Current Issue
Volume 8, Issue 6, 2017 (November - December)
- In--vitro Antioxidant and Anti-salmonellal activities of Stem-Bark extracts of Enantia chlorantha (Annonaceae).
Merline Namekong Djimeli, Joseph M. Mendimi Nkodo, Guy Sedar Singor Njateng, Charles Fokunang, Norbert Kodjio, Serge Secco Atsafack, Antoine HonoreNkuete Lonfouo, Jean Baptist Sokoudjou, Magellan Guewo-Fokeng, and Donatien Gatsing*
- In-vitro and In-vivo antifungal activity of Capparisspinosa against eight storage molds, a causal agent of wheat alteration.
Moghtet Snoussi*, Menad Najett, Meddah Boumediene, and Moussaoui Abdelallah.
- QSPR Application on Modeling of Boiling Point of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
N Bouarra, S Kherouf, A Bouakkadia, and D Messadi*.
- Growth and Result of Three Line Fe Biofortified Rice for Some Dosages of N Fertilizer
Risqa Naila Khusna Syarifah*, and Suwarto dan Bambang Hartanto.
- Equilibrium, Kinetics and Thermodynamics studies on Basic dye adsorption from aqueous solution by Teak Sawdust.
Kapil Malviya*, Charu Parashar, Savita Dixit, and Suneet Kaur.
- Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Isolated Bioactive Flavanoid Apigenin-7-O-B-DGlucuronide Methyl Ester from The Ethyl Acetate Leaf Extract OfManilkarazapota.
Kamalakararao K*, Krishna Chaithanya K, Gopala Krishnan VK, Zenebe Hagos, Debasish Pradhan, Padal SP, Tentu Kasi Naidu, Govinda Rao D.
- Characterization of the performance of wastewater treatment in Sidi Merouane plant.
Amina Boughachiche, Chahrazed Boukhalfa*, Belhadi Zeinb, and Terchi Kawethr.
- Isolation and Identification of Sponge-Associated Fungus Producing Anti Multidrug-resistant (MDR) Bacterial Substances.
Agus Trianto*, Ocky Karna Radjasa,Rudhi PribadiSekar Widyaningsih,Khoeruddin Wittriansyah,Isei Yusidharta, Wiratno, and Ita Riniatsih.
- Brine Shrimp Lethality Bioassay of Careya Arborea Leaves and Aerial Parts of Cleome Viscosa.
Prakash Chandra Gupta*,Nisha Sharma, and Ch V Rao.
- Antioxidant Analysis and Phytochemical Detection of the Some Selected Spices (Ajwain, Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Fenugreek).
Salma S*, Suraby KS, and Lalitha Ramakrishnan.
- Decrease of Heavy Metal Using Effective Microorganism 4 (EM4) As the Soil Bioremediation Effort.
Rusmini*, Muchlis, and Sukarmin.
- Drugs Regulation in Rajasthan: An Overview.
Kempaiah Suresh*,and Balamuralidhara V.
- Changes Induced in Some Physiological, Biochemical and AnatomicalCharacteristics of Jatropha curcas L. Plant by Exogenous Application of Osmo-Regulators Under Saline Irrigation Conditions.
Soha E Khalil*, Sami A Metwally, and Bedour H Abou Leila.
- In-Vitro Study of Mucolytic Activity of Extract and Essential Oil of Citrus Maxima Peel.
Nurhaidah Muctahara*, Nur Cahyani, Helni Febriani, Muhammad Isrul, and Wa Ode Yuliastri.
- Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Conjugates with Ceftriaxone Sodium and Two Schiff base Derivatives Using Sodium Borohydrideas a Reducing Agent.
Ahlam Jameel Abdulghani*, and Saja Khalil Mohuee.
- Prescribing Pattern of Antipsychotics In A Tertiary Care Hospital, Salem: A Retrospective Study.
B Arul*, E Manivannan, R Kothai, Ajiya Rajan, Akhil Babu, AksaAnu Mathew and Aleena Jose.
