Current Issue
Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017 (July - August)
- Evaluation of Patient Dose in Interventional Cardiology.
Ayoub Momivand, Reza Zohdiaghdam*, Zhaleh Behrouzkia, and Ebrahim Khayati Shal.
- Mining Sequential Patterns using Prefix Span and Genetic Algorithms.
Prince Mary S*, Yakkala Phanideepu, and Yashwanth Reddy C.
- An Efficient Image Watermarking Protocol Based On Composite Image Repudiation.
Sathyanarayanan AP*, Praveen D, and Prince Mary S.
- An Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication in Hybrid cloud.
G Pradeep Chand Chowdary, G Sai Mohan, Prince Mary S*.
- Study to detect the prevalence of LV diastolic dysfunction in diabetic patients aged less than or equal to 50 years in a tertiary care center.
Abhishek Kasha, Babu Mallem*, and Noorul Ameen KH.
- Study of Thyroid Profile In Chronic Kidney Disease.
Habeeb Ahmed Abdul Kaiyoom S, Babu Mallem*, Abhishek Kasha, and Noorul Ameen.
- Inflammatory Diseases of Frontal Sinuses in The Presence of Ostiomeatal Complex Deformation.
TA Mashkova, LS Bakulina, AI Nerovny, and AB Maltsev*.
- A Rare Cause of Acute Muscular Paralysis.
C Paranthakan, D Sekar, T Rajendran, S Kumaravel*, K Mujibur Rahman, and K Mohamad Ali.
- Health of First Permanent Molars In Prilep Region After Fissure Sealing According Dental Preventive Program In Fyr Macedonia.
Georgiev Z, Kovacevska I*, Sotirovska-Ivkovska A, Zabokova-Bilbilova E, Kapusevska B, Bajraktarova-Misevska C, Stevanandjija J
- Effect of the Sour Water H2S on the Corrosion of Oil Pipelines.
Hala M Abo-Dief*, Belgacem K**, and Ashraf T Mohamed***
- Survey on Pedestrian Detection on low quality images using Support Vector Machine and B.G modelling technique
Raj Akhil MSS, Arunya R*, and Manikanta KVNS.
- (Synthetic, Spectral, Chemo, Thermo) Studying of New Oxadiazole Derivatives.
Mohammed Alaa Abdulzahra*.
- Production and Partial Purification of Staphylokinase from Staphylococcus hominis.
Chandrappa CP*, Megha Singh, Chandrasekar N, and Govindappa M
- Brain tumor segmentation in MRI Images using Convolutional Neural Networks.
*GD. Anbarasi Jebaselvi, M Mary Pamila, V Arivazhagi, and S Kalaiarasi.
- Approaches for development of new Nano-silver printing ink.
Fouad H Kamel, Hero M Ismael, Amer Shaker Mohamammad, and Sayran A Mohamed Amin
- Nigella sativa Seed Oil Extract Prevents VPA Induced NTDS By Improving HDAC Activity and GADD45a Gene Expression.
Bello Sirajo Shiitu, *Zolkapli Eshak, *Fauziah Othman, Faez Firdaus Jesse Abdullah, and Hamidon Basri.
- Rapid validated HPTLC method for estimation of betulinic acid in Madhucalongifolia bark extract
Patel VS*, Jivani NP, and Patel SB.
- Flex Sensor Based Text Recognition System for Blind People Using Android Mobile.
S Lakshmi Priya* and P Chitra.
- Immunopathological Alterations on Gastric Mucosa and Gastric Secretions Induced By Toxigenic H.pylori Among Iraqi Patients.
Ali Ibrahim Ali AL-Ezzy*.
- Predictors of Smoking Cessation Behaviour Of Health Professionals in Mangalore City.
Ashwini S Shetty, Sajjad Salman, and Raghu Jetti*.
- In vitro Study of Adrenaline-induced Contractile Tension and Frequency of Colon and Rectum in Neonate and Adult Rats.
Shuchita Singh, Anil K Tiwari, and Maloy B Mandal*
- Antifungal potential of two Cladophora species (Green algae) against Verticilium dalhiae Kleb.
Mountasser Douma*, Abderrahim El Kerroumi, Najat Manaut, Rachid El Haddaoui, Mohamed Najib Al Feddy, and Lahcen Ouahmane.
- Phytochemical Examination And GC-MS Analysis of Methanol and Ethyl-Acetate Extract Of Root And Stem Of Gisekia Pharnaceoides Linn. (Molluginaceae) From Thar Desert, Rajasthan, India
Arora Sunita*, and Saini Manju.
