polyquinone synthesis by dehydrogenation agent 3,3',5,5'-tetra-tert-butyl-4,4'-diphenoquinone.
Renat M. Akhmadullin, Dinar R. Gatiyatullin, Alfiya G. Akhmadullina, Lev V. Verizhnikov, Natalia A. Mukmeneva, Almir R. Gazizov, Lenar R. Tagirov, Vladimir V. Klochkov, Boris V. Yavkin, Sergey B. Orlinskii, and Timur F. Nigmatullin*.
- Evaluation of the Effect of Gallic Acid on QT Interval Prolongation and Serum Billirubin in Rat Model of Liver Cirrhosis.
Mohammad Badavi, Fatemeh Barzegar,Mahin Dianat*, and Seyyed Ali Mard.
- A Case of Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Stomach with Perforation.
Sinkhol Laishram *Ravishankar, Sasikumar, Suresh Babu
- The role of light microscope and classic culture in detection of periodontal pathogens, Review of the Literature
Kazem fatemi, Hamideh Sadat Mohammadipour, Ali Forouzanfar
- Dysbiosis of oral and Periodontal Ecologic System, Review of the Literature
Kazem fatemi, Hamideh Sadat Mohammadipour, Ali Forouzanfar
- Prospects of the "Green" Technologies of the Complex Processing Of Sunflower Seeds.
Evgeny Olegovich Gerasimenko*, Elena Aleksandrovna Butina, Svetlana Anatolievna Kharchenko, Elena Pavlovna Achmiz, and Oksana SergeevnaVorontsova.
- Impact of Ecological Factors on Morphofunctional Indicators of Evolutive Somatotype of Girls of Various Nationalities.
Alexander Vladimirovich Kaverin*, Alexander Alekseevich Shchankin, Alexander Sergeyevich Zenkin, and Galina Ivanovna Shchankina.
- Accumulation of Copper in Industrial Soil: Contamination Status and Its Bioremediation.
Annu*, Archana Garg, Urmila, and Sonia Verma.
- Effect of Oral Cinnamon on Histological Damage Caused by Alloxan-Induced Diabetes Mellitus
Muhamed T Osman, and Samir H Ali*.
- Structure-Activity/Property Relationships and QSAR Modeling of Anti-amoebic activity of Citral Derived amides
Rim Gharbi, Zineb Almi, Salah Belaidi, and Salima Boughdiri*.
- Study on the Profile of Serum Cardiac Biomarkers in Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD).
Munta Anil Kumar*, Raji Swamy, and Ramaswamy.
- Real time GlaI-PCR assay of regulation regions of human genes HDAC4, RARB and URB1.
EV Dubinin*, AG Akishev, MA Abdurashitov, SB Oleynikova, VL Sitko, and S Kh Degtyarev.
- Studies on Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potential of Syzygium cumini Leaves.
Kuldip Singh *,Ramandeep Kaur and Arvind Preet Kaur.
- Membrane Drug Target Identification in Mycoplasma Pneumonia- A Subtractive Genomic Approach.
A Ranganadha Reddy, K Praveen Kumar, M Indira, TC Venkateswarulu,D Ramya Krishna, and S Karisma, and K Supriya
- Efficiency of Using Growth Simulators for the Cultivation of Planting Material of the "Abies mill". Genus.
V.V. Ostroshenko*, L.Y.Ostroshenko, and V.Y. Ostroshenko.
- Immobilization, Optimization and Stability of Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Chitosanase on Chitin.
El-Sayed M El-Sayed, Sanaa T El-Sayed*, Wafaa G Shousha, Abeer N Shehata, and Nagwa I Omar.
- Milky Extract of Stevia - A Basis for Healthy Foods.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Galina Petrovna Starodubtseva, Svetlana Ivanovna Lubaya, and Olga Vladimirovna Sycheva.
- The Influence Of A Complex Of Probiotic Cultures On Intensity Of Development The Animals.
Nadezhda Arkadevna Ozheredova*, Elena Valentinovna Svetlakova, Marina Nikolaevna Verevkina, Alexander Nikolaevich Simonov, and Nikita Vladimirovich Vasiliev.
- Impact of Adoption of Rhizobium Preparations on Efficiency of Soybean in a Zone of an Unreliable Moistening.
Olga Georgievna Shabaldas*, Natalia Nikolaevna Glazunova, Olga Viktorovna Mukhina and Elena Borisovna Drepa.
- Problems of Increasing the Quality of Raw Material for Wine in the Stavropol Region.
Sergei Gennadevih Shmatko*, Lubov Vasilevna Agarkova, Tatyana Genrihovna Gurnovich, and Irina Mikhailovna Podkolzina.
- The Quality and Safety of Meat Raw Materials for the Production of Healthy Food.
Svetlana Vladimirovna Patieva*, Nikolay Nikolaevich Zabashta, Alexandra Mikhailovna Patieva and Ekaterina Petrovna Lisovitskaya.
- Elaboration of Subsurface Irrigation Technique of Onions.
Nurlan N. Balgabayev*, Alexander A. Kalashnikov, and Aigul E. Baizakova.
- Short Term Effect of L-tryptophan Feeding on Blood Analytes and Cellular Na+/K+ ATPase Activity in Stressed Mice.
K Manish*, and MC Subhash Peter.
- Preparation and in Vitro Blood Cell Compatibility of Chitosan Nanoparticles Incorporated Salmonella paratyphi AH Antigen.
S Karthick Raja Namasivayam*, Arockia Mag Flora, S Nandhini, Jerry Angel, and MY Karthik.
- Study on the synergistic effect of ethanolic leaf extracts against some pathogenic microorganisms
Vijayarekha P*, Sengottaiyan N
- The Influence and Effect of Treatment by Pressure of Gaseous Nitrogen on the Biotechnology and Microbiological Indicators of Cow’s Milk.
KabanovaTatyanaViktorovna*, OkhotnikovSergeyIvanovich, ShuvalovaElenaGennadevna, DolgorukovaMariaVasilievna, SavinkovaEkaterinaAnatolevna, and TsaregorodtsevaElenaVasilievna
- Vitamin Plants of the Forest Flora of Kuznetskiy Alatau .