- The Ultrastructure of the Tegument of Ornithobilharziaturkestanicumin Maysan / Southern Iraq.
Hanaa N Abdullah, Ismael W Ismael, and Suzan A Al-Azizz*.
- Degradation of The Pesticide: Cypermethrin.
Madhushree T, and PriyaIyer*.
- Immobilization of Alkaline Protease enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosaon Surface functionalized Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles.
Chandran Masi*, Naveen Kumar KR, Gowtham Raja NC, and Umesh R.
- Performing Apicotomy with Er: YAGLaser - Determining the Optimum Pulse OfWork(In-VitroStudy).
VanchoSpirov*, Oliver Dimitrovski, BlagojaDastevski, Filip Koneski
- The Effect of Concentration on Particle Size of Solanum muricatum Aiton Microcapsule.
Devi Ratnawati*, Eni Widiyati, Agus Martono Hadi Putranto.
- Preparation, Spectral studies and Biological Efficiencyof Metal (II) Mixed Ligand Complexes Schiff Base derived from (Benzaldehyde and O-Aminoaniline) with 8-Hydroxyquinoline.
Shatha M H Obaid, Hanan A ShAl Naemi, Amer J. Jarad, *Abbas Ali Salih Al-Hamdani, and Widad J Fendi.
- Studies on Some Tellurium(IV) Complexes of Salicylaldehyde-2-Aminopyridine Schiff Base.
Anju Malik, KK Verma, and Sapana Garg*
- Assessment of the effects of Alendronate treatment on clinical periodontal parameters in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.
Aseel J Ibraheem*, and Aysar N Mohammed.
- Geese ovary and oviduct from an Anatomical and Histological point of view.
Hanaa Kareem Ali Alshammary*, Ammar Ismail Jabar, and Rabab Abdul Ameer Nasser.
- Preparation and Evaluation of Topical Liposome Containing Glucosamine Hydrochloride
Nadia A Hussein Al-Assady* and Akram Abdul Salam.
- Association of Diabetes and Cancer: An Analysis on the Prevalence of Diabetes among Cancer Patients.
Nishitha Shetty, Anchu Thomas*, FreedaPraveenaCutinha, Paraashar Rai, Thamizholi S, and Ashraf K.
- Formation and Confirmation of Binary Complexes of Co (II), Ni (II ) and Cu (II) with L-Cysteine in SLS-water media.
Surya Sunitha P, Nageswara Rao Ch*, Sujatha P, and Sailaja BBV.
- QSPR Study of the Boiling Point of Diverse Hydrocarbons: Hybrid (GA/ MLR) Approach.
Nour-eddine Kertiou, Amel Bouakkadia, and Djelloul Messadi*.
- Assessment of The Possible Association Between Phthalate Exposure and Subfertility Problem in Egyptian Men.
Mervat Hamdy Abd El Salam, Eman Abd El-Fattah El Zohairy, MarwaIssak Mohammed, Amr Tharwat El Ahwani, and Asmaa Anwar Kadry Ibrahim*.
- Study of Biofilm Formation from Lactobacillus Fermentum S Cultivated on Different Carbohydrates.
Ignatova-Ivanova Tsveteslava*, Sevginar Ibrjmova, Andreana I Andreeva, and Radoslav Ivanov.
- Modeling of Copolymerization of Acrylonitrile onto Starch Phosphate via Ceric Ammonium Nitrate Initiation.
ElhamEl Zanati, AzzaHafez*, MaalyKhedr,and Ahmed Waly.
- Study of Sodium, Potassium and Fluoride elements present in water sample collected from Shivana River.
Pravin Chavan*, Megha Rai, and Shivaji Jadhav.
- Effect of Barley Straw Treatment with Probiotic on Some Productive Characteristics.
Saif Alwaeli*, Wafaa Al-Samaraae, and Yaseen Al-Saady.
- Regulation of Reverse Logistics of Pharmaceutical Products in United States: A Review.
Moniveena MG*, Pramod Kumar TM, and Venkatesh MP.