- Biological Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis and Acacia nilotica: Induced Apoptosis and DNA Damage of A549 Lung Cancer Cell Line.
Huda M Tallima, Hany Elshemy, Faten A Abouelella and Mahgoub M Ahmed*.
- Inter-individual variation of normal and Down syndrome glutathione transferase in response to different phenolic compounds.
Guneidy R A*, Meguid N A, Abdel-Ghany SS, Saleh N S M, Zaki E R and Hamed R R.
- Sophisticated Genetic Studies on Onion through Using Gamma Rays
Kishk, A. M. S, Abdel-Rahman, H. M.*, El-Mouhamady , A. A. and Aboud K. A
- Purification of thermo-stable alkaline protease from Bacillus sonorensis ASKL-09.
Asma Farheen, K Lingappa* and Sarfaraz Ahmed.
- Characteristic Analysis of ZnCl2 Activated Ricinus Communis Stem.
Nirmala Devi V, and Makeswari M*.
- Evaluation the inflammatory marks in a specimen of Iraqi smokers.
Dunyia Fareed salloom*, and Aseel Najeeb Ajaweed.
- The Effect of Laptop Usage on The Angle of Wrist Extension Among Undergraduate Students.
Khin Thant Zin1*, Negar Shafiei Sabet1*, Hlaing Thaw Dar1*, Saeid Reza Doustjalali1*, Archana Thanabalan1, Nurul Fatihah Arul Hashim1, Eunice Mwangangi1, Amirul Fitri Amran1, Karim Al-Jashamy1, Muftah Abdusalam Elbahloul1, Magdi El Sersi1, Vinothini Appalanaidu1, Samiah Yasmin Abdul Kadir1, Jamaludin Zainol1, Rohaini Mohamad1, Wong Ah-Chin1, Ahmad Yusuf1, Rebecca SY Wong1, Nazmul MHM1, Ahmad Taha Khalaf1, Saw Ai Yong1, Munira Bhuiyan1, Khin TO1, Su WWL1
- Histopathological changes of Parabronema skarjabini in Sheep in Basrah City.
Sajjad S Saud* and Ghazi Y A Al-Emarah.
- A Comparison of Genetic Sequence of the Vibrio cholerae Strains Isolated from Iraq and Genetic Sequence of the Vibrio cholerae Strains Recorded Globally Based on recA gene.
Syoof Khowman Al-Ramahy*.
- First assessment of the anti-phytopathogenic activity of two Cladophora species against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. albedinis
Mountasser Douma*, Abderrahim El Kerroumi, Najat Manaut, Oumaima Harkousse, Mohamed Najib Al Feddy, and Lahcen Ouahmane.
- Selection of fuel wood yielding trees for agro-forestry in dry lateritic area.
Arijit Sinhababu* and Arpita Banerjee.
- Effect of Growth Regulators on Callus Induction and Somatic Embryogenesis in Olive.
El Said S Hegazi*, Abdou M Abd All Atif, and Olfat A Abd Elraof.
- Developing Strategic Plan for Management of Mangrove in the Coastal Area in Jember, East Java Based on the 2014 Decree Number 1 on Management of Coastal Area and Small Island.
LilikErnawati*, NuddinHarahab, and Mulyanto.
- Mild Preeclampsia with abruptio Placenta and Acute Kidney Injury– A Case Report.
Aishwarya A*, Saraswathi K, and Nirupa S.
- Spatial Multi Criteria Analysis to Determine the Suitability of the Area for Sea Cucumber Cultivation (Holothuria sp.) In the Waters of Hatta Island, Banda Neira, Maluku.
Aditya Putra Basir*, Sri Andayani, and Abu Bakar Sambah.
- Studies on Extraction and Physico-chemical analysis of novel algae Scenedesmus sp YACCYB70 oil
Chavan Dhanpal*.
- Synthesis and characterization of some new metal complexes with 2-(2-(2-hydroxylbenzylidene amino) ethyl] isoindoline-1,3-dione.
Waleed A Mahmoud, Abbas Ali Salih Al-Hamdani* and Ban Abdulwahhab Jasim.
- Enhancement of Bio Metric Security of Automated Teller Machine through Integration of Bank Account with AADHAR Account and Using One Time Password to Avoid Fraudulent Transaction.
K Kajendran* and A Pravin.
- Disease resistant tree legumes for Agro-forestry in dry area.
Arijit Sinhababu* and Arpita Banerjee.
- Productivity, land equivalent ratios and water use efficiency of intercropping corn with soybean in Egypt.
Metwally AA1*, Safina SA 1, El-Killany R2 and Neama A Saleh1.