Nekratova AN*, and Shilova IV
- Children’s Perception of Their Dentists.
Prathusha Subramanian*, and Rajasekaran S.
- A Theoretical Analysis of the Relationship between the Electronic Structure of Indole Derivatives and Their Phytotoxicity against Lactuca sativa seeds.
Héctor R Bravo*, BE Weiss-López, Javier Valdebenito-Gamboa, and Juan S Gómez-Jeria*.
- Antibacterial Activity of Sulfonamide Derivatives against Clinical Strains of Bacteria.
Amel Bendjeddou*, Tahar Abbaz, Nadjet Khacha, Merzoug Benahmed, Abdelkrim Gouasmia, and Didier Villemin.
- Studying Chemical Composition and Yield Stress of Micronized Grinded Cattle Bone Paste.
Aitbek Kakimov, Zhanibek Yessimbekov*, Bolat Kabulov, Aigerim Bepeyeva, Nazira Kuderinova, and Nadir Ibragimov.
- Local Drug Delivery systems in Periodontics: Aiming the Target
Dhirendra Kumar Singh*.
- Asterina maeruaicola sp. nov. A New Black Mildew From Telangana State, India.
Mohammad Khaja Moinuddin*, Gaddam Bagyanarayana, and Jacob Thomas.
- Possibility of using Infrared Absorption (FT-IR) Spectroscopy in Studying Effect of Fertilization with Ammonium Sulphate (NH4)2SO4 on Nitrogen, Chlorophyll and Starch Contents of Manzanillo Olive Leaves.
ES Hegazi, TA Yehia, NE Kasim, GMS Elbahy, and Thanaa Sh M*.
- Evaluating the Prevalence of Premenstrual Syndrome among Female Undergraduate Students of School of Nursing and Midwifery, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences in Iran.
Seyedeh Zahra Masoumi, Marzieh Khani Alamoti, Fatemeh Shobeiri*, Ghodratollah Roshanaei and Hossein Mohaghahi
- Changing of pH and Quantity of Major Chemical Components of Dabar and Fetarita Flours during Fermentation.
Fatin Hassan Osman Farahat*, and Alsiddig Shallie Habbani .
- Immunomodulatory Effect of Schistosomula on Reinfection and Treatment.
Amany S Maghraby*, Shreen S El-Shaer, Essam A Afify, Hanan G Zahran, Reham A AbdEl-Aleem.
- Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Study of Novel Quinazolinone Derivatives.
Nudrath Ulayain, Naresh K, Madhava Reddy B, and Harinadha Babu V*
- The Effect of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Post-partum Weight Loss, Iran.
Fatemeh Shobeiri, Mahtab Sattari*, Fatemeh Kalhori, and Mansour Nazari.
- Investigations on Some Isatin- p-Toluidine Schiff Base Complexes of Tellurium (IV)
Gobind Goyat, Sapana Garg, and KK Verma*.
- TDZ And 4-PU Are Effective Cytokinins for Clonal MicropropagationIn Vitro of Different Genotypes of Everbearing Raspberry.
IrinaYanGukovna Nam*, Vladimir Vasilievitch Zayakin, and Yulia Fyodorovna Kondrashova.
- Studying of Lactulose Hygroscopicity and Microstructure after Spray Dehydration.
Andrei Lisitsyn*, Oksana Kuznetsova, Mikhail Minaev, and Alexander Prosekov.
- ResearchofMethodsofIdentificationandQuantitative Content of Prion Protein in Blood of Animals and Man.
Andrei Lisitsyn*, Alexander Prosekov, and Olga Kriger.
- Calculation of Resonant Frequencies and Electromagnetic Fields in Resonators of Linear Accelerators for Commercial Application, Medicine and Environmental Protection
Aleksandr Evgen'evich Novozhilov*, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Filatov, and Vladimir Kuz'mich Shilov.
- Fluorescent Chemical Sensor for Aromatic Compounds.
Dmitriy Sergeevitch Ionov*, Georgy Anatolevitch Yurasik.
- Opportunities of Comprehensive Assessment of Ecological Safety of Various Engineering Systems at Their Development Stage.
Marina Vladimirovna Grafkina*, Elena Evgenyevna Sdobnyakova and Evgeniya Yurevna Sviridova.
- Stability of Undermining Seam Panel Entries at Retreating Longwall Multiple Mining.
Andrey Alexandrovich Sidorenko*, and Julia Miroslavovna Sishchuk.
- Understanding the Structures and Functions of Snake Venom Cardiotoxins.
Selvaraj Gayatri, Biswajit Gorai and Thirunavukkarasu Sivaraman*.
- Changes in Sensitivity of Parietal cell to Secretagogues after Correction of Gastric Hypoacidity with Probiotic.
Tsyryuk OI*, Beregova TV, Falalyeyeva TM, and Medvedieva NS.
- Left Ventricular Non – Compaction and Ventricular Septal Defect – A Rare Association.
Sravan Reddy, Ranjan Shetty, Sudhakar Rao M*, and Naveen Chandra GS.
- Tele-Immersion.
Jayanthila Devi A*, and Muthukkumar R
- Pathophysiological Effects of Vitamin C and E- Selenium Combination on Lipid Profile and Serum Glucose of Experimentally Induced Sodium Nitrate Intoxication in Mice
Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy*, Marah Salim Hameed, Waleed Ibrahim Jalil, andWalaa Mahmood Mohamad
- Antifungal activity of the alkaloids extracts from aerial parts of Retamamonosperma.
Naoual El Hamdani, Najoie Filali-Ansari, Rabiaa Fdil*, Ahmed El Abbouyi and Said El Khyari.
- Management of Deficient Ridge during Implant Placement- A Case Report with 8 years follow up
Gurumoorthy Kaarthikeyan*, Kritika Jangid, Nadathur Doraiswamy Jayakumar.
- Extraction of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seed oil and Biodiesel preparation through two stage transesterification
Hariram V* and Gowtham Rajan A.