- Mechanistic Studies on The Effect of Nephelium lappaceum Seed Powder on In vitro Glucose Uptake by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Leon Cruz, Vasudeva Rao Avupati*, and Syed Azizullah Ghori
- Identification of the Antagonistic Effect of (-) Carvone On Ca2+ Channel, Histamine and Acetylcholine-Muscarinic Receptors in Isolated Smooth Muscle Preparation: An In Vitro and In Silico Correlation Study
M Mohamed Shabi, Liniya Sunny, U Aravind Krishnan, Vishnu S, and Vasudeva Rao Avupati*.
- The Effect of Relaxing Music on Perioperative Stress Control.
Gordana Apostolova,Elena Velkoska*, Blerta Zekiri, Denis Baftijari,Andrijana Gavazova, Jovan Strkovski,and Filip Koneski.
- Population Density of Whitefly Bemisiatabaci on Cauliflower.
Sawsan Kreem Flaih*.
- Serum Visfatin and Chemerin Levels in Iraqi Diabetics and Obese Individuals.
Namir I. A. Haddad*, Essam Nori, and Suzan A. Hamza.
- Synthesis, Characterization and Conductivity Study of 1-Methyl-3-Phenylimidazolium Iodide [MPhIm][I] at T (293.15 – 323.15) K.
Victoria Bennett, Ikechukwu P Ejidike*, Nimibofa Ayawei, Donbebe Wankasi, and Ezekiel D Dikio.
- A Comparative Study on Three Algal Strains as Feedstocks for Biodiesel Production.
Hesham M Abd El Fatah*, Dina M Ali, Mohamed Farag, and Esraa S Hamdy.
- Immunological Changes in Inflammatory Cysts.
Oliver Dimitrovski*, Vancho Spirov, Blagoja Dastevsk, and Filip Koneski.
- Effect of Irrigation Interval Periods and Organic Fertilizer Levels on Production and Water Use Efficiency of Potato (Solanum tuberosmL.).
Jameelah Shakier Mahmood AL-Juboori*, Husamuldeen Ahmed Tawfeeq, Jawad Taha Mahmood, Adnan Sh Falih, and Ibrahim B Razaq.
- Protective Effect of Three Extracts of AquilariamicrocarpaBaill against Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats with a Reference to Antioxidant Property.
Nurlely*, Noor Cahaya, Destria Indah Sari, Khoerul Anwar, Mustofa, Hidayaturrahmah, NovietaSetiani Noor, Mega Permata Sari, Wenda Novita Sari, Ikrimah, and AuliaRahmah
- Effect of Petroleum Fumes on Cardio -Pulmonary Efficiency in Petrol Pump Workers of Western Maharashtra.
PatilSmita V*,Sumangala Patil, SampadaKanitkar, and Pandurang Gaikwad.
- Biological Controls of Cucumber Wilt Disease Caused by Fusarium Oxysporum.
Khalil MS*, Haikal NZ, and Hafez E.
- Natural Bond Orbital Population Analysis of a-trans-himachalene.
Redouan Hammal*, Mohamed Zoubir, Ahmed Benharref, and Abdeslam El Hajbi.
- A Case of Overt Hypothyroidism with Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy with Contradictory Findings in Autonomic Reactivity: Interesting Case Report.
Suresh Ravichandran, Prathamesh H Kamble, Rajesh K Sharma*, and Neetu Srivastava.
- The Impact of The Formal Education of Housewives and Environmental Sanitation on The Children’s Nutritional Status in The Target Area of Community Health Centre Mananggu, Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province.
Sunarto Kadir*.
- Effect of tobacco smoking on serum lipid profile and renal function levels in Iraqi subjects.
Jinan Hussein Murtadha*.
- Effect Of Carbon And Nitrogen Sources On Phosphate Solubilization By Some Local Isolates From Egyptian Rock Phosphate Deposit.
Hemmat M Abdelhady, Khadiga A Abou-Taleb, Soheir S Abd el-salam*, Shimaa A Amin,and Zahra H Tayeb.
