Current Issue
Volume 8, Issue 5, 2017 (September - October)
- Comparative rate of biodegradation of crude oil in dark and light phases using Oscillatoria specie.
*Uzoh CV, Braide W,Okata-Nwali OD, Olaosebikan OO, Anyanwuocha CE, Onyewenjo SC, Egwu-Ikechukwu M.M, Idu-Ituma SO, and Onuoha CO.
- Detection of Maternal Immunity in Progenies from Breeders Vaccinated with Necrotic Enteritis Vaccine.
Abdalla YA*, Hala El-Sawy, Noura M Khalaf, A El-Shemy, and El-Meneisy AA.
- Evaluation Of The Efficacy Of Sevelamer Hydrochloride And Sevelamer Carbonate Together With Dietary Sources In Hyperphosphatemia Condition.
Priya C Mouli, Sneha S, Shivangi A Balekundri, and Shlini P*.
- Tubo-Ovarian Mass with Misplaced Copper T.
Idaya Vani N*, and Saraswathi K.
- Options accumulation of biochemical components in fresh fragrant fennel leaves outlet.
Sergiyi Ivanovich Kornienko*, Olena Vasylivna Khareba, Tamara Korniivna Gorova, Valentina Korniivna Cherkasova, and Olga Yuriivna Sayiko.
- Application Of Response Surface Methodology And CCD Method For The Biosorption Of Nickel From An Aqueous Solution On To IP Leaves Powder.
Kumaraswamy K*, King P, and Prasanna Kumar Y.
- The growth rate of Etawah crossbreed kids fed with different level of cow’s milk substitution.
Teguh Wicaksono*, Gatot Ciptadi, and Tri Eko Susilorini.
- Evaluation of immunomodulatory effect of methanolic extract of Mirabilis jalapa L. tuber on mice.
DibyenduShil*, Suvakanta Dash, DamikiLaloo, Jashabir Chakraborty, and Sumit Das.
- Synthesis of new nitrogen bases derived from the nucleic acid nitrogen base uracil in targeting the modification of the nucleic acid systems.
Alaa El-Din M. Gaafar*, Rasha M. Faty, Ahmed S. Aly and Khadiga M. Abu-Zied.
- Design, synthesis and antitumor activities of some novel benzoxazole carbohydrazide derivatives.
Sherifa M. Abu-Bakr*, Hanaa M. Roaiah, Nagwa M. Fawzy, Mohamed A. Omar, and Mahmoud M. Youns.
- Nanotechnology For Regenerative Medicine In Cardiovascular Diseases: An Updated Review.
K. Kavitha, A. Deevan Paul*, B. Shrivastava, and Pankaj Sharma.
- Knowledge and practice of impression techniques of distally extended Denture bases.
Bhawani Gupta*, and Dhanraj.
- Effect of composition, radiation dose and post irradiation time on radiation behavior of Acrylonitrile-Methacrylate (AM) Copolymer.
D Suresh, B Sanjeeva Rao*, S Kalahasthi, S Ramesh, and V Ashok Babu.
- Physico-chemical characteristics of sediment samples from three selected wetlands Adra.
Sahebbundh, joypur Ranibundh and Nibaran Sayar in Purulia District, West Bengal, India. Sujit Kumar Mandal*.
- LSSAT (Ligand Structure Similarity Analysis Tool): An automated program to generate large scale analysis of targets, ligands and networks.
Hitesh Kumar Jaiswal, Jaisri Jagannadham, Amit Kumar, and Kamal Rawal*.
- Evaluation of Anti-Mycobacterium Activity of Lantana camara Flos Extract Against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
Puput Widarini*, Jusmain, Dian Pratiwi, Muhammad Isrul, and Ahmad Saleh.
- Studies on the Leaf Essential Oil of Coleus zeylanicus (Benth.) L.H.Cramer-A Valuable Medicinal Plant.
Lakshmi M, and Nandagopal S*.
- Determination Of Ammonia, Phosphate, Sulfide, Iron And Zinc Concentration In The Presence Of Planting Media Of Coconut Fiber And Charcoal Rice Husk In Kale (Ipomoea reptans Poir) Cultivation : The Hydroponics System .
Deswati*, Agusti, Hamzar Suyani, and Refilda.
- The phytochemical screening of some polyphenolic compounds present in Phoenix dactylifera L. seeds cultivated in Iraq.
Sura Louy Alghabban*, and Zeinab Jaliel Awad.