- Evaluation of the Natural Radioactivity and the Radiation Hazard Indices of Some Granitic Masses at Raniah Area, El-Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Moustafa A Abouel Maaty and Hesham M Awad*.
- Anatomical Characterization of Wood Some Natural Essences Rif (National Park Talassemtane, Chefchaouen, Morocco)
A Aznag*, M Hachmi, A Famiri, and M Rahouti.
- Investigation of UV resistance in polyurethane foam.
Natali V Romanova*, Lenar N Shafigullin, Gulnaz R Shafigullina.
- Modeling and Prediction of Flash Point of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm/Multiple Linear Regression Approach.
Mabrouka DIDI, Hamza HADDAG, Youcef DRIOUCHE, and Djelloul MESSADI*.
- UV Induced Mutagenesis In Bacteria And Fungi: An Attempt To Increase Dye Decolourisation Efficiency.
Pranita A Gulhane*, Ashok V Gomashe, and Mrunmayee Vairagade.
- Modern Assessment of Health Impacts and Outcomes of Chemicals in Drinking Water.
Stepanova NV*, Arkhipova NS, Saifullin RR, and Elagina DS.
- Effect of Aquo-glycolic solvent media on the Kinetics of Anodic oxide films formed on Zr-Nb in Sodium Methoxide: SEM Studies.
V Jeevana Jyothi* and Ch Anjaneyulu.
- Histological and Immunohisto chemical studies on the submandibular salivary glands of male albino rats after hexavalent chromium and vitamin C exposure.
El-Sakhawy MA*, Elyazeed GA, and Mohamed M A.
- Clinical-Laboratory Characteristics of Chronic Generalized Periodontitis in Patients with Infiltrative Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) with Various Drug Susceptibility.
NA Lunina1*, VA Kunin1, and OV Velikaya2.
- Rationality of Fixed Drug Dose combination for the management of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.
Ranvijay Singh*, Nishitha Shetty, Parashar Rai, Maryam Naveed, Manasvi Singh, and Shraddha Subramanian.
- Production of cellulase, exoglucanase and xylanase by different microorganisms cultivated on agricultural wastes.
Akram H Mohamed1, Sameh H Youseif, Fayrouz H Abd El-Mageed, Nahed Z Heikal, Tarek AA Moussa*, and Saleh A Saleh.
- A Study of Cephalic Index and Head Shape Among Undergraduate Students.
Saw Ai Yong*, Negar Shafiei Sabet*, Myo Nandar Htwe*, Saeid Reza Doustjalali*, Hlaing Thaw Dar, Khin Thant Zin, Amira Sara Zulfihar, Hananie Mohd Hanafi, Nur Fitrah Abubaker, Pavitra Mohan, Karim Al-Jashamy, Muftah Abdusalam Elbahloul, Magdi El Sersi, Vinothini Appalanaidu, Samiah Yasmin Abdul Kadir, Jamaludin Zainol, Rohaini Mohamad, Wong Ah-Chin, Ahmad Yusuf, Rebecca SY Wong, Nazmul MHM, Ahmad Taha Khalaf, Munira Bhuiyan, Khin TO and Su WWL
- The investigation of some bacterial the etiology of inflammation of the urinary tract in pregnant women in the city of Samawa using CHROM agar.
Maytham Abas Makki*, Emaduldeen Hatem Abed and Dhifaf Jabbar Shamran.
- The Antibacterial Activity Of Cefotaxime Antibiotic.
Pertamawati*, and Susi Kusumaningrum
- Awareness Of Dental Trauma Management At Combat Sport.
Samir Cimic*, Ivan Lukšic, Žiga Lužnik, and Marijan Kopic.
- Adding Value to Animal Bone Marrow Byproduct via Adsorption onto Modified Local Bentonite.
MA Habib*, and Heba YM.
- A Study on Thermal properties of AA copolymer-Silver metal particles complexes.
Ch Srinivas, S Kalahasti, B Sanjeeva Rao, K Rajendra Prasad and S Ramesh.
- Application of Peer to Peer based Geofence aided by Location Based Services (LBS) incorporated with Unique Digital Envelope Security system.
Joy Bhowmick, and V Madhu Vishwanatham*.
- Topical Nitric oxide in nanoformulation enhanced wound healing in experimental diabetes in mice.
Rovan Samaha*, Azza I Othman, Ibrahim M. El-Sherbiny, Maher A Amer, Fatma Elhusseini, Mohamed A ElMissiry, Ali H Amin, and Mohamed Ahdy A.A. Saad.