- Protein and Peptide Drug Delivery: By Noninvasive Technology.
Vaibhav Agarwal*, Vansh Khattry, Gopa Roy Biswas, and Sutapa Biswas Majee.
- Understanding the Reaction Mechanism of The Regio Selective Acylation of Isocadalene In Dichloromethane: A DFT Study.
Redouan Hammal*, Abdelfettah Messaoud, Mustapha Ait Elhad, Abdellah zeroual, Ahmed Benharref, Abdeslam El Hajbi.
- Protective Effect of Tomato seed oil (TSO) against ?-radiation induced damage in male Wistar rats.
Magda K Ezz, Nashwa K Ibrahim, Mahmoud M Said and Mostafa A Farrag*.
- Planet Ecosystem Interrelations' Impact on Food Safety Considering Anthropogenic Factors.
Sergey Emelyanov*, Larisa Skorykh, Alexey Molchanov, Nina Konik, and Lubov Maslova.
- Morphometric Parameters of The Internal Organs Male and Female Scandinavian Shorthair Mink on The Northern Caucasus.
Alexandr Anatol’yevich Khodusov*, Maria Evgen’evna Ponomareva, Viktor Ivanovich Konoplev, Viktor Vasilevich Mihaylenko, and Roman Aleksandrovich Tcygansky.
- Effect from Aerosol Readjustment Air Environment on Productivity and Biochemical Blood Parameters of Young Sheep.
Vitaly Yurievich Morozov*, Roman Olegovych Kolesnikov, Alexey Nikolaevich Chernikov, Larisa Nikolaevna Skorykh, and Vasily Ivanovich Dorozhkin.
- Economic - Useful and Biological Features of Dorper Breeds into Adaptation Period to Arid Conditions the South Of Russia.
Vladimir Anikeevich Pogodaev*, Anatoly Nimeevich Arilov, Bator Kanurovich Aduchiev, Vasily Ivanovich Komlatsky and Vladimir Ubushaevich Edgeev
- System Management of The External Infrastructure of a Production Enterprise: Structure and Development Trends.
Olga Ivanovna Shatalova*, Oksana Anatolevna Muhoryanova, Polina Vladimirovna Shmygaleva, Elena Anatol’evna Velichenko, and Sofya Romanovna Shekhovtsova.
- Estimation Economic Efficiency of Using Feed Supplement "BIO-Extra" Into Beef Production.
Alexander Vasiljevich Shuvaev*, Dmitry Valerjevich Shlaev, Anna Nikolaevna Ermakova, Natal’ja Anatol’evna Dovgot’ko, and Elizabeth Victorovna Skiperskaja.
- Immunogenetic Markers in Selection of Sheep.
Larisa Skorykh*, Ivan Kopylov, Nina Efimova, Galina Starodubtseva, andVladimir Khainovskii
- Surgical Approach in The Removal of Impacted Mandibular Molars in Correlation with Their Position.
Zaklina Menceva*, Biljana Evrosimovska, Branko Atanasovski, Aneta Terzievska, and Goran Zaturoski.
- Study the Effect of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity (ALP), Calcium and Total Protein Levels in Women Hypertensive Patients.
Iman Hashim Abdul Razzaq*.
- Neuro-therapeutic Benefits of Centella asiatica on Some Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Review.
Samaila M Chiroma, Mohamad Aris Mohd Moklas*, Che Norma M, Mohamad Taufik H, Zulkhairi Amon, Saravanan Jagadeesan, and Bulama Ibrahim.
- Determination of the Significant Caries Index (SiC) in 12-year-old children from the Kumanovo area.
Shevale Alili*.
- Improving Directions Substantiation of Activity-Based Management in Agrarian Enterprises.
Olga Kusakina*, Natalya Bannikova, Darya Gracheva, AnzhelikaBaicherova, and Natalya Vorobyova.
- Influence of Sexual Dimorphism onto Wool's Diameter.
