Current Issue
Volume 7, Issue 3, 2016 (May - June)
- Analysis of antibiotic resistance in Staphyloccocus aureus present in various environmental sources of Ambur Town, Tamil Nadu.
Arun Bennet Samuel*, and Arabi Mohammed Saleh MA.
- Analysis of drug resistant Staphyloccocus aureus present in healthy human carriers in the community of Ambur Town, Tamil Nadu.
Arun Bennet Samuel*, and Arabi Mohammed Saleh MA.
- Haematolgical Parameters in Diabetic Adults - A Case Control Study.
Noori Fathima M*, Subhashree AR, and Shanthi Vijayalakshmi.
- Adsorption of Heavy Metals from Matured Leachate by Gracilaria.Sp Extract.
Sivathass Bannir Selvam,Shreeshivadasan Chelliapan*, Mohd.Fadhil Md. Din, Rafidah Shahperi, and Maizatul Asnie Md. Aris.
- Screening for Anti-allergic and Anti-histaminic Activity of Extract of Momordica dioica, Myrica esculenta and Euphorbia hirta in Animal Models.
Sandip P Patil*, ML Pardeshi, and BB Ghongane.
- Design, Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Novel Dihydropyrazole and Benzothiazole Conjugates.
Amarnath Velidandi, Prasanna Bethanamudi , Kranthi Kumar Gadidasu, and Srilakshmi V. Patri*.
- Variations in the Course and Branching Pattern of Sciatic Nerve in the Gluteal region with Surgical Implications.
Prameela MD, Rajalakshmi Rai*, Vasudha V Saralaya, Latha V Prabhu, Mamatha T, and Murlimanju BV
- Role of Internal Antioxidant in the Adaptation of Salsola Tetrandra Forssk. at Different Habitats of The North Western Coast of Egypt.
Mohamed M. Abd El-Maboud*, and Sayed S. Eisa.
- Controlling Of Cumin Blossom Blight Disease in Egyptian Organic Plantations.
El-Deeb H. M,Lashin S. M, and Arab Y. A
- Dentigerous Cyst in a Young Boy-Case Report.
Anusha Nithya Sundar*, and D Sridhara Narayanan.
- Response of Diabetic Feet's Pathogenic Bacteria to Heavy Metal Salts.
Mohamed EA Dawoud, Ibrahim A Emara and Sara Mohamed Khalid Elshafie*.
- Date-Palm Leaves Infection With Spotting Fungi Isolated From Some Ornamental Palms.
El-Deeb H. M*, Lashin S. M, and Arab Y. A.
- Physiologicaland Molecular Response of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) to Cadmium Stress
Hanan E. Deef*, Rashad Kebeish, and Nagwa El-Bialy. 
- Simple Synthesis of Dibenzo[b,f][1,5]diazocines using Various Catalysts Under Microwave Irradiation.
Dohun Lee, Eonjin Lee, Yonggyun Lee, Daiil Jung*, and Jungtae Hahn.
- Preparation of Silica-Gold Nanoshell Incorporated Levefloxacin for the Improved Anti-Bacterial Activity and Controlled Release.
S Karthick Raja Namasivayam *, Arockia Mag Flora, S Nandhini, JM Vivek, and MY Karthik.
- Determination of secondary metabolites products by Trichoderma horzianum and evaluate antimicobial activity
Ali Malik Saad*.
- Kinetic study of crystallization of calcium oxalate monohydrate in presence of Zingiberofficinale extracts
Dalia I Saleh*, Hassan E Abd Elsalam, El-Sharnouby ME.
- Isolation and Characterization of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria from Trigonella foenum- graecum L Rhizosphere and Evaluation of their Potential Substances Produced.
Warda E Ashour, Eman R Hamed*, Ahmed I El-Diwany, Mahmoud A Swelim,and Abeer A Abd El Aty.
- Anaesthetic Management of a Morbid Obese Patient – 141 Kgs for Diagnostic Dilatation And Curettage.
Selvamani, and Wasim Ahmed*.
- Effect of Two Different Remineralizing Agents on the Surface Roughness of Bleached Enamel.
Shahinaz N. Hassan*, Lamiaa M. Moharam, Marwa A. Sherief, Mohamed H. Zaazou, and Mokhtar N. Ibrahim.
- Extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs using an octyl-hybrid silica monolith.
Eman Alzahrani*.
- Review on Visualization Techniques for Medical Data and Its Application.
Gunasekaran G*, and Venkatesan M.
- Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Total Protein Concentration in Male and Female Children in Mixed Dentition Age Group.
Vishwas Patil, Rahul R Deshpande, Rajdeep Singh Chhabra,AnanthKamath, Snehal Shep, Komal K Bagde*, Pranav Dungarwal, Dipti Patil, and Vaishnavi Kotwal.
- Water Requirements of Drip Irrigated Cumin and Their Effects on Growth, Yield and Some Physiological As Well As Biochemical Parameters.
Fahmy A.S. Hassan, and EsmatF. Ali*.
- Isolation and Characterization of Staphylococcus sp., from Drinking Water Samples ofGuntur, Krishna and Prakasham Districts, Andhra Pradesh, India
Sree Jyotsna T, Karuna K, Bhaskar G, Bharath Kumar R, and Asha S*.
- Evaluation of the role of serum Ischemia-Modified Albumin as A Marker in Diagnosis of Acute coronary Syndrome in Hemodialysis Patients.
Zeinab Helmy El-Sayed*,Somayh Suliman Eissa, Amal Moktar Ahmed, Nagwa Abd El-Ghafar Mohamed, Ezz El Din Mostafa Abdel Wahed, and Samiha Abou Alyazeed Abd Rabo.
- Optimized Balanced Scheduling of Two Phase Top Down Specialization for Diabetes Patients using Map Reduce.
KS Sendhil Kumar* and , N Jaisankar.
- A Novel Framework in Reusing the Ontological Health Record.
G Nithya*, and SL Jany Shabu.
- Some Semen Characterestics, Preservation and Post-Thawing Motility of Buffalo Bull Semen Using Pomegranate Supplement.
El-Sheshtawy RI, El-Nattat WS and El-Battawy KA*.
- Antidepressant Activity of Aqueous Extract of Asparagus officinalis In Mice and Role of Combination of Extract on the Side Effects of Imipramine.
Divya MP, Mrudula G*, and Rabbani SI.
- A Study on Risk Factors and Lipid Profile Pattern in Patients of Ischemic Stroke in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Maharashtra, India.
Aparna Patange*, Piyush Prajapati, Shilpa Patil, Pradip Warghane, Shruti Rao, and Ajinkya Bahulekar.
- A Concise E-Learning Framework for Medical databases Using Semantic Web Technologies
SenduruSrinivasulu*, Sakthivel P, and Suganthi L.
- Stability-indicating UV-spectrophotometric assay of chloroquine phosphate in pharmaceuticals
Basavaiah Kanakapura*, Vamsi Krishna Penmatsa, Chandrashekar Umakanthappa
- Mathematical Analysis using Frequency and Cumulative Distribution functions for Mitogenic Pathway.
Shruti Jain*.
- Comparative Evaluation of Salivary Total Protein Concentration in Male and Female Children in Permanent Dentition Age Group.
Ananth Kamath, Rahul R Deshpande, Rajdeep Singh Chhabra, Vishwas Patil, Snehal Shep, Komal K Bagde*, Pranav Dungarwal, Dipti Patil1, and Vaishnavi Kotwal.
- Impact of Mg2+, Fe2+ and Co2+ Metal Ions on Growth and Ochratoxin A Production by Strains of Aspergillus westerdijkiae and Aspergillus carbonarius.
Yousef Sultan*, Esther S Baxter, Giuseppe Salis, and Naresh Magan.
- Absorption Enhancing Effect of Total Saponins derived from Acanthopyllum squarrusom and Quillaja saponaria on Nasal Permeation of Gentamicin Sulfate andCarboxyfluorescein.
Eskandar Moghimipour, Sayyed Abolghassem Sajadi Tabassi, Mohammad Ramezani, Somayeh Handali*, and Raimar Löbenberg.
- Effectiveness of Mannitol Therapy in Patients of Cerebral Oedema Caused by Traumatic Brain Injury”- A Retrospective Study
Shilpa S Ingle* and Shailesh Nagpure.
- Sewage Farming: Benefits and Adverse Effects.
Mohammed Saber*, Hussein Fawzy Abouziena, Essam Mohamed Hoballah, Wafaa Mohamed Haggag, and Alaa El-Din Mohamed Zaghloul.
- Association between Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Severe Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
Nidhi.Takkar, Jai Prakash Takkar, Navin Patil, Karthik Rao N*, Raghavendra Rao, Shubha Sheshadri, Avinash A, Anusha Venkatesh.
- Review on Otomycosis.
Pujita B*, and Kiran M.
- Effect of Misoprostol Treatment on Oleic Acid-Induced ARDS in Rats
Parul Sharma, Ratna Pandey* and Shripad B. Deshpande
- Intrusion Detection for Attaining Rapid Performance Using PK-Medoid-HHNN Technique.