- Leg Length Discrepancy Following Primary Hip Arthroplasty: A Comparison between two different procedures; Hemiarthroplasty and Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Abdul Rakib Al-Mirah, Abdullah Ali Almoaish, Myat Moe Thwe Aung, Atif AB, Naghem Farouk Abed, TarikIbrahem Ali, and Wisam A Yassin*.
- Partial Characterization of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus infecting Gherkin (Cucumis anguira L.) in chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Bhargavi V, Susmila Aparna Gaddam, Venkata S Kotakadi*, and DVR Sai Gopal*.
- One-step green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using flower extract of Tabebuia argentea Bur. & K. Sch. and their antibacterial activity.
Vinay SP, Chandrashekar N*, and Chandrappa CP.
- Effects of Diving Toward Lung Function, Levelss of Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Leukotrien-B4(LTB4) in Serum of Indonesian Navy Divers.
Muhamad Ilfan, Susanthy Djajalaksana, Harun Al Rasyid
- Preparation and Characterization of Rice Husk-Polymer Particleboard Composites.
El-Hamouly SH, Abdel-Rahman HA, Younes MM, and Hamed E*.
- Evolution in Diagnosis of Dental Caries: An Update.
PV Samir*, Brahmananda Dutta, Srinivas Namineni, Kanika Singh Dhull, Anandamoy Bagchi, and Rajnish Kumar Verma.
- Potency of Microalgae as Tyrosinase Inhibitor.
Erismar Amri*, Abdi Dharma, Armaini, and Djong Hon Tjong.
- Reactions of Pulp to Various Restorative Procedures and Materials In Operative Dentistry: A Review.
E Karteek, and PV Samir*.
- Apoptotic regulators (Bcl2 & Bag1) association with the molecular classification of breast cancer: an immunohistochemical study.
Hadeel Abdulelah Karbel*.
- Comparative botanical studies of some Salvia species (Lamiaceae) grown in Egypt. II. Anatomical and molecular characteristics.
Kassem F El-Sahhar, Rania MA Nassar, and Hend M Farag*.
- Induced cutaneous wound healing in rabbits under the cover of silver nanoparticles.
Al – Zubaedi Raad Mahmood*.
- B-thalassemia intermedia in Babylon Thalassemic centre Babil, Iraq.
Jasim M. Al-Marzoki*, and Zainab W Al-Maaroof Sura M Abes.
- Growth and Characterization of Urea Phthalic Acid Single Crystals.
Indumathi N, Deepa K, Venkatesan A, Rajasaravanan ME, Madhavan J, and Senthil S*.
- Formulation and Evaluation of Poly Herbal Antioxidant Cream: With Special Emphasis on Prevention of Premature Aging of Skin.
Anviksha Tiwari, Aishwarya Tyagi, and Savita Chaurasia*.
- Immunoreactivity Inactive Edwardsiella Tarda whole Cell Vaccine on Koi fish (Cyprinus carpio).
Muhammad Eka Supriya Danny*, Sri Andayani , and dan Uun Yanuhar.
- Evaluation and monitoring the impact environmental pollution in water and soil south of Baghdad.
Abdulridha Jawad Jasim*.
- Impact of rainfall on larval density of malaria vectors in district Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh.
Bijendra Kumar, N Singh and Ramesh C Dhiman*.
- Influence of Photoperiod, Light Intensity and Temperature for Optimizing Biomass and Pigment Productivities of Chlorella salina
Gayathri S, and Radhika Rajasree SR*.
- The Significance Of Increase Of The Antidepressant/Anxiolytic Ratio In The Treatment Of Depressive And Anxiety Disorders.
Tatja Kostnapfel*, Marjetka Jelenc, Branko Gabrovec, Barbara Lovrecic, Aleš Korošec, Mercedes Lovrecic, and Rok Tavcar.
- Waste plastic between estimation and pyrolysis.
Hussein SH Mohamed, Nabila Shehata*, Heba M Emam,and Sayed A Ahmed.
- Lactobacillus plantarum LPS10 as probiotic for prevention urogenital bacterial infections
Soheir S Abdel Salam* , Gamal Enan , and Hytham M. Ahmed.
- Development Of Leakage Detection System In Suction Catheter With Water Distribution As An Application
Sunitha KA, Sanika Thakar, Sayantan De, Kunal Bambardekar*, and Deeksha Arya.
- Effect of methanolic leaf extract of Coccinia grandis on histopathology of Liver, Kidney and Intestine of STZ-induced diabetic Wistar rats.
Bhaskar Nagilla, and Pratap Reddy K*.
- Novel Hybrid Molecules of Cholinesterase Inhibitor for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review.
Nurul Zawani Alias, Wan Yaacob Wan Ahmad, Noor Akmal Shareela Ismail, and Nurul Izzaty Hassan*.