- Anti-Protease activity of Myristica fragrans compared to doxycycline on Periodontal Tissues: An Ex-Vivo study
Kritika Jangid*, Vineet Bhargava, and ND Jayakumar.
- Modern Tendencies and Prospects of Using Algae as an Ingredient for Bakery Products.
Elena Semenovna Smertina*, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Fedyanina, Vladimir Alekseevich Lyakh, Tatyana Vladimirovna Chadova, andAnna Gennadyevna Vershinina.
- Reproductive biology of Strelitzia nicolai and Strelitzia reginae in the conditions of a greenhouse.
Mikhail Sergeevich Yamburov*, Tatiana Petrovna Astafurova, Elena Yurievna Zharnakhova, Svetlana Borisovna Romanova, Valentina Mikhailovna Smolina, and Lyubov Vitalievna Khotskova.
- Classification of Tibia Fracture Across Limb in Patients Treated Using DC Electric Stimulation Based on Observed Healing Pattern.
Kumaravel S* Sridevi M, Prakasam P, and Madhava Sarma P.
- Ultrasonic Synthesis, Antimicrobial and Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay of Novel Thiadiazole-Imidazole Derivatives
Kola Balaji, Priyanka Bhatt, and Anjali Jha*.
- A Survey on Face Detection Methods
Jyothsna P*, andIgni Sabasti Prabu S.
- Delayed Acute Subdural Haematoma: A Trivial Fall Causing a Rare, Life Threatening Complication.
Tejasvini Vaid, Hashir Kareem, Sudhakar Rao M*, and Tom Devasia.
- Scientific and Experimental Substantiation of Possibility of Application of the Original Drug Bio-effective W in Bovine Leucosis.
AlexanderSergeyevichZenkin*, NataliyaYurievnaKalyazina, Pavel Nikolayevich Eryashev, Fedor Petrovich Pilgaev, and Aleksey Igorevich Switin.
- The Analysis of Expediency of Daylight Sensors Using by Application of the Combined Strategy of Artificial Lightning Management.
Artem Sedov*, Pavel Chelyshkov, Aleksandr Afanasev, Michail Vainshtein, Yriy Vilmanand Yan Grossman.
- The History of the Development of Hyper Immune’s Serums and Their Practical Application.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, Marina Nikolaevna Verevkina, Alexander Viktorovich Agarkov and Natalia Viktorovna Fedota.
- Changes in Yield, Yield Components and Linalool Composition of Coriander (Corriandrum sativum L.) Under Different Seed Amount and Row Spacing.
Abdulhabip ÖZEL, Ufuk DEMIREL, Kaan ERDEN, Islim KOSAR
- Change of Cortisol and Insulin Content in Blood under Influence of Special Workability Recreation System for Students with High Motor Functioning Level.
Zhanneta L Kozina*, Sergii S Iermakov, Vladimir A Kuzmin, Mikhail D Kudryavtsev, Gennadiy J Galimov.
- Anti-Proliferative Effect Of Duku (Lansium Domesticum Corr) Extracts on Human Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines.
*Mohd Adzim Khalili Rohin, Mimie Noratiqah Jumli, Norhaslinda Ridzwan, , Norhayati Abd Hadi,Salwani Ismail, Tengku Mohammad Ariff R. Hussin, Wan Rohani Wan Taib, Nor Iza A. Rahman, and Ahmad Zubaidi A. Latif.
- Screening Of Bismillah Leaf (Vernonia Amygdalina) Extraction For Antiproliferative Activies In Human Glioblastoma Brain Cancer Cell Lines
*Mohd Adzim Khalili Rohin, Norhaslinda Ridzwan, Mimie Noratiqah Jumli, Norhayati Abd Hadi, Napisah Hussin, Mohd Nizam Zahary, Syed Ahmad Tajudin Tuan Johari, Mahadeva Rao US, and Ahmad Zubaidi A. Latif.
- Patient Safety Monitoring System Using Secured Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator - ‘Gate Control Theory’.
Narmadha R*, Sumathi M, Sahaya Anselin Nisha A, and Sudheera K.
- Wireless Sensor Network for Harmful Radiation Monitoring System and Web Enablement using OGC Interface.
Rathna R*, Densing Moses S, Nanda Kishore C, Viswanathan K, Sasipraba T.
- Mucormycosis in a Child with all- A Rare and Difficult Case
John Solomon P, Priya Margaret A*, Shaalini C, Julius Xavier Scott, Priya Ramachandran, MukhulVij, and Arathi Srinivasan
- Peripartum Cardiomyopathy.
R Purushotham*, Selvamani, and Ajaykumar Anandan.
- Recurrent Primary Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: A Case Report.
P Rekha*, and Hemalatha Ganapathy.
- Expression of pps and fen promoters in Bacillus subtilis under optimal production condition.
Walaa Hussein*, and Sameh Fahim*
- Establishment of Sterilization Method for Emergent Quality of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) In An Efficient Micropropagation System.
Avinash S Thorat, Abhijeet B Muley, Prashant R Shingote, Virdhaval M Nalavade and K Harinath Babu*.
- A Substitution Based Approach for Ensuring Medical Data Privacy.
G Manikandan*, N Sairam, V Harish, and Nooka Saikumar.
- In- vitro Contractility of Normal Human Vermiform Appendix involves 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT3) Pathways in addition to Muscarinic Transmission.
PB Singh, AK Tiwari*, S Basu, A Ghosh Kar, A Akella, and Shripad B Deshpande.
- Potential toxic elements phytoremediation: Review.
Saber M*, Abouziena HF, Wafaa M Haggag, HobAllah E and Zaghloul A.
- Oxidemetric Determination of Labetalol Hydrochloride withPotassium Permanganates in Acid Medium.
K Vijaya Raju*, N Annapurna, D Appa Rao Babu and TSL Kethurah.
- Synthesis and Antitubercular activity of Isoxazole incorporated 1, 2, 3-Triazole Derivatives.