Jabez J*, MuthuKumar B, and Yovan Felix A.
- Survey on the use of Fuzzy Membership Functions to Ensure Data Privacy.
Manikandan G*, Sairam N, Harish V, and Nooka Saikumar.
- Fragmenting the Data in Cloud for Enhancing Security and Performance.
Praveen Paul*, and Ramya G Franklin.
- Analysis of Mac Unit Using Vedic Multiplier And Sklansky Adder.
Kavitha Priya N, and Karthikeyan KV.
- A Novel Method to Segment Blood Vessels and Optic Disc in the Fundus Retinal Images.
Bathala Sivakumar*, and Srilatha K.
- Video Mosaic Image Creation for Secure Image Transmission.
Sahaya Sindhuja L*, and Ronald Doni A.
- Efficient Entity Resolution Method for Heterogeneous Information Spaces
Manjula P*, and Jancy S.
- Query Processing and Optimization Using Set Predicates.
Rhia Mariam George*, and Ronalad Doni A.
- An Efficient Image Watermarking Protocol Based on Composite Image Reputation.
Divya Bharathi J, and Deepa C* .
- Density functional theory analysis of electronic and transport properties of functionalized Poly-Pyrrole
Sriram S, Thayumanavan A, and Balamurugan D*.
- Characterization of UV- B radiation induced alterations in energy transfer in photosystem II of the cyanobacterium, Spirulina platensis using in vivo and in vitro studies.
Praveena B,and Murthy SDS*.
- A Framework for Mining Public Health Using Hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation (HLDA).
Vijeya Kaveri V*, and Maheswari V.
- Effect of Water Soluble Carboxymethyl Chitosan and Chitosan Lactate on Enamel Demineralisation- An SEM Study.
Paranjyothi Magadi Visveswaraiah* and Deepak Prasad.
- Histopathological Study of Non Healing Ulcers of Skin in Patients Attending Tertiary Care Hospital.
Brij Mohan Kumar Singh*, Arijit Bishnu, and Barnini Banerjee.
- A Symptom based Cancer diagnosis to assist patients using Naive Bayesian Classification
Vineetha V *, and Asha P.
- Tampering Detection and Hash Coding Self-Recovery in Digital Image Protection.
Aruna M*, and Srinivasan Narayanasamy N*.
- Impact of nutritional health educational program 'on elderly persons' nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice.
SI Shalaby, Awad MM, El Dean, HN, Rehab A Mohamed, Neelima Gupta*,and Rajendra Kumar.
- Concentrations of Some Blood Metabolites, Some Hormones and Reproductive Performance of Delayed Pubertal Barki Ewe Lambs after Various Fat Supplementation.
El Battawy KA*
- Isolation and Identification of Soil derived Actinomycetes Nocardiopsis alba.
Manojkumar S, and R Subbaiya*.
- Aspect-Based Opinion Mining from Online Reviews.
Arunkarthi A*, and Meera Gandhi.
- Earthquake Reporting System Development by Tweet Analysis with Approach Earthquake Alarm Systems
Auxilia R*, and Meera Gandhi. 
- Embedded High Speed Response Programmed Impulse Motor Drive for Continuous Casting Machines in Metallurgical Industry
Vandana Ilamchezhian, and V Vijayakumar*
- A Genetic Algorithm Based Error Detection Mechanism in Dynamic Network on Chip.
Venkateswarlu B, and Vijayakumar V*.
- Evaluation Of Some Common Risk Factors Associated With Preeclampsia Syndrome.
Saber Rokhafrooz, Ata Ghadiri, Seyed Hojjat Hossaini, Mahin Najafian, and Mehri Ghafourian*.
- Screening of Burn Wound Healing Property of Ocimum sanctum by Grading of Epithelial Regeneration in Rabbits.
Vaibhav Kumar Gupta*, and Swanand S Pathak.
- The Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Drug-Induced Hyposalivation.
Terlevic Dabic D, Vucicevic Boras V*, Sikora M, Mocinic B, Skrinjar I, and Gabric D
- Development Recipe of Dry Porridge for School Food.
Amirkhanov Kumarbek, Assenova Bahytkul, Smolnikova Farida*, Nurgazezova Almagul, Nurymkhan Gulnur, Kasymov Samat, and Igenbayev Aidyn.
- 3D Biomechanical Analysis of Foot in diabetes with and without peripheral neuropathy-A pilot study.
AnimeshHazari, Arun G Maiya*, Shivashankara KN, Ashma Monteiro MS, Shashi Kumar CG, Kartik Rao, Sampath Kumar, Shreemathi SMaiya, and Radhika Jadhav.
- Broad Bean a New Host of Leaf Spot Disease Caused by Alternaria tenuissima in North Egypt.
El-Mougy SN, Abdel-Kader MM*, Shabn AM, and Abdel-Aziz A.
- Physiological response of Fenugreek plant to the application of proline under different water regimes.
Ebtihal M Abd Elhamid, Mervat SH Sadak* and MM Tawfik.
- Integrated Management for Drainage Water of Fish Ponds in Agriculture Using Sprinkler Irrigation System
Okasha EM, A Ramadan*, MA El-Shawadfy and HHH Tarabye
- Improving Productivity and Quality of Two Wheat Cultivars Using Humic Acid and Zinc Foliar Application under Sandy Soil Conditions.
Bakry AB, MH Taha, MF El-Karamany and MT Said.
- Leptin as a biomarker in patients Infected with Hymenolpis nana in Al-Najaf province, Iraq.
Saleem kture Abidalbbas Al-Hadrawy*.
- Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Factors In Adolescents Of The East Kazakhstan Region: Urban-Rural Comparisons.
Kundyz Turlybekova, Tolebay Rakhypbekov, Arkady-Avi Kotlyar, Zaytuna Khismetova, Kamila Khudayberdina, and Natalya Glushkova*.
- Suitability of Some Insecticides for Controlling the Tomato Leaf Miner, Tutaabsoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on Tomato Plants in Egypt.
YA Mahmoud*, Sh EM Shalaby, AS Abdel-Razek, SM Moawed, and IM Ebadah.
- In-vitro bioassays of culturefiltrate of endophytic fungi Trichoderma sp. In different medium against root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne spp.
Nur Amin*.
- Microinvasion: A Diagnostic Dilemma.
Savita JK, Rajeshwari H Sangamad, Ravikumar Pujari, Girish HC, Sanjay Murgod, and Varsha VK.
- Raspberry Pi Based Optical Character Recognition for Smart and Intelligent Book Reader
G Nagalakshmi, K Maham, P Muthukrishnammal, Ganesan P*, and T Jerry Alexander.
- Recognition of Plant Syndrome Using Image Processing Techniques.
SK Suriya*, and VG Sivakumar
- First Generation Bioethanol from Some Varieties of Dates Grown In the Region of El-Oued in the South of Algeria.
Mohammed Tayeb Oucif Khaled*, and Ladjel Segni
- Tibia Fracture Healing Diagnosis: A Review.
M Sridevi*, P Prakasam, S Kumaravel, and P Madhavasarma
- Design Experiment Optimization for the Determination of Copperin Water Samplesby Adsorptive Stripping Voltammetry.
Izzati Rahmi HG, Deswati, Hamzar Suyani and Rahmiana Zein.
- Approach To The Study Of Vegetable Oils As Collectors: Study Of Collection Power Between Oleic Acid, Linseed Oil And Olive Oil.
BOUKRAA Aissam*, and BOUHENGUELMustapha.
- Andrological, Oxidative Stress And Pathological Effects Of Encapsulated Peppermint Oil With Gum Arabic, Part I.
*Aly H M, Amal E Abd El- Kader,Amal M Abo El-Maaty,and Hafiza A Sharaf.
- The Cardioprotective Potential of Sitagliptin in Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury.
Samah S Abbas*, Hesham M Mahmoud, Mona F Schaalan, and Hanan S El-Abhar.
- Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Cardiovascular Risk Factors among South Indian Adults Population.
Bhavani Yamasani,Khadervali Nagoor*, Raziya Dudekula, and Reddy Jawahar Basha Kalluri.
- Study of Self Medication Practice among 2nd Year Undergraduate Medical Students.
Sunil S Gidamudi*, Sujata A Jadhav, Chitra C Khanwelkar, Vandana M Thorat, Rohit R Desai, Abhay A Purohit.
- Cognitive Enhancers- Truth vs. Hype.
Amruta Tripati, Manu Mathew, Veena Nayak, and Laxminarayana Bairy Kurady*.
- Privacy and Auditing Bigdata Stored in Cloud with Verify Update.
Gokul Krishnan K*, and Ramya G Franklin.
- Ecological Balance of Technogenic Processes and Tractors of Fifth Generation
E I Lipkovich*, A M Bondarenko, and I E Lipkovich.
- Studying the Process Parameters of Protein Additive for Production of Kazakh National Milk Product.