Nikolay Ivanovich Belik*, Ahmadjan Hayitovich Hayitov, Aleksandr Pavlovich Marynich,Tatyana Ivanovna Antonenko, and Alexander Mechislavovich Andrushko.
- Soil Fertility Problems in Central Ciscaucasia.
Valerii Sergeevich Tshovrebov*, Vera Ivanovna Faizova, Anastasia Mikhailovna Nikiforova, Andrei Anatolyevich Novikov, and Alexander Nikolaevich Marin.
- Interaction Model Between a Curvilinear Working Surface And Soil.
Sultan Nanuovich Kapov*, Alexander Viktorovich Orlyansky, Anatoly Timofeevich Lebedev, Vladimir Khambievich Maliev, and Irina Alexandrovna Orlyanskaya.
- Variability of Hematological Indices of Brown Swiss Cattle with Different Technologies of Keeping.
Anatoly Foadovich Shevhuzhev*, Murat Borisovich Ulimbashev, Ibrahim Khasanovich Taov, Oleg Olievich Getokov, and Ekaterina Ryashitovna Gosteva.
- Biosorption Of Reactive Black 5 Onto Grateloupia lithophila., A Marine Alga.
Joshua Amarnath D*.
- GC-MS Analysis of Phytochemical Compounds Present in the Methanolic Extract of Viburnum punctatumBuch-Ham Ex D.Don.
A Renjith Alex*, and K Ilango.
- The Efficacy of Ivermectin With Prolonged Action, On the Basis of Biodegradable Polymers, At Nematodes of Sheep.
Sergey Vladimirovich Engashev, Ekaterina Sergeevna Engasheva*, Vladimir Ivanovich Kolesnikov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Orobets, and Svetlana Nikolaevna Lutsuk.
- Optimization of Citric Acid Production by Aspergillus niger isolated from different Habitats.
Abeer A Khattab, Salem AA, and Amira E Soheam*.
- Overview of The Common Methods for Registration of Occlusal Contact.
Vesna Korunoska-Stevkovska*, Jelena Jovanovska, Elena RadevskaRazmovski, AnetaMijoska, EmilijaBajraktarovaValjakova, Natasha Stavreva, BlagojaDastevski, and BiljanaEvrosimovska
- Productive and interior features of piglets when using biogenic stimulators SITR and ST.
Vladimir Anikeevich Pogodaev*, Vasily Ivanovich Komlatsky, Grigoriy Vasilevich Komlatsky, Yuriy Nimeevich Arylov, and Marina Alexandrovna Nesterenko.
- Overview of Genes Associated with Egg Productivity and Resistance of Domestic Hen.
Olga Yuryevna Barkova*, Georgiy Yurievich Laptev, Ivan Ivanovich Kochish, Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov, and Anatoly Foadovich Shevkhuzhev.
- Microbiota in The Intestines of Cross Chick Lohmann Brown in Ontogeny.
Ilya Nikolayevich Nikonov*, Ivan Ivanovich Kochish, Larisa Aleksandrovna Ilyina,Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov, and Anatoly Foadovich Shevhuzhev.
- In-Vitro Activity of Amoxycillin / Clavulanic Acid against Clinical Isolates from Jordanian Children.
Al-Shara Mohammad*.
- In-Vitro Activity of Third Generation Cephalosporins Against Bacterial Clinical Isolates from Pediatric Patients
Al-Shara Mohammad*.
- Multi Soil Layering (MSL) System for Treatment of Tofu Industry Wastewater.
RahmianaZein* RefildaSuhaili, HericNovrian, SyukryaNingsih, LidyaNovita, NenengSwesty, Mukhlis, and Hilfi Pardi.
- Characterization ofPulpal Responses To Caries In Human Teeth.
Sotirovska-Ivkovska A*,Zabokova-Bilbilova E, and Georgiev Z.
- Comparison of Liver Fat Content and Triglyceride of Timpakul Fish (Periophthalmodonschlosseri) and Snakehead Fish (Channastriata).
Hidayaturrahmah*, EmaTiasArumsari, Heri Budi Santoso, Muhamat, and HawisMaduppa.