G Priyanka, Naresh K, Nudrath Ulayain, Madhava Reddy B, and Harinadha Babu V*
- Principles and experience of justification of ecological representativeness ofEmerald network potential sites.
Alexandr V Gusev, Fedor N Lisetskii* and Elena I Ermakova.
- Serum Copper Levels In Different Stages Of Breast Cancer.
Shyamala B, Madhuri Taranikanti*, Archana R, and Ramavath Balasankar.
- Mobile based Expert System Application for improving productivity of crops in Agriculture for Tamilnadu, India.
K Ashok kumar, and V Sajin*.
- Biochemical and Molecular Studies on the Protective Effect of Some Natural Antioxidants Supplementation on Experimentally-Induced Hyperuricemia and Renal Injury In Rats.
Eman M Fayad, Alshaimaa M Said, and Hala M Abo-Dief*.
- Effect of Two Different Formulations of Zincovit Tablets on Galactose Induced Cataract in Rats.
Shakta Mani Satyam, Laxminarayana Bairy Kurady*, Syed Musharraf, Doyal Fernandes, and Jay Prakash.
- Production and Separation of Chitooligosaccharides using Capsicum annuun Immobilized Chitosanase
El-Sayed M El-Sayed, Sanaa T El-Sayed*, Wafaa G Shousha, Abeer N Shehataand Nagwa I Omar
- Reduction of Energy Consumption using Self-Organizing Tree for Wireless Sensor Networks.
R Rathna*, MP Vaiyshnavi, and V Maria Anu.
- Assessment of Nutritional Status of Female Athletes.
Sanjay T Thorat*, and Rachana S Thorat.
- Nano-TiO2: An Efficient and Useful Catalyst for the Synthesis of 3-acetyl-Coumarin Derivatives.
Bita Baghernejhad*.
- Quality and Yield Traits of Three Sugar Cane Varieties as Affected by Different Levels of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizations in Egypt
Ibraheem A Abd Elateef, Mohamed S Abbas*, El-Sayed I Gaber, Laila MA Saif,and Ibrahim H El-Geddawy.
- Neuropathies in relation to Serum Cobalamin in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients.
SI Shalaby, Mansour MA, Nadia A Abdel Kader, Afifi H, DoaaZ Zaky, Wessam El sayed, El Shabasy OZ, and Neelima Gupta*.
- Heart Disease Prediction and Treatment Suggestion.
L Mary Gladence, and T Ravi.
- A Clinicopathological Study of Fanconi Anemia in a Tertiary Care Centre in Coastal India.
Jyoti R Kini*, Vinita Torquato, Ali Kumble, Nutan Kamath N, Sharada Rai, and Urmila N Khadilkar
- Comparison of Serum C - Reactive protein level in Oral potentially Malignant disorders and in healthy individuals.
Kalpajyoti Bhattacharjee*, Girish HC, Sanjay Murgod, VK Varsha, L Nishanthi, andSham Sunder V.
- Preserving Privacy in Distributed Medical-Healthcare Systems.
Maria Anu V*.
- Bacteriological Profile of Urinary Tract Infection and Their Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern In View Of Emerging Drug Resistance.
Divya G*, Sri Kiruthika K, Ashwini V, and Pavithra B.
- Case report on patient with Interstitial Lung Disease, Pulmonary Hypertension and POEMS Syndrome.
Aparajeet Kar*.
- Helicobacter pylori infection in children with sickle cell disease: IgG versus combined IgA and IgG serology.
Hala M Koura*, Mona El-Ghamrawy, Sonia Adolf, Mona Hamed, and Sherif M Zaki.
- Didactic Features Of a Learner’s English-Russian Dictionary of Biology Development.
Zifa Kakbaevna Temirgazina*, Kamilla Amangeldyevna Orazalinova, Gulmira Abuovna Khamitova.
- Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Indices of Serum Iron and Ferritin in A Tertiary Care Hospital, Rural Area of Maharashtra.
Makarand Mane, Priyanka Mane, Piyush Prajapati*, Shivaraj Afzalpurkar,Omkar Patil, Aditya Aundhakar, Subhash Yadav, and Arjun Mandade.
- Maternal Left Ventricular Performance in First Trimester of Pregnancy with and Without Anaemia In Pregnancy.
T Padmaja*, Sumangala M patil, Neerja Shastri, and Manjunath Aithala.
- Study of Thermo-Acoustical Parameters in Binary Liquid Mixture Containing Quinoline and Benzene At Temperatures T= (303.15, 308.15, 313.15 and 318.15) K.
Sk Fakruddin Babavali*, P Shakira, K Rambabu, K Narendra and Ch.Srinivasu
- Isolation and Characterization of Two Phages Infecting Streptomyces scabies
AlKhazindar M*, Sayed ETA, Khalil MS, and Zahran D
- Survey on Advanced RISC Machine CPU.
B Ravali* and N Mathan.
- A Literature Review on Image Fusion Techniques for Biomedical Images
R Indhumathi, Lekshmi P Surendran, KP Indira, Abilash R.
- Identification Of Time Constant For Healing Process Of Limb With Fractured Tibia Bone Using Step Response Techniques.
S Kumaravel*, M Sridevi, P Prakasam, and P Madhava Sarma.
- Telemedicine in Health Care Service.
S Kalpana*.
- Evaluation of Mangifera indica leaves for its Anti Obesity Activity in Rats.
Danilae George, and Jyothi Y*.
- Impact of Hemodialysis on Lipid Related Ratios in Non- Diabetic Chronic Renal Failure Patients.
Sumathi ME*, Asha B, and Mahesh V.
- Correction of Condition Hypoxia of Pregnant Sows and Postnatal Adaptation of Piglets.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, Alexander Viktorovich Agarkov, Marina Nikolaevna Verevkina, and Roman Alexandrovich Tcygansky.
- Mixed Protein Preparations In The Production Of Meat Products.
Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov, Shaliko Zhorayevich Gabriyelyan, Irina Anatol'evna Bogolyubova, Lubov Fedorovna Maslova, and Maxim Alekseevich Mastepanenko*.