- Awareness on Type II Diabetes and Its Complication among Vellore District Population in Tamilnadu
J Komathi*, A Thaminum Ansari, and A Balasubramanian.
- Contamination of food products from water pollution, soil and monitoring of the chemical-physical parameters of the water system.
Adem Dreshaj, Bedri Millaku*, and Afrim Selimaj.
- Suitable Sea Characteristics for Seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii) Farming Using the Off-Bottom Method in Atauro Island by Utilizing the Geographic Information System.
Fidelino Sousa Marques*, Endang Yuli Herawati, and Abu Bakar Sambah.
- Determination Antioxidant Activity for Metal Ion Complexes and Theoretical Treatment.
Abbas Ali Salih Al-Hamdani*, and Roaa Sabti Awad Al-luhaibi.
- Assessment of the Correlation between M-CSF and GM-CSF with Estrogen and BMD in Osteoporosis Postmenopausal Women.
Ahmed Moussa Almohanna, Sami Waheed Radhi, Manal F Al-Khakani*.
- Traditioal Beliefs and Scientific Experiments On Kolakhar: A Short Review.
Pallab Kalita*, Saikat Sen, and Chandi Charan Kandar.
- Development of new methodology for preconcentration of Ultra trace amount of pyrethroid pesticide in real samples by Cloud point Extraction and determination by high – pressure liquid chromatography with UV detector.
Hassan M Basheer Hassan*, Abdul Karim JawadAli, and Seham Alwan Shukur.
- Evaluation of toxicity of heavy metal iron on a fresh water fish Labeorohita and its behavioural impacts.
Mohmad Amin Wani*, QJ Shammi, and Jasdeep Singh.
- Influence of Basic Density in Determining the Maturity of Forest Planted Calamus Manan.
Razak Wahab*, Mohammed Abdus Salam, Norashikin Mohd Fauzi, Mohd Sukhairi Mat Rasat and Hashim W Samsi.
- Isolation of Protease Producing Bacteria (Bacillus spp.) From Soil and Water Samples of Gondar Town, Ethiopia.
Miesho Hadush*, Berhanu Andualem, Ameha Kebede, Gopalakrishnan VK, and Krishna Chaithanya K.
- Identification of Novel Phytocomponents from the leaf of Morinda Tinctoria a potential Indian Medicinal herb by GCMS analysis.
D Sivaraman*, and P Muralidharan.
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn., Leaves As Rate Controlling Matrix For Sustained Release Of Diclofenac Sodium: A 32 Factorial Study.
Senthil Adimoolam, Balavinayagamani Ganapathy*, and Vekata Sathya Sai Appala Raju Velaga.
- Exploring the molecular mechanism of interaction and inhibitory potential of Capparis spinosa L. phytoconstituents on diabetes-related targets.
*Ogunwa TH, Adeyelu TT, and Fasimoye RY.
- Isolation and characterization of biosurfactant - producing marine bacteria, isolated from the Chinna Muttam fishing harbor, Kanyakumari District.
Fathima Mushrifa, *Poornima S and Saju KA. 
- Investigation of IgG and IgM seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori infections and their relation toIL-6 and some risk factors among dyspeptic patients in Al-Qasim city of Babylon province
Aalaa Fahim Abbas, Aamal Ghazi Mahdi Al-Saadi*, and Suaad Abid Fazaa.
- Biosorption of Chromium (VI) from an aqueous solution onto citrus limonium peel.
Sumalatha B*, Prasanna Kumar Y and King P.
- Determination Of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) Values And Evaluation Of Sunscreen Cream With ZnO and TIO2 Nanoparticles Combination In Vitro As Active Ingredients.
Evi Maryanti*, Elmitra, Totok E. Suharto, Eni Widiyati, and Lala Adetia Marlina.
- Flavonoids from Anthemis stiparum Pomel.
S Benferdjallah*, H Dendougui, F Benayache, S Benayache, F León, I Brouard, JC Hernándezand, and J Bermejo.
- Use of Biotechnology for Cleaning Up Our Environment.
Susmita Bajpai* and Alka Gupta.
- Growth Optimization of Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris to Increase Glucose Content for Bioethanol Feedstock.
Elida Mardiah, Indah Kurnia, Rico Saputra, and Zulkarnain Chaidir*.
- Fatty Acid Composition of Oil Extracted From Surmai Fish (Scomberomorus commerson) From Marathwada Region.
