Current Issue
Volume 15, Issue 4, 2024 (July - August)
- Study of High Frequency Ultrasonography’s Role in Evaluation of Hand and Wrist Pathologies.
Kshitij Singh*, and Yogendra P Sachdev.
- Evaluation Of Common Posterior Fossa Lesions In Pediatric Age Group On Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Kalyani Sarda*, Yogendra Sachdev, and Ganesh Vikhe.
- Study Of Role Of Digital Subtraction Angiography In Peripheral Vascular Malformations.
Sandeep Goyal*, Yogendra Sachdev, Sunil B Borade, Kalyani Sarda, and Surendra Lingawar.
- Role of MRI in Evaluation of Acquired Cardiac Pathologies in Patients Referred for Cardiac MRI to Pravara Rural Hospital Loni, Maharashtra, India.
Anagha Thakare*, and Yogendra P Sachdev.
- Study of Prevalence and Structural Brain Abnormalities Causing Seizure Disorders in the Pediatric Population.
Surendra S Lingawar*, and Yogendra P Sachdev.
- Chemical Kinetics of Catalyzed Reactions: A Review.
Najdat R Alkhafaji*.
- Cadaveric Simulations in Anaesthesia: Unveiling the Practical Significance for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Blocks.
Arish BT, Jayagandhi S*, Umamaheswaran D, Murugan M, Sivakumar S, and Devi R.
- Awareness of Unintentional Childhood Injuries among Mothers of Under-five Children in Rural Bangalore: A Health Educational Intervention Study.
Ananya Girish, and Suwarna Madhukumar*.
- Chemical Engineering Solutions for Eco-Friendly Paper Recycling Processes.
Shourabh Singh Raghuwanshi*, Shivangi Sharma, and Amey Rakhe.
- Prevalence Of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorder In IT Professional In Bangalore City.
Harshitha KS, Poornashree M, and Suwarna Madhukumar*.
- A Study About Characteristics Of Acute Kidney Injury In Covid 19 Patients In A Tertiary Referral Hospital.
Sujith MS*, Foram joshi, and Praneeth A.
- Pathological Findings In Whipple Specimens: A Cross Sectional Study In A Tertiary Care Hospital.
Rohini Priya Sendur Pandian, Valarmathi Kathirvel, Vani Kaliappan, Balamurugan Venkataraman*, and Nalli R Sumitra Devi.
- A Putative Nexus betweenDyslipidemiaand HbA1c and Significant Target Of Glycative Impact Towards Development Of Cardio-Metabolic Risk In Diabetic Patients.
Jayshri S Jankar, Kanchan Mohod*, Abhijit Ninghot, Kalyan Goswami, and Satish Kumar.
- A Descriptive Study On Correlation Between Radiological Findings With Clinic Pathological Finding In Ovarian Neoplasm In Tertiary Care Centre.
Ranjit Prasad, Neil Aurelio Nunes, G Murugan, and Sunderesh Kamal Chander U*.
- The Drivers And Barriers Of Adult Vaccination Among Healthcare Staff In A Tertiary Care Hospital In Northern India.
Drishti Sagar*, Smriti Srivastava, and Priyanka Banerjee.
- Intron 6 Allelic Variant Of Renalase Gene And Its Association With Preeclampsia.
Lourdes Sandy X*, Lakshmi SV, and Aruna Devi.
- Management of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease by using memory T cells without depleted with Naive T-cell.
Ajay Singh Amera*, Vijay Singh Amera, Sanchai Singh, Lalita Suwalka, and Anisha Parveen.
- From Conference to Clinic: Unveiling the Impact of Trends of Transformation in Oncology - A Review of the 7th Molecular Oncology Society Conference (MOSCON).
Manoj U Mahajan, Nishigandha Mahajan, Ashutosh Soni, Harshal Chaudhary*, Jagdish Vishnoi, Shokat Ali, Nilesh Patira, and KR Sharma.
- Ziziphus jujuba and Menstrual Cramps.
Valentina Y*, and Ramya Priyadarshini D.
- P-Hydroxyphenacyl Group: Potential and Efficient Biocompatible Photoremovable Protecting Group for Controlled delivery of Drug.
Shrabani Barman*.
- Beyond Pigment: Amelanotic Melanoma Metastasis To Liver Uncovered By FNAC.
Monika Gupta, Anjali Ahalawat*, Simran Yadav, Rajnish Kalra, and Sunita Singh.
- Recent Advances in Protein Corona Study and Compatibility of Employed Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy as a Method.
Shrabani Barman*.
- Seroprevalence Of Transfusion Transmitted Infections Over A Decade At A Blood Bank Of A Tertiary Care Hospital.
Milind Patil*, Nilam Zambre, Riya Zambre, S Nagare, and D Shaikh.
- High-Temperature Superconductors: Materials And Applications.
Shrabani Barman*.
- Poller Screws vs Fibular Plating in the prevention of malalignment during Interlocking Nailing for Distal Tibial Fractures.
N Karthikeyan*, S Kumar, K Vijaya Shankar, and B Manimaran.
- A Cadaveric Study on the Variations of the Sciatic Nerve: Relevance in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management.
Archana Srivastava, Rajesh Kashyap, Ajay Singh Rajput, and Alpana Saxena*.
- Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Type 1 Diabetes: A Systematic Review.
Rahul Garg*, Ram Avatance Sharma, and Sawan.
- Rare Presentations of Tonsillar Growth: Case Series.
