Current Issue
Volume 7, Issue 6, 2016 (November - December)
- Efficacy of Oil Infused Toothpaste Against Oil Pulling: A Study.
Anirudha Kablian*, and Jaiganesh Ramamurthy.
- A Comparative study of the antibacterial activity of Juncus maritumus Asch&Buschen; its synergic effect with some standard antibiotics and some other medicinal plants.
Atmani A, Sekhri L*, and Khaled B.
- Interconnection of A Physical Activity of Mature Males with Their Diet.
Oles Pryshva*, and Anatolii Tsos
- Temporomandibular Disturbances in Burning Mouth Syndrome Patients.
Jurisic Kvesic A, Zavoreo I, Vucicevic Boras V*, Basic Kes V, Music L, and Badel P.
- Synthesis and Antiviral Investigation of New Polynuclear Heterocyclic Compounds Containing Tetrahydroindazole Derivatives.
Fatma Bassyouni*, Alaa El Din Gaffer, Hannaa Roaiah, Waled M. El-Senousy, Sally S. El Nakkady, and Mohamed Abdel Rehim.
- Ways to Preserve Biological Diversity of Bog Ecosystems within Natural Parks System.
Yulia V Yudina*.
- Rhabdomyolysis and Strychnine Poisoning: A Case Report.
Yajnesh Kidiyoor, Sipra Rai, Shankar M Bakkannavar*, Vinod C Nayak, Ranjit Immanuel James, andKavitha Saravu.
- Definition of Indicators of Competitiveness of Ophthalmological Centers by Expert Evaluation.
Makhambetov DJ*, Botabekova TK, and Buribayeva JK.
- Information Management for Patients Kazakh Eye Research Institute About Cataract Operation.
Botabekova T*, Issergepova B, Auyezova A, and Kulmagambetov M.
- Role of Silicon and High Siliceous Materials in Growing Organic Crop Produce.
AK Kulikova, EA Yashin1, NG Zakharov, IA Toigildina, NA Hayrtdinova, AV Karpov, AV Kozlov, AL Toigildin*.
- Influence of Growth Regulators and Macroelements on Dynamic Pattern of Nitrogen and Protein Content in Wheat Grain.
VA Isaichev, NN Andreyev, AL Toigildin*, MI Podsevalov, and IA Toigildina.
- Comparison of Serum Zinc Levels Between the Patients with Acne Vulgaris and Healthy Volunteers.
Farrokh Rad, Roxana yaghmaee, Bahram Nikkhoo*, and Fardin Gharibi.
- Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities of Two Different Solvent Extracts of Green Prickly Pear (Opuntia ficus indica L. Mill.).
Hamadoun Abba TOURÉ*, Mustapha BOUATIA, Brahim MOJEMMI, Madani MARIKO, Blaise DACKOUO, Hanane BENZEID, Imane ALOUANI, Mohammed HMAMOUCHI, Mohammed O.B. IDRISSI, and Mustapha DRAOUI.
- Liquid Determination of Methamphetamine in Heroin Narcotic Plant by UV-Chromatography Technique.
Shaker A. N. AL-Jadaan*
- Treatment of Waste water Noodle Industry with a Multi-Soil-Layering (MSL) System.
Rahmiana Zein*, Zilfa, Syukrya Ningsih, Lidya Novita, Neneng Swesty, Mukhlis, and Heric Novrian
- A Review On Probiotic Yeast Strains from Food and Environmental Origin
Nilanjana Das*.
- Clinicopathological Profile of Patients with Lymphadenopathy
Archana Shivamurthy*,Alagappan Suppiah, Kishor Kumar Mahandran, and Yong Eunice.
- An Endogenous Heterocyclic Compound Isatin.
Rajasree G Pai, Surya M, Muhammed Javahar P B, Subin Mary Zachariah*, and Namy George.
- Investigation of Electromagnetic Radiations on Diosgenin Compound of Fenugreek.
Shamli Sharma, and Leena Parihar*.
- Visually Meaningful Image Encryption.
Arunkumar S*, Senthilselvan N, and Saikishor Jangiti.
- Investigation of flux influence on structure of foamed slag glass with a high content of slag waste.
Elena Alfredovna Yatsenko*, Boris Mikhailovich Goltsman, Victoria Aleksandrovna Smoliy, and Andrey Sergeevich Kosarev.
- The Fertilizer System Increasing the Salt Tolerance and Productivity of Cotton in The Conditions of Saline Soils in Southern Kazakhstan.
Samat Isembayevich Tanirbergenov*, Beibut Ualeihanovich Suleimenov, Abdulla Saparovich Saparov, Akerke Soltanayeva and Balnur Zhasulanovna Kabylbekova
- Concentration of Gold from Ash and Slag Wastes of Energy Sector Enterprises of The Primorsky Territory.
Evgeny Ivanovich Shamray*, Andrey Vasilyevich Taskin, Sergey Igorevich Ivannikov, and Alexander Alekseevich Yudakov.
- Aspects of Establishing Precious Metal Reserves in Waste of Heat-And-Power Engineering Enterprises.
Andrey Vasilyevich Taskin*, Alexander Andreyanovich Cherepanov, Leonid Nikolayevich Alekseyko, and Andrey Vladimirovich Andreev.
- The Study of The Morphology and Structural Properties of Coatings of Implants with Different Shapes of The Developed Surface.
Alexandr Nikolaevich Mitroshin*, Sergey Ivanovich Gerashchenko, Sergey Mihailovich Gerashchenko, Natalya Nikolaevna Yankina, and Andrey Fedorovich Aleksandrov.
- Tree-Ring Analysis of Radial Increment of Pinus Sylvestris L. In Shalday Pine Forests in The Northeast of Kazakhstan.
Nariman Mapitov*, and Sholpan Zhumadina.
- An Experimental Evaluation of a Photoprotection By Riboflavin in The Excimer Laser Refractive Keratectomy.
Igor M. Kornilovskiy*, Elmar Mustafa oglu Gasimov, Aytan Ihtiyar gizi Sultanova, Aleksandr Burtsev, and Mirana Farhad gizi Mirishova.
- Corrosion of Solid-Fuel Boilers in Biopellet Combustion.
Marina Vladimirovna Larchikova*, Aleksandr Viktorovich Larchikov, and Dmitry Borisovich Rygalin.
- Study of Combustion Optimization for High Ash-Content Biopellets in an Experimental Burner.
Marina VladimirovnaLarchikova*, Aleksandr ViktorovichLarchikov, and Dmitry BorisovichRygalin.
- Psychophysiological Reasons for Extremist Behavior.
Suleiman Nurattdinovich Mammaev*, Naida Radjabovna Mollaeva, Angela Sergeevna Damadaeva, and Saida Alirzaena Magomedova.
- Modeling And Analysis Of Hard Chromium Coating Over Piston Surface In IC Engines.
Siva R,Rajasekar R, Mahamed Naveed Khan Patan,Mane Lakshmi Pavan Kumar, Purusothaman MThamilarasan R And Aaron James S*.
- The Effectiveness of Native Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Culture Supernatant and one of its Recombinant Components on Culex pipiens Larvae.
Samia AbdAllah AbdAl-Aziz, Hassan Mahmoud Emara, Nadia Abdel-Mohsen Soliman*, Halima Hassan Salem, Mohamed Reda Metwally, and Mostafa Hemdan Mahmoud.
- Characterization of Magnetotactic Bacteria (MTBs) Isolated from Different Habitats in Egypt.
Hoda A Kabary, M Attia, Saadia M Easa, Nemat M Awad, R A I Abou-Shanab and M F Eida
- Bacteriological Study of Pigmented Bacteria and Molecular Study Based for 16s rRNA Gene.
Nada Khazal Kadhim Hindi*.
- Anticorrosion Potential of Salazopyrin Drug for Copper in Nitric Acid Solution.
AS Fouda*, GY Elewady, YM Abdallah, and GM Hussien.
- In-vitro Antibacterial and Antifungal Effect of Areca Nut Extract
Nisreen J M Al-Bayati*.
- Sleep Quality and Its Predictive Factors in Nulliparous Pregnant Women.
FatemehShobeiri, Reyhaneh Ebrahimi, Batool Khodakarami*, and Ghodratola Roshanei.
- Effectiveness of aqueous and alcoholic extract of” Annona Squamosa“ plant against some types of Gram positive and negative bacteria.
Iman Fadhil Abdul-Husin, Nadhim Mshtaq Hashim, Nada Khazal Kadhim Hindi, Fatima Malik Abood, and Ammar Khazaal Kadhim.
- Body Mass Index Vs Waist Hip Ratio In Type 2 Diabetic Population And Its Correlation With Duration Of Diabetes
Elanchezhian C, Syed Safina SS, Raveendran SR*, Vaishali S.
- Ethanol-Wet Bonding May Enhance Infiltration of Nanofillers into Dentinal Hybrid Layers.
Muhammet Kerim Ayar*.
- Prevalence of verotoxin gene among the clinical isolates of non-O157 diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in Malaysia.
Nazmul MHM*, Jamal H, Rashid MA, Karim Al-Jashamy, Saeid Reza Doustjalali, and Negar Shafiei Sabet.
- Do Warning Labels on Cigarette Pack matters?
Redhwan A Al-Naggar*, Ismail N, Zaliha I, Nor Aini MN, Nik Shamsidah N, Aimi Nadira MR, and Mohamad Ikhsan S.
- PsychocorrectionOf Health, Activity and Mood of Patients with Coronary Artery Disease at The Stage of Sanatorium Therapy.
V.I. Dolgova*, N.I. Arkaeva, E.V. Baryshnikova, E.G. Kapitanets, and Yu.A. Rokitskaya.
- Global Environmental Problems, Environmental Safety and Environmental Efficiency of the Power Industry.
Vladimir Alexandrovich Grachev*, and Olga Vladimirovna Plyamina.
- Clinical value of TEI index in the diagnosis of myocardial dysfunction of the left ventricle in patients with connective tissue dysplasia.
EugenyaVasilevnaFomenko*, NatalyaFyodorovnaBeresten, Mikhail V. Medvedev, Natalia Anatolevna Altynnik, and Irina Arkadevna Ozerskaya.
- Morphological Characteristics of The Target Organs of Lymphoid and Digestive Systems Under Secondary Immunodeficiency Condition in Calves.
Tatiana N. Derezina*, Alexei A. Volkov, Tatiana M. Ushakova, Sergey A. Staroverov, Sergey V. Kozlov, I.I. Kalyuzhnyi, I.Yu. Domnitsky, and Ivan A. Nikulin.
- The Possibility of Prenatal Echocardiography in The Diagnosis of Agenesis of The Valve of The Pulmonary Artery and Perinatal Outcomes.
Mikhail Vasilevich Medvedev*, Marina Vladimirovna Kubrina, Natalia Anatolevna Altynnik, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Kitaev, and Yakov Alexandrovich Lubashev.
- Improving Biological Sustainability of Agrophytocenosis Of Winter Wheat and Potatoes by Applying Silicon-Containing Ores and Growth Promoting Factor Of “Kreza?in” In the Context of Nizhny Novgorod Region.
Andrey V. Kozlov*, Irina P. Uromova, Natalia N. Koposova, Yuliya Yu. Davydova, and Marina A. Trushkova.
- Thin Layer Chromatographic Separation of Cr(VI), Cr(III), Ni(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Fe(III), Zn(II) and Mo(VI) Toxic Metal Ions.
M H Jumde and W B Gurnule* 
- Increasing The Efficiency of Land Resources Use for an Agricultural Enterprise.
Vladimir V Nosov*, Mikhail N Kozin, Victor I Andreev, Irina Y Surzhanskayaand Elena A Murzina.
- Probiotics and Strong Antimicrobial of Buffalo Milk Fermentation (Dadih) From Different Places in West Sumatera Indonesia.
Sumaryati Syukur*, Hermansyah A, and Edy Fachrial.
- Response of Flax (Linum usitatissimun L.)Nutrients Content to Foliar Application by Two Different Sources of Silicon Fertilizers.
Shaymaa I Shedeed, Bakry A Bakry* and Osama A Nofal.
- Physiological Role of Antioxidant in Improving Growth and Productivity of Chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) Grown Under Newly Reclaimed Sandy Soil.