- Selenocaffeine And Zinc-Alphatocopherol Complexes as Noval a-amylase and a-glucosidase Inhibitors Potential Source of Anti-Diabetic Drug.
Mohamed I. Kobeasy*, A.Y. El-Naggar, and Sayed A. Fayed.
- HPLC Analysis of Hydro-Ethanolic Extracts from Pastinaca sativa L. Fruits.
Kuznietsova, V.Yu.,Shimorova, Y.E., Boyko, N.N.*, Pisarev, D.I., Zhilyakova, E.T. , and Novikov, O.O. 
- Possibilities Of A Personified Approach To Diagnosis Of Obesity Based On The Developed Genetic Tests And Determining The Sensitivity To Phenyltiokarbamide.
Petrova T.N*., Popov V.I., Kolesnikova E.N., Sudakov O.V., and Alekseev N.Y.
- Effect of Irrigation with Red Sea Water on Early Growth Characteristics of Saudi Wheat Cultivars (Triticum aestivum).
Anis Ahamed*, Ibrahim A. Arif, Mohammad A. Bakir, Rakesh Varghese, and Ahmed.M.H.Mostafa.
- Polymorphic Genetic Markers of Obesity and Their Associations with Clinical and Metabolic Indicators.
Kolesnikova E.N., Petrova T.N*., Sudakov O.V., KrasnorutskayaO.N., Alekseev N.Y, and Gubina O.I.
- Antitubercular Evaluation of Isoxazolyl Chalcones.
Pallepati Kishor*, K Venkata Ramana, andAfzal Basha Shaik.
- Overview of Burning Mouth Syndrome for Prosthodontics Practitioners.
Natasha Stavreva*, Efka Zhabokova Bilbilova, Olga Kokocheva Ivanova, Biljana Kapusevska, Vesna Korunoska Stefkovska, and Ljuben Guguvchevski.
- Using Grass Feeding to Enhance Level of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Beef.
Ivan FedorovichGorlov, Ruslan Saferbegovich Omarov*, Marina Ivanovna Slozhenkina, Elena YuryevnaZlobina, Natalia Ivanovna Mosolova, and Sergei NikolaevichShlykov.
- Growth and Yield of Upland Rice Under Rice - Grass Intercropped In Rainfed Area.
Yugi R Ahadiyat*, Tri Harjoso, and Ismangil.
- Isolation and Identification of Bacillus Species from Intestinal Tract of Livestock and Other Environmental Samples of Animal Farms of East Kazakhstan Region.
AbdrakhmanBaygazanov, Artem Finogenov, MaralNurkenova, Tatyana Bleim, Aleksandra Tleubayeva, YesengeldyOmarbekov, NurgulIkimbayeva, DinaraZeynettinova, Sandeep Sharma, and ZhanibekYessimbekov*.
- Association of Oxidation of Low Density Lipoproteins with Atherosclerosis In Patients With or Without Diabetes Mellitus.
Kamna Singh, Ritu Singh, Sudhir Chandra*, and Sanjay Tyagi.
- Effect of Zeolite-Chitosan Composites Coating on Urea Fertilizeras Slow Release Fertilizer.
Dina Kartika Maharani*, and Arif Novan.
- Fertilizers, Growth Regulators and Biochemical Composition of Plant.
S.A. Semina*, S.A. Kshnikatkin, E.V. Zheryakov, I.V. Gavryushin?, and O.A. Sharunov.
- Introduction of Calculated Doses of Mineral Fertilizers to Achieve Maximum Productivity of Winter Wheat Varieties on Chernozem Leached Stavropol Upland.
Aleksandr Nikolaevich Esaulko*, Alena Yurevna Ozheredova, Maxim Sergeevich Sigida, Alexander Vladimirovich Voskoboinikov, and Oleg Anatolyevich Podkolzin
- Dynamics of Agrofito-Cenosis Segetal’ Flora of Winter Wheat in Long-Term Soil Treatment.