Vishal Ladniya, Mohammad Moaviyah Moghal, and Vidya Pradhan*.
- Annona Muricata: Cure to Cancer.
Dilip Kumar J*.
- Synthesis, spectral characterization and catalytic activity of metal complexes with pyrazoline derivatives.
TM Sharmila, and J Joseph*
- A study on the Effect of Garbage on Environment and its Management.
Alka Gupta*, and Susmita Bajpai.
- A Comparative Study Of Oral Iron Therapy Versus Intravenous Iron Therapy In Moderately Pregnant Anaemic Women (7-10g/Dl).
M Sarmishta*.
- Effect of antileukotriene (zileuton) in patients with bronchial asthma (emphasized reactors, moderate reactors, and non-reactors).
Naim Morina, Ali Iljazi, Faruk Iljazi, Kadir Hyseini, Adnan Bozalia*, and Hilmi Islami.
- Quality in Health care services: Perspective of the Public Versus Private teaching hospitals in India.
Ansuman Samal*, Bibhuti Bhusan Pradhan, Kamal Kachhawa, Divya Agrawal, and Sanjay Kumar.
- Investigation Of The Process Of Reagent Refining Of Crude Antimony From Lead.
Berdikulova Feruza Asanovna*, Mazulevsky Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, Sydykov Alimgazy Orazovich, Seitkhanov Bolysbek Anarbekovich, and Kasimova Akbota.
- Some of the pharmaceutical contributions of Abul-Qasim Al-Zahrawi.
Maryam Kotb*, and Marwan ElBagoury.
- Utilization of Filter Cake and Waste of Soybean Extract in Making Casting Fertilizer
Dela Rosa Gustrivia*, and Rusmini.
- Biosynthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles from Tuber Extract of Cyperus rotundus And Study of Its Antibacterial Activity.
KC Mounika*, J Venakatesh, Katta Manogna, and A Deevan Paul.
- In-Vitro Analysis and Marker Based Standardization of Nigella sativa Seed Extract For Its Antioxidant Activity.
Prerana S Devrukhkar, Arya R Karat, Tejaswi P Chalke, Krishna R Sharma, and Supriya S Jirge*.
- Influence of chemical water composition on spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the Balkhash Lake (Kazakhstan).
Krupa EG, Barinova SS*, Isbekov KB, Tsoy VN, Assylbekova SZ, and Sharipova OA.
- Evaluation of Anti-Cancer Activity of Methanol Extract of Nyctanthes arbor- tristis Linn.
Birendra Nath Karan, Tanushree Singha, Tanmoy Guria, Puspita Roy, TK Maity* and Bikash Chandra Pal.
- Evaluation of Laxative effect tuber Garlic extract water diamond (Eleutherine palmifolia Merr.) against white male rats.
Mevy Trisna, Renatalia Fika, Suci Wahyuni, and Mhd Riza Marjoni*
- Antiproliferative activity of scoparia dulcis Linn.ethanolic extract on cell line.
Valsalakumari PK, and Narayanan N.
- Correlation Between Aspergillosis And Liver Function Profile Analysis In Broiler.
Akram Ahmed Hassan, Emad Jawad khamas ,Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy*, Marah Salim Hameed, and Mohammad Ali Fared
- Toxicological Study of Gbberellic Acid on Liver , Kidney And Brain And Its Apostasy In Adult Abino Rats
Batta H. Abd El Azim*.
- Antimicrobial activity of biostabilized palladium nanoparticles against bacterial pathogens.
Geetanjali Basak*, and Rajesh A.
- The Role of Quercetin on some Cardio-Vascular Parameters in Rats with Insulin Resistance Syndrome
Magda SH Afifi*.
- Noise Removal Histogram Scaling (NRHS) Model for Ultrasound Screened Breast Cancer Images.
V Mary Kiruba Rani*, and SS Dhenakaran.
- Prediction of Most Risk Factors in Hepatitis Disease using Apriori Algorithm.
K Shankar*.
- Cryptanalysis of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Medical contents Encryption using Modified Vigenere Cipher and Multilevel Encryption Methodologies.
P Subhasri*, and A Padmapriya.
- Impact of Low Iron Foods on Woman during Pregnancy – Leads to Low-Birth Weight Babies in Tadepalli Mandal, Guntur Dist, Andhra Pradesh.
Hemamalini K*, Padmavathi M, Lakshmaiah K, and Babitha B
- Comparison of methylxanthines (Doxofylline and Diprophylline) effect in patients with bronchial hyperreactivity and bronchial asthma.