- Cloud point Extraction and Preconcentration of trace amount of a-cypermethrin in Environmental samples and determination using high – pressure liquid chromatography.
Hassan M Basheer Hassan*, Abdul Karim Jawad Ali, and Seham Alwan Shukur.
- Removal of level IIB nodes during extended supraomohyoid neck dissection (I-IV) for oral tongue carcinoma
Prabu NP*, Vivek Muthulingam, Swarapriya R, Banu Sargunar, and Shamugapriyan.
- Evaluation of Risk Factors for Level V in Oral Cavity squamous cell carcinoma.
Prabu NP*, Rakeshmohan, Vigildev Asir, Wasim Ahamed SG, and Vijay Ebenezer.
- Local Spread Of Advanced Buccal Mucosa Cancer – A Review With 8 Patients.
Prabu NP*, Balakrishnan K, Vigneswaran T, Abu Dakir, and Saravanakumar B.
- Cancers of Upper Gingivo-Buccal Sulcus, Hard Palate and Maxilla: 3 Years Institutional Study.
Prabu NP*, Prakash Dhanavelu, Senthilnathan R, Muthumani T, and Vivek Muthulingam.
- Cervical Node Metastasis In Early Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of Oral Tongue.
Prabu NP*, Swaranapriya, Banu Sargunar, Shamugapriyan, and Rakesh Mohan.
- Factors affecting lymph node yield in squamous cell carcinoma of mandibular Gingivo-Buccal sulcus.
Prabu NP*, Vigildev Asir, Wasim Ahamed Sg, Vijay Ebenezer, and Balakrishnan K.
- Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in oral cancer reconstruction: A review in 20 consecutive cases.
Prabu NP*, Saravanakumar B, Prakash Dhanavelu, Senthilnathan R, and Muthumani T.
- Temporal muscle flap in reconstruction of middle third face.
Prabu NP*, Vijay Ebenezer, Balakrishnan K, Vigneshwaran T, Abu Dakir
- Local Complications Of Dental Implant Treatment.
Andabak Matej, Rotim Željko, VanjaVucicevic Boras, Dragana Gabric, Diana Terlevic, Ivica Pelivan, Andabak-Rogulj Ana*.
- The Influence Of Titanium Dental Implant Surface On Osseointegration:A Review.
Željko Rotim, Vanja Vucicevic Boras, Mato Sušic, Dragana Gabric, Pelivan Ivica, Ana Andabak Rogulj.
- Comparative study of isolates to degrade high molecular weight hydrocarbons.
Shallu Sihag*, and Hardik Pathak.
- The study of changes in Sex Hormones and Metabolic Parameters clinched alongside ladies with Polycystic ovary syndrome Previously, in Muthanna province – Iraq.
Mohammed Qasim Waheeb1*, Muntdhur Mohammad Cani2 , Hana Ali Aziz3
- Effect of the Diyala River irrigation water in the accumulation of cadmium and lead in the soil and plant and some of the chemical Properties of the soil
Kadhim M Naser*.
- Labetolol Induction In Maternal Bradycardia And Fetal Bradycardia.
Nasiya Mohamad AC*, Geethalakshmi R, and Saraswathi K.
- In vitro cytotoxic, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activity of 6-Chloro-2,3-dihydro[1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3]benzoxazole Derivatives.
Shreedhara SH, Vagdevi HM*, Jayanna ND, Raghavendra R, Kiranmayee P, and Prabhu Das
- Phytochemical and Biological Evaluation of Plantago arenaria.
El Sayeda Ramadan, Manal G Elfedawy, Maha M ElShamy, and Mamdouh Abdel-Mogib*
- Relationship between H. pylori infection and IL-1ß polymorphism in pregnant women
Azhar Omaran Al-Thahab, and Ghaidaa Raheem Lateef*.
- Correlation between Physics-Chemical Water Parameters and Existing brotia testudinaria in Wangi River Bujeng village Beji district Pasuruan regency.
Joni Johanda Putra*, Mulyanto, and Darmawan Ockto S
- Preparation, Evaluation and Optimization of Etodolac Solid Dispersion for Delayed Drug Release.
Limce Thampi*, Swamivelmanickam M, and Kuppuswamy S.
- Determination of Anti-oxidant activity of Different Extracts of Ficus gibbosa Blume, Isolation and Characterization of Flavonoid from Ethanol Extract by Column Chromatography.
Gini E J*, Sivakkumar T and Kuppuswami S.
- Conventional and Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods for Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.
Shuchi Kaushik, Priyanka, Sharmistha Banerjee, and Rajesh Singh Tomar *.