Gulmira Mirasheva, Zhainagul Kakimova, Gulmira Baybalin?va, Sandugash Toleubekova, Aitbek Kakimov, Aigerim Bepeyeva*, and Samat Amanzholov.
- Phenol Toxicity Affected Tilipia nilotica Fish.
Mona S Zaki, and Olfat M Fawzi. 
- Diversity in Syncolpate Pollen of Arborescent Taxa in Karimnagar District, Telangana State, India.
J Ganga Kailas and H Ramakrishna*, and DS Seetharam.
- Hiding Data in Halftone Image Using Modified Data Hiding Error Diffusion.
A Stephy Anisha Mary*, and A Ronald Doni.
- Antifungal Compound against Phytopathogenic Fungi Produced by Streptomyces griseofuscus NV-38 Screening, Isolation and Identification.
Kamal YIEl-shahed, Bakery MHaroun, Islam A. Elsehemy, and Hassan M Awad*.
- Analysis of DNA Data Using Hadoop Distributed File System.
Senthilkumar M*, and Ilango P.
- Relationship Between Adipocyte Fatty Acid–Binding Protein In Obese Men With Cardiovascular Diseases.
Hanan Jassim Hammod, Arshad Noori Al-Dujaili*, and Mohammed NooriAl-Dujaili.
- The Correlation between Cardiovascular Diseases in Obese Men with The Inflammatory Markers: Dyslipidemia, C-Reactive Protein and Tumor Necrosis Factor-a.
Hanan Jassim Hammod, Arshad Noori Al-Dujaili*, and Mohammed Noori Al-Dujaili.
- An Investigation into the KSA Pipelines Corrosion Inhibition using an Innovation Schiff Base/Nano Nickel Composites.
Rasha G Orabi, Hala M Abo-Dief, Amal A Altalhi, and Ashraf T Mohamed.
- A Comprehensive Study on the Diagnosis Methods of Neuroblastoma.
F Li Lly Hebsiba, V Meenal, and V Rajalakshmi*.
- Newer Drugs and Targets in Tuberculosis.
Harish Thanu Subramanian, Meena Kumari K, and Amberkar Mohan Babu V*.
- Development Of Technology Lamb Boiled In The Skin With The Use Of Milk-Protein Complex.
Savinkova Ekaterina Anatolievna*, Petrov Oleg Yurievch, Tsaregorodtseva Elena Vasilevna, Kabanova Tatyana Viktorovna, Shuvalova Elena Gennadievna, Smolentsev Sergey Yurievich.
- BiologicalIndicators AndFertility OfLeachedBlack Soil Depending On The Elements Of Crop Rotation Biologization ManagementAnd The Use Of Resource-Saving Tillage Systems.
S.V.Bogomazov, G.E.Grishin, Kochmin A.G, O.A.Tkachuk*, and E.V.Pavlikova.
- Comparative study of antibacterial activity of some medicinal plants extracts against strains of Salmonella isolated from guinea fowl in Benin.
Boko KC*, Kpodekon TM, Aguidissou ON, Sessou P, Sohounhloue D, and Farougou S.
- Evaluation of Implications Potentials of Dietary Supplement (Yeast Tablets) On Pregnant Albino Rats and Their Offspring’s.
Amel R Omar*, Eman Y Salah EL-Din, and Heba A Abdelrahman.
- Impact of Vermicompost on Lemon Grass (Cymbopogan Flexuosus L) Production and Oil Contents.
P Sasikala, Rattanathorn Intarak and M Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy*. 
- Glaucoma Detection in Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Undecimated Wavelet Transform.
Rajan A*, and Ramesh G P.
- Evaluation of Silver Nanoparticles for the Control of Phragmidium Species in Vitro and Taif,rose Rust Disease in Field.
Emad AM Gado, Bahig El-Deeb, Esmat F Ali*, Nasser Y Mostafa, and SaliehA Bazaid.
- Effect of Nano-Zirconia Reinforcement on Stresses and Fracture Resistance of Lower Implant retained Overdenture.
Eman M Rostom, Amani R Moussa, and Asmaa N Elboraey*.
- Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Nannochloropsis gaditana Extracts.
Loubna Mekdade*,Mohamed Bey Baba Hamed, Fatima Zohra EL-Kebir, and Sidi Mohamed El-Amine Abi Ayad.
- A Brief Review on Antifreeze Proteins: Structure, Function and Applications.
Prithvi Sinha, Sachin Muralidharan, Shouvonik Sengupta, and Shanthi Veerappapillai*
- Studies on the Incorporation of Benzalkonium Chloride and Cetylpyridinium Chloride Antimicrobial Agents nto Glass-Ionomer Dental Cements.
Aleksandar Dimkov*, John W Nicholson, Elizabeta Gjorgievska, andMarija Stevanovic.
- Objectification of the Assessment of Individual Skin Erythema Characteristics to Determine the Safe Dose of UV Impact on the Human Body.
Anatoly ROMANOV, and Andrei Nikulin*.
- Design of Silicon Physical Unclonable Function for Authentication Of A Multicore Device.
Sudhanya P*, and P Muthu Krishnammal.
- Enhanced rough set theory for Denoising Brain MR Images using bilateral filter design,
R Madhu Keerthana*, Bevish Jinila, and M Deepika
- Protective and Therapeutic Efficacy of Sodium Butyrate on Tamoxifen-Induced Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Male Rats.
Hanan Saleh*, Basma Mohamed, and Mohamed-Assem S. Marie.
- Detection and Prevention of impolite Post in Social Networks.
K Manoj Krishna, I Harshith Sai, and Ms Suji Helen*.
- An Advanced Recommender System for Intelligent B2B e-Services.
Saravanan P, Justin Samuel S, and Nirmalrani V*.
- A High Momentum Proficient Adder Designs Using Memristor.
M Micheal Priyanka, T Ravi, and N Mathan*.
- Properties of Biocomposite Mixture of Oil Palm Frondand Kenaf Bast Fibers.
Razak Wahab*, Mazlan Mohamed, Muhammad Iqbal Ahmad, Hashim W. Samsi, Mohd Tamizi Mustafa, and MadihanYusof2.
- Assessment of Enamel Defects in Patients Visiting Saveetha Dental College, Chennai: A Pilot Study.
M Ramya Chellammal*, and Sreedevi Dharman.
- Prove the Harm of Cell Phone via Biological Experiments
Ibrahim N Abu-Isbeih*, Abdel-Rahman Al-Qawasmiand Nid'a Al-Shaf'i
- Potential threats caused by malicious nodes and various counter measures available in MANET: A Survey.
P Suganya*, and CH Pradeep Reddy.
- Hypolipidemic Effects of Amaranth Oil in Experimental Doxorubicine Cardiomyopathy.
NS Preobrazhenskaya*, MV Pokrovskij, TA Berezhnova, and YA Levchenko. 
- Effect of Silver Nanoparticles and Rosuvastatin on Endothelin and Obestatin in Rats Induced By High Fat- Diet.
Arshad Noori Ghani Al-Dujaili*, and Maryam Kadhim Al- shemeri.
- Effect of Silver Nanoparticles and Rosuvastatin on Lipid Profile in Rats Induced By High Fat- Diet.
Arshad Noori Ghani Al-Dujaili*, Maryam Kadhim Al- shemeri.
- Epidemiological Characteristics of Ulcerative Colitis in patients from Khuzestan Province, Iran.
Seyyed Jalal Hashemi,Marzieh Taheri, Pegah Ghandil, AbdolRahim MasjediZadeh, Mehri Ghafourian, Mehdi Esmaili, and Ata Allah Ghadiri*.
- Survey on Change Detection in Satellite Images.
A Nathiya,S Teras Mariyam Anisha,andK Srilatha*
- The Impact of Magnetized Water on the Anatomical Structure, Yield and Quality of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Grown Under Newly Reclaimed Sandy Soil.
Hozayn M*, Azza M Salama, Abd El-Monem AA, and Alharby F Hesham. 
- Health Impacts After the Century’s Worst Flood in Chennai- a Prospective Telemedicine Study.
Raja Amarnath, Sugirtha Jenitha, and Ghanshyam Verma*.
- Antimicrobial Activity of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles Biosynthesized Using Ginger Extract.
Bahig El-Deeb, Hesham Elhariry*, and Nasser Y. Mostafa.
- The Flavonoids and biological activity of Cleome africana growing in Egypt.
Wael Abdullah*,Wael M. Elsayed, Khaled A. Abdelshafeek, Naglaa M. Nazif, Sommaya Nada, and Abdel Nasser B. Singab.
- Studying Structure of Students’ Needs in Healthy Life Style.
Yerzhan Anuarbekovich Abylkassimov*, Roza Khussainovna Aitmagambetova, Nurilya Sabetkanovna Kassymbekova, Ardak Shagayevna Mutaliyeva, and Gulnur Sabetkanovna Jexembayeva
- Biological Activity of Fresh Squeezed Grapefruit Juice.
Olga I. Ustinova*, and Yuri V. Ustinov.
- Biological Activity of Tomato Juice.
Olga I. Ustinova*, and Yuri V. Ustinov.