- The Physiological Requirements for the Engineering of Milking Machines to Reduce Mastitis.
Ivan Vasil’evich Kapustin*, Vitaly Anatol’evich Grinchenko, Dmitry Ivanovich Gritsay, and Elena Ivanovna Kapustina.
- Morphometric Parameters Slaughtering Young Mink.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Alexandr Anatol’yevich Khodusov, Maria Evgen’evna Ponomareva, Viktor Ivanovich Konoplev, and Tatyana Ivanovna Antonenko.
- Multilevel Systematic Approach To Optimization Of Corn Grain Harvesting, Transportation, Post-Harvesting Processing And Storage.
Evgeniy Ivanovich Trubilin*, Evgeniy Vladimirovich Truflyak, and Sergei Mikhailovich Sidorenko
- The productivity of piglets with addition of carotene-containing drugs "Betatcinol" and "Betaviton" in the diets.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Aleksandr Pavlovich Marynich,Viktor Ivanovich Guzenko and Tronevsky Vitaly Vasil’evich.
- Influence of Nitrogen Source in Culture Media on Antimicrobial Activity of Microcoleus lacustris and Oscillatoriarubescens
Yousef Y Sultan, Mohamed A Ali, Osama M Darwesh, Mohamed A Embaby and Diaa A Marrez*
- Phytoplankton Profile and Toxicity Assessment of Dominant Algal Species from Different Egyptian Aquatic Ecosystems.
Diaa A Marrez*, Mohamed M Naguib, Yousef Y Sultan, Zakaria Y Daw, Shymaa S Zaher and Aziz M Higazy.
- Biosynthesis of Lanthanum Nanoparticles using Green Gram Seeds and their Effect on Microorganisms.
Ankita Chatterjee, L Archana, V Niroshinee, and Jayanthi Abraham*
- A Novel Segmentation and Features Extraction with Features Selection Methods for Classification of Medical Images.
Suhashini M*, and Veeramuthu A.
- Investigations of dielectric behaviour and relaxation time effect on Indian wood species: Mangifera indica L, Azadirachta indica, Ficus religiosa, Casuarinaceae, Murraya koenigii, Haldina cordifolia.
M Vasubabu*, B Nagaraju, J Vijay Kumar, C Suresh babu, and R Jeevan Kumar.
- Validating the Differential Approach to Physical Education of Young Students Depending On the Psychophysical State.
Larisa Vladimirovna Byankina*, Valeriy Evgenyevich Mogilev, Irina Mikhailovna Vorotilkina, Sergey Victorovich Galitsyn, and Dmitriy Vladimirovich Chiligin.
- The Effect of Bluetooth of Smartphone against Radiation Teratogenicity in Mice Fetuses.
Dillasamola D*, Almahdy, Adrul F, Biomechy Oktomalio P, Noverial.
- Preliminary phytochemical analysis and a comparative study of the antibactrial activity of Cyndon dactylon (L) Pers roots.
Abdelaali Atmani, Lakhdar Sekhri*, Bilal Khaled, and Ahmed Tabchouche.
- Brain Tumor Detection Based on Watershed Transformation.
Ramya K* and Joshila Grace LK.
- The Parameters of the Process of Dry Cleaning Root Crops with Using Screw Separator.
Vladimir Jur'evich Frolov*, Alexander Vladimirovich Bychkov, Sergey Mikhailovich Sidorenko, Violetta Nikolaevna Efremova and Gennady Gennadyevich Shmatko.
- Providing For Quality Grinding Grain for the Implementation of the Biological Potential of Productive Animals.
Anatolii Timofeevich Lebedev*, Roman Vladimirovich Pavlyuk, Anton Viktorovich Zaharin, and Pavel Anatolevich Lebedev.
- Study of the Influence of the Electrohydraulic Effect on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Muscular Tissue Using Atomic-Force Microscopy.
Andrey Ashotovich Nagdalian*, Natalya Pavlovna Oboturova, Roman Olegovich Budkevich, Magomed Aslanovich Selimov, and Egor Leonidovich Demchenkov.
- The Effectiveness of a New Drug for Deworming Nematodes of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Sheep.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, and Alexander Viktorovich Agarkov.
- The Condition of Sheep Breeding In the Regions of Russia and a Problem of Increase of Its Competitiveness.
Natalya Anatol’evna Dovgotko, Marina Vladimirovna Ponomarenko, Evgeny Valer’evich Rusanovsky*, Skiperskaya Elizabeth Viktorovna, and Tokareva Galina Viktorovna.
- Effect of Protein Additives on the Biological Value of Ham.
Natal'ja Jur'evna Sarbatova*, Vladimir Jur'evich Frolov, Olga Vladimirovna Sycheva and Ruslan Saferbegovich Omarov
- Milky Extract of Stevia - A Basis for Healthy Foods.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Galina Petrovna Starodubtseva, Svetlana Ivanovna Lubaya, and Olga Vladimirovna Sycheva.
- Musculoskeletal Manifestations in Diabetes Mellitus.
Surendra U Kamath*, and Shaila S Kamath.
- Study of Agglomeration Process of Nanocrystalline Powder ZrO2-Y2O3-CeO2 in Aqueous Media By Means Of Dynamic Light Scattering Technique.
Makarova Ekaterina*, Antsiferova Irina, Antsiferov Vladimir, Suzdaleva Gulnaz, Nagibina Natalia, and Esaulova Irena
- Pattern of Radiographic Referrals among Interns during Endodontic Treatment: A Survey.
Laxmish Mallya, Nandita Shenoy*, Junaid Ahmed, Ashok Shenoy ,Srikant N and Shreya Hegde.
- A Review on 3-Hidroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-Coenzym A ReductaseandInhibitor:The Medies Potential of The Enzyme Inhibitor.
Rinto*, and Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono.
- Effects of Aerobic Exercise in Improving Cardio-Respiratory Fitness among Young Male Adult Smokers.
D Samuel Sundar Doss, and Rekha K*.
- Isolation, purification and characterization of acid phosphatase from Scenedesmus obliquus.