- Purification of gelatinase from the bacteria contaminating gelatin production process.
Mahmoud SM Mohamed, Mary S Khalil*, Mohamed A Tagrida and Youssef A Mawgoud.
- Dimer Complexes of Mixed Ligands of Platinum.
Asmat N. Azizova, Dilqam B. Tagiyev, Khudayar I. Hasanov, and Manaf R. Manafov*.
- Relative Risks associated with increased cortisol in patients with HIV.
Deepak Nilsoge Guruswamy*, Rajeshwari Kenchappanavar, and SN Mothi.
- Allelopathic effects of aqueous leaf leachates and root exudations of Conocarpus erectus L. trees against the germination and growth of Some ornamental plants
Maha Ali Abdul Ameer, and Layth Sareea Al-Rekaby*.
- Toxicity of phenolic compounds to some plants in some biological aspects of Musca domestic L. (Diptera: Muscidae).
Magda Mohamed AbId Falhy AL – Mramady, and Mohamed Reza Anoun AL – Hasnawi*.
- Study on the current status of bacterial and fungal contamination in the canteen of Al-Qadisiyah University, Iraq.
Lujain Hussein Ibraheen*.
- Green Chemistry approach towards the synthesis of Anils from 2-hydroxy 3-methoxy benzaldehyde, synthesis of their metal complexes and characterization.
Madhukar A Badgujar*.
- New Record of Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess, 1880) (Diptera; Agromyzidae) in Baghdad, Iraq.
Redha S AL-Jorany*, Sawsan Kareem Flaih, Shaymaa Abdulkhaliq Alhamawandy, and Hanaa Hani Al-saffar.
- Assessment of Sun Protection Factor From The Leaf Extract Of Desmodium gangeticum (L). DC.
Moumita Das, Sumita Mondal, Swastika Banerjee, and Abhijit Bandyopadhyay*.
- Effect of polyhydroxyalkanoates accumulated plant growth promoting Bacillus sp. on germination and growth of Mung Bean and Groundnut.
A Pradhan*, S Mohapatra, D Mohanty, D Samantaray1, and BB Mishra.
- Preparation of orange peel biscuits enrich with phenolic compounds as natural antioxidants.
Marwa Hanafy Mahmoud*, Azza Anwar Abou-Arab, and Ferial Mohamed Abu-Salem.
- Technological Aspects of Development of A New Drug In Tablets Called «Lavaflam» And Its Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation.
Aslanyan M*, Bobrytska L, Hrytsenko V, Shpychak O, Popova N, Germanyuk T, Kryvoviaz O, and Ivko T.
- Acute toxic effects of Bisphenol A on in-vitro contractile activity of gut in neonatal rats.
Kumari Nirja, Parul Sharma, Anil Kumar Tiwari*, and M B Mandal.
- Nanobiotechnology: A New Paradigm for Crop Production and Sustainable Agriculture.
Raghvendra Saxena*, Manish Kumar and Rajesh Singh Tomar.
- Anticancer Pre-screening of Marine Sponge Chynachyrella Extract From Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Abraham, Yana Maolana Syah, Hasnah Natsir, and Nunuk Hariani Soekamto*
- Laxative effects of silk-shaped sea tangle (Laminaria japonica) on loperamide-induced constipation in rats.
Ki-Woong Kim, Hee Geun Jo, Hyun Min Kim, Min Ji Kim, Cheol Jae Park, Jin Taek Park, and Sun Hee Cheong*
- Growth, Characterization and theoretical studies on nonlinear optical single crystal of L-Alanine Oxalate.
K Deepa, P Sanjay, N Indumathi, S Senthil, and J Madhavan*.
- Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI) And Blood Pressure Among Undergraduate Students
Negar Shafiei Sabet1*, Saeid Reza Doustjalali1*, Khin Thant Zin1, Hlaing TD1, Kenneth SYY1, Sarah Azim1, Geethaa Annadurai1, Maram RM1, Karim Al-Jashamy1, Muftah Abdusalam Elbahloul1, Magdi El Sersi1, Vinothini Appalanaidu1, Samiah Yasmin Abdul Kadir1, Jamaludin Zainol1, Rohaini Mohamad1, Wong Ah-Chin1, Ahmad Yusuf1, Rebecca SY Wong1, Nazmul MHM1, Ahmad Taha Khalaf1, Saw Ai Yong1, Munira Bhuiyan1, Khin TO1, Su WWL1, Khatiza Haida Ali1, Danish Muzaffar2, Vinoth Kumarasamy3, Seyyed Amirhossein Mirhasheminasab4 and Marzalina Mansor5
- Analysis towards Prompting and Inhibiting Factors in Bull-Cement Selection of AI Cattle in Madura.