Athul Menon*, Kaustubh Kahane, Aniket Lathi, Aditya Yeolekar, Mangesh Bardale, and Atharv Kokaje.
- Study of Erythrocyte and Erythrocyte Indices in Predicting Preeclampsia in Rural Hospital, Western Maharashtra, India.
Smita Mokal, MM Bhalerao, AN Badwe, and Amol Bhalerao*.
- Study Of Functional Outcome Of Distal Femur Fractures Managed With Locking Compression Plating.
Deepak Bhimraj Datrange, Arun Nivrutti Khare, Rohan Khanderao Patil, and Arvind Kumthale*.
- Outcomes Of Percutaneous Pinning Versus Open Reduction And Internal Fixation In Distal Radius Fractures In Older Adults.
Arvind Kumthale, Rohan Khanderao Patil, Arun Nivrutti Khare, and Deepak Bhimraj Datrange*.
- Assessment And Comparison Between Intramedullary And Extra Medullary Fixation In Intertrochanteric Fractures (IT) Fracture In Adult / Geriatric Patients.
Arun Nivrutti Khare, Rohan Khanderao Patil, Arvind Kumthale*, and Deepak Bhimraj Datrange*.
- Comparative Study Of Outcome Of PRP, Corticosteroid And Hyaluronic Acid In Osteoarthritis Knee.
Rohan Khanderao Patil, Arvind Kumthale, Deepak Bhimraj Datrange*, and Arun Nivrutti Khare.
- Early Intervention Strategies and Long-Term Functional Outcomes in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Varsha Vaidya, Viranchi Vaidya* and Aditya Vaidya.
- Long-term Functional Outcomes and Quality of Life Assessment in Children with neurogenic Clubfoot: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Viranchi Vaidya, Varsha Vaidya*, Gajanan Kulkarni, and Akshay Marawar.
- Comparative Evaluation Of Levobupivacaine Alone And Levobupivacaine With Dexmedetomidine As An Adjuvant For Upper Limb Surgeries.
Rahul Ranjan Gupta*, Atul Kumar Singh Patel, and Umesh Kumar Sharma.
- Evaluation Of Cognitive Evoked Potential P300 And Its Correlation To Serum Insulin Levels In Alcohol Dependence Patients.
R Malar*, P Senthamil Pavai, and C Tirupathi.
- Bacterial Contamination of Mobile Phones Used by Healthcare Workers: An Unseen Risk.
Mansi Mishra, Sushma Y, Sunil Bhamare, Rashmita Das, Shruti Mudale, and Rajesh Karyakarte*.
- A Study Of Perception On Early Clinical Exposure Among First Year Medical Students.
Kavitha BS, Shashiraj HK*, Arun Kumar HP, Sathisha TG, and Pavithra V.
- Prospective Study On The Role Of Early Enteral Feeding In Gastric / Duodenal Perforation.
Durairajan Thiyagarajan, Vasanth Malaiyaperumal Selvam, and Chandrasekaran Dhanasekaran*.
- CRP In The Diagnosis Of Neonatal Sepsis In A Tertiary Care Hospital: An Observational Study.
S Sasikala*, and S Lathika.
- Study Of Clinical And Dermatoscopic Features Of Topical Steroid Application On Face- An Observational, Cross-Sectional Study.
Saema Nizam, and VK Garg*.
- Metabolic Acidosis in Patients With Chronic Liver Disease And Predict Severity Using Child-Pugh Score.
Prajwal K Dhanya, Sanjeev Kumar Nilakantappa Bentoor*, Ravi Kattimani, and Rajani Kuchanur.
- Comparison Of Mean Platelet Volume In Type II Diabetes Patients Receiving Insulin Therapy And Oral Hypoglycemic Agents.
Madikonda Sai Nithin Rao, Sanjeev Kumar Nilakantappa Bentoor*, Rajani Kuchanur, and Ravi Kattimani.
- Effect Of Dietary Counselling On Nutritional Parameters In End - Stage Renal Disease Patients.
Anitha I, TMJ Santhoshakumari*, R Hemachandar, T Arulmozhi, S Sumathi, and AN Uma.
- Study On Emergence Of MDR Pathogens And Its Microbiological Study.
Aparna Shinde, Abhijit Awari, BR Shamanna, and Meghana Patankar*.
- Comparative Study Of Assessment Of Pulmonary Function Tests In Sugarcane Workers.
CL Shinde, and Mohit Manik Malge*.
- Study Of Evaluation Of Malignant Neoplasm Of Small And Large Intestine By Computed Tomography (CT).
Rahul Sonawani, Sushant Bhadane, Parimal Sonawane, and Akash Shivde*.
- Study Of Type Of Metastasis By Computed Tomography And Histological Type Of Bowel Neoplasms.
Rahul Sonawani, Parimal Sonawane, Akash Shivde, and Sushant Bhadane*.
- Study Of Role Of CT Findings In Malignant Bowel Neoplasm.
Rahul Sonawani, Sushant Bhadane, Akash Shivde, and Parimal Sonawane*.
- An Observational Study Of The Pain Tolerance In Children Of Northeast Ethnicity At A Primary Health Care Center Of Southern India.
Cherry R*, Priyadarshan, Rachna G, and Dnyanada M.
- Assessing The Utility Of Serum Cholinesterase, LDH, AST /ALT Ratio, Albumin /Globulin Ratio In Differentiating Alcoholic Liver Disease From Non- Alcoholic Steatohepatitis.
Shobana B*, Nageshwari A, and K Menaka Shanthi.