Kishore J Patil*, RT Mahajan, Hitendra Kumar Lautre, and Vidya A Patil.
- A Novel Hybrid Feature Selection and Classification Approach for Medical Brain Tumour MRI Images.
Vanitha J, Vimali JS, and Veeramuthu A*.
- 220 Grape seed oil ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-mediated cardiac oxidative stress and inflammation in Y-irradiated rats
Amel F. M. Ismail, Mahgoub M. Ahmed*, and Mamdouh M. T. Eassawy.
- Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Total Protein Concentration in Male and Female Children in Deciduous Dentition.
Vishwas Patil, Rahul R Deshpande, Rajdeep Singh Chhabra, Ananth Kamath,Dipti Patil, Pranav Dungarwal*, Komal K Bagde, Snehal Shep, Vaishnavi Kotwal.
- Mast Cells of Thymus, Adrenal Glands and Liver at the Acute Experimental Inflammation and Its Correction By Preparation NICA-EM.
Areshidze D.A*, Timchenko L.D, Rzhepakovsky I.V, Kozlova M.A, Syomin, I.A, Blazhnova G.N, and Bondareva N.I.
- Performance Evaluation Of Map Reduce Work Loads On Medical Dataset.
R Tamilarasi*, M Indu Maheswari.
- The Influence Of A Complex Of Probiotic Cultures On Intensity Of Development The Animals.
Nadezhda Arkadevna Ozheredova*, Elena Valentinovna Svetlakova, Marina Nikolaevna Verevkina, Alexander Nikolaevich Simonov, and Nikita Vladimirovich Vasiliev.
- Impact of Adoption of Rhizobium Preparations on Efficiency of Soybean in a Zone of an Unreliable Moistening.
Olga Georgievna Shabaldas*, Natalia Nikolaevna Glazunova, Olga Viktorovna Mukhina and Elena Borisovna Drepa.
- Problems of Increasing the Quality of Raw Material for Wine in the Stavropol Region.
Sergei Gennadevih Shmatko*, Lubov Vasilevna Agarkova, Tatyana Genrihovna Gurnovich, and Irina Mikhailovna Podkolzina.
- Secondary Metabolites from Cycas flabellata.
Vincent Antonio S. Ng, Esperanza Maribel G. Agoo, and Chien-Chang Shen, andConsolacion Y. Ragasa*.
- Investigation Of Three BRAF V600E Mutations Related To Hairy Cell Leukemia In Al-Hillah City.
Zahraa M. Al Taee*.
- Partial Characterization of Lectin from Artocatpus sps.
M Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy*, and P Sasikala.
- Piper betle and Some Indian Plant for Antidepressant Activity: A Review.
Dakshina Gupta*, Aaditya Singh.
- The Quality and Safety of Meat Raw Materials for the Production of Healthy Food.
Svetlana Vladimirovna Patieva*, Nikolay Nikolaevich Zabashta, Alexandra Mikhailovna Patieva and Ekaterina Petrovna Lisovitskaya.
- Antioxidant Activity of Collagen Hydrolysates from Fish Skin with a Microbial Collagenase.
Ace Baehaki*, Maggy T.Suhartono, Sukarno, Dahrul Syah, and Siswa Setyahadi
- Item-analysis of Multiple Choice Questions: A Pilot Attempt to Analyze Formative Assessment in Pharmacology.
Preethi J Shenoy*, Vinaykumar Sayeli, and Rashmi R Rao.
- Synthesis Colloidal Platinum Nanoparticles With Variance Silver Ion and Characterization With UV-Vissible Spectrophotometer andTEM Analysis.
Titik Taufikurohmah*, I Gusti Made Sanjaya, Afaf Baktir, and Achmad Syahrani.
- Elaboration of Subsurface Irrigation Technique of Onions.
Nurlan N. Balgabayev*, Alexander A. Kalashnikov, and Aigul E. Baizakova.
- TDZ And 4-PU Are Effective Cytokinins for Clonal Micropropagation In Vitro of Different Genotypes of Everbearing Raspberry.
IrinaYanGukovna Nam*, Vladimir Vasilievitch Zayakin, and Yulia Fyodorovna Kondrashova.
- Studying of Lactulose Hygroscopicity and Microstructure after Spray Dehydration.
Andrei Lisitsyn*, Oksana Kuznetsova, Mikhail Minaev, and Alexander Prosekov.
- Research of Methods of Identification and Quantitative Content of Prion Protein in Blood of Animals and Man.
Andrei Lisitsyn*, Alexander Prosekov, and Olga Kriger.
- Calculation of Resonant Frequencies and Electromagnetic Fields in Resonators of Linear Accelerators for Commercial Application, Medicine and Environmental Protection
Aleksandr Evgen'evich Novozhilov*, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Filatov, and Vladimir Kuz'mich Shilov.
- Fluorescent Chemical Sensor for Aromatic Compounds.
Dmitriy Sergeevitch Ionov*, Georgy Anatolevitch Yurasik.
- Opportunities of Comprehensive Assessment of Ecological Safety of Various Engineering Systems at Their Development Stage.
Marina Vladimirovna Grafkina*, Elena Evgenyevna Sdobnyakova and Evgeniya Yurevna Sviridova.
- Stability of Undermining Seam Panel Entries at Retreating Longwall Multiple Mining.
Andrey Alexandrovich Sidorenko*, and Julia Miroslavovna Sishchuk.
- Scientific and Experimental Substantiation of Possibility of Application of the Original Drug Bio-effective W in Bovine Leucosis.
AlexanderSergeyevichZenkin*, NataliyaYurievnaKalyazina, Pavel Nikolayevich Eryashev, Fedor Petrovich Pilgaev, and Aleksey Igorevich Switin.
- The Analysis of Expediency of Daylight Sensors Using by Application of the Combined Strategy of Artificial Lightning Management.
Artem Sedov*, Pavel Chelyshkov, Aleksandr Afanasev, Michail Vainshtein, Yriy Vilmanand Yan Grossman.