Ahmed MA1, Shalaby MS2, MervatSh Sadak2, Gamal El-Din KM2, Abdel-Baky YR2* and Khater MA2.
- Response of Two Wheat Cultivars to Different Nitrogen Sources in Newly Cultivated Land.
Nabila M Zaki*, MS Hassanein, Amal G Ahmed , MA AhmedandM.M. Tawifk
- Effect of the Complete Foliar Fertilizer Nitrophoska Foliar 20 /19/19/TE and Yeast on Growth and Yield of Tow Sunflower Cultivars Under Newly Reclaimed Sandy Soil Condition.
Amal G Ahmed*, MA Ahmed, MS Hassanein, Nabila M Zaki and El-Housini Ebtesam A
- Maximizing the performance, productivity and quality traits of two flax cultivars by using some bio-fertilizers under newly reclaimed sandy soil.
Bakry AB*, Mervat Sh Sadak, Maha Mohamed-Shater Abd Allah, Tamer M Abd El-Razik and Mona G Dawood
- Analysis of the morphology and growth of the fungus Phallus indusiatus Vent. in Cocoa Plantation, Gaperta-Ujung Medan.
Rama R Sitinjak*
- Assessing the enhancing effect of some PCR additives in the diagnosis of Avian Influenza (H5) and Marek's disease viruses
Ahmed M Erfan*, Walid H Kilany, and Mohamed K Hassan.
- Environmental Aspects of The High Ash Content Biofuel Pellets Combustion in The Experimental Burner.
Marina Vladimirovna Larchikova*, Aleksandr Viktorovich Larchikov, and Dmitry Borisovich Rygalin.
- Work Capacity and Durability of Rolling Cutter Drill Bits (Analysis of Criteria and Research Results).
Vladimir Alexeyevich Pyalchenkov*, Vladimir Veniaminovich Dolgushin, Gennady Andreyevich Kulyabin.
- The Methodology of Diagnostics, Rehabilitation and Improvement of Muscles of The Locomotor System on The Training Systems.
Viktor Ivanovich Kucheruk*, Stanislav Grigorievich Petrov, and Grigoriy Leonidovich Petrov.
- The Use of Environmental Technologies to Clean Up Contaminated Waste from Thermal Power Plant Ash Disposed for The Needs of Construction Industry.
Alexander Alexandrovich Opanasyuk*, Andrei Andreevich Andreev, Alexey Viktorovich Belov, Andrey Vasilyevich Taskin, and Alexandra Nikolaevna Smyshlyaeva.
- On Possibility of Long-Term Use of Deep Heat of The Earth for Power-Supplying Autonomous Consumers.
A.V. Ryzhenkov*, A.V. Kurshakov, S.V. Grigoriev, V.V. Bekker, and A.V. Bogachev.
- Capabilities of Digital Radiographic Examinations in The Diagnosis of Coronary Calcification.
Malakhat Jahangir Sultanova*, and Vasadat Ali Azizov.
- Obtaining of Specific Antibodies to Trenbolone Acetate Conjugated by Macromolecular Carriers.
R. Ryschanova*, P. Ibragimov, M. Kuibagarov, Zh. Bermukhametov, P. Shevchenko
- Methods of Assessing Efficiency of Wildfire Monitoring Systems Functioning.
O. A. Kosorukov*, and D. A. Maksimov.
- Development of A Test Rig for Research into Ultra-High-Speed Collisions Between Liquid Droplets and A Metal Surface.
Alexey Feliksovich Mednikov*, Alexander Ivanovich Bychkov, Gennady Viktorovich Kachalin, and Alexandr Borisovich Tkhabisimov.
- Ecological Network of the Kerch Peninsula as the Basis for Preserving Biodiversity of Natural Steppe Biocenoses.
Andrey Vladimirovich Shpakovich*, Marianna Dmitrievna Kharlamova, Elena Dmitrievna Mazygula, and Vladimir Alexandrovich Grachev.
- Accumulation of 137Cs and 40K by Plants of Forest Ecosystems: The Estimation of Plant Species Factor. Case Study: Mixed Forests of the East European Plain.
Olga Sergeyevna Zheleznova*, Natalia Anatolievna Chernykh, Vladimir Alexandrovich Grachev, Yulia Igorevna Baeva, and S.A. Tobratov.
- On Possibilities of Creating Systems for Autonomous Power Supply of Pipeline Cathodic Protection Stations.
Alexander G. Parygin*, Alexander V. Volkov, Artyom V. Ryzhenkov, Alexander S. Ivanov, Evgeniy M. Shitov, and Alexey A. Druzhinin
- Real Time Patient Health Monitoring Using Raspberry PI.
Nagarjuna Reddy A,G Hari Krishnan*, and Raghuram D.
- Comparative Study on Classifiers Using Diabetes Data Set.
B Santhi, and K Gokulnath*.
- Random Forest Modelling for Cardiotocography Data: A Case Study on Machine Learning with SparkR.
RS Kamath* and RK Kamat
- Adsorption of Bromothymol Blue dye from Aqueous Solutions using Sawdust treated by polyaniline
Abeer E Adnan, and Taghried A Salman*
- Some Qualitative Properties of Functional Cake Containing Flaxseed Powder.
Zaker Aghakeshipour*, and Ghila Aghakeshipour.
- Radix 4 and Radix 8 Butterfly Units for OFDM applications.
Sharmila Hemanandh*, and A Sivasubramanian
- Science Education: New Competences, Development Prospects and Teaching Methods.
Natalia Yu Anisimova*, Zhyldyzbek Zhakshylykov, Nina I. Larionova, Tatyana V. Yalyalieva, and Elena A. Murzina.
- Essential Oil Composition, Free-Radical-Scavenging and Antibacterial effect from leaves of Myrtus Communis in Tunisia
Amel Jerbi, Raed Abdennabi, Neji Gharsallah, Guido Flaminiand Majed Kammoun*.
- Impact of the economic crisis on health indicators: A Panel Data Analysis in Eastern Mediterranean Countries
Javad Javan Noughabi, Saeideh Khanmohammadian, Shahin Soltani, Ahmad Faramarzi*, and Bahman Khosravi
- Ovarian Endometriotic Cyst in an Unmarried Mimicking Malignancy: Case Report and A Review of the Literature.
Divya S*, and Saraswathi K.
- The Effect Of Fermentation Time On The Characteristic Of Chips Made From Grated Cassava (ManihotUttilissima).
Wenny Surya Murtius* and Deivy Andhika Permata.
- The Effect of Operation Conditions and Physical Characteristics of The Suspension-Carrying Flow in A Vertical Pipeline on The Near-Wall Transverse Migration of Solid Particles.
Albert Konstantinovich Papovyants*, Valery Petrovich Mel’nikov, IgorAlekseevich Voronin, and Vitaly Vladimirovich Grigorov.
- Technical and Technological Characteristics of the Cross-Flow Filter with Plasma-Chemical Nanostructured Membranes.
Genady Vasilievich Grigoryev*, Vitaly Vladimirovich Grigorov, Olga Vladimirovna Raskach, and Ekaterina Pavlovna Zaloznaya.
- Effects of Various Techniques of Untanning Of Leather Shavings on The Properties of The Protein Hydrolysate.
Elena Vladimirovna Zharnikova*, Dmitry Valeryevich Shalbuev, and Vera Dashievna Radnaeva
- The Use of Natural Sorbents to Clean Oily Wastewater in The Reservoir Pressure Maintenance Systems.
Ekaterina Pavlovna Zaloznaya*, Vitaly Vladimirovich Grigorov, Genady Vasilievich Grigoryev, and Olga Vladimirovna Raskach.
- The Projective Study of The Impact of The Vertical Position of a Person on The Nosological Specificity of Psychosomatic Risk.
Galina I. Efremova*, Galina V. Timoshenko, Elena A. Leonenko, Irina A. Bochkovskaya, Svetlana N. Sorokoumova, and Elena V. Potekhina.
- The Use of Medical Expert Systems in Prosthetic Dentistry.
Sergey Vasilievich Chuykin*, Sergey Anatolievich Lazarev, Oleg Sergeevich Chuykin, Vitaliy Vasilevich Viktorov , and Marsel Maratovich Tuigunov.
- Analysis of the Effects of Cryopreservation Conditions on Germination Ability of Tanacetum Ulutavicum Seeds.
Alexandra Sh. Dodonova*, Helena A. Gavrilkova, Margarita Yu. Ishmuratova, Saltanat U. Tleukenova, and Gayanae P. Pogossyan.
- The Role of Mineral Elements in The Pathogenesis of Lichen Planus of The Oral Mucosa.
Sergey Vasilevich Chuykin*, Gyuzel Maratovna Akmalova, Oleg Sergeyevich Chuykin, Natalia Vyacheslavovna Makusheva, and Galina Grigoryevna Akatyeva.
- Study of The Influence of Chemical Interactions at The Metal–Film System on The Electrical Properties of Poly (Vinylidene Fluoride).
Andrey E. Afonkin*, Eugene V. Luchkin, and Lyana O. Shoranova.
- The Influenceof Soil Contaminationof The Black Sea Coast of The Caucasus By Heavy Metalsand OilonThe Abundance of Azotobacter GenusBacteria.
Sergey I. Kolesnikov*, Anna A. Kuzina, Kamil Sh. Kazeev, Tatyana V. Denisova, Yulia S. Kozun, and Yulia V. Akimenko.
- Production of High Purity Hydrogen from Magnesium Metal Reaction with Citric Acid in Seawater
Sh El Rafie*, Khater EM*, M El Bauomy**, Mohamed MS*
- Biofilm Formation on Metal Materials for Fixed Dental Prostheses.
Ignatova-Ivanova Tsveteslava*, Boneva Margarita, Sevginar Ibrjm, D-r Enchev Damian, Ivanov Radoslav
- Treatment Effects of Twin Block Therapy – A Cephalometric Study
Divyalakshmi Dayalan*, Ravindra Kumar Jain, Saravanadinesh SP, Christine Samantha R
- The Validity of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in Characterizing Benign and Malignant Uterine Endometrial Cavity Masses.
Kassim AH Taj-Aldean*.
- Prevalence of Dengue Vector Aedes aegypti and its Significance in Dengue Transmission in Delhi.
Gaurav Kumar, RK Singh, Veena Pande, VP Ojha, Ram Das, S Haq and RC Dhiman*.
- Potential use of 15N stem injection technique to study nitrogen distribution in olive tree under boron foliar application
El-Motaium RA*, Hegazi ES, YehiaTA, and Hashim ME.
- Raising Efficiency of Petrothermal Source of Energy Through Using Heat Accumulators.
A.V. Volkov*, Ye.M. Shitov, Ye.S. Orlova, A.V. Kuznetsov-Sytinskiy, S.V. Grigoriev, and V.V. Bekker.
- The Study of Temperature Transitions in PVDF with Different Structure.
L.O. Shoranova*, S.A. Bondarenko, and A.E. Afonkin.
- Copolymers of Vinylidene Fluoride with Hexafluoropropylene And Relaxation Processes In Them.
Andrey E. Afonkin*, Ekaterina E. Kozlova, and Sergey A. Bondarenko.
- The Influence on The Supramolecular Structure of Crystallizing Ferroelectric Polymers the Magnitude of Dipole Interactions.
Andrey E. Afonkin*, Eugene V. Luchkin, Anastasia S. Gadlevskaya, and Ekaterina E. Kozlova.
- Molecular Mobility in Copolymers of Vinylidene Fluoride with Tetrafluoroethylene and The Influence of Cold Drawing.
Lyana O. Shoranova*, Sergey A. Bondarenko, Andrey E. Afonkin, Eugene V. Luchkin, and Anastasia S. Gadlevskaya.
- Ferroelectric Polymers Based on Vinylidene Fluoride and The Processes of Structure Formation In Them.
Eugene V. Luchkin*, Anastasia S. Gadlevskaya, Sergey A. Bondarenko.
- The Influence of Thermal History During Solidification of The Polyvinylidene Fluoride on The Characteristics of Dielectric Relaxation.
Andrey E. Afonkin*, Anastasia S. Gadlevskaya, Lyana O. Shoranova.
