Current Issue
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2012 (January - March)
- Evaluation of hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Pongamia pinnata leaves
SR Arote* and PG Yeole
- Antioxidant Activities of Some Thai and Exotic Fruits Cultivated in Thailand.
PenpunWetwitayaklung*,JureeCharoenteeraboon, ChutimaLimmatvapirat, and ThawatchaiPhaechamud
- Study of Interactions of L-Threonine with solvent as Urea (Aq)
Rita Mehra* and Shilpi Vats 
- Effect of Chronic Immobilization Stress on some selected Physiological, Biochemical and Lipid Parameters in Wistar Albino Rats
Nayanatara AK1*, Tripathi Y2, Nagaraja HS3,Jeganathan PS1Ramaswamy C4, Ganaraja B1 Sheila R Pai1, Asha kamath5
- Antioxidant potential of various extracts from whole plant of Anisomelesmalabarica(Linn.) R.BR
Vijayalakshmi R* and Ranganathan R
- Anthelmintic Activities of the Crude Extracts of Allium cepaBulbs and ElletatriacardomomumSeeds
AbhijeetBidkar*, MudrekaGhadiali, Chirag Patel, ManojAswar, DeepaSanghai, PallaviAdate
- Anemia: An Advanced Over Review on a Health Problem
Sharma AD*, Sharma S, Joshi Y, Ahmad K
- Preparation and Evaluation of Aceclofenac Ethyl cellulose Micro particles using Aerosil as dispersing carrier
B Jayanthi*, R Manavalan, PK Manna
- Impact of Salt Bridge on Sewage Water Based Microbial Fuel Cells
A Muralidharan* and K Ramasamy
- Commiphorawightii (Guggal): An Endangered Medicinal Plant of Rajasthan Needs Attention of Biotechnologists for Its Conservation-A critical analysis and review
AparnaPareek* and LK Pareek
- Pharmacognistical and Phytochemical Analysis of PortulacaquadrifidaLinn
Patil AG*, Joshi VS, Koli SP, Patil DA1
- Trichophytonrubrum: The Commonest Isolate from Dermatophytosis
Sumit Kumar*, ShrikaraMallya P, ShaliniShenoy M
- Synthesis, Spectral Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of some new transition metal complexes derived from 2, 4-dihyroxy acetophenones
Prafullkumar A Kulkarni*, Seema I Habib, Devdatta V Saraf, Mrunalini M Deshpande.
- Serum Protein thiol status in Pregnant women with Malaria
SumanUmeshchandra*, Umeshchandra DG, Awanti SM
- Neem: Healer of All Ailments
SushmaDrabu,* SmritiKhatri, ShevetaBabu
- Phytopharmacognostic Study of Leaves of Erythrinaindica
PandyaDevang J*, YadavEkta N, KardaniBhoomi R, Joshi Krishna K, Desai Tusharbindu R, Patel Vishal L
- Antibiotic Use Density in Medicine ICU: A Tertiary Care Rural Hospital of Central India
Kavar KS*, Jha RK, Gaikwad NR, Jarande SS, Ranpura AM.
- Production of Xylanase by Litter Degrading Fungal Species Using Agro-industrial Wastes as Substrates by Solid State Fermentation
MuthusamyPalaniswamy*, Thenmozhi V Arulanandham, JayaramanAngayarkanni
- Properties of Non-glutinous Thai Rice Flour: Effect rice variety
Duangrutai Thumrongchote, Toru Suzuki, Kalaya Laohasongkram, and Saiwarun Chaiwanichsiri*
- Screening and Biochemical Quantification of Phytochemicals in Fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum)
Sumayya AR*, Sivagamisrinivasan, NabeelahAmatullah
- Status of Serum Vitamin C Level and Lipid Peroxidation in Smokers and Non Smokers with Oral Cancer
Nidarsh D Hegde*, SuchethaKumari, Mithra N Hegde, Mahesh Bekal, PriyankaRajaram.
- Haematological Studies of Rat Infected with Hymenolepis (Cestoda)
KalimShaikh#, WaghmareSomnath*, PardeshiKaruna
- Neutrophils Response in Mice to Low Level Gamma Irradiation and Their Protection by Liv.52
GirishWaghmare, SomnathWaghmare*, RamraoChavan, Dhanraj Mane
- Synthesis, Characterisation and Antimicrobial Activity of Mannich Bases Derived From Benzhydrazide
A Abdul Jameel, M Syed Ali Padusha*, S Rathakrishnan, S ArunPrabhu
- A Factorial Study on the Effects of ßCyclodextrin, PVP K30 and SLS on the Solubility and Dissolution Rate of Efavirenz
KPR Chowdary* and A Naresh
- Ecoprotective measures and Biomonitoring of Intestinal gut pathogens of poultry birds in Ajmer region of Rajasthan.