- The History of the Development of Hyper Immune’s Serums and Their Practical Application.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, Marina Nikolaevna Verevkina, Alexander Viktorovich Agarkov and Natalia Viktorovna Fedota.
- Stability-Indicating HPLC Method for the Simultaneous Estimation of Erythromycin and Sulfafurazole in Bulk and Oral Suspension.
D Murali* and C Rambabu.
- Sequential Clustering: A Study on Covering Based Rough Set Theory.
Prabhavathy P*, and TripathyBK
- A short review on hybrid PVDF-nanomaterials based super-hydrophobic coatings
Prasad G, and Anand Prabu A*.
- Serum Resistin Levels in Type 1 Diabetic Children and Factors Affecting the Circulating Concentrations
Nagwa Abdallah Ismail, Abeer M Nour Eldin Abd El Baky, Mona Hamed and Dina F Ayoub.
- Apo lipoprotein E Polymorphismas risk factor for Lipid Profile disturbance among obese Egyptian females.
Nayera E Hassan, Sahar A El-Masry*, Waheba Ahmed Zarouk, Rokia A. Soliman, Ahmed Ibrahim Abd Elneam, Enas Abdel Rasheed, Maged Mostafa Mahmoud.
- Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies on Some Salicylidene-sulphamethoxazole Schiff Base Tellurium (IV) Complexes
Deepak, Verma KK, and Sapana Garg* 
- Artemisia annua: Biochemical products analysis of methanolic aerial parts extract and anti-microbial capacity
Imad Hadi Hameed*, Huda Jasim Altameme,and Salah Ali Idan.
- Lemna gibba and Azolla filiculoides for sewage treatment and plant protein production
Saber A. El-Shafai*, Ibrahim Abdelfattah, Fayza A. Nasr and MariamE. Fawzy*.
- Evaluation of optical parameters and structural variations of UV irradiated (PEO/PVP)/Au polymer nanocomposites
Abdelrazek EM, Abdelghany AM, Badr SI, Morsi MA*
- Observations of the Effect of Two Isolated Nano Bacillus Thuringiensis on Tuta absolutaInfestation under Laboratory and Field Condition
Sabbour MM*, and Singer SM2.
- Effect of maleimide derivative, protein kinases inhibitor, on the morphofunctional state of human neoplastic monoblast cell line U-937.
Iryna V Byelinska*, Liudmila V Garmanchuk, Natalya M Khranovska, Dmytro V Shelest, Taras V Rybalchenko.
- A contribution of crustacean isopodoa, bacterial infections and physicochemical parameters in mass mortalities among fishes in Lake Qarun.
Younes AM*, Noor Eldin A I, Abd Ellatif MA.
- Production and characterization of biodiesel from microalgae cultivated in municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Hala S, Doma*, Sayeda M Abdo, Rehab H Mahmoud, SA El Enin and G El Diwani.
- Synthesis and Characterisation of New Organotin (IV)(2-Methoxyethyl)-methyldithiocarbamate Complexes.
Rapidah Mohamad, Normah Awang* and Nurul FarahanaKamaludin.
- Immuno-Modulators in Oral Lesions.
Nandita Shenoy, Ashok Shenoy*, Junaid Ahmed, and Sudhakar Pemminati.
- The Russian Heavy Draft Milk Type Mares Characteristics.
Chirgin Evgeny Dmitriyevich*, Onegov Andrey Vladimirovich, Rozhentsov Alexey Leonidovich, Holodova Lyudmila Valeryevna, Novoselova Claudia Sergeevna, Mikhalev Evgeny Vladimirovich, and Smolentsev Sergey Yurievich.
- Adverse Drug Reactions to Anti-tubercular Drugs in HIV/TB Co-infected Patients.
Anshul Chatrath, Ashok K Shenoy*, John T Ramapuram, Mukta N Chowta, and Ashwin Kamath
- Study of antimicrobial effect for some extracts of Anabasis aphylla on Salmonella
Hams Hussein Hashem Handool Al-Fattly*
- Solid State Fermentation and Characterization of Natural Pigments from Aspergillus niger Isolated from Corncob.
Akmal D*, Anita Elsya Utari, Annisa Nofriani, Rezi Sri Haryenti, Asiska PD, and Friardi Ismed.
- Quantitative analysis of different class of s content in Cynodon Dactylon (L) Pers growing at Ouargla region in the South-East of Algeria.
Khedidja Benzahi, Rabia Benzahi, Belkhir Dadamoussa, and Yacine Moussaoui*.
- A Life Saved: One Poison Neutralizes Another.
Navin Patil, A Avinash, Karthik Rao N*, Handattu Manjunatha Hande, Raghavendra Rao, Talha Ahmed
- Biological Effect of Balanitesa egyptica on Type 2 Diabetes.
- Acid Leaching Of Vanadium From Black Shales Of Big Karatau.
N.A. Komekova*, V.A. Kozlov, and R.A. Shayakhmetova.
- Probiotics Based On L. Plantarum VKPM B-2347 And Pr. Freudenreichii VKPM B-6561 Strains And The Prospects For Their Preventive Use In Farming.
G.A. Nozdrin*, A.V. Gromova, A.I. Lelyak, and A.I. Lelyak
- Sexual Dimorphism of Insects and Conditions of Its Manifestation.
R. A. Sukhodolskaya*, A. A. Saveliev, T. R. Muhammetnabiev.
- Gene Mutations Of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin In The Kazakh Population.
A. Zhumagaliyeva*., L.Karazhanova, D.Nurgaliyeva, S. Maimysheva.,A. Abylkhairova.
- Selection Of Obesity Prediction Attributes Among Adults Via Data Mining Application.
Svetlana T. Alliyarova*, Maikul S. Kainarbayeva, GulstanKhassenova, Ardak B. Chuyenbekova, Yelena Yu.Ushanskaya, Salima A. Bykybayeva, Aigul N. Kozhakhmetova, Makpal A. Bakirova
- Modern Features of Epidemiology of Opisthorchiasis in the Republic Of Kazakhstan.
