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Current Issue

Volume 16, Issue 1, 2025 (January - February)

  1. Bacterial Pathogens and their Antibiogram in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
    Deepa MS*, and Sreekumary PK.
  2. An Interesting Case Of Hepatitis B: Cure Or Carrier: Case Report.
    Mahendraswamy BH*, and Sharadadevi Mannur Y.
  3. Pre-operative Parts Preparation by Regular Razor Shaving V/S Depilation Cream: A Comparative Study.
    Karthick T*, Bhaskaran A, G Roshini Raj, and Divya M.
  4. Role Of CT Angiogram Of Peripheral Arterial Disease In Comparison With Colour Doppler Ultrasonogram.
    Senthil Kumar*, P Aruneshwari, and MM Prasanth.
  5. Prevalence and Patterns of Thyroid Dysfunction Among Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Case-Control Study in Tamil Nadu, South India.
    Kayalvizhi V*, Dhanapriya S, Manoji Selva Jaya Singh, Jayakala T, and Hemapriya AS.
  6. Characterisation and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern With Special Reference To Vancomycin Resistance In Various Clinical Isolates Of Enterococci.
    Archana Rao K*, Bhavana S Nath, Vishwajith, and Ravindranath C.
  7. Prevalence Of Helicobacter pylori And Its Serological Detection By Elfa Method.
    Jinu P, and Vindhya VV*.
  8. An Investigation To Eco-Friendly Manufacturing: A Study On Physicochemical Characterization And Quantitative Estimation Of Heavy Metals In Textile Industry Effluents.
    KY Karuna, Gopala Krishna Devisetty*, and Ch. Kethani Devi.
  9. Effect of Hypothyroidism on the Lipid Profile Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Tamil Nadu, South India: A Cross-Sectional Study.
    Kayalvizhi V*, Dhanapriya S, Manoji Selva Jaya Singh C, Anbumani C, and Hemapriya AS.
  10. Dermatological Red Flag: Fixed Drug Eruption Leading to Discovery of Underlying Tongue Malignancy: A Rare Clinical Association.
    Kiran J Dange*, Shekhar N Pradhan, Anil P Gosavi, Kanchan B Rathore, Neha S Solanki, Surabhi S Patil, Sarthak Varshney, Chitra V Wadekar, and Aayush Jugele.
  11. Customer Satisfaction With Laboratory Services At The Abidjan Cardiology Institute.
    N'guessan Déto Ursul Jean-Paul1*, Coulibaly Songuigama, and Konan Amoin Marie Desiree Lydia.
  12. The Little Tongue of Left Lung
    Gayathri SS, Jayagandhi S*, and Rema Devi.
  13. A Prospective Study to Estimate the Prevalence of SLCO1B1*5 and its Implications in Statin Induced Myopathy.
    Ahil MS*, Sarojini R, and Balakrishnan K.
  14. Use of Alternative Medicine in Patients Attending Dermatology Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study.
    Ahil MS*, Sudha A, Vijaikumar G, and Jayapriya B.
  15. Cadaveric Study on Anatomical Variations in Lumbosacral Trunk Thickness
    Haresh R, Jayagandhi S*, and Rema Devi.
  16. Epigenetic Regulation in Diabetes: A Focus on DNA Methylation and Histone Modifications.
    Aryan Gupta, Charu Yadav, Khushi Mehra, Saumya Bala Verma, Runjhun Mathur, Mohini Vats*, and Abhimanyu Kumar Jha*.
  17. Maternal And Perinatal Outcome In Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.
    Pravinkumar Yuvraj Thakare*, Mohit Omprakash Agrawal, Girish Dnyaneshwar Tamboli, and Sohini Debnath Burman.
  18. Assessment Of Maternal And Fetal Outcomes In Eclampsia Management.
    Pravinkumar Yuvraj Thakare*, Mohit Omprakash Agrawal, Girish Dnyaneshwar Tamboli, and Sohini Debnath Burman.
  19. Epigenetic Silencing in Lung Cancer: The Role of DNA Hypermethylation
    Ibrahim Salisu Diso, Sakshi Chauhan, Mohini Vats, and Abhimanyu Kumar Jha*.
  20. Study Of Evaluation Of Combined Cervical Length And Cervical Elastography As Predictors Of Spontaneous Preterm Birth.
    Shimona Kapur, and Abhinav Jain*.
  21. Use of Risk Scores for Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review.
    Jagdish D Powar*, Rajesh Dase, and Deepak Bhosle.
  22. Clinicoradiological Profile Of Patients With Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease From A Tertiary Care Centre In South India.
    M Agila Saravanan*, and Akash Deepak E.
  23. Study Of Role Of Ultrasonography In Evaluation Of Rotator Cuff Tears.
    Shafali Gulati*, Sunil Kumar Bajaj, and Abhinav Jain.
  24. Predictive Value Of Concordant Imaging In Thyroid Malignancies With Structural Ultrasound And Functional Technetium 99M Scintigraphy.
    MS Senthilkumar*, E Prabhu*, Barathi, and Kalpana.
  25. Golden Hour Red Zone Management Of Chest Trauma – Mode Of Injury, Follow Up And Outcome.
    G Raj Ashok*, R Suresh Kumar, and Chandhini S Nair.
  26. Correlation Of Obesity And Hypothyroidism Affecting Outcomes In Non-Bariatric Surgery.
    MS Senthil Kumar*, E Prabhu*, P Paranthaman, and Santhaseelan.
  27. A Study Of Association Of Parameters Of Metabolic Syndrome In Patients Of Lichen Planus.
    Ruchitra Sarkar*, and Avanitaben D Solanki.
  28. Comparative Study Between Transcutaneous Bilirubin With Serum Bilirubin In Clinically Icteric Neonates.
    Saranya S*, and Shylaja D.
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