Vera Mikhailovna Perederieva*, Olga Ivanovna Vlasova, Irina Alvianovna Volters, Lyudmila Viktorovna Trubacheva, and Anna Petrovna Shutko.
- Enhanced Hepatoprotective Effect of Adansonia DigitataExtract on Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity.
Shaimaa M. Badr-Eldin, Hibah M. Aldawsari, Abeer Hanafy, Muhammad Salem Abdlmoneim, Seham El-Sayed Abdel-Hady, and Atif Hasan*.
- Effect of No-Till Technology on The Available Moisture Content and Soil Density in The Crop Rotation.
Valery Vladimirovich Kulintsev*, Victor KorneevichDridiger, Evgenia Ivanovna Godunova, Viktor IvanovichKovtun, and Maya Petrovna Zhukova.
- Accumulation Ions of Salts and Nutrients in Plants Due to Soil Salinity and Changes in Mineral Nutrition.
AllaAnatolievnaBelovolova*, Natalia Viktorovna Gromova, Elena Alexandrovna Salenko, Valentin VasilevichAgeev, and Anatoly IvanovichPodkolzin.
- Effect of Density Soil on Productivity of Winter Wheat in Terms of Area with Moderate Moisturize.
Elena BorisovnaDrepa*, Anna Sergeyevna Golub, Julia Alexandrovna Bezgina, Inna Anatolevna Donets, and Olga Viktorovna Mukhina.
- Prospects for Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Improve the Efficiency of Grazing Livestock.
Vladimir IvanovichTrukhachev*, Sergei AlexandrovichOleynik, Nikolai ZakharovichZlydnev, and Vitaly Yurievich Morozov.
- Prospects for The Organization of Pasture Technological Modules for Livestock Development with The Use Of UAV.
Vladimir IvanovichTrukhachev*, Sergei AlexandrovichOleynik, Andrey Alexandrovich Pavlov, Nikolai ZakharovichZlydnev, and Irina Yanovna Nam.
- The Influence of Cultivation Technologies and Fertilizer Systems on The Productivity of Winter Wheat on Leached Chernozem.
GeorgiyRomanovichDorozhko, Lyudmila NikolaevnaPetrova, Olga YurevnaLobankova*, IzoldaOlegovna Lysenko, and Yulia Alexandrovna Mandra

- Productive Quality of Ranty Boar Depending by The Breed and Genotype.
Vladimir AnikeevichPogodaev*, Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin, Igor Gennadievich Rachkov, Svetlana Ivanovna Novopashina, Mikhail Yuryevich Sannikov, and VitaliyFedorovichFilenko.
- The Possibility of Non-Pharmacological Methods in Increasing Clinical Efficiency of Treating Patients with Chronic Heart Failure and Metabolic Syndrome.
Tokmachev RE*, Budnevsky AV, and Kravchenko A. Ya.
- Cyclic Voltammetry Studies of Synthesized New Azo Schiff bases.
Salem Atia*, Aicha Boudehane, Ammar Zobeidi, Tahar Douadi,Ali Lounas, Mousa Al-Noaimi, and Noureddine Gherraf.
- The characteristics and morphometric features of plant communities in the Toraigyr mountains of Kazakhstan with an occurrence of Ikonnikoviakaufmanniana (Regel) Lincz.
Nashtay Mukhitdinov, Zarina Inelova*, Svetlana Nesterova, Ydyrys Alibek, Bekzat Tynybekov, and KurmanbaeyevaMeruyert.
- Methodological Bases Development of Gerontology Service in Republic of Kazakhstan.
OspanovaDinara,Igissenova Alfiya, UssebayevaNeilya, IglikovaAssiya, AytmanbetovaAkmaral.
- Histological Examination of Lungs of Gerbils Is Large When Infected with Micro-bacteria of Tuberculosis.
YessimsiitovaZura*, Kozhamzharova Assel,?leubekkyzy Perizat,AblaikhanovaNurzhanyat, Tussupbekova Gulmira, Bazarbayeva Zhannat,and Tagirova Rima.