- Study of Molecular Mobility in Textured Films of a Copolymer of Vinylidene Fluoride and Tetrafluoroethylene with Different Thermal Prehistory.
Anastasia S. Gadlevskaya*, Eugene V. Luchkin, and Ekaterina E. Kozlova.
- Evans Tumor: A Rare Case Report.
Priyanka P*, Pradeep B, and Gomathi R
- An in vitro study on cytotoxic effects of Androctonus crassicauda Scorpion Venom on K562 Cell Line.
Golnaz Rashidi, Ata Ghadiri, Babak Vazirianzade, Nazanin Fathi, Ali Khodadadi*, Mohammad Rashno, Mohammad Ghasemi Dehcheshmeh.
- Comparative Genomic Analysis of Helicobacter pylori Strains CPY1124 and SJM180 Related to Gastric Disorder Using Next-Generation Sequence (NGS) Data
Kavitha Kannan*, Shuhalfarina S , Swaminathan Venkataramanan, and Mohana Priya Arumugam,
- In-Vitro Cytotoxic Activity and Anthelmintic Activity of Chloroform Extract of Duranta erecta L. Ripe Fruits.
Kausik Bhar*, Lakshmi Kanta Kanthal, Sreejan Manna, Pinnamraju Nagalaxmi, Kunapareddi Eswar, and Chakkapalli Satya.
- Systematic Review of Pattern of Maxillofacial Trauma in Indian Scenario.
Kalyani Bhate, Kapil Kshirsagar, Deepak Kulkarni, and Sushmita Mitra.
- Comparison of the effect of single versus double doses of Betamethasone on the outcome of preterm neonates: A Clinical Trial Study
Masomeh Rezaie,Nasrin Soofizadeh, Fershte Saymari, and Farnaz Zand Vakili*.
- Protective Effect of Aqueous Extract of Annona muricata Leaves Against Copper Induced Hepatotoxicity in Experimental Rats.
Buter Samin, Edy Fachrial, Refilda, Zulkarnain Chaidir, and Almahdy*.
- Kinetics of Dissolution of Phosphate Rock, Partial Acidulated Phosphate Rock and Tri Super Phosphate in Calcareous Soil.
MA Al-Rubaye*, KM Nasir, and DF Munaf.
- Recommendation System with Demographic Attributes for Fake Review Identification
Sivaramakrishnan N*, Subramaniyaswamy V.
- Oropharyngeal Colonization: A Risk Factor of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Critically Ill Children.
Tharwat E. Deraz, Amal I. Hassanein, Mervat Gamal Eldin Mansour, Maged A. El Wakeel*, Nermien M. Farid.
- Efficiency of Fungicides in Winter Wheat Cultivation.
Alexander Leonidovich Toigildin*, Irina Aleksandrovna Toigildina, Mikhail Ilyich Podsevalov, Elena Viktorovna Provalova, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Isaichev, and Nikolai Nikolaevich Andreyev.
- Jamun, Syzygium Cumini Linn. Skeels, Increases The Survival Of Mice Whole Body Exposed To Different Doses Of ?-radiation
Ganesh Chandra Jagetia, PrakashChandra Shetty*andVidyasagar MS.
- Nano – Bhasmas for Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases.
Shanmuga Sundari Ilangovan, and Shampa Sen*.
- Economical Benefit Through Industrial Symbiosis: Trash To Treasure: A Case Study In An Indian Industrial Area.
Peter Sahay SS*, Dash SN and Joga Rao H
- Study of bromide ionic selectivity behavior of nuclear and non-nuclear grade anion exchange resins
Randive RU, Lokhande RS, Singare PU*.
- Study on thermodynamic feasibility of uni-univalent ion exchange reactions using nuclear grade anion exchange resin Indion GS-300
Randive RU, Lokhande RS, and Singare PU*.
- A Survey: Software Puzzle- A Countermeasure to Resource Inflated Denial of Service Attacks.
K Rajkumar*,P Swaminathan and R Sheeba.
- Comparative Study for Bacterial Cellulose Production Using Egyptian Achromobacter sp.
Soher Farag, Mohsen M. S. Asker*, Manal G. Mahmoud, Hassan Ibrahim, andAhmed Amr
- Efficiency of Herbicides and Fungicides in Cultivation of Soybeans in The Context of Farming of the Forest-Steppe in Trans-Volga Region.
Alexander Leonidovich Toigildin*, Irina Aleksandrovna Toigildina, Darya Olegovna Khvoinitskaya, Ekaterina Olegovna Khvoinitskaya, and Christina Romanovna Petayeva.
- Evaluation the Using of Potential Probiotic Antibacterial Against Urogental Tract Infection In-vitro.
Sahar-Eissa* A,Saad AS, Gamal Enan, El-Dougdoug KA
- Meat Loaf Processing Technology.
Almagul Nurgazezova*, Gulnur Nurymkhan, Samat Kassymov, Kuralay Issaeva, Galiya Kazhybayeva, Botagoz Kulushtayeva, Eleonora Okuskhanova*and Aidyn Igenbayev 
- Biosorption of Copper and Zinc from Aqueous Solutions by Different Species of Macroalgae
Marwa T A Abdel-Wareth* and Hesham M Abd El-Fatah
- Electromigration Processes in Silicon Single Crystals Involving Melt Inclusions.
Arkady A Skvortsov*, Nikolay A Khripach, Dmitriy V Zaletov, and Danila E Pshonkin.
- The Use of Low Level Laser Therapy for Pain Reduction During Fixed Orthodontic Treatment.
Snezana Pesevska*, Marija Maneva, Kiro Ivanovski, Maja Pandilova, Silvana Georgieva,Sonja Mindova, Stevica Ristoska, Emilija Stefanovska, Gabriela Curcieva Cuckova, Gordana Apostolova, Elena Apostolova, Filip Koneski
- Combined Action of a Fungicide Seed Disinfectant And Growth Regulators To Increase Yielding Capacity Of Winter Wheat.
Elena Viktorovna Provalova*, Olga Nikolaevna Tsapovskaya, Sergey Evgenyevich Erofeyev, Nikolai Viktorovich Khvostov, Yury Vladimirovich Yermoshkin, and Sergey Vasilyevich Shaikin.
- Cementation of Copper with Zinc Metal from Monometallic Sulphate Solution Using Stirred Reactor.
Heba A. El- Gawad*, Kattab I.A., Mady A. N, Moselhy H, Ibrahim O. A.
- Empirical Mode Decomposition: A way for finding Pitch (Stuttered speech signal)
N Raju*, P Neelamegam.
- Effect of dietary Achillea wilhelmsii extract on growth performance, and immune status of common carp (Cyprinus carpio).
Milad Adel, Mehdi Gholaghaie , Mohammad Binaii, Poria Khanjany, and Elham Awad*.
- An Approach for Incremental Frequent Pattern Mining Using Modified Apriori Algorithm.
Harsha Sarah Thomas*, and Nancy Victor.
- Chemical Speciation of Maleic Acid Complexes with Some Biologically Important Metal Ions in Anionic Micellar Medium.
Gowri Kumari Vasireddy*, Nageswara Rao Choppa, Srinu Bogi and Sailaja BBV.
- Efficacy of Routine Serum Laboratory Tests in Seizures of Children.
Suvarna T Jadhav*, Sudin Gaikwad, Pratap Jagtap, Nitin Nagane, and Smita patil.
- Bioactive Components in Black Beans for Inhibition of Cancer Cell Growth
Kamel Eshraq B*, Ali Mona M, Fayed Sayed A, and Abdel- Rahim EA.
- Seronegative Antiphospholipid Syndrome.
Deepika M*, K Saraswathi, and R Geethalakshmi.
- The Relationship Between Serum Levels of Theophylline by Peak Expiratory Flow, Asthma Symptoms and Side Effects in Patients Treated with Inhaled Corticosteroids.
Esmail Idani,Zahra Afravi*, Mohammad Taha Jalali, Atefeh Sharifi, and Ata A Ghadiri*.
- Effect of Supplementing Diet with Herbal Plants on Ruminal Fiber Digestibility and Gas Production.
Mostafa S.A. Khattab*, Hossam M. Ebeid, Ahmed M. Abd El Tawab, Salah A.H. Abo El-Nor, and Ahmed A. Aboamer.
- In Silico Strategy for Designing of Novel Chromene and Indole Derivatives To Combat Diabetes Mellitus.
Vishnu V, Saranya TS, and Asha Asokan Manakadan*.
- Assessment of Osteocalcin Level in Association with Type 2 Diabetic Patients.
Arshad Noori Ghani Al-Dujaili*, and Hadeel Haider Salih Al-Dujaili.
- Effect of Ethanolic Extracts of Salvadora persica Roots on Female Albino Rats.
Thafar N Al-Shaybany, Arshad Noori Al-Dujaili *, ans Jabbar A Al-Aredhi.
- Atypical Presentation of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion.
Madhumidha K*, V Padma, and R Karthikeyan.
- Study On Linen Costs and Utilisation in A Tertiary Care Hospital.
Naveen Kumar P*, Sujith K, Vignesh, Shivakumar, and Utham Sharma.
- Type Two Diabetes Mellitus Is Associated with The Calcium Channel Blocker Therapy On the Diabetic Hypertensive Patients of the Dr M Djamil General Hospital Padang, Indonesia.
Armenia*, Febriana Lusianti, and Harismen.
- Blood Sugar Lowering Effectiveness of Cassytha filiformis Fractions on Diabetic Mice
Armenia N*, Yohannes Alen, Friardi Ismed, Yori Yuliandra, Rizki Ananda, and Fitria.
- Assessment and Zoning of the Urban Area According to The Level of Heavy Metal Pollution.
Stepanova N.V*., Fomina S.F., and Valeeva E.R.
- Effect of Serum Homocysteine in Pathogenesis and Activity of Vitiligo.
Mohammed N. Salman*, Haydar H. Alshalah, and Mohammed K. Alhattab.
- Study of Retinol and the Retinol Binding protein 4 in cases of overweight and obese Adolescents.
Medhat H. Shehata, Hamed A. Elkayat, Adel N. Hanna, Zakaria A. El-Khiyat, Iman H. Kamel, and Alyaa H Kamhawy.
- Isolated Torsoin Fallopian Tube.
Sharmila C*, and K Saraswathi.
- Atypical Presentation of Granulosa Cell Tumor.
Sharmila C*, and K Saraswathi.
- Risk assessment of foot-and-mouth disease emergency in different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Abdrakhman Baygazanov*, Yerken Kassymov, Tatyana Bleim, Maral Nurkenova, Kamil Derbyshev, Esengeldy Omarbekov, and Aleksandra Tleubayeva.
- The Effect of Listening to Music On Concentration and Academic Performance of the Student: Cross-Sectional Study On Medical Undergraduate Students.
Naveen Kumar, Mohamad Arif Wajidi, Yong Tai Chian, Vishroothi S, Swamy Ravindra S*, and Ashwini Aithal P.
- What Affects Short-Term Memory? – Questionnaire and Experiment Based Cross-Sectional Study On Medical Under Graduate Students.
Naveen Kumar, Pavithiran Sanmogom, Monishaa Chandrasegaran, Tee Kim Wah, Lim Wee Yi, Ashwini Aithal P*, and Swamy Ravindra S.
- Assessment of Thrombospondin-1 Level in Type II Diabetic Patients.
Wijdan Rajh Hamza Al-Kraity, and Arshad Noori Ghani Al-Dujaili*.
- Prevailing Parameters by Lease Using Ant Colony Optimization.
Bhavani S*, Malathy E, and Dorothy S.
- Review of Technology of Kazakh National Milk Product – Kurt.
Aigul Omaralieva*, Gulbanu Karmanova, Tolkyn Kozhakhmetova, Zhanar Safuani, Almira Bekturganova, Dina Kurmangalieva, Ardak Bekturganova.
- Influence of Biologically Active Substances On the Basis of Medusomyces Gysevii (The Tea Mushroom) On Bacteria of the Genus Lactobacillus.
Bondareva NI, Timchenko LD, Rzhepakovsky IV, Selimov MA, Magamedova ER, Avanesyan SS, Katunina LS, Gandraburova NI, Kozlova MA, and Areshidze DA*.
- EEG Signal Classification and Segmentation for Automated Epileptic Seizure Detection using SVM Classifier
Suguna Nanthini B*, and B Santhi.