- Biological Activity Of Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice.
Olga I. Ustinova*, and Yuri V. Ustinov.
- Effect of Fenvalerate on some physiological, biochemical and hormonal blood criteria in Male Rats.
Alaauldeen SM AL-Sallami*, and Fatima BA AL Zamili.
- Investigation On Sugar Cane Field Actinomycetes Of Erode District.
P Kathiravan, R Sabarinathan and R Subbaiya*, and M Masilamani Selvam1.
- Comparative evaluation of theefficiency of themicroencapsulation methods to improvethe flavor production by Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Streptococcus lactis diacetilactis.
Kawther EL-Shafei1, S.A. EL-Gizawy2, Olfat, S. Barakat2, Fatma, A. Fathy1,O.M. Sharaf1* and Hoda, S. EL-Sayed1.
- Target Prediction Using Evolutionary Computation.
Sujitha George*,and E Nagarajan.
- Antioxidant Activity of Methanol Extract of Halodule uninervis Seagrass from the Coastal of Lampung, Indonesia.
Ace Baehaki*, Agus Supriadi, Muhammad Cahya Pratama.
- Optimizing Area of Vedic Multiplier using Brent-Kung Adder.
V Anand, and V Vijayakumar*.
- An Effective Energy Utilization Scheme using Distribution Time Synchronization Algorithm.
Sakthi Prabha R*
- Test immunomodulatory effects of ethanol extract skin of purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) with carbon clearance method and the number of leukocytes.
Yufri Aldi, Ratih Purnamasari, Dillasamola D, and Friardi.
- Physiochemical, Sensory and Biological Properties of Wheat- Rice Bran Composite Biscuits, Crackers and Pasta.
Sahar Y Al-Okbi, Ibrahim M Hamed, Doha A Mohamed, Ahmed MS Hussein*, and Amr M Helal
- Influence of Cancer and Its Severity on Vagal Nerve Activity Assessed By Time Domain Measures of Heart Rate Variability.
Shilpa N Bijoor, Subbalakshmi N K*, and Sourjya Banerjee.
- Evaluation of Gastric Anti – Ulcer Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Solanum nigrum: An Animal Study.
Sangita Totade*.
- Role of Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Management of Myocardial Infarction Following Total Coronary Occlusion in Dogs.
Mohamed S Amer*, Faisal A Torad, Ashraf A Shamaa, Omar Salah El-Tookhy, Dina Sabry Abdel Fatah, Laila Ahmed Rashed, Magdy Abdelhamid, Soheir Mahmoud Mahfouz, and Doaa Mostafa Gharib.
- Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Sensitized With Natural Pigments Extracted From Mixed Fruits.
P Raja Raja Chozhan*, R Shriram, Vinod Kumar S.
- Prevalence of BlaOXA like Carbapenemase Genes in Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Isolated from burns and Wounds in Baghdad Hospitals.
Kais Kassim Ghaima*, Shurook Mohammad K. Saadedin, and Kifah Ahmed Jassim.
- Elucidation of genetic parameters among some selected genotypes of prickly oil lettuce (lactuca serriolla L.) in Egypt, using morpho-agronomic traits and RAPD markers.
Shoaib RM, Abdel-samea NS, Ramadan WA*, Ibrahim MM, and Aboud KA
- Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Properties of Enzymatic Hydrolysates from Velvet Antler in Elk (Cervus elaphus canadensis).
Jong-Bo Kim, Seon Gyeong Bak, Hee Geun Jo, and Sun Hee Cheong*.
- Pharmaceutical advertisement in India and role of ASCI.
Tharakram Singh l*, and Renganathan R.
- Study the Diversity of Root Associated Microorganisms of Medicinal Plant Alpinia galanga.
KR Beula Rani, SK Sundar, and M Murugan*.
- Testing and Challenges in Modern Cyber Physical Systems.
Ricky Parmar*, and Mahek Merchant and Nishil Shah.
- Validation of Processing Methods for Peat Raw Dehumidification with Excavating Digging.
Eldar Abdollovich Kremcheev*, and Dinara Abdollovna Kremcheeva.
- Analytical Method Development and Validation of New RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Brinzolamide and Timolol Maleate in Ophthalmic Solutions.
B Anusha, A Geetha Susmita*, and G Rajitha.
- A Study of Epidemic of Typhoid Fever in the Souf Oasis (Eastern South of Algeria).
Bachir Khezzani* and Salah Bouchemal.
- Physiological and Anatomical Study of the Effect of Aqueous Rice Husk Extract on Triticum aestivum Germination and Growth.
Wasan M Abo Al-Timman*.
- Android and Bluetooth Based Leaf Property Recognition for Effective Irrigation System.
MR Bharath Kumar*, K Koushik, and John Bruce.
- Influence of the Immunostimulator «Treatment-and-Prophylactic Immunoglobulin» on the Veterinary and Sanitary Assessment of Meat and the Histologic Picture of Parenchymatous Bodies of Cattle.
Smolentsev Sergey Yurievich*, Papynidi Ellada Konstantinovna, Volkov Ali Harisovich, Yusupova Galiya Rasihovna, Yakupova Laysan Faizullovna, Korosteleva Valentina Pavlovnaand Matveeva Elena Lavrentevna.
- Detection and Molecular Identification of Microsporidia in Urine Samplesfrom School Children in South Sinai, Egypt.
Al-Herrawy AZ, Yamamah GA, Saleh FR, and Gad MA*.
- Improvement in Quality of Used Palm Oil by Rice Husk Ash.
Rahmiana Zein*, Silfia, Nur Afriyanti, Ermi Girsang, and Hermansyah Aziz.
- Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Some Types of Pathogenic Bacteria.
Ali Abid Abojassim*, Baydaa Abood Hassan, Hussain Hamd Al-Gazaly, and NajlaSaleh.
- Multiple Branching Variation of Celiac Trunk with Clinical Importance: A Case Report.
Naveen Kumar, Ravindra Swamy*, Satheesha Nayak B, Jyothsna Patil, and Ashwini Aithal P.
- Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural characterizations of the epididymal region of the turkey (Meleagrisgallopavo).
Shaymaa Hussein*.
- Study of Accessory Foramina Transversaria in Cervical Vertebrae and Their Surgical and Morphological Importance.
Gyanaranjan Nayak*, Biswa Bhusan Mohanty, Pratima Baisakh, Saurjya Ranjan Das, Sitansu Kumar Panda, and Prafulla Kumar Chinara.
- Authentication in Telemedicine Using Double Tier Watermarking Technique.
Priya S*, Santhi B, and Swaminathan P.
- A Review on Tannery Pollution in Vellore District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Divya K, and Vidya R*. 
- Review on Image Watermarking Attacks.
S Priya*, P Swaminathan , and B Santhi.
- Beneficial Effects of Solanaceae towards Oral Health.
Pradeep Kumar R*.
- Denoising Technique of CT, MRI Abdominal Images Using Block Matching and Hybrid Filter.
Baron Sam B,Monisha IR, and Nithiya Dhevi K.
- Speech Analysis for Gender and Emotion Classification Using Classifier Techinique.
K Charan*, N Anusha, and J Sai Sumanth
- Kidney Failures Prediction Model for eHealth Platform Integration Using RBFNN.
Vepuri Baby Sneha, Sadum Mounika, and S Gowri*.
- Sorption Behaviour of Cobalt and Zinc Radionuclides onto Zirconium (IV) selenomolybdate Gel Matrix.
- Lifestyle And The Prevalence Of Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factors In Women Aged 30 To 60 Years In Tehran, Iran.
Nader Esmailnasab, Hamid Salehiniya, Sara Hatamian, Mahshid Ghoncheh*.
- Investigation on Adders and Multipliers For ALU.
R Rashvenee, Roshini Keerthana D, T Ravi*.
- Study on Li-Fi Technology and Its Applications.
Digumarthi Yaswanth, Bharath B, and Ravi T*.
- Review on Blind People Navigation Using Wireless Sensors.
Sunaina V, Vyshnavi R, and Ravi T*.
- An Extended XACML Model to Secure Biological Web Services using Access Control Policies.
Nirmalrani V*, Saravanan P, and Sakthivel P.
- The change of ecological composition and size groups of ground beetles in contiguous fields in central forest steppe Russia.
Vasily Ivanovich Kargin*, and Regina Alexandrovna Zaharkina.
- Role of T regulatory Cells with Valvular Heart Disease.
Abdulnabi J Abid*, and Sennaa J Alwan
- Catalyzation of Esterification Reaction Using Sulfated Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes, Experimental Design and Performance.
Amin Sh K, Moustafa AF, Aboud AA, Abdallah H*.
- Morphology and Morphometry of Neurons in Front-Parietal Lobe of the White Rat Cerebral Cortex under the Influence of Lead Acetate
Olga Sergeevna Shubina*, and Olga Ivanovna Komusova.
- Schiff's Bases Containing Sulphamethoxazole Nucleus.
Zainab Hussain, Zeyad Fadhil, HadeelAdil, Majid Khalaf, Bashar Abdullah, and Emad Yousif.
- Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy And Complete Heart Block: An Under-Recognised Association.
Sumit Agarwal1, Sudhakar Rao M2*, Padmakumar R3, and Ashwal AJ4
- Computational approaches for identifying deleterious nonsynonymous variants from human Glucokinase gene.
Narayana Swamy A, Praveen Kumar Vemuri, and Srinivasulu Kamma*.
- Phylogenetic Analysis of Bacteroides fragilis based on Neuraminidase gene Isolated from Chronic Tonsillitis.
Maitham GYousif*, and Hiyam A Al-Shabbani.
- Physiological and Immunological Effect of Lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli was Extracted by Hot Phenol-Water in Rabbits.
Shaimaa Jassim Al-Sultany*, and Yazi Abdullah Jassim.
- Subclinical hypothyroidism with preeclampsia.
Alaa M. Sadiq, *Maitham G. Yousif , Fawz A. mohammed , Saba H. Aladly, Hawraa H. Hameed.
- Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Relation to Organic and Bio-Fertilizers Application.
Shaheen AM, Abd El-Samad EH*, Fatma A Rizk, Faten S Abd El-Al, and Awatif G Behairy.
- Importance of Waste Food Products and Its Antimicrobial Activity against Food Spoilage.
Vidhushi C, Shylaja Gunasekaran, Mythili Sathiavelu, and Sathiavelu Arunachalam*.
- Effect of microencapsulation on chemical composition and antioxidant activity of cumin and fennel essential oils.
Ahmed MS Hussein*, Shereen N Lotfy, Mohie M Kamil, and Mohamed E Hassan.
- The Influence of the Probiotic "Rescue Kit" On the Growth and Development of Accelerated Rabit Youngsters under the Conditions of Northern Kazakhstan.
Laura M. Burshakbayeva*, Yessenbay I. Islamov, Nurlybay Zh. Kazhgaliyev, Makhabat B. Saginbayeva, and Sansyzbay S. Rashitov. 
- Optimization of Lead Biosorption by an Ecofriendly Biosorbent Mimusops elengi Using Central Composite Design.
Kalyani G*, Prasanna Kumar Y and King P.
- Real Time Semantic Search for Agriculture using Ontology and RDF Repository.
Maria Santhia B, Saranya R, and Nirmalrani V*.
- Comparison between the Effect of Endurance and Strengthening Exercises on Plasma Lipoprotein in Central Obese Female Subjects.
Ahmed E. Elerian, Mohamed E. Ali, and Nour Ali.
- Content Based Image Retrieval Using Block Truncation Coding And Image Content Description.
Venkatakrishna D*, and Ankayarkanni B.
- Color Stability of Bulk-Fill Flowable Composite Vs Conventional Flowable Composite after Accelerated Aging. Comparative In-Vitro Study.
Ali Essam Abdelnabi*, and Nermeen Kamal Hamza.
- Organization Of The Structure And Principles Of Functioning Of The Biotechnical System Of Safe Human Body Light Exposure.
Anatoly ROMANOV*, and Andrei Nikulin.
- Using Image Retrieval to perform Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Mammographic Masses.
Baron Sam B, KrishnaSagar K, and Prudhvi Raj K.
- Lifestyle Comparison between India Vs Germany And Telangana Vs Chennai - A Brief Study.
Ashwin Pasagada*, P Bal Rohit Reddy, and Suneetha V.
- Complex Extraction of Methane and Coal from Thick Coal Seams.
Artem Valerievich Leisle*, and Evgeni Rostislavovich Kovalski.
- Application of a Magnetic Composite Sorbent On The Basis Of Woodworking Waste for Sewage Treatment from Heavy Metals.
Damir A Kharlyamov*, Gennady V Mavrin, Elena A Danilova, Radif R Zinnatov, Elvina V Prytkova, Stanislav V Dvoryak.
- Detection of Pests and Weeds in Agriculture Using Mobile Application and Finding Its Remedies.
K Ashok Kumar*, P Charitha, P Sravani
- Peculiarities of Chidren’s Risk Assessment on Ingestion of Chemicals with Drinking Water.
Stepanova N.V*.,Valeeva E.R.,Ziyatdinova A.I., Fomina S.F.
- Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of new metal complexes of N-(4-(2-hydrazinyl-2-oxoethoxy)phenyl)acetamide.
Yasser K. Abdel-Monem*, Hamada H. Amer, Howida S. Mandour and Ibrahim K. Alkafaween
- Cationic Dye Adsorption onto various natural adsorbents: A comparison study
Brahmia O*, and Louafi F.
- Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic Content of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Fruits from Taif Governorate, Saudi Arabia.
Dafaalla Mohamed Hag Ali*, Awad Abdalla Momen, Mohamed Awad Ali Khalid.
- Antimicrobial, Anticancer and Cytotoxic Activities of Acetone Extract Fraction from Stem Bark of Thespesia populnea (Linn.).
E Jeyaseeli Florance*, D Dhayabaran, and K Nandakumar.
- Effective Implementation of Compressive Sensing On ECG Signal.
Raeshmi Noel J*, Illuri Sreenidhi, and RM Joany.
- Molecular Docking Study on Xanthone Derivatives toward Alpha-Glucosidase.
Saoussen LAKEHAL, Fouad FERKOUS, Khairedine KRAIM, Ouassila ATTOUI YAHIA, and Youcef SAIHI*.
- Mathematical Modeling and Protein Structure Prediction for Amino Acid Sequences through Protein Plots and Ecological changes.
R Senthamarai and S Balamuralitharan*.
- Capacity and Kinetic Adsorption Calcium Metal Ion on Chitosan Nano Beads.
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum1*, Narsito2, Sri Juari Santoso2, and Rudiana Agustini1.
- DSP Algorithm for Real-Time Automated Visual Inspection of Aspirin Tablets in Pharmaceutical Blisters.
Karmugilan D, Mohamed Abdullah Alsaad M, and Vijayakumar V*.
- Simulation of Four Layered WiMAX/OFDM/OFDMA PHY for NLOS application.
Summi S, Mohana Priya P, and Vijayakumar V*.
- MODEM Process of QPSK signal using DS-SS – CDMA Communication system.
Sai Prasanna Bhargav SHVN, Jaswanth Reddy P, and Vijayakumar V*.
- Wireless Sensor Network Coverage Demonstarting Power Savings and Limitations with Minimized Coverage
Nagarimadugu Yasaswini Raagha, Induri Soumya Santhoshi, and V Vijayakumar*
- Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Process Based on Conductivity Measurement using Neural Networks.
P Veeraragavan*, andP Madhavasarma.
- A Retrospective Study of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India.
Jyothsna Patil, Shakta Mani Satyam, Naveen Kumar, Muhammad Amzar, Muhammad Arief Hafizi, Norfanan Nolhak, Uthaya Kumar Selvaraj.
- Effect Of 3% Riboflavin on the Adhesion of Dental Composite Resin to Etched Dentin.
Varsha M Joseph*, Manuel S Thomas, Kishore Ginjupalli, and Kundabala M.
- Evaluation of antimicrobial activity, total phenolic compounds , antioxidant activity and nutritional value of fresh spinach (Spinacia oleracea)extracts.
Bader Ahmed Alnashi, Hassan Z.Hassouna*, R.K. El Dairouty.
- Determination of Parameters of High Stress Zones at Multiple-Seam Longwall Mining.
Andrey Alexandrovich Sidorenko*, and Irina Gennadyevna Gerasimova.
- Prevention of Hepatorenal Syndrome by Green Tea, Branched Chain Amino Acids and Mannitol in Rat Model
Sahar Y Al-Okbi*, Doha A Mohamed, Thanaa E Hamed, Magda S Mohamed, Eman M El-Sayed, and Hoda B Mabrok.
- IncreasingSpread ofClaviceps purpurea(Fr). Tul. And It’sEffect on the Quantity and Quality of Winter Rye.
M. Ponomareva*, S. Ponomarev, G. Mannapova, and L. Gilmullina.
- The apoptotic properties of Salvia aegyptiacaand Trigonella foenum-graecum extracts on Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells: the effectiveness of combined treatment.
Amany A Tohamy, Islam M El-Garawani*, Shaimaa R Ibrahim and Ahmed E Abdel Moneim
- Comparison of the modified Wayne’s test with the MGIT 960 for detection of Pyrazinamide resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates.
Reena K,and Shanthi V*
- The Use of Oily Herbal Extract in the Production of Liver Pate.
LyudmilaIvanovnaBarybina*,OlgaNikolaevnaKozhevnikova, ValentinaVasilievnaKulikova, NatalyaPavlovnaOboturova,andEvgeniaViktorovnaSmolko.
- Upgrading of Squeeze Chutes for Sheep.
Boris Alekseevich Doronin, Anatolii Timofeevich Lebedev, Olga Ivanovna Detistova, and Dmitriy Ivanovich Gritsay*.
- Green Economy: Practical Vector for Development Traditional Agriculture.