Siswijono SB*, Nurgiartiningsih VMA, Nugroho BA, Fanani Z, and Winarto PS.
- Interfacially Synthesized Nanostructured Polyaniline Photocatalysts involving Phosphotungstic acid Doping and Poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) composite: Synergism and activity Enhancement in phenol degradation.
Rajesh Anantha Selvan P, Subramanian E*, and Murugesan R
- Antioxidant Activity and Identification of Compounds in the Extract of Sea Bamboo’s (Isis Hippuris) Outer Layer.
Mohammad Sayuti*, Widya Dwi Rukmi Putri, and Yunianta.
- Biogenesis of silver nanoparticles using Aspergillus terreus, its cytotoxicity and potential as therapeutic against human pathogens
Pooja Bansal*, Pawan Kaur, Surekha, Anil Kumar and Joginder Singh Duhan.
- Isoflavone from Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr. and the bioactivity of antioxidants.
Zakaria*, Nunuk Hariani Soekamto, Yana Maolana Syah, and Firdaus.
- Preliminary phytochemical screening and HPTLC finger printing of root extract of Crataeva magna LOUR (D.C).
Meera R*, and Venkataraman S.
- Pre-formulation study on API characterization of Brimonidine Tartrate, Timolol maleate and Dorzolamide Hydrochloride in Anti-glaucoma drugs.
Venkateswaran J*, and Venkataraman S.
- Study Of In-Vitro Biological Activity Of A Multi-Component Therapeutic Product Designed For Treatment Of Inflammatory Conditions Of The Oral Cavity
Lupanova I?*, Mizina PG, Ferubko ?V, Sidelnikov NI. 
- Bioavailability of ampicillin 500 mg capsule on healthy Iraqi volunteers by HPLC.
Ahmed Mahdi Saeed*, Mohammed Redha Hadi, and Fadhil Muhsin Abid
- Anti-axonal and anti-neuronal autoantibodies in Iraqi patients with multiple sclerosis
Sarmad MH Zeiny*, Hasan Sarhan Satchet, Muhammed M Al-Ani.
- Analysis of Circulating Cell Free DNA (ccf-DNA) as a Biomarker in Breast Cancer- A Prospective Case Control Study.
Roshni Gavel, Sanjeev K Singh, Anil Kumar Tiwari, Seema Khanna, Kulsoom Zahra, and S P Mishra*.
- Sub-Acute Toxicological Evaluation of Roots of Stereospermum suaveolens.
Sai Sruthi Kaveripakam*, and Sreedevi Adikay.
- Effect Of Milk Fortified with Iron On Physico-Chemical Properties Of Matsun.
Amir Nasir RostamiNajafabadi*, and Ashot aghababayan.
- Effect Of Milk Fortified With Zinc On Physico-Chemical Properties Of Matsun
Amir Nasir Rostami Najafabadi*.
- Seed Development And Maturation And Storage Studies On An Endemic Tree Vateria Indica Linn.
Sekaran S, Arya S Raj, Nisha Raj S, and Paulsamy S*. 
- Partial Molar Volumes, Jones-Dole Coefficients, and Molar Refractions of Sodium Naproxen in Water and its Computed Hydration Free Energy.
Sanjeevan J Kharat*
- Prooxidant - Antioxidant Status and PTGS2, NOS2 Genes Expression In Rat Cartilage With Osteoarthritis And After The Treatment Of Chondroitin Sulfate.
Tikhova YV*, Dvorshchenko KO, Dranitsina AS, Grebinyk DM, Korotkyi OG, and Ostapchenko LI.
- Utilization of Kereweng as A Coating For Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer.
Febiana Yusida*, and Rusmini.
- Acceptability and anti-feedant effect of the drumstick “ Moringa oleifera leaves towards the cotton leaf worm “Spodoptera littoralis( Boisd) under laboratory conditions.
Nadia Z Dimetry, Hala M Metwally*, WL Abdou, and Abdel-Hakim EA.
- Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography method for quantification of antioxidants in fresh rosemary leaves
Abdulridha Jawad Jasim*.
- Bioactivity and Repellency of Some Plant Extracts Against the Tomato Leaf Miner Tutaabsoluta (Meyrick 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).
Hussein S. Salama, and Ibrahim E. Shehata*
- Comparative analysis, antibacterial and antiradical activities of essential oils in leaves and fruits of Chenopodium ambrosioides of Morocco
Rabiaa Fdil*, Siham Derhali, Soukaina El Maliki, Najoie Filali-Ansari, Manal Zefzoufi, Ahmed El Abbouyi, Saďd El Khyari, Khadija Sraidi and Abdelkarim Mouzdahir.