- Anaesthetic Management of a Patient with Permanent Pacemaker for Emergency Bilateral Hernioplasty.
Selvamani, Meera Rani Nayak, and Bhairavi TG*.
- Guillian Barre Syndrome in Pregnancy: A Rare Case!!
M Divya*, and K Saraswathi.
- Role of T-Regulatory Cells in Preeclampsia: A Mini Review.
Seyyed Amir Yasin Ahmadi, Shaghayegh Mapar, Ali Safarzadeh, and Farhad Shahsavar*.
- 3D Inversion of Gravity Data for Obama Geothermal Field.
B Orouj*, Reza Toushmalani, and Leila Abbasabadi.
- Anaemic Profile in Diabetic Patients.
Elanchezhian C, Syed Safina SS, Raveendran SR*, Romi Srivastava, andMary Thanka Sheela D.
- An Automated Proteome based Pipeline for identifying Potential Drug Targets in Disease Causing Organisms.
M Udayakumar*, S Guru Vignesh, S Soorya Prakash, R Senthilkumar, and U Bharathram. 
- Main Microbiological and Biological Properties of Microbial Associations of “Lactomyces tibeticus”.
M Kukhtyn, ? Vichko*, O Berhilevych, Y Horyuk, and V Horyuk
- Investigation of The Potential Effects of Salicylic Acid in Enhancing the Herbicidal Activity of Stomp Herbicide for Controlling Weeds and Improving the Yield of Mung Bean.
*Hozayn M, El-Shahawy TA,Abd El-Monem AA, and Faida A Sharara.
- Energy Aware Load Balancing Scheduler for Green Cloud.
A Paulin Florence*, and V Shanthi.
- Applications of Magnetic Technology in Agriculture, A Novel Tool for Improving Water and Crop Productivity: 3. Faba Bean.
Hozayn M*,Abd El-Wahed MSA, Abd El-Monem AA, Abdelraouf RE and Ebtihal M Abd Elhamid
- Bio-Generation of Electrical Energy from Wastewater Using Microbial Fuel Cell.
Bahaa A. Hemdan*, M. Azab El-Liethy, E.M. Abou-taleb, Abdel Lattief A. Radwan, and Gamila E. El-Taweel
- Pattern of Allergic Diseases in Children.
Divya S, and Thumjaa A*.
- Status of Renal Parameters in Prostatic Enlargement.
Jyotsna Patil, Ganesh Ghanwat, Arun Patil*, Ajit Sontakke, and Anil Hudeddar.
- Antifungal Activity of Protect-DRODO Ethanol Extracts.
Ignatova-Ivanova Ts.*, Ivelina Stefanova, Ismail E. Ismailov, Ivaylo K. Ivanov, and Valerij Ch. Christov
- A Study on Cloning and Expression of HIV-1 NEF Protein in HEK 293 Cellsby Transient Transfection.
Krisna Veni Balakrishnan, Bashar Mudhaffar Abdullah*, Raghda Alsayed, Hasniza Zaman Huri, Nany Hairunisa, Ammal Esmaeel Ibrahim, and Emad Yousif.
- Investigation of the Lipid Profile Level Fluctuation in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Iraq.
Alaa H. Jawad*, Raghda Alsayed, Malk Emad, Ammal E. Ibrahim, Zyad Al-Qaisi,Nany Hairunisa, and Emad Yousif.
- Thyroid Gland and Its Rule in Human Body.
Alaa H. Jawad*, Raghda Alsayed, Ammal E. Ibrahim, Zainab Hallab, Zyad Al-Qaisi, and Emad Yousif.
- Phytochemistry and Antibacterial Activity of Citrus sinensis Extracts against Three Pathogenic Bacteria in Benin.
Mahudro Yovo, Guy Alain Alitonou*, Philippe Sessou, Ludolphe Dedome, Fidèle Tchobo, Félicien Avléssi, Chantal Menut, and Dominique Sohounhloué.
- Incidence of Viral Hepatitis Type A And B Related to Liver Function Tests and Blood Parameters in the Najaf And Babylon Cities.
Abdul AL-Hadi Sallal, Zainab Sajid Mohammed*, and Methak Abd Al-Razak.
- Theoretical study of ozone depletion by Halon -1211.
Abbas A-Ali Drea*, and Roaa A-Hussien 
- A Novel Innovative Device for Qualitative estimation of Glucose, Protein and Specific Gravity of Fluid in Forensic Analysis.
Shardul M, Suneetha V*, and Raja Sekar V.
- Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Co (II) withNaphthylglyoxalaldoxime as a newly Synthesized Reagent.
Maliheh Barazandeh Tehrani*, Batool Jalaeian, Hashem Shamsa, Effat Souri.
- Arnold Chiari Malformation Type II with Club Hand Deformity.
K Kanakaraj*, RSR Perumal, and Roshni J.
- Bacteriological Profile from Pus Samples in A Tertiary Care Hospital, Chennai.
Vinodini K*, Kiran madhusudhan, Chitralekha, and Illamani,
- Study On Prevalence of Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer Among College Students.
R Prithi* and Sreedevi Dharman.
- Ranking the Product Details and its Application using Sentiment Classification
Asha P*, Prasanth R and Pranath P 
- Balancing Workload of Cloud and Dynamic Request Redirection for Cloud Based Video Services Using CDN and Data Centers.
AP Shree Madhan*, Shreyes Bala Athreya , N Srinivasanand C.Lakshmi.
- Removal of Crosstalk using Ghost Image Reduction Technique in MATLAB
M Nanthini, J Priyangha Silva, S Ramya, R M Joany* 
- Secured Health Records Storage & Retrieval System Using Keyword Based Key Generation and Attribute Based Encryption (ABE).
Morusu Rahul Reddy, Anusha N* and Naga Vishnu Shankar B
- Android Location Based Reminder Including Step Counting Distance and Calorie Measuring.
C Lakshmi Prasad, N Anusha, and C Chinni Papiah Shetty.
- Study Population Of Freshwater Shellfish CorbiculaSumatrana In Singkarak Lake West Sumatra Indonesia.
Armein Lusi Zeswita*, Dahelmi , Indra Junaidi Zakaria, and Siti Salmah.
- Determination of The Mineral Elements of Aerial Parts of Pulicaria Plant and The Growing Place Soil.
Alirez Sardashti*, and Samane.Khaleghi.
- Determination of The Mineral Elements of Aerial Parts of Two Artemisia Plant and The Growing Place Soil from Taftan Area.
Alireza Sardashti*, and Amin Ganjali.
- Production of Dextranase from Agro-industrial Wastes by Aspergillus awamori F-234 under Solid State Fermentation.
Foukia E Mouafi*, Eman A Karam and HM Hassan
- Sero epidemiological study of TORCH infection in women of Childbearing age in West of Iran.
Asadolah Fatollahpour, Aida Fatollahpour, Golaleh Karbassi, Daem Roshani, Puria ramezany, Robabeh Mohammadbeigi*
- Aids of Ultrasound in Dentistry.
Rathna Subhashini MH*, and Mogit Gupta.
- Evaluation of Acute Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) Leaf in Wistar Albino Rats
Sumina S, Kingshuk Lahon*, Johan Pandian and Manimekalai K.
- Lower Anterior Facial Height Changes in Class 2 Division 1 Malocclusion CasesTreated with Premolar Extractions.
Aslin Sanofer A* and Ravindrakumar Jain.
- Physiological Study of Rats Inducing Anemia
Mohammed E. AL-Ghurabi*, and Adhwaa Hameed Al- Rawaziq.
- Endophytic Fungi to Control of Cocoa Pod Borer (Conopomorpha cramerella)on Cocoa Plantation
Nur Amin*.
- Genetic Improvement of Some Microorganisms That Naturally Colonize of Tomato Plants to Increase the Effect of Bio-Control on Tuta absoluta.
Shereen AH Mohamed, Ibrahim SA, Kh Soliman A, Abd-El-Aal S Kh, Moawad SS, and Attallah AG.
- Assessment of Vitamin D Circulating Level as A Risk Factor in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients.
Haydar Al-Shalah*, Oday Al-Salihi, and Sana Abdul-Jabbar Ali.
- The Use of Locally Prepared Zeolite (Y) For the Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from Iraqi Natural Gas.
Nada Sadoon Ahmedzeki*, Maha Hadi Alhassani, Ameel Mohammed Rahmen Al-Mayah, Haider Abdulkareem Rashid
- Coragen (Chlorantraniliprole) Insecticide Effects On Male Albino Rats.
Shallan Magdy A. , Abdel-Mobdy Yasmin E. and Hamdi Eman, and Abdel Rahim Emam A.
- Catalytic Properties of Bimetallic Au@Ag Core@Shell Nanoparticles; Effect of Shell thickness.
Wael H Eisa*, Emad Al-Ashkar, SM El-Mossalamy, and Safaa SM Ali.
- Exploring the Effectiveness of Nutritional Instruction on Changes related to the Nutrition Behavior in the Elderly Population.
Zahra Kalhorzadeh*, Vahid Shiralizadeh, Maryam Jabbarian
- Effect of Curcumin Gel in The Treatment of Periodontal Disease: A Clinical Trial.
P Benly, Jaiganesh.
- Effect of Organic and Bio-Fertilization on Fruit Chemical and Oil Properties of Manzanillo Olives.
Laila, F Haggag*, Abd-Alhamid N, Hsa Hassan, and Am Hassan.
- Comparative Study on Efficiency of Classifier Models.
Arvinda Soundararajan*, and Santhi B.
- Spread Pattern of Dengue Fever Incidence and Used of System Information Geographic Data into Surveillance Activities in Dungingi Subdistrict City of Gorontalo.
Lintje Boekoesoe*.
- Review on Cost Effective and Dynamic Security Provision Strategy of Staging Data items in Cloud
Praveen Kumar Rajendran, K Manoj Kumar, Tejasree S, and R Aswini
- Analysis of Heavy Metals and Acidity In The Metal Cans And Cardboard Cans In Some Orange Juice.
Dalia M. Jamil*.
- Metanuclear Abnornmalities in Oral Premalignant and Malignant Lesions.
Pratheep A Sivasankari N*, Kaur S,and Suresh Kumar S.
- Design of Fire Detection Sensor and Monitoring System.
Maflin Shaby S*, and Gomathi.
- Production and investigation of properties of sulfide composite materials based on technogenic sulfur waste with titanium chloride as an activator.
Alsu A Yusupova*, Reseda T Akhmetova, Alexander A Treshchev, Vladimir T Erofeev, Alexander A Bobrishev, Lenar N Shafigullin, Aleksandr A Lakhno
- Issues Of Import Substitution In The Agro-Industrial Sector.
Tatyana V. Yalyalieva*, Vladimir V. Nosov, Tatyana S. Volkova, Marina T. Tekueva, and Irina V. Pavlenko.
- Amaryllidaceae alkaloids GC/MS analysis in Galanthus woronowii and Galanthus nivalis of Russian origin.
Bokov D.O*, Samylina I.A, and Nikolov S.D.
- Chemical Constituents of Cymodocea serrulata R. Brown.
Consolacion Y. Ragasa*, Judy D. V. Perez, and Chien-Chang Shen.
- Agriculture and Agribusiness: Clustering Issues.
Marina T. Tekueva*, Alexey V. Burkov, Vladimir V. Nosov, Svetlana A. Novoselova, and Alexandr V. Nayanov.
- Standardization Method of Quantitative Determination of Iodide Ions in Substances and Tablets Containing Iodine Adducts.
Roza Karzhaubayeva ?, Kuralay Bekesheva B*, Assem Kalykova S,Aisulu Kabdraisova Zh, Gulbaram Ustenova ?, Denis Barinov V.
- Modeling The Viscosity of the Vegetable Oils of Argan, Avocado, Olive, Rapeseed and Sunflower.
Rajaa Rochdi*, Meriem Rochdi,asmaa kafih , Nabil Rochdi, Imane Hassanain, and Mohamed Alaoui El Belghiti
- Kinetic, Thermodynamic and Equilibrium Studies for the Biosorption of Chromium from an aqueous solution on to Ipomeapalamata Leaves powder.