Igor Vladimirovich Gruzkov*, Elena Aleksandrovna Kosinova, Ol'ga Nikolaevna Kusakina, Evgeny Valer’evich Rusanovsky, and Ivan Ivanovich Ryazancev.
- Environmental Management in Agriculture: Problems and Solutions.
Elena Nikholaevna Kriulina*, Nadezhda Vasilievna Tarasenko, Nadezhda Viktorovna Miroshnitchenko, IrinaVladimirovnaZaitseva,and Irina Fedorovna Dedyukhina.
- Ways to Intensify the Process of Anaerobic Digestion of Poultry Manure in a Bioreactor.
Viktor Ivanovich Marchenko*, Dmitry Alekseevich Sidelnikov, Dmitry Ivanovich Gritsay, Eugene Vasilyevich Gerasimov, and Igor Igorevich Shvetsov
- Parameters Optimization for Multifunctional Aggregates in Plant Growing Mechanization.
Gennadiy Georgiyevich Maslov*, Evgeniy Ivanovich Trubilin, and Evgeniy Vladimirovich Truflyak
- Ways to Reduce the Oxidative Activity of Raw Meat after a Treatment By Pulsed Discharge Technology.
Andrey Ashotovich Nagdalian*, Magomed Aslanovich Selimov, Mariya Vladimirovna Topchii, Natalya Pavlovna Oboturova, Yuliana Sergeevna Gatina and EgorLeonidovich Demchenkov.
- Fluoxetine Ameliorates the behavioral and inflammatory changes induced by Repeated Exposure to Low Doses of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide and Chronic Mild Stress in Wistar Rats .
Khedr LH*, Nassar NN, Laila Rashed, El-Denshary ED, and Abdel-Tawab AM.
- Oral Defense Mechanisms.
Girish HC, Sanjay Murgod*, Shyamala K, and Varsha VK.
- Influence of Ageless Liquid With or Without Piperine on Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity InWistar Rats.
Shakta Mani Satyam, LaxminarayanaBairyKurady*, Jay Prakash, Syed M, Naveen Kumar, and JyothsnaPatil.
- Melioidosis: A Rare Case of Hemoptysis with Pseudoaneurysm.
B Jayaprakash, Karthik Rao N, Navin Patil*, Balaji O, N R Rau, and George Varghese
- Hypothyroidism: A Driving Force behind Accidents?.
Navin Patil, Karthik Rao*, Manjunatha Hande, Siona Sabu, Akshay Vinoo, and Raghavendra Rao 
- Comparative botanical studies of some Salvia species (Lamiaceae) grown in Egypt. I Morphological characteristics.
Kassem F. El-Sahhar, Rania M. A. Nassar and Hend M. Farag*.
- Effects of Smoking to the Lipid Profile in Patients with Periodontal Disease.
Sonja Mindova*, Kiro Ivanovski, Snezana Pesevska, Maja Pandilova, Silvana Georgieva, Emilija Stefanovska, Stevica Ristoska, Katarina Dirjanska, and Filip Koneski.
- Date Palm Revisited.
Hajira Khan, and Sameen Ahmed Khan*.
- Third Molar-A Boon or Bane
Pooja Palwankar*, Vidushi Sheokand, and Drishti Palwankar.
- Study of Cervical Papanicolaou smears in a tertiary hospital.
Natarajan Suresh*.
- The Effect of "Melanin-Gel" on the Wound Healing.
OV. Taburets*,OO.Morgaienko,TO. Kondratiuk , TV. Beregova, and LI. Ostapchenko.
- Selective Laser Melting Technique In Fabrication Of Partial Denture Metal Framework.
Kristijan Rist, and Samir Cimic*
Harikumar Rajaguru1, and Sunil Kumar Prabhakar2.
- The physico-chemical study of surface water from Waluj Industrial area near Aurangabad city of Maharashtra, India.
Raffatunisa Nahri and Vidya Pradhan*.
- The Effect of Plant Protection Products and Albite on the Yield of Peas.
Alexander P. Eryashev*, Ivan P. Bektyashkin, Vladimir E. Kamalihin, Ivan P. Tarakin, and Natalia N. Ivanova.
- Investigation into the Properties of Foamed Concrete Modified by Chemical Additives.
Kaber Sundetovich Shintemirov*, Sarsenbek Aliakbaruly Montayev, Muratbai Zhanaidarovich Ryskaliyev, Askar Asylgaliyevich Bakushev, and Kanat Amangeldievich Narikov.
- Practical Aspects Of Volunteer Movement Development In Moscow.
Tatyana Evstratova*, Valentina Shalashnikova, Nikolai Starostenkov, Evgeniya Nakhratova, Aleksandra Zotova, and Manya Ziroyan.
- The Research on Anthropogenic Evolution of the Landscape in the Locations of Antique Settlements of the Bosporan Kingdom: on the Example of the Hillfort “Belinskoye”.
Viktor Gennadyevich Zubarev*, Sergei L'vovich Smekalov, and Sergei Vladimirovich Yartsev.
- Detection and Quantification of Phthalates in Liquid Food Products by GC-MS.
*PG Sunitha, and M Neelakandan.
- The Effectiveness of Using Hospital-Replacing Technologies in Health-Care System Throught the Example of a Big Town.
Aiman K. Ozhikenova*, Kuralbay K. Kurakbayev, Vladimir Z. Kucherenko, and Kassymbek A. Ozhikenov
- On expansion of the distribution range of some scoliid wasps (Scoliidae, Hymenoptera, Insecta) in the Middle Volga region.
Alexander B. Ruchin*, and Oleg N. Artaev.
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Osteoporosis among Malay Adults in Selangor, Malaysia.
Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar*, Ismail N, Zaliha I, Nor Aini MN, Aimi Nadira MR, Nik Shamsidah NI, and MohamadIkhsan S.
- Chemical Reaction of 5-Substituted 1,4-Naphthoquinones with Crotonaldehyde-N,N-Dimethylhydrazone and Investigation of Derived Compounds Antimicrobial Activity.
Polovkovych Svyatoslav*, Dumanska Yulia,Syngaevsky Vadim, Shakh Yuriy, Konechna Roksolana, Marshalok Olha, Vashchenko Oksana, Kovalchuk Oleksiy, Karkhut Andriy, and Novikov Volodymyr.
- Prevalence of Missing First Molar in South Canara District Population.
Swati Sharma*, Suvidh Virmani, and Mithra N. Hegde.
- Can Infused autograft lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio predict survival in Multiple Myeloma Post autologous peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cell transplantation?
Latifa Mohammadi*, Mohamed Brahimi, Khadidja Haoud, Noria Harir, and Soraya Moulesehoul.
- Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Drug Delivery System Containing Lornoxicam.
Gorle Ashish Prakash*, and Patil Mukesh Arun.
- Aesthetic Proportion of Frontal Teeth in Dentoalveolar Class I, II and III Malocclusions.
Anita Kranjcevic Bubica, Zorica Radalj, Daša Nikolov, Martina Šlaj, Antonija Tadin, and Slavica Pejda*.
- Association of ABO Blood Group and Rhesus factor with Incidence of Breast Cancer.
Shruti Pandey, Nirupama M*, Nandan P, Nayanatara AK, Debarshi Saha, Deepa Adiga, and Jessica Minal.
- Support of the Andragogical Training of Specialists of the Adult Education System.
Lira Yulievna Monakhova*, Ilia Borisovich Malinovsky, Rosa Moiseevna Sherayzina, Galina Aleksandrovna Fedotova, and Irina Aleksandrovna Donina.
- Optimization using central composite design (CCD) for the biosorption of Cr (VI) ions by Azolla filiculoidus a fresh water macro alga.
John Babu D*, Venkateswarulu TC, Indira M, Ranganadh Reddy A, Venkata Narayana A, and Vidya P Kodali.
- Different Regimes of Multiprobiotic for Prevention of Immediate and Delayed Side Effects of Antibiotic Therapy In Children.
Lyudmyla Zakordonets, Ganna Tolstanova, Dmytro Yankovskiy,Halina Dyment, and *Sergiy Kramarev.
- A Promising Novel Rhizobacteria Isolate UBCR_12 as Antifungal for Colletotrichum gloeosporioides.
Elly Syafriani, Femi Riwany, Rahmi Kamelia, Istino Ferita, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah, and Jamsari Jamsari*.
- Comparison Study between effect of Methanolic Extract of Moringa oleifera and Exogenous Ghrelin on Lipid Profile in Atherogenic Rats.
Hawraa Saleem, Arshad Noori Ghani Al-Dujaily*, and Merza hamza homady Al-murshidi
- Effect of Methanolic Leaf Extract of Moringa oleiferaon some Biochemical Markers in obesity induced rats.
Hawraa Saleem, Arshad Noori Ghani Al-Dujaily*, Merza hamza homady Al-murshidi.
- Metabolic Disorders Resulting From Rear Aggressive Retinopathy of Prematurely Born Babies.
A.U. Sharipova*, A.K. Aubakirova, andA.M. Auyezova.