Kadir Hyseini, Ali Iljazi, Naim Morina*, Faruk Iljazi, and Hilmi Islami.
- Studies on ternary intermediate complex formation in the MnII catalysed Periodate oxidation of o-Toluidine – Evaluation of Stability constant.
Jaspal Singh, RD Kaushik*, Nishant Khandelwal, Malvika Chawla and Ekata Kumari.
- Synthesis, Spectral, Thermal and Theoretical Studies of Schiff base Complexes with new ligand derived from 5,5-Dimethyl-cyclohexane-1,3-dione.
Abbas Ali Salih Al-Hamdani*, Hussaein J. Muhmmah, and Waleed M. Sarhan
- Development and Evaluation of Oro dispersible tablets of Rosuvastatin calcium By ß-Cyclodextrin inclusion complexes and using different Superdisintegrants.
Pilli Rohini*, Maddumala.Rajeswari, and Hema sekhar M.
- Novel Bio-wall material from Cicer arietinum for formulation of Repaglinide nanoparticles.
NV Satheesh Madhav, Abhay Pratap Yadav*, and Bhavana Yadav.
- Evaluation of Mast Cell Density in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma and Polymorphous Low-grade Adenocarcinoma.
Gita Rezvani*, and Maryam Khairaldin.
- A comprehensive Evaluation of Transmission Methods for Cryptosporidium species with special emphasis to Cryptosporidium Parvum
Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy*, Abeer Thair Khadim, and Raad Hamudi Hassun.
- Genetic and Environmental Influences in Nicotine Addiction: A Review.
Sujatha S*, Asha Iyengar, Pruthvish S, and Aninditya Kaur.
- Molecular characterization of ß-Defensin123 gene in river buffalo.
Ahlam A ABOU MOSSALLAM*, Soheir M EL NAHAS, Alhassan T SHAHWAN, Akaber T KESHTA, and Ahmed M HATABA.
- Subchronic and chronic anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract of dried leaves of Paullinia Pinnata (Sapindaceae) Linn
Dingom Aurelie Taylor Patience, Keugni Armand Brice, Bendegue Emebe Alexandrie Julia, Dzeufiet Djomeni Paul Désiré, Kamtchouing Pierre, and Dimo Théophile*.
- The Effect Of Addition 2-Propanol Through Reduction Process AUCl4¯ to Au(0) by MG/Al Hydrotalcite-Gallic Acid.
Dyah Fitriani*, Evi Maryanti, and Deni Agustriawan.
- Preliminary Evaluation of Technetium-99m-Labeled Thymoquinone: Radiotracer Uptake Studies using Gamma Scintigraphy Imaging Technique.
Reelma Velho-Pereira, AartJagtap, Rajiv V. Gaikwad, and Jomana Elaridi*.
- A Rare Case of Bilateral Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor of Ovary.
Siddharth Tewari*, and RanjiniKudva.
- Primary Laryngeal Amyloidosis: A Case Report.
Siddharth Tewari*, and Mary Mathew.
- Hemangioblastoma: A Window into the diagnosis of Von Hippel Lindau syndrome.
Siddharth Tewari*, and Deepak Nayak M.
- Safety Modern Methods for Food Using Tetrahymena pyriformis.
Ruslan SaferbegovichOmarov, Alexander ViktorovichAgarkov, Vladislav Evgen'evichZakotin, and Sergei NikolaevichShlykov*.
- The Variability of Productive Traits Estimation in Kalmyk Cattle.
Anatoly FoadovichShevkhuzhev*, FoatGalimovich Kayumov, Nikolay Pavlovich Gerasimov, and DagirRamazanovichSmakuev.
- Biofuel Mixtures: Perspective Motor Fuel.
Vladimir Coicev*, AnatoliyKobozev, Igor Shvetsov, Dmitriy Gritsay, andEvgeniy Gerasimov
- Muscle and Marbling Development in Kazakh White-Headed Breed.
Ruslan SaferbegovichOmarov*, Ivan FedorovichGorlov,Sergei Nikolaevich Shlykov, Alexander ViktorovichAgarkov, and Olga GeorgievnaShabaldas.
- The Productive Features of Sheep in Different Types of Breeding.
Vladimir IvanovichTrukhachev, VasilyAndreevichMoroz, EvgenyNikolaevichChernobai*, Victor IvanovichGuzenko, and Anatoly Anatol’evichDrovorub.