NaziraBeysenbiyeva*, GulsaraImambayeva, DinagulBayesheva, BakhytKosherova, Elena Koloss, GulsimzhanTurebayeva, and MazhitShaydarov.
- Issues Of Biotechnology Gray Economy In The Service Of Agriculture.
Arsen A.Tatuev*, Anzor M. Ashkhotov, Elena V. Lyapuntsova, Murat A. Kerefov,and Fatima V. Vazagova
- Chemical-Technological Assessment of Wild Berries for Healthy Food Production.
T. A. Isrigova*, M. M. Salmanov, M. D. Mukailov, N. A. Ulchibekova, T. N. Ashurbekova, and U. A. Selimova
- Evaluation of the Antioxidant Enzyme and Lipid Peroxidation Product Content in the Cervical Lymph and Jugular Blood during Experimental Apical Periodontitis and Its Treatment.
N. A. Ogrina*, Yu. G. Golinskiy, N. A. Luneva, L. A. Ermolaeva, E. S. Mikhailova, O. V. Khabarova, and S. A. Tumanova
- Frequency Analysis of Injuries in Pregnant Women Depending on Season and Stage of Pregnancy Based on Forensic Medicine Expert Reports.
E. Shatalova*, ?. Polyakova, V. Ossipov, ?. Zhakupova, F. Galitskiy,and K. Ospanova.
- The Engineering of Logistic Schemes in Transportation of Metal Products: St. ZhanaAul (Kazakhstan Railways) - st. Chop (Ukraina Railways).
Zh.M. Kuanyshbayev*, and M.I.Arpabekov.
- The study of the chemical behavior of the different nitro alkenes in diene synthesis reactions.
Nadezhda A. Anisimova*, Alena A. Kuzhaeva.
- Development of PCR Methods for Cattle Genotyping by Allelic Variants of DGAT1 Gene.
Vafin R.R.*, Tyulkin S.V., Zagidullin L.R., Muratova A.V., Akhmetov T.M., Zinnatova F.F., YulmetyevaYu.R., ShakirovSh.K., TagirovM.Sh., and RavilovR.Kh.
- Study of antimicrobial activity of Plantago major and Acoruscalamus carbon dioxide extracts.
AlimovaUrziya*, UstenovaGulbaram, KozhanovaKaldanay, YudinaYulia, Strilets Oksana, and Strelnikov Leonid.
- Development Of The Construction And Characterization Of Deep Complex For Collecting IMC.
DmitriiYungmeister*, and Kirill Kireev.
- Benchmarking Initiatives in the Field of Occupational Safety and Health in the Context of Development of the Coal Industry of Russia.
Oleg I. Kazanin*, and Marat L. Rudakov.
- Regional Economic Policy Based on Industrial Sector Clustering in the Context of Sustainable Development.
Ruslan A. Abramov*.
- Magnetoacoustic Method at Exploration the Black Ore Mineral Deposits on Shelves of the Seas.
Smirnov A.N., Kosheleva V.A., Palamarchuk V.K., Glinskaya N.V*.,Burdakova E.V., and Petrov V.V.
- Art Review as The Main Component of Forming Eco-Synergetic Culture in The Course of Conducting Guided Tours Related to The Art Heritage.
Tatiana VasilevnaPortnova*, and Irina Vasilevna Portnova.
- A Survey about Data Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks with Improved Energy Efficiency.
Thamizhselvi S*, and Prince Mary S.
- Study Skill Techniques To Reduce Academic Stress And Improve Coping Mechanism.
V Hemavathy* and JayanthiSoundararajan.
- Sleep Onset Latency In Students Living In Dormitories AtTehran University of Medical Sciences : A Survival Analysis.
Asieh Mansouri1, Yaser Mokhayeri2, and Zeinab Tavakol3,4*.
- Comparison Of Left Ventricular Performance During Pregnancy With Anaemia.
T Padmaja1*, Sumangala M Patil2, Neerja Shastri3, and KK Das4.
- Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of Oxalis corniculata Linn. Whole Plant.
Suman Kumar Mekap1, Sabuj Sahoo2, Kunja Bihari Satapathy3, and Sagar Kumar Mishra1*.
- Effects and Molecular Mode of Action of Noni (Morindacitrifolia) Juice And Its Active Components.
Sharmila Hussain1*, Ramaswamy Tamizhselvi2, Venkatraman Manickam2, and A Julius1.
- Effect of Different Nitrogen Levels and Vermicompost on Cabbage (Brassica oleraceae var. capitata L.) Growing in Rice Straw under Greenhouse Conditions
Tarek M Younis1*, A A Farag1, Y M Ahmed2, Mohamed S Abbas3 and El-Sayed I Gaber3
- Proton Pump Inhibitors: A Brief Overview of Discovery, Chemistry and Process Development.
VenkataMadhavi Y*, and Gaikwad Nikhil Baliram.
- Review on Performance of Nano Spa Processor
R Mathangi, and N Mathan*
- Study the effect of the amount and concentration of pollution by sewage in the presence and density of Dinoflagellate in the city of Diwaniyah/Iraq.
Zahra Klaeb Mahdi AL-Khazali*.
- Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Actinidiadeliciosa Extracts.
Hawraa Saad Al-Kawaz* and Lamia AM AL-Mashhedy.
- Flow injection Spectrophotometric determination of Penicillamine in Pharmaceutical Formulation Using 1, 2-naphthoquine-4-sulfonate.
Ghusoon Jawad Abbas1*, Dakhil Nassir Taha2,and MuthanaSalih Mashko3.
- Prevalence of Adverse Drug Reaction in patients receiving Beta Lactum antimicrobial agents at Medicine and surgery ICU of tertiary care Teaching Hospital in Central India
Shilpa S Ingle*, Pathak SS, and Nagpure S.
- Erythrocyte Pharmacocytes with Roncoleukin in The Treatment of Pancreatogenic Abdominal Sepsis.
E.B. Sultangereyev*, E.A. Taigulov, O.G. Tsoi, U.T. Aidarkhan, N.A. Abenova, and A.A. Kaliyev.