- Intergenerational Relationships in Contemporary Models of Territorial Communities of Children and Adults.
Mikhail Naumovich Pevzner*, Roza Moiseevna Sherayzina, Petr Anatolievitch Petryakov Irina Alexandrovna Donina, and Elena Vasilievna Migunova.
- Concepts of Adult General and Vocational Education Routes, Content, Education Forms and Technologies in Today's Society.
Abram Evseevich Maron*, Lira Yulievna Monakhova, Rosa Moiseevna Sherayzina, Galina Aleksandrovna Fedotova, and Svetlana Aleksandrovna Trashenkova
- Social-pedagogic result in a modern school.
Alexey Mikhaylovich Kamensky*, Rosa Moiseevna Sherayzina, Marina Viktorovna Aleksandrova, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Trashenkova, Lyudmila Vladimirovna Taikova.
- Methane Problem of Coal Beds.
Rostislav Dmitrievich Magomet*, and Natalia Aleksandrovna Mironenkova.
- Amino-Acid Composition Of A Cow Milk From The Farms That Are Adjacent To Zones Of A Falling Of Rocket Carrier "Proton-M".
Balgabay S. Maikanov*, and Laura ?. Auteleyeva.
- Quality Assessment of Chicken Meat by Analysis-Of-Variance Method.
Gennady A. Plutakhin*, Andrey G. Koshchaev, and Irina M. Donnik.
- Comparing physical Activity in women with and without breast cancer referred to Mahdieh MRI & CT Scan center of Hamedan in Iran.
Maryam Ataollahi,Seyedeh Zahra Masoumi?, Arezoo Shayan, Mohammad Reza Sobhan, and Seyed Saleh Oliaei.
- Effect of Gibberellins and progesterone on growth, vase life, chemical composition and volatile component of Lathyrus odoratus.
Sami A. Metwally, Gamil E. Ibrahim, Bedour H. Abo-Leila, and Ahmed M.S.Hussein*
- Implementation of the Genetic Potential of Young Stock Hens of Cross-Country "Ross-308" With Optimized Feeding Program.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Elena Edugartovna Epimahova, andAndrey Valdemarovich Vrana.
- Forming the quality indicators to beef by feed additives "Yoddar-Zn" and "Glimalask-Vet".
Ivan Fedorovich Gorlov*, Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, Alexandr Vasil’evich Randelin, Marina Ivanovna Slozhenkina, and Sergei Nikolaevich Shlykov
- Effect Of Feeding Level On Morphometrics And Commodity Indices Mink Fur.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Alexandr Anatol’yevich Khodusov, Maria Evgen’evna Ponomareva, Viktor Ivanovich Konoplev, Natalia Andrio Parshina and ElenaYur’evna Telegina.
- Comparative Analysis Efficacy Selenium-Containing Vitamin Complexes to Growing Broilers.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin and Olga Igorevna Sevostyanova.
- Cytotoxicity effects determination of vitamin-mineral feed supplement for poultry «Ekstraselen-Vit» on broiler chickens liver cells.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, Olga Vladimirovna Dilekova, and Olga Igorevna Sevostyanova.
- Nitrogen-Fixing Activity of Soybean Plants in the Application of Complex Inlays Seeds.
Olga Georgievna Shabaldas*,Anna Sergeyevna Golub, Olga Viktorovna Mukhina, and Inna Anatolevna Donets.
- The polymorphism of REM-1 gene in sheep genome and its influence on some parameters of meat productivity.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, Marina Ivanovna Selionova, Olesya Yatsyk, and Alexander Krivoruchko*.
- Evaluation Perspective Directions To Improvement Selection Traits Dairy Cattle Of North Caucasus Ayrshire Breed.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Nikolai Zakharovich Zlydnev, Sergei Alexandrovich Oleynik, and Vitaly Yuryvich Morozov.
- Comparative Characteristics Of The Chemical Structure Of Apples For The Elaboration Of Functional Food Products.
Z.U. Zhirenchina*, M. Zh. Kizatova, L. V. Donchenko, E.V. Donchenko, and L.A. Kurasova.
- Structural, Vibrational, Optical and Dielectric Studies on L-Isoleucine D- Norvaline.
P Geetha, SR Niranjana, S Pari, J Madhavan, and M Victor Antony Raj*.
- Growth And Characterisation Of Organic NLO Material: L-Isoleucine D-Valine Single Crystals.
P Geetha, SR Niranjana, S Pari, J Madhavan, and M Victor Antony Raj*
- A Study of Gas-Dynamic Processes in a Charge Chamber during the Explosion of Blasthole Charges of Various Designs.
Roman Evgenyevich Andreev*, and Elena Borisovna Gridina.
- Broaching As A Way Of Ensure Quality During The Recovery Of Surface Of The Pinholes In Details From High-Temperature Materials.
Igor A. Gorbachev*, Natalia A. Tabekina, and Evgeniy I. Evtushenko.
- Beyond Insulin.
Sushil Kiran Kunder, A Avinash, Navin Patil*, Shalini Adiga, Anurag Pathak, andAmod Tilak.
- EDS – Quantitative Microanalysis Of Calcium And Phosphate In The Initial Lesion Of A Circular Caries Before And After The Topical Fluoride Treatment.
Kokoceva – Ivanovska Olga*, Mijoska Aneta, and Gligorova Dragica.
- Investigating Oil Sludges and Their Application as Energy Efficient and Modifying Component in Ceramic Pastes.
Sarsenbek Aliakbaruly Montayev*, Sabit Muratovish Zharylgapov, Kylyshbai Aldabergenovich Bisenov, Bekbulat Temerganovich Shakeshev, and Maira Zhaubasarovna Almagambetova
- The Theory Of Probabilities Methods In The Scenario Simulation Of Buildings And Construction Operation
Andrey Volkov*, Artem Sedov, Pavel Chelyshkov, Boris Titarenko, Galina Malyha, and Egor Krylov.
- Method of Blocking Lines at Shape-Generating Of Helical Surfaces by Disk Blade.
VladimirAleksandrovichIvanov*, VictorKonstantinovichPerevoznikov, and TimurRizovich Ablyaz
- Increasing Corrosion-Fatigue Strength of Long Cylindrical Products as a Result of Preliminary Strengthening by Joint Stretching and Twisting.
Alexey Andreevich Kryukov*, Vyacheslav Evgenyevich Kalugin, and Ludmila Dmitrievna Sirotenko.
- Implant Angulations Effect on Bone Stresses: Clinical and FEA Study.
Mohamed M EL- Zawahry, Mohamed I EL- Anwar, Mohamed S EL-Mofty, Ahmed F EL-Ragi, Amani R Moussa*, Hisham S ElGabry, and Amr M Shebaita.
- Insect succession and carcass decomposition during spring and summer in An-Najaf province-Iraq.
Suhad Hameed H. Albushabaa and Harith Rajab Almousawy*.
- Formulation And Characterization Of A Calcium Silicate/Calcium Phosphate Root End Filling Material; Part I: Synthesis And Physico-Mechanical Properties.
MM Radwan, Engy M Kataia, and Maram E Khallaf*.
- Formulation and Characterization of a Calcium Silicate/Calcium Phosphate Root End Filling Material; Part II: Adaptability and In-Vivo Biocompatibility Study.
MM Radwan, Engy M Kataia, and Maram E Khallaf*.
- Field Application of Bio-Fertilizers Technology on Faba Bean Growth and Yield.
Reda A Abdel-Aziz, Talaat N El-Sebai, Said M Badr El-Din*, and Salah A Abo-Sedera .
- Simulation Of Flow Separation At The Inlet Of A Projecting Flat Suction Channel
Olga A. Averkova*, Ilya V. Kryukov, Kirill V. Plotnikov, Elena I. Tolmacheva, and Ilya V. Khodakov.
- The study of specific surface of coal treated by electric arc plasma according to the air permeability data of the layer and the coloring agent sorption
Buyantuev S.L*, Shishulkin S.U, Kondratenko A.S, Khmelev A.B, and Bazarsadaev E.T.
- Frame Composites Based On Soluble Glass.
Vladimir Trofimovich Erofeev*, Evgeny Vasilevich Zavalishin, Vladimir Ivanovich Rimshin, Vladimir Leonidovich Kurbatov, and Mosakov Boris Stepanovich.
- Load-Bearing Capacity of Short Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns of Circular Cross Section.
Anatolii Leonidovich Krishana*, Evgenia Anatolievna Troshkinaa, Vladimir Ivanovich Rimshinb, Viktor Alekseevich Rahmanovc, and Vladimir Leonidovich Kurbatovd.
- Study of Temperature Fields in Bitumen Storages and Dehydration Reservoirs.
Evgenia Vladimirovna Uglova*, Yuriy Yakovlevich Nikulin, and Sergey Sergeevich Saenko.
- Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance of Graduate Engineering Students.
AFJ Anand*, CN Ramgopal, and VD Swaminathan.