K Kumaraswamy*, P King,Y Prasanna Kumar,and BV Dhananjaneyulu.
- Teaching Medical Professionalism by Using Movie as a Tool: Feedback from the First Year Military Medical Students.
Aye Aye Mon*, Halyna Lugova, Adlina Suleiman, and Muhamed T Osman.
- Seed Treatment by Pulsed Electric Field Before Sowing.
Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov*, Maxim Alekseevich Mastepanenko, Aleksandr Valentinovich Ivashina, Valeriy Georgievich Zhdanov, Elena Anatolievna Logacheva, and Valentina Nikolaevna Avdeeva.
- Ultrasound Characteristics of Traumatic Spleen Injuries in Small Animals.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Roman Aleksandrovich Tcygansky, Irina Ivanovna Nekrasova, Peter Anatol’evich Khorishko, and Angelina Nikolaevna Shulunova
- A Rare Presentation of Colonic Growth Mimicking a Gall Bladder Carcinoma.
Karthikeyan S*, Shaik Farid, and Prabakaran M.
- The Prevalence of Infertility and Related Factors in Patients Referred to Infertility Center in Besat Hospital in Sanandaj, Iran.
Shamsi Zarea, Sholeh Shagheibi*, Fariba Seyedoshohadaie, Seyedeh Reyhaneh Yousefi, Azim Gholami.
- Prenatal Inflammation Induced Alterations in Spatial Learning and Memory Abilities in Adult Offspring: Mitigated by Physical Exercise and Environmental Enrichment.
Thangarajan Rajesh, Ramesh Rao Tantradi*, Kiranmai S Rai, Sivakumar Gopalakrishnan, Ramesh Babu MG, Murali Adiga, R Huban Thomas, and Pugazandhi Bhaktavatchalam.
- Study On the Performance of Plastic Waste Oil in CI Engines: A Review.
N Gomathi, and Rupesh PL*.
- Interactive Dashboard for The Betterment of Patient Health Using Big Data Analytics.
N Gomathi *, Pelluru Srinivasulu, Chakka Venkata Nikhil, and Kakaraparthi Vishnu Vineeth.
- Optimization of Media Components for Pullulan Production
A Farjana Begum, K Thirumavalavan, and S Chittibabu*.
- Castleman Disease Lymphadenopathy in The Era of HIV. Pitfalls in Diagnosis and Their Avoidance.
Chaithra GV, Debarshi Saha*, Beshwant Chowdary, and Nirupama M.
- Seasonal Variations of Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe Levels in Soil and Atriplex halimus in Arid Zones of South East Algeria.
Hadda Arab*, Mohamed Laid Haddi, Amine Boudaoud, and Smail Mehennaoui.
- Effect of Exercise On Vital Capacity in Different Posture of Young Indian Subjects.
Elizabeth Josy Panikulam,Anupama N*, Rekha D Kini, Anshuman,Bhagyalaksmi K, and Nayanatara AK.
- Optimal Aesthetic Solution for Hypodontia in Frontal Maxilla with Interdisciplinary Approach.
Edvard Janev*, Nadica Janeva, Kristina Mitic, and Filip Koneski 
- Seasonally Age Dynamic of Ascospherosis Disease of Bees and Its Progress in East Kazakhstan.
Abdrakhman Baygazanov*, Yelena Bashkina, Kamil Derbyshev, and Maral Nurkenova.
- Determination of nutritional status and is effective factors among the elderly
Fatemeh Vizeshfar*, Sara mohammadnejad, Maryam Ahmadynezhad
- Security Issues in Wireless Body Area Networks: In Bio-signal Input Fuzzy Security Model: A Survey.
M.V. Karthikeyan*, and J Martin Leo Manickam.
- Circularly Polarized Reconfigurable Micro Strip Patch Antenna for Medical Implants.
A Mary Joy Kinol*, A Sahaya Anselin Nisha
- Selective Mechanisms of Antiviral Effect of Triazole Derivatives in a Transplantable Virus-Producing Cell Culture of Hamadryas Baboon.
Philip Davidovich Onischuk, Marina Petrovna Semenenko*,Elena Vasilevna Kuzminova, and Andrey Georgievich Koshchaev.
- Improving Model of Territorial Organization of Agricultural Land Tenure.
Elena Vyacheslavovna Pismennaya*, Alexander Viktorovich Loshakov, Stanislav Vladimirovich Odinsov, and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Stukalo.
- Optimization of Land Use in The Agricultural Landscapes of Northern Kazakhstan On the Basis of the Landscape Approach.
Nataliya Ozeranskaya*, Tulegen Karbozov, Akerke Bekturganova, Bakhytgul Zhuparkhan, and Valentina Kononova
- Plasmid Profile Analysis of Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacter species in Malaysia.
Nazmul MHM*, Jamal H, Rashid MA, Karim Al-Jashamy, Saeid Reza Doustjalali, and Negar Shafiei Sabet.
- Antifungal Activity of "Antikandid"Gel.
UldanBDerbisbekova*, Ubaidilla M Datkhayev, Irina O Zhuravel,and Saniya B Abdykerimova.
- Design, Synthesis, Aqueous Properties and Investigation of Novel Cationic Surfactants as A Long Term Green Corrosion Inhibitors Exposure
Magdy A-H Zahran, Mohamed M. Mohammady, Moneer M. Basuni*.
- Histopathological Analysis of Liver Tissue in Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Obese Rats.
Natalia Belemets*, Nazarii Kobyliak, Olena Tsyryuk, Olena Kuryk, Tetyana Falalyeyeva.
- Super Student or Super Study Methods; Which One Matter? Studying Methods of Top Medical SciencesStudents
Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar*, and Muhamed T Osman.
- Synthesis and Characterization of Some New Heterocyclic Compounds Derived from 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl) prop-2-en-1-one.
Farah H. Hussein, Abbas F. Abbas, and Mouayed A. Hussein*.
- Purification and Characterization of Lipase from Shewanella SP. CMST GISA-MSU through Solid State Fermentation and Its PositionalSpecificity.
S Ananthi*, S Prakash,SP Glency Reefa, C Arthy,and G Immanuel.
- Chemical Constituents of Brassica rapa var. parachinensis (Baily) Hanelt. Flowers.
Consolacion Y. Ragasa*, Julius Leonard A. Vivar, Maria Carmen S. Tan, and Chien-Chang Shen.
- Posteroanterior Cephalometric Analysis: Method of Assessment of Craniofacial and Dental Changes in Subjects with Crossbite.
Lidija Kanurkova*, Gabriela Kjurchieva Chuchova, Cvetanka Bajrektarova Misevska, Aleksandra Dorakovska, Marija Maneva, and Ana Sotirovska Ivkovska.
- Design of Circularly Polarised Frequency Reconfigurable Wearable Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications.
G Jegan*, A Vimala Juliet, and M Florence Silvia.
- Biosafety of Different Entomopathogenic Nematodes Species on Some Insects Natural Enemies.
Hala M. Metwally, Al-kazafy H. Sabry*, Nevien M. Gaber.
- Determining the Optimal Length of The Tooth’s Root Canal Obturation.
Emini L*, Apostoloska S, Rendzova V, Ajeti N, and Kamberi B.
- Placenta accreta ended in Emergency peripartum hysterectomy with subarachnoid haemorrhage – A turmoil to both physician and patient: Case report.
S Divya* and K Saraswathi.
- Removal of Fecal Coliform from HFBR Effluent via Stabilization Pond as a Post Treatment
Hala M Elkamah, Hala S Doma*, Sabah Badr, Saber A El-Shafaiand Reda M Moghazy.
- Colonic Delivery of a Systemic Cephalosporin.
Hala Masoud el Saadawi*,Mona Aboul-Einien, and Nagia Nagib Afifi
- Content Based Image Retrieval Systems: A Review.
Manjula K*, Monisha A, Reshma K, Swetha P, and Vijayarekha K.
- Comparative Analysis of FIG and PSO For Classifying Brain Diseases.
Manjula K* , Monisha A, Reshma K, Swetha P, and Vijayarekha K.
- Appraisement Role Of Ubiquinone On Testis Function, Hormonal Parameters And Morphometric Changes Under Oxidative Stress In Rat.
Alireza Shahriary*, Masood Khakzadihe, and Yunes Panahi.
- Relative Frequency of Thyroid Dysfunction (Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism) In Pregnant Women Referred to Shahid Fotros Clinic in Khorramabad.
Sara Zamani,Marzieh Taheri, Saeed Bazgir, Mozaffar Mohammadi Nejad,and Ata Allah Ghadiri*.
- Zika Virus Awareness: A Text Mining Approach.
Kavita S Oza*, VS Kumbhar, and RK Kamat.
- A Detailed Analysis Of Different Enhancement Methods On Low Resolution Cervical Images.
BN Bobi Nath*, and S Vimala
- Purification and Characterization of a Xylanase from Rhizopusoligosporus
Mohamed I El-Khonezy*, Roqaya I Bassuiny, Foukia E Mouafi, Maysa E Moharam, and Afaf S Fahmy
- A Case of Atypical Presentation of Mycobacterium Kansasii Infection.
Nair Shraddha*, RS Arun, and Aparajeet Kar.
- Mineral Composition of Kazakh National Milk Product: Kurt.
Aigul Omaralieva, Samat Amanzholov*, Almira Bekturganova, Gulmira Yesirkep, Gulzhan Turekhanova, Dina Kurmangalieva, and Nurbibi Mashanova
- Food and feeding strategy of four fish species from the continental Moroccan Atlantic slope -Eastern Atlantic.
Souad Abdellaoui*, Hicham Masski, Imane Tai, and Hassan El Halouani.
- Analysis of Performance and Emission Parameters of A DI Diesel Engine Powered by Waste Oil Blends.
J Hemanandh*, and KV Narayanan.
- Efficiency of Treatment with Vitamin D on Biochemical Indexes, Lipid Profile, and Fatty Liver Indexes in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Vitamin D Deficiency and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
Mahmoud Mirhosseini*, Majid Asadi-Samani, Alireza Dabbaghmanesh, Mohammad Ali Dayani, and Morteza Sedehi
- Qualitative Analysis for Free Radical Scavenging and Acid Value of Honey Including GC-MS Spectra.
Monika Gupta*, and Kamaljit Kaur
- Optimizing of Polyploidization by In-Vitro methods for genetic improvements of Garlic (Allium sativum L.)
Pamela Sinha, Rajesh Kannan, and D Ganesh*.
- Comparison of Risk factors & Clinical and Angiographic characterization of STEMI in young Adults with Older patients
Majidi S Hahla, Yazdankhak Saeed, Hajizadeh Razieh*
- High Sensitive C – Reactive Protein in Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome.
T Mohana Lakshmi*, BS Ravi Kiran, P Jayakumar, R Srikumar, E Prabhakar Reddy.
- High Thoracic Epidural Anaesthesia For Modified Radical Mastectomy With Axillary Clearance .
Purushotham*, Botta Bhagya Vardhan, and Selvamani.
- Michaelis’s Constant of Cathepsin H From Nontransformed And Tumors Tissues Of Women’s Breast.
Galina Pavlovna Labunets*, and Iryna Leonidovna Vovchuk.
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants as Removal Systems of Virulent Microsporidian Spores.
Ahmad Saad*, Ahmad Z Al-Herrawy, Samir A Taha, and AmiraI El-Kabbany.
- Phytochemical Study of Flavonoid "Rutin"Present in the leaves of Cordia myxa L. Cultivated in Iraq.
Nuha M. Aboud, and Zainab J. Awad.
- Barriers of Breast Cancer Screening from The Viewpoint of Women in Khorramabad (West of Iran).
Khatereh Anbari*, Naser Sahraei, Seyyed Amir Yasin Ahmadi, and Parastoo Baharvand.
- Evolvulus alsinoides Plant Extract as A Cognitive Enhancer of Spacial Memory In Ad-Induced Rat Model.
K Yellamma* and D Vanaja.
- Comparative Study On Prevalence Of Onychomycosis In Psoriatic And Non Psoriatic Patients Attending Skin OPD In Tertiary Care Hospital, Chennai Tamil Nadu, India.
P Sathish Kumar, Sangamithrai, S Chitralekha, and G Bupesh*.