- Determination of Vitamin C via Formation of Gold Complex Using Different Spectrophotometric Methods
Ahmed Mahdi Saeed, Abbas Shebeeb Al-kadumi, and Noor Jassem Mohammed Ali.
- Screening and Optimization of Lactic Acid Production from Lactobacillus Strains by Using Agro Waste Residues.
Parimala Maheshwaran, and Muthusamy Palaniswamy*
- Macrobenthos from coastal zones of Uran, India: A comprehensive species list with local distribution and photographs.
Prabhakar R Pawar*.
- Accuracy of Endoscopic Ultrasound in Diagnosis of Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases
Mubarak M Hussein, Fatma A Ali-Eldin, Hussein Okasha, Ahmed M A Mahboub, and InasEl-Khedr*.
- Effect Antileukotriene Substances (Montelukast) In Patients With Changed Bronchial Reactivity (Non-Reactors, Moderate Reactors And Emphasized Reactors).
Naim Morina, Ali Iljazi, Faruk Iljazi, Liridona Gashi, Adnan Bozalia*, Floriana Rustemi, and Hilmi Islami.
- Clinical and Experimental Substantiation Of Application Of A Non-Enzym Vitreolysis To Induce Posterior Detachment Of The Vitreous At The Vitreoretinal Pathology.
Botabekova TK*, Al-Astal MS, Makhambetov DJ, Altayeva AJ
- Evaluation of Synergistic effect of Ceranib 2 and Tamoxifen in human breast cancer cells
Helen Shiphrah Vethakanraj, and Sekar Ashok Kumar*.
- Influence of hydrocolloids in chocolate confections: A review.
Florentina Priyangini F, and Chidambaram Ramalingam*.
- Removal of Cr(VI) onto Turbinaria Vulgaris sp. Equilibrium and Kinetic studies.
Sumalatha B*, Prasanna Kumar Y, and King P.
- Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Aspirin and Codeine.
Ahmed Mahdi Saeed*, and Noor Qasim Ahmed
- Studies on effects of supercritical CO2 extraction on yield and antioxidant activity of L.edodes extract.
Shalinee*, Himanshi, Satyawati Sharma, Ajay Singh Yadav, and SN Naik
- A Study Of Taxonomy, Physicochemical Features And Chemical Constituents Of A Few Edible Mushroom Species.
Gurleen Kaur Bedi, Varinder Singh, Gurpaul Singh Dhingra, and Richa Shri*.
- Miliaria: An Update.
Manju Nagpal, Gursharn Singh, Paramjot, and Geeta Aggarwal*.
- Stability and antioxidant activity of bacterial canthaxanthin in aloe vera model system.
Surojit Bera, Surabhi Chaudhuri and Debjani Dutta*.
- Evaluation of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) In Management of a Full Scale Centralized WastewaterTreatment Plant.
M.M.EL-Rabiei , A. A. Farghali, N. H. Mahmoud ,N.Shehata , and M. M. Faisle*
- Isolation of flavonoid compound from ethyl acetate extract of fingeroot (BoesenbergiaPandurata(Roxb.) Schlechter) rhizome.
Elfahmi*, Syaikhul Aziz, and Iman Sulaiman.
- Determination Of Trace Levels Of Pb(II), Cd(II), And Cu(II) In Tilapia Nilotica, Water Hyacinth, And Sediment Samples At Maninjau Lake.
HamzarSuyani, Deswati*, Refilda,DiszaRahmiarti, and HilfiPardi.
- Extraction Of Antidandruff Compound From Lawsoniainermis.
Kushboo Mehta, SucharithaKannappanMohanvel*, Satish Kumar Rajasekharan, Trishna Kandhari, and YuvaraniThambidurai.
- Intranasal Dexmedetomidine Versus Oral Midazolam As Premedication In Anaesthesia In Children.
Purushotham R*, Devanand J, and Selvamani.
- Protective effect of Zizyphusmauritiana against oxidative stress induced by silica in Wistar albino rats.
Rudra Prasad Dutta, and M. B. Patil*.
- Assessment Of The Correlation Between Colony Stimulating Factor1 And Progesterone In Osteoporosis Postmenopausal Women.
Manal F. Al-Khakani*, Sami Waheed Radhi, and Ahmed Moussa Almohanna.
- Preparation and Extraction study of Zinc (II) as complex with new organic reagent of 2,3 dimethyl-5-phenyl azo-8-hydroxy qunoline (DMPAHQ).
Sami W-Radhi*, and Abd Ali A-Shalan.