- A Study to Evaluate the Prevalence of Postural Problems among the Dentists in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Jinu Merlin Koshy*, W M S Johnson, R Archana , and B SathyaPriya.
- Effect of Infusions of Plant Crops on the Quality Seed Yellow Sweet Clover.
Nina Stefanovna Chukhlebova*, Anna Sergeevna Golub, Olga Georgievna Shabaldas and Alla Anatolevna Belovolova.
- Effects of Anthropogenic Environmental and Food Safety.
Sergey Alexandrovich Emelyanov*, Yulia Alexandrovna Mandra, Oleg Yurievich Gudiev, Lyubov Vasilievna Maznitsyna, and Sergey Alexandrovich Korostylev
- Effect of Fertilization Systems on the Dynamics of Ca2+ In Crops of Winter Wheat
Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko*, Timur Soltanovich Aysanov, Maksim Sergeevich Sigida, Elena Alexandrovna Salenko, and Alexander Vladimirovich Voskoboynikov
- Effect of Increasing Doses of Mineral Fertilizers on Development of Root Rot Pathogen Fusarium in Crops Winter Wheat.
Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko, Elena Alexandrovna Salenko*, Maksim Sergeevich Sigida, Evgeniy Valerievich Golosnoy, and Alena Yurevna Gurueva.
- Influence Of Fertilizers And Methods Of Soil Cultivation On The Dynamics Of Mobile Sulphur Chernozem Leached To The Winter Wheat Crops In The Zone Of An Unreliable Moistening Of Stavropol Territory.
Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko*, Alexandra Yurevna Fursova, Yuliya Ivanovna Grechishkina, Alla Anatolievna Belovolova, and Ludmila Sergeevna Gorbatko.
- Morphometric parameters PINUS SYLVESTRIS L. into condition of guardian and urban lands.
Yulia Alexandrovna Mandra*, Elena Evgenievna Stepanenko, Oksana Anatolievna Pospelova, Tamara Georgievna Zelenskaya, and Svetlana Vasilievna Okrut.
- Effect Composition of Microbial Associations on Intensity Symptoms of Disease.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, Anatolii Nikolaevich Kononov, Nadezhda Arkadevna Ozheredova*, Alexander Nikolaevich Simonov, and Elena Valentinovna Svetlakova.
- Determination Prospects Of Development Labor Potential In Agriculture Stavropol Territory Based On Assessment His Condition.
Irina Vladimirovna Zaitseva*, Marina Viktorovna Popova, Anna Nikolaevna Ermakova, Svetlana Viktorovna Bogdanova, and Denis Nikolaevich Rezenkov.
- Potential of Halotolerant Rhizobacteria Isolated from Taifto Promote Growth and Alleviate the Salt Stressof Barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) Grown in Saline Soils.
El-Halmouch* Y, El-Shanshoury AR, Mahmoud SF, and Amer SA.
- Effect of Heat Treatments of Whey Proteins Supplemented with Sodium Caseinate on the Emulsions Properties.
Farrag, A.F*,El-Sayed, M.M, EL-Sheikh, M.M, Shendy, A, and Soliman, T.N.
- Effectiveness of Functional Wheat - Fermented Milk Beverage against Tannic Acid Induced Anemia.
Amal S. Abd El-Azeem, Amany M. Hegazy, I.H. Badawy , Gamal A Ibrahim, Kawther El- Shafei , Hoda S El- Sayed, and Osama M Sharaf*.
- Effect of cardiac rehabilitation on endothelial function and HbA1c in diabetic patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD).
AssarehAhmadreza, AkiashNehzat, and MohammadiradMasoume*.
- The Study Of The Processes, Degradation Factors And The Selection Of Crops For The Restoration Of Bioresourses Capacity Of The Grassland Of Semi-Desert Zones.
Beybit Nasiyev*.
- Glocalization Of Learning Regions Establishment Process: Foreign And Russian Experience.
Rosa Moiseevna Sheraizina*, Galina Aleksandrovna Fedotova, MarinaViktorovnaAleksandrova, Mikhail Naumovitch Pevzner, and Petr Anatolievitch Petryakov.
- Ant?m??r?b??l ??t?v?t??f ??rduus ?r?spus ??tr??ts.
?m?rb???va ?. Ye.*, D?tkh???v U. M., Gl?dukh.I?. V., Iud?n? Iu.V., Makhatov B.K.,?r?nb?ss?r?v? ?.?., ??kh?t?v Zh. ?.
- Towards a Better Understanding of Solubility of Thermally Polymerized and Aggregated Whey Proteins.
Ahmed S. Eissa*.
- Evaluation Of Uric Acid Level, A New Biomarker In Patients With Metabolic Syndrome.
T Mohanalakshmi, B Sai Ravi Kiran, R Srikumar, A Franklin, and E Prabhakar Reddy*.
- Characterization and Sub Acute toxicity Ethanol Extracts from Leaves of coffee Parasites (Scurrula ferruginea Jack Dance) to the activity of SGPT and Serum Creatinine Levels male white mice.
Helmi A, Dillasamola D*, and Putri W.
- Formation of the layer composition for a solid-state quantum dot sensitized solar cell ZnO|SnS|CuSCN.
V.V. Ivanov*, G.V. Tsepilov, I.V. Enyutin, and S.M.-K.Bakmaev.
- Indapamide Induced SIADH with Hypokalaemia: A Case Report.
Navin Patil, Karthik Rao N*, O Balaji, Handattu Manjunath Hande, Raghavendra Rao, George Varghese, and Arushi Aishwarya.
- Improving Growth and Productivity of Olive Trees through Raising Photosynthesis Efficiency.
ES Hegazi, NE Kasim, TA Yehia, MS Abou rayya and Thanaa Sh M*.
- Vitamin B12–Assisted Phototherapeutics: A Glimpse of the Future.
A Avinash, Sushil Kiran Kunder, Navin Patil*, Shalini Adiga, Anurag Pathak, and Amod Tilak.
- Estimation of L-Fucose and Sialic Acid as Prognostic Markers in Precancerous Condition in Mangalore Population.
Roopesh J Poojary, Suchetha Kumari,Nayanatara AK, Rashmi Kaup Shiva*, Vinodini NA, Dharnappa Poojary.
- Tracheostomy in Pan Facial Fractures.
Balakrishnan R *, Muthulingam Vivek, Prabhu NP, and Muthumani T.
- Fermentation, Isolation and Purification of Antibiotic F40 from Streptomyces sulfonensis sp.nov.
Ellaiah P, Venkateswara Rao VS*, Ramakrishna SV, Venkateswarulu Y, Annapurna J, and Venkatesam U.
- Chemical CharacteristicofKembang Loyang fromRed, Black and White Rice.
Tuty Anggraini*, Riska Amelia, and Surini Siswardjono
- Response Of Myeloid Dendritic Cells In Tumor Microenvironment Of Breast Cancer: Alteration In Secretory Function.
Hadeer Hesham Abdel-Fattah*, Mohamed El-Shinawi, Somaya Eldeeb, and Mona Mostafa Mohamed.
- Principles of providing safety, comprehensive analysis of the injury risk and the targeted impact on the traumatic factors as the instruments of increasing the efficiency of integrated safety management systems at mining enterprises of the Russian Federation
Elena BorisovnaGridina*, and Roman Evgenyevich Andreev.
- Participation of Antioxidant Enzymes in Defense Reactions of Wheat to the Stressing Environments
ArailymZhubaevnaAmirkulova*, Gianfranco Romanazzi,AizhanSharelevnaUtarbayeva, Gulnisa OlakaevnaRvaydarova, and OlesyaVladimirovnaChebonenko
- A Selection of Conditions for the Biodegradation of Poultry Wastes Industry
Alexander Prosekov*, Andrey Petrov, AndreiLisitsyn, Elena Ulrich, LyubovDyshlyuk, and VyatcheslavDolganuk.
- Creep of Cement Concretes.
Vladimir LeonidovichKurbatov*, Natalia DementyevnaKomarova, and AnastasiyaAleksandrovnaEsipova.
- Diversity of viral photosystem-II psbA genes in the largest channel reservoir of Kazakhstan.
MadinaSaparbaevnaAlexyuk*, Pavel GennadievichAlexyuk, Andrey PavlinovichBogoyavlenskiy, SlavkoKomarnytsky, Rashid AbuaskarovichMirzadinov, ZhaudatZhumatovichZhumanov, AizhanSabirzhanovnaTurmagambetova,and Vladimir EleazarovichBerezin.
- Adjustment of High Frequency Properties of Linear Electron Accelerator.
AleksandrEvgen'evichNovozhilov*, AleksandrNikolaevichFilatov, and Vladimir Kuz'michShilov.
- Techno-economic investigation for production of innovative hydrogel as superabsorbent polymer.
Maaly M.A. Khedr*, Azza I Hafez, Hanaa M Aly, and Ahmed I Waly.
- Rock Geo-Mechanical State Alteration upon Entry of a Mechanized Longwall Set of Equipment into Pre-Mining Break-Down Chamber.
Karpov G. N*, and Leisle A. V.