- Prediction of SPM, SO2 and NO2 Concentrations in The Vicinity of Cement Industry Using Gaussian Model.
S Anand Kumar Varma*, U Sathish, and N Nagarajan
- Clustering and Classification Based Prediction for the Design of Effective Complaint Systems
S Rajarajan*, M Prabhu, R Banumathi
- Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in Pregnancy.
Divya M*, and Saraswathi K.
- Comparison of Intranasal Midazolam with Oral Midazolam for Premedication in Children.
Janani*, Selvamani, Purushotham R, and Botta Bhagyavarthan
- Treating of Oil-Based Drill Cuttings by Earthworms.
Ayad A Al-Haleem,and Khalid M Abed*
- The impact of the implementation of the empowerment family-centered model on the performance scale of the lives quality of women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.
PashaeeSona, JoonbakhshFatemeh, KhaliliArash, AlmasiSaeedeh, and ShirvaniHengameh*.
- Comparison of The Use of Mccoy Laryngoscope and Intubating Laryngeal Mask Airway in Patients with Simulated Cervical Spine Immobilization
Aishwarya S* Ajaykumar Anandan, and Purushotham R.
- Preliminary Economic Estimation for Microcystis Aeruginosa Cultivated in Two Closed Cultivation Systems.
Samar A El-Mekkawi*, NN El-Ibiari, Ola A El-Ardy, Nabil M Abelmonem, Ahmed H. Elahwany.
- Hemangiomatous Ameloblastoma: A Dilemma on Its Occurrence: A Rare Case.
Chatterjee Ananjan, Pillai Arun Gopinathan*, Priya Shree, And Madhuresh Kumar.
- Short Term Functional Outcome of Displaced Midshaft Clavicle Fractures Treated with TENS Nailing.
Renjit Mathew Peter*, Mohamed Sajeed, Siva Sankar Reddy Konda, B.Bheeshma, S Sri Krishna Sandeep, and A Sivakumar.
- Tuberculous Dactylitis(Spina Ventosa) Of An Adolescent Thumb: A Rare Case Report.
Renjit Mathew Peter*, Mohamed Sajeed, Siva Sankar Reddy Konda, SK Praveen, B Bheeshma and A Sivakumar.
- Biodiesel Derived from Mango Seed Oil as An Alternative Fuel for Diesel Engines.
Mani Kunjan*, Jeya Jeevahan, Britto Joseph, Mageshwaran G, Durai Raj RB, and Poovannan A.
- Quality Assessment of Well Waters in the Gollak Mountain (Kosovo) and Correlation Coefficients Study between Chemical Parameters.
Fatbardh Gashi, Bardha Korça*, Makfire Sadiku1 and Tringë Mulaj1.
- Antibacterial Activity of Fingerroot (Boesenbergia rotunda) Extract against Acne-Inducing Bacteria.
Mohd Azuar Hamizan Rahman, Lau Kah Yan, and Yaya Rukayadi*.
- Rhizome essential oil and fractions of Elettariopsis slahmong CK. Lim against Colletotricum gloesporioidesin red dragon fruit Hylocereus polyrhizus
Nasril Nasir*.
- The Effect of Pb(II) in the Kidney of Experimental Rats and the Effectiveness of Papaya (Carica papaya) Leaves Powder as an Antidote.
Tan Suyono,Edy Fachrial,Rahmiana Zein, Zulkarnain Chaidir, Djong Hon Tjong, Hermansyah Aziz*.
- Comparison between Morphological Aided Cytochemical Stains (Sudan Black B, PAS) and Flowcytometry in Diagnosis and Classification of Acute Leukemia’s.
Liqaa M. Majeed Al-Sharifi*.
- The Use of Spices to Protect Against Health Hazards due to Monosodium Glutamate Consumption.
Attia AM, Omnia G Refaat, Maha H Mahmoud, Eman F El-Haggar, and El-Shobaki FA*.
- The imbalance of the haemostasis cascade in people suffered ischemic stroke.
Katrii T.B*, Shandyuk V.Yu, Halenova T.I, Shershnov O.V, Melnyk V.S, Savchuk O.M , and Ostapchenko L.I.
- The Element Composition Study of Thick Extract from Tribulus terrestris L. Herb.
Nadezhda Ye. Burda*,Moeen F.Dababneh, Bogdan M. Klivniak, Irina A. Zhuravel, and Yaroslav V. Rozhkovsky.
- Selection of Winter Wheat Predecessors in Crop Rotations of the Volga Region Forest Steppe.
Alexander Leonidovich Toigildin*, Vladimir Ivanovich Morozov, ikhail Ilyich Podsevalov, Mikhail Yurievich Isaev, and Irina Aleksandrovna Toigildina.
- Effect of leek (Allium ampeloprasum L.) extract on biotransformation enzymes and innate immunity of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) exposed to Benzo[a]Pyrene.
Wafaa T Abbas and Elham Awad*.
- Production and partial characterization of a raw starch hydrolyzing enzyme from Aspergillus carbonarius S-CSR-0002.
Faheema C, Smitha KV*, Sooraj S Nath, and Kunhi AAM.
- Influence of High-Siliceous Rocks on Agrochemical Properties of Soddy and Podzolic Soil and Yielding Capacity of Winter Wheat.
Kulikova AK*, Kozlov AV, and Toigildin AL
- Designing Flow Injection Unit for Chromates Determining.
Dakhil Nassir Taha and Zuhair Saleh Obaid*
- Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition of Rhizomes with Roots, Leaves and Flovers of Hosta Plantaginea.
Moeen F. Dababneh*, Victoria V. Protska, and Iryna O. Zhuravel.
- Comparison of Posterior Dental Heights and Lower Anterior Facial Height In Skeletal Class I With Different Growth Patterns: A Cephalometric Study.
Suganya Selvam*, and Ravindra Kumar Jain.
- Criss-cross Cycloadditions on Ketazine Derived from Polyvinyl Ketone Polymer.
Nadhir Najim A. Jafar*, Nahlah Salman Saddam, Fatimah Ali Husseinand Amjed Jabbar Lilo.
- PCR BasedCloning of Pre Coat Protein(V2) Gene Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Virus From Chili Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.).
Siti Nur Aisyah, Lily Syukriani, Alfi Asben, and Jamsari Jamsari.
- Simultaneous Estimation of Acetaminophen, Phenylephrine HCl, Guaifenesin and Dextromethorphan HBr In Reverse Phase Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography.
Konda Siddareddy* Maddike Ramamohana Reddy, and Jada sreeramulu.
- Effect of Six Minute Walk Test on Pulse Rate and Oxygen Saturation and Blood Pressure in Exercising and Non-Exercising in Young Adults.
Rekha D Kini, Anupama N*, Vishnu Sharma M, Nayanatara Arun Kumar, Bhagyalakshmi K, Sneha B Shetty Ansuman Pattnaik, and Elizabeth Josy Panikulam.
- Electrophysical Methods in The Refrigerating Industry.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Belugin*, Natalya Aleksandrovna Pisarenko, Yuriy Nikolaevich Belugin, Evgeniy Evgrafovich Privalov, and Sergei Vasilevich Dorozhko
- The Effectiveness of Deworming Using Rikazol And Its Effect on Slaughter Performance and Morphological Composition of Carcasses Sheep Meat.
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets*, Sergei Nikolayevich Zabashta, Bagama Manapovich Bagamaev, Svetlana Nikolaevna Lutsuk, Natalia Viktorovna Fedota, and Eduard Vladimirovich Gorchakov.
- Enzootic Peculiarities of Hors's Babesiosis In the North-Caucasus Region.
Svetlana Nikolaevna Lutsuk*, Maria Evgen’evna Ponomareva, Vasily Petrovich Tolokonnikov, Yulia Vasil’evna Dyachenko, Yuri Muhamedovich Tokhov, and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets.
- Development the Module Algorithm of Information System to Face Detection for Smart Environments.
Dmitry Valeryevich Shlaev*, Dmitry ViktorovichGaychuk, Denis Nikolaevich Rezenkov, Tatyana Vladimirovna Minkina, and Anna Sergeevna Durakova.
- Modeling Specialization and Combination of Agriculture Branches.
Victor Ivanovich Lebedev, Victor Ivanovich Guzenko, Stanislav Aleksandrovich Molchanenko, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Molchanenko, and Alexander Vasilyevich Shuvaev*.
- Designing Apparatus for Fixing Sheep at Veterinary Treatment.
Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev*, Boris Alekseevich Doronin, Olga Ivanovna Detistova, and Dmitriy Ivanovich Gritsay.
- Workforce Planning as An Element of Control System.
Konstantin Ivanovich Kostyukov*, IrinaVladimirovnaZaitseva, Galina Vasilevna Bondarenko, Tatiana Alekseevna Svechinskaya, and Svetlana Victorovna Nechayeva.
- Molten Salt Oxidation as a Route for the Synthesis of Nano-sized Powders of Zinc and Magnesium Oxides.
Tatyana A Rozdyalovskaya*, Aleksandr N Chudinov, and Trevor R Griffiths.
- Application of Image Processing Techniques in Weed Detection For Crop Production.
Varalakshmi R*, and Vinothkumar R.
- Biomolecular Modeling On iOS Devices: Review And Software Comparison.
Anastasiia Razdaibiedina*, Mykhaylo Khobzey, and Sergii Vakal.
- Adsorption - Desorption Behaviour Of Nickel (II) On Natural Clays Alone and In a Blend.
Padmavathi Bandaru*, Anima S. Dadhich, and N. Srinivas.
- Identification of Similar Ligands Using Microarray Data for BER Genes.
Udayakumar Mani*, and Sai Mukund Ramakrishnan.
- Association Between Knee Osteoarthritis with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in H.Adam Malik Hospital and Dr.Pirngadi Hospital Medan, Indonesia.
Bayu Elnovriano Budiman, Edy Fachrial,Pranajaya Dharma Kadar, and Chairiandi Siregar*.
- Herbo-Metallic Indian Nano-Medicine Abhrak Bhasma (MICA): A Periodical Review.
Harish Gopinath, and Murugesh Shivashankar*.
- Neurofibromatosis Type 1 And Its Prenatal Diagnosis.
Shylaja KD , Akanksha J*,and Unnikrishnan.
- Nickel(II) complexes of 3-((E)-(6-ethoxybenzo[d]thiazol-2-ylimino)methyl)-4H-chromen-4-one: Synthesis and Physicochemical Characterization.
Archana S Nair, PK Radhakrishnan*.
- Experimental Studies on Thermo Physical Properties and Spontaneity of Organic Compound Waste and Its Effect on Environment.
K Sathya*, R Baskaran, and TR Kubendran.
- Effects of some Antibiotics and Heat Stress on Glutathione Peroxidase Activities in Albino Male Rats.
Shukr M Yaseen, Khudhair A AL Ani*, and Mohamed S Challoob.
- Chemical Composition of Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees.
Maria Carmen S Tan, Glenn G Oyong, Chien Chang ShenandConsolacion Y, Ragasa*.
- Assessment of Genetic Parameters and Drought Tolerance Indices in Maize Diallel Crosses.
Esmail , R.M*, A.A. Abdel Sattar, N.S. Abdel-samea, A. A. El-Mouhamady, E. M. Abdelgany and F.B. Fathallaha.
- Body weight gain under long-term progesterone administration.
Andrii Aleksandrov, Victoria Konopelnyuk*, Tatiana Ishchuk, Olena Scopenko, andLudmilaOstapchenko.
- Modeling Volatilization Flux of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Soil.
Gautham B Jegadeesan*, D Balamurugan, R Karthik, and V Sri Ananthanarayanan.
- The Impact of Melt- And Rainwater on Soil Erosion by Water in The North-Western Part of Stavropol Upland.
D.A. Shevchenko*, Y.V. Pelikhovich, L.V. Kipa, and D.I. Ivannikov.
- Stages of CRM-system implementation in pharmaceutical companies.
Ravil Blatov*, Ubaidilla Datkhayev, Alma Shopabaeva,and Balzhan Makhatova.
- Green Tea Protective Effect against lead acetate Inducing Reprotoxic Effects in Male Rats.
GUELLI Hayet*, AIT Hamadouche Nadia, Kharoubi Omar, and AOUES Aek.
- Factors of Adaptation to Changing Ecological Conditions.
Leonid Petrovich Tel’tsov, Ol’ga Sergeevna Shubina*, Tat’yana Alexeevna Romanova, and Ol’ga Ivanovna Komusova
- A Review on Solar Water Distillation Using Thermal Energy Storage.
S Joe Patrick Gnanaraj, S Ramachandran*, K Logesh.
- Association of Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid with Thyroid Hormones in Pregnant Women with Hypothyroidism.
Srilatha Bashetti*, Domalapalli Suhasini, Meka Krishnakumari, Neetha Kundoor, Rajagopalan Vijayaraghavan, and Bhongir Aparna Varma.
- Evaluation of Semi Synthetic Guar Gum Derivative for The Development of Transdermal Patches of Aceclofenac.
Shankrayya M*, Shyanubhogara Basavaraj, and Sreenivasa GM.
- Topical Clobetasol (0.025%) and Tacrolimus (0.1%) in the Management of Oral Lichen Planus: A Comparative Study.
Milanjeet Kaur, Noopur Managoli Kulkarni, Rahul Kathariya*, Sharath Chandra Bontha, Sunanda C Chavva, and Mamatha B Krishna.
- Assessment of non-adapted, micronutrients loaded adapted-Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their culture filtrates as bio-fertilizers for increasing Faba bean growth and productivity.
Saad AM, Hassan HM*, Ahmed S Abdel-Razek, Hassanein MS,and Elewa TA.
- Evaluation of leave-on hair serum containing higher amount of silicones.
Venkataramana Arbettu Padmanabha, Jayaganesh Sankar* and Jainendra Malakar
- Antibacterial Properties of Associates Based on Camel Thorn (Alhagi Kirghisorum Schrenk).
Orynkul A.Esimova*, Moldir Zh. Kerimkulova, Kuanyshbek B. Musabekov, Saltanat Sh. Kumargalieva, Bakhyt B. Tyusyupovaand Nurshash Zhexenbay
- Studies on Some d10 Metal-Ion Complexes with Tellurium Containing Dithiadiaza macrocycles
Sumit Kumari, KK Verma, and Sapana Garg*
- Hypoglycaemia induced myocardial ischaemic ECG changes-a case report.
Arunprasath D*, Uma Shankar* Dhandapani, Ramakrishnan C
- A correlative study on the association of Brachial Arterial Intima Media Thickness (BA IMT) and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) so as to quantify BA IMT as a biomarker of atherosclerosis
Gaurav Balpande, * Sobana R, Smirta Swamy, Madanmohan, Amirtha Ganesh, Parthasarahy, Jaiganesh K
- Computational Study of Quinolone’s Antibacterial Activity Using QSAR Approach.
Mohamed Aissaoui*, Sofiane Ali Rachedi, Ahmed Mostefa Mokhnane, Habiba Louzim, and Abdelhafid Djerourou
- Synthesis of some bivalent Palladium (II) and Platinum (II) Complexes with Active Schiff’s Base Ligand in order to Evaluate their Antibacterial Activity
Ashok N Patange*, and Sharad T Tajane.
- Potential of Azotobacter Salinestris as Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria under Saline Stress Conditions
Amal M Omer, Hassan M Emara, Rashed A Zaghloul, Mohamed O Abdel-Monem, Ghada E Dawwam*
- Interrelation between handedness and postural lateral preferences in a selected Indian population.
Susie Jeyalyn David*, and S Rajasankar
- Disposal of pesticides into the environment by adsorption: Case of Atrazine.
Elhabib EL azzouzi*, and MohammedFekhaoui.
- Optimization study for ß-mannanase production from locust bean gum by a local Aspergillus tamarii NRC 3 isolate.
AM Saad, Moataza M Saad, HM Hassan*, Ibrahim NA, DE El-Hadedy, Eman I Ibrahim, Al Zahraa A-Karam El-Din.
- Cultured Cell Lines Influenced by the Sizes and Concentrations of the Cytotoxic Gold Nanoparticles.
Sura M Sawalha*, Ziad T Al-Dahan, Eman Ghadhban, Farooq Ibrahem Mohammed, Baraa Abdulhadi Abdulhameed
- Study on Energy Efficient WSN Protocols.
Santhi B, Rufus Sam A* and Sridhar R
- Analysis Of Drug Utilization Pattern In Elderly In An Outpatient Department Using Who Indicators: A Cross Sectional Study.
Supriya Pradhan*, Abinash Panda, and Snigdha Rani Panigrahy.
- Neurovascular Foramina of The Human Clavicle and Their Clinical Significance.
G Sowmiya*, S Sundarapandian, and V Nithya.
- Dynamic Drip Irrigation with Limited Water Resource in Musa Acuminata Farm Cultivation
R Varalakshmi*, and R Vinothkumar.
- Hazardous Effects Induced by Inhalation of Isopropanol.
Rehab Mohamed Hussein*, and Osama Mohamed Sarhan.
- Assessment of Health Resort Potential of The Region Based on Perm Krai.
Matvey S. Oborin*, Natalya V. Frolova, Tamara A. Nagoeva, Olga A. Artamonova, Elena R. Mingazinova, Evgeny V. Vladimirscy, and Andrey P. Kayachev.
- Application of Biotechnology to the Production of Natural Flavor and Fragrance Chemicals.
Hamdy A Shaaban, *Khaled F Mahmoud,Azza A Amin, Hanaa A EL Banna 
- Equilibrium Model of Movable Elements of Micromechanical Devices with Integral Suspensions.
Olga Aleksandrovna Ezhova*, Igor Evgenievich Lysenko, Boris Georgievich Konoplev, and Filipp Mihailovich Bondarev.
- Rapid Investigation of Uncultivable Respiratory Tract Bacteria Among Tuberculosis Patients in Hilla City, Iraq.
Hussein OleiwiMuttaleb Al-Dahmoshi*
- Simulation of A Two-Axis Micromechanical Gyroscope.
FilippMihailovichBondarev*, Igor Evgenievich Lysenko, Boris GeorgievichKonoplev,Olga AleksandrovnaEzhova, and Alena Igorevna Pavlova.

- Effectiveness of Spirulina Supplement and Selected Yogasanas On Biophysiological Parameters of Children with HIV infection.
Prabhavathi S*, Nalini JeyavanthSantha, and Gowri Sethu.
- The Reaction of Blood Stroke Volume of Sympathectomized Rats to The Stimulation of Vagus Nerves.
Anna M. Kupcova*, Almaz R. Gizzatullin, Rustem R. Minnakhmetov, Farit G. Sitdikov, Timur L. Zefirov
- Blood Flow Peculiarities in Vessels Bifurcation.
F. Kh. Tazyukov*, E.R. Kutuzova, F.A. Garifullin, G.C. Layek2, and A.Z. Sharafeev.
- The Modeling of Aquatic Organisms Identification by Marker Proteins.
Arthur M. Husainov*, Ludmila L. Frolova, Zalina I. Ishakova
- Surgical Treatment of Aortic Stenosis in Patients with Low Ejection Fraction.
Alsu I. Abdrahmanova, I. V. Abdulyanov, and Oleg R. Esin.
- Clinico-Psychological Features Of Patients With Cerbrovascular Diseases And Their Dynamics After Therapeutic Correction
Svetlana K.Perminova*, and RustemT.Gaifutdinov
- ?ytoprotectiveEffect of Fullerene C60 Derivatives with Different Structures
*G. R. Tarasova,E. A. Kolganova,G. M. Fazleeva, L. N. Islamova, V. P. Gubskaya , A. A. Rizvanov , G. V. Cherepnev , A. R. Abashev, and N. V.Kalacheva.
- Suicidal activity of the population of St. Petersburg in the second half of the nineteenth century: sources and history of the study.
Sergej V. Bogdanov*, Nikolaj N. Olejnik, Ivan T. Shatokhin, and Elena S. Kravtsova.
- Prenosological Diagnosis as An Improving Element of The Health Care of Working-Age Population.
V.V. Bubekova*, A.V. Meshkov, I.D. Sitdikova, F.V. Khuzikhanov, G.Sh. Alieva, and A.R. Sitdikov.
- Risk Estimation as An Element of Management Mechanism in System of Organization of Health Care and Public Health.
B.B. Elbasieva, I.D. Sitdikova, A.V. Meshkov, R.M. Kashapova, B.I. Vakhitov, and M.K. Ivanova.
- The Value of Radiological Methods in Diagnosis of Dysmenorrhea of Puberty.
Gulnara Khruleva*, and Emil Sharafeev.
- The Effect of Black Cumin Seed Oil on The Oxidation Process of Lipids In Cookies.
Elena E. Zinurova*, Karina D. Zeltzer, Varvara A. Artemieva, TimurA.Yamashev, and Olga A. Reshetnik.
- The result of the treatment of atrial fibrillation using left atrial and biatrial or radiofrequency ablation procedures in patient’s mitral valve surgery.
Alsu I. Abdrahmanova*,Abdulyanov I. Vasylovich, and Aisylu F Sitdikova.
- Dry Rot Causing Species of Fusarium Prevalent in Republic of Tatarstan.
Gusel F. Hadieva, Nazira S. Karamova*, Zenon Stasevski, Elmira M. Djabbarova, Ayslu M. Mardanova, and Margarita R. Sharipova.
- Medico-Social Markers of A Federal University Students’ Health.
Farida Ishkineeva*, Adelia Kaveeva, Karina Ozerova, RaushaniaGaifullina, and RiyazMinzaripov.
- The attitude of women in Russia to the prevention of breast cancer and ovarian cancer: results of a sociological survey.
Farida Ishkineeva*, Karina Ozerova, and Adelia Kaveeva.
- The role of computed tomography angiography in the diagnosis of anomalies of the inferior vena cava. Clinical observations.
S.V. Kurochkin*, and D.I. Zidikhanov.
- Influence of maternal hemoconcentration on fetal development.
T.P. Zefirova*, I.K. Sabirov, N.Y. Chistyakova, and M.E. Zhelezova.
- The Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of Valuable Natural Areas in Kazan.
Renat I. Zamaletdinov*, Rinat R. Mingaliev , and Anastasia A. Kiseleva.
- The study of the anti-inflammatory activity of Eforan.
Veronika Khaziakhmetova*, Daniyar Khaziakhmetov, Ildaria Valeeva, Ayrat Ziganshin, and Liliya Ziganshina.
- Metabolic Disturbances In Children With Respiratory Diseases.
H. M. Vahitov*, E. V. Generalova, Y. V. Ryabinina, F. F.Rizvanova*, L. F.Vahitova .
- The course and perinatal outcomes of rapid delivery in women.
M. E. Zhelezova*, T. P. Zhefirova, N. Y. Chistyakova, and T. V.Pavlova.
- The impact of air pollution on the development of asthma in the population of the city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.
GulnazSafarova*, Eleonora Ishmukhametova, and DamirMinnullin.
- Minimally Invasive Methods of Diagnosis of Bronchitis Severity in Children.
E. V. Generalova*, H. M. Vahitov, R. F.Gayfullina, F. F.Rizvanova*, and L. F.Vahitova
- Amperometric Detection of Caffeine and Paracetamol on A Dual Screen Printed Electrode Modified with Mixed-Valence Ruthenium and Cobalt Oxides in Flow-Injection Analysis.
L. G. Shaidarova*, I. A. Chelnokova, M. A. Il’ina, A. V. Gedmina, and H. C. Budnikov.
- Method of Conservative Myomectomy - Expansion of Hysteroresectoscopic Capabilities by Assistive Technologies.
Nailya E. Bakirova, Gulnara Kh. Khruleva, and Albert R. Gubaidullin.
- Clinical significance of vitamin D supplementation in women with mastopathy.
L.I. Maltseva*, U.V. Garifullova, E.A. Gafarova, and D.M. Nikogosyan.
- Risk of metabolic syndrome in women with reproductive dysfunction and the serum levels of vitamin D.
E. A. Gafarova*, and L. I. Maltceva.
- Improvement of antibiotic therapy efficacy in an experimental clinical trial in acute pancreatitis.
A.M. Zainutdinov*, I.S. Malkov, and A.U. Ziganshin.
- The evolution of surgical treatment of acute destructive pancreatitis.
Azat M. Zainutdinov*, Igor S. Malkov, and AlmirR. Abashev.
- Yield Formation Of PVY-Resistant and Susceptible Potato Breeding Lines.
O. A. Kuzminova*, S. G. Vologin, Z. Stasevski, E. A. Gimaeva, A. T. Gizatullina, and M. L. Ponomareva.
- The Study of The Dependence of Phlogotropic And Membrane-Tropic Activity of Phosphonates on Their Chemical Structure.
Veronika Khaziakhmetova*, Daniyar Khaziakhmetov, Ayrat Ziganshin, and LiliyaZiganshina.
- Features Of The Study Creep And Floodplain Defluxion In The Raifa Region Of The Greater Volga-Kama Biosphere Reserve (GVKBR) “UNESCO” .
I. Gasanov*, and S. G. Kurbanova.
- Fluid Inclusions In Minerals And Zonation Of Scapolite Metasoms (Eastern Pamir).
I .A.Rysaeva, F. Z. Rafikova*, and E. N. Kubishkina.
- Indicators Of Pumping Heart Function In Immature Rats Subjected To Muscle Training At Different Stages Of Postnatal Development.
I.Kh. Vakhitov*, B. I. Vakhitov, and S. S. Chinkin.
- Rendu-Osler-Weber disease. Case report.
S. V. Kurochkin*, I. R. Chuvashaev2, D. I. Zidikhanov, and M. S. Gafurov
- Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Phosphonates Based on the Model of Chronic Autoimmune Inflammation of the Paws of Rats.
IldariaValeeva, Albina Titarenko*, Veronika Khaziakhmetova, and LiliyaZiganshina.
- Medical and Social Charasteristics Of Patients and Treatment Outcomes After Coronary Intervention and Coranary Artery Bypass Surgery.
M. A. Kamaliev*, ?. B. Almukhanova, and E. T. Toleu. 
- Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals from Soil into Alfalfa.
Apostolia G. Argiri*, and Christos D. Tsadilas.
- Morphological And Biological Features Of Ship Sturgeon Replacement And Breeding Stock Of Ural-Caspian Population, Grown Under Conditions Of Controlled Systems.
NurlanSergaliev, Artur Tumenov, BekbolSariev, Murat Kakishev, and SerikBakiyev*.
- Development And Ecological Test Of The Early MaturingSpring Wheat Forms, Obtained By Cell Technology
K.K.Baymagambetova*, N.K.Bishimbayeva, A.K.Amirova, M.A.Berdagulov, and G.A.Sereda
- A probabilistic approach to drought frequency analysis in Mafube Local Municipality, South Africa
B.M. Hlalele*.
- PET/CT imaging of melanoma lymph node metastases in BALB/c mouse.
EskoVeraejaenkorva*, Helena Virtanen, Heidi Liljenbaeck, Anne Roivainen, and Veli-Matti Kaehaeri.
- Abundance and Impact of Mycorrhiza Fungi from Secondary Vegetation in Fallow Land on Growth of Local Maize in South Konawe, Indonesia.
Halim La Karimuna*, and Fransiscus Suraman Rembon.
- Evaluation on Equity of Health Care Provided at Primary Health Care Level to Persons Over 60 Years.
ZarinaSagyndykova, BotagozTurdaliyeva, AlfiyaIgissenova*, BolatZhanturiyev, and ZhaziraTursynbekova.
- Physicochemical properties and akara making potentials of water yam and cowpea composite flour.
P. A. Okorie*, O. J. Ikegwu, V. N. Nwobasi, M. O. Odo and C. N. Egbedike
- Physical-Chemical Investigations of Clay Minerals of The Alekseyevskoye Field in The Republic of Kazakhstan.
Aigerim A. Karaubayeva*, Roza A. Omarova, Zurriyada B.Sakipova, Liliya N.Ibragimova, Asyl A. Espenbetov, G. S. Ibadullaeva , Evgenyi V.Gladukh , and A. A.Turgumbayeva
- Physiochemical Characterization of Nanoemulsion Formulation of Phenazine and their Antifungal Efficacy against GanodermaBoninense PER71 in vitro.
Kai Wei Lee, Dzolkhifli bin Omar, KhalinabtAbdan, and Mui Yun Wong*.
- First Survey Of Aquatic Microbial Fungi-Like Pythiaceae Predominantly Colonizing The South-Mediterranean Freshwater Wetlands.
L. Kachour*, D. Gacemi-Kirane, L. Loucif and H. Alayat.
- Structure and phase composition of new ceramic material.
?. Yu. Omarov*, and ?. D. Shlyapin.
- Pregelatinized Flours Using Extrusion Process: Effect of Barrel Temperature on Steady Shear, Dynamic Shear and Cohesiveness of Extruded Flours
Sue Shan Lim, *RabihaSulaiman, MaimunahSanny, Nur Hanani Zainal Abedin, Lai Oi Ming, and Chin Nyuk Ling.
- Comparative Characteristics of The Humic And Hymatomelanic Acids in Peats of The Middle Taiga.
O. V. Rybachuk, I. D. Komissarov, E. M. Osnitsky, and M. P. Sartakov*.
- Elemental Composition Of The Humic Acids In The High-Moor Peats Of The Western Siberia Taiga Zone.
E. M. Osnitsky, M. P. Sartakov*, E. A. Zarov, Yu. M. Deryabina.
- Environmental Aspects Of UsingMicroencapsulated Malathion.
Litvishko V.S.*, and Litvishko O.V.
- The Production Technology of Diabetic Confection with Modified Carbohydrate Profile.
T.V. Savenkova*, M.V. Osipov, E.V. Kazantsev, A.A. Kochetkova, V.M. Vorobieva, I.S. Vorobieva, and T.L. Kiseleva.
- Bioactivity and cytotoxic effect of nanosized magnesium oxide in the in vitro experiments.
Sergey V. Nadezhdin*, Viacheslav V. Sirota,Ekaterina V. Zubareva, Marina G. Kovaleva,Yuri E. Burda, and Elena N. Bulgakova.
- Effect of Ethanol on The Enzyme-Substrate Interaction of Dehydrogenases.
?.?. Ryskina, F.N. Gilmiyarova, G.M. Baisheva, and T.A. Lobayeva.
- Correlation of Metabolic Syndrome with Serum BDNF, Vitamin B12 And Folate In Schizophrenic Patients.
BurakKulaksizoglu and SibelKulaksizoglu*
- Heavy Metal Content On Sediments Seawater Around Tanjung Jati Power Plant in Jepara District, Central Java Province, Indonesia.
S. Isworo*, and P. S. Oetari .
- Antibacterial Therapy Rationalization by Using Antibacterial Card in Children with Community-Acquired Pneumonia.
Bayan Turdalina*, MazhitShaidarov, DinagulBayesheva, ZhanarAliyeva, LyazzatRamazanova, ZhannatAbdikadyr, AlmagulKushugulova, and Chandy Sujith.
- Sexual Health Quality Study of The Population of Kazakhstan.
?. Turganova *, ?. Abduldayev?, and A. Kalinichenko
- Effectiveness Lime Shells of Anodontaanatinafor Larvae of Anopheles and Aedesaegyptimosquitoes inJayapura District,Indonesia.
YohannaSorontou*, and Agussalim.
- Methods and Algorithms of Heterogeneous Interference Filtration with The Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems in The Tasks of Manipulation of Data of Earth’s Remote Sensing.
M. V. Akinin*, N. V. Akinina, A. V. Akinina, V. A. Balakin, S. A. Baturkin, I. A. Bochkov, V. V. Kuznetsov, I. V. Siginov, A. A. Skuntsev, and I. S. Soldatenko.
- Analysis of the growth regulating activity of 1.1-dichlorofenilyclopropane
Zinaida G. Habaeva, Rimma A. Gazzaeva, Valentina S. Gappoeva, and Albina R. Gagloeva.
- Results of subfossil Cladocera (Branchiopoda, Crustacea) analyses from bottom deposits of Lake Antyukh-Lambina (Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region).
A.G. Ibragimova*, L. A. Frolova, and I. M. Grekov.
- Evaluation of Resistance to Lodging of Buckwheat Varieties on the Basis of Anatomical Features.
Kim O. Potapov*, Luisa R.Kadyrova, Fanusa Z. Kadyrova, and Irina Yu. Nikiforova
- The Results Of Introduction Of East Asian Origin Flowering Plants In The Southwest Of Central Russian Upland.
Valeriy?. Tokhtar, Nataliya?. ??rtynova, Liudmila?. Tokhtar, and Andrey G. Kornilov.
- Clinical and Genetic Research of Chronic Glomerulonephritis.
Elena V. Nekipelova, Olga N. Novakova, Tatiana I. Yakunchenko, EvgenijN.Krikun, Nina I. Zhernakova, and Olga A. Efremova.
- Genetic Factors of Decreased Kidney Function in Patients with Chronic Glomerulonephritis
Inna N. Sorokina, Elena V. Nekipelova, Tatiana I. Yakunchenko, Olga N. Novakova, Evgenij N. Krikun, Nina I. Zhernakova, and Alexey V. Polonikov.
- Risk Method Assessment Of Coronary Heart Disease In Carriers Of Polymorphic Cardiogenic.
Valeriy M. Nikitin, Olga A. Efremova, Mikhail I. Churnosov., Elena A. Lipunova, Ludmila A. Kamyshnikova, and Olesya A. Efremova.
- Analysis of Candidate Genes for Uterine Fibroids.
Sergey P. Pachomov, Irina V. Ponomarenko, Vladimir F. Kulikovskiy, Valentina S. Orlova, Evgeny N. Krikun, Inna N. Sorokina, Irina V. Batlutskaya, and Olga Y. Bushueva.
- MomordicaCochinchinensis(Lour.) Spreng. (Cucurbitaceae) In Culture In Vitro.
Valeriy?. Tokhtar*, Zhang Doang, Liudmila?. Tokhtar, Oleg I. Korotkov, and Galina I. Safronova.
- Russian Focus on The Problem of Disability.
Olga A. Volkova, Elmira K. Naberushkina, Sergej B. Bystriantsev, Viktor V. Baharev, Irina E. Nadutkina, and Marina V.Sadovski.
- The comparative characteristics of the treatment of increased dental abrasion by orthopedic and direct restoration methods.
Alexandr A. Ponomarev*, Maria G. Gaivoronskaya, Elena V. Surzhenko, and Julia S. Stepanova.
- Genetic Factors of Uterine Hyperplastic Diseases.
Irina V. Ponomarenko, Oksana B. Altuchova, Vladimir F. Kulikovskiy, Valentina S. Orlova, Sergey P. Pachomov, Mikhail I. Churnosov, Irina V. Batlutskaya, and Olga Yu. Bushueva.
- The association of polymorphisms of vascular reaction genes with blood pressure levels in pregnant women of Belgorod region.
Evgeny A. Reshetnikov*, Valentina S. Orlova, Sergey P. Pahomov, Olga A. Efremova, Nina I. Zhernakova, and Inna N. Sorokina.
- The genetic polymorphisms of vasoactive hormones and the echocardiographic parameters in women.
Mikhail I. Churnosov*, Evgeny A. Reshetnikov, Tatjana I. Yakunchenko, Olga A. Efremova, Irina V. Batlutzkaja, and Alexey V. Polonikov
- New possibility of application of L-arginine and L-Norvaline in surgery.
Inga M. Kolesnik*, Mikhail V. Pokrovskii, Vladimir D. Lucenko, Lev N. Sernov, Sergej V. Povetkin, Aleksandr A. Dolzhikov, and Konstantin M. Reznikov
- Development of Methodology of Quantitative Determination Of Protein Kinase Inhibitor In Human Blood Plasma By Method of Highly Effective Liquid Chromatography With Mass-Spectrometric Detection.
Tatyana V. Avtina*, Alexandr L. Kulikov, Michail V. Korokin, Vladimir Y. Provotorov, Aleksandr A. Stepchenko, Sergej B. Nikolaev, Galina A. Batishcheva
- Efficiency of Different Fertilizers Doses Introduction Under Potatoes on Grey Forest Soils Of The Tatarstan Republic
Antonina A. Mostyakova*, Konstantin V. Vladimirov, Vladimir P. Vladimirov, and Ulyana A. Ogorodnova.