TriptiDadheech and ReenaVyas*
- Kinetics Studies and Equilibrium Modeling of Recovery of Propionic Acid
AmitKeshav*, Kumar Verma
- Title of the article: Effect of formalin on pulmonary function: a nine months longitudinal study
PrashantPatil*, SandipMeghnadHulke.AvinashThakare
- Formulation and Evaluation of Sustained Release Floating Tablets of Pioglitazone Employing Cross-Linked Starch-Urea and HPMC
G Chinna Deviand R BhaskaraRao
- Comparison of Quality Requirements for Sterile Product Manufacture as Per Indian GMP and USFDA
Yogita P, N Vishal Gupta*, Natasha NS, AshwiniNageen L, R SudeendraBhat
- Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Tablets of DiltiazemEmploying HPMC K100M, Starch acetate and Carbopol 934P
KPR Chowdary and S AreefullaHussainy*
- Influence of Diet Counseling on Anemia in Cancer Patients
CH Kereena*, Z Vishnuvardhan, DS Raju Naidu, M Neeraja Reddy,Y HarshaVardhan
- Synthesis and evaluation of antimicrobial activity of some new Schiff bases and formazans
Shivaji B Chavan, Sainath B Zangade, Archana, Y VIbhute, Yeshwant B Vibhute*
- Simultaneous Determination of Candesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide in combined Pharmaceutical Dosage form by New RP-HPLC Method
NarendraDevanaboyina*, Satyanarayana T, Ganga Rao B
- Solvent Free Synthesis, UV, IR spectral studies and Antimicrobial activities of some 2-[(E)-3-Substituted Phenylacryloyl] Cyclopentanones
G Thirunarayanan*, G Vanangamudi, R Senbagam, R Suresh
- A Study of Propensity for Development of Bronchial Asthma in Preadolescents with Family History of Asthma by Spirometry and Body Mass Index.
S Bhattacharyya, Panchami R, Ganaraja B*, Bhat Ramesh M
- A Review on Leg ulcer Stockings
V Parthasarathi*, G Thilagavathi, AL Alamelu
- Does the GlycatedHemoglobin have an Impact on Atherogenic Cholesterol in Type 2 Diabetes Patients?
Devaki RN, Manjunatha Goud BK*, Oinam Sarsina Devi, Deepa K, Bhavna Nayal, Asha Prabhu, Naureen Anwar
- Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis of Traditionally used Medicinal Plants
Savithramma N*, Ling Rao M and Ankanna S
- Anticonvulsant activity of some Novel N-(4’oxo-2’-(Aryl/ Heteryl Substituted) Thiazolidin - 3’-yl)-3-Carboxamido-2H-Chromen-2-ones
Indulatha VN*, Gopal N, Jayakar B
- Modified Biodiesel for foamless Detergents
Pravin A Dhakite, SunitaDaf, BB Gogte
- Herbal Medicines and Nutritional supplements used in the treatment of Glaucoma: A Review
Yogayata S Pathare*, Vijay D Wagh
- A Novel RP-HPLC method for the Quantification of Celecoxib in Formulations
Krishnaveni G, Sathyannaryana PVV*
- Characteristic of Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Gel Comprising Gallic Acid Dispersed in N-methyl Pyrrolidone
ThawatchaiPhaechamud* andKotchamonYodkhum
- Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies on Removal of Cd2+ From Aqueous Solution on to Bacillus Subtilis
SethuramanPandiyan and DharmendirakumarMahendradas
- Preliminary Phytochemical Screening, Fingerprinting and Pharmacognostic Evaluation of Nothapodytesnimmoniana Leaves, Stem and Root Collected from Different Geographical Region
Khan Nazeerullah*, Kumar Sunil, Singh Rishi Pal, DhankharNeelam
- Cell Attachment Study on Chitosan-Aluminum Monostearate Composite Sponge Containing Seed Methanolic Extract of Sonneratiacaseolaris (L.) Engl.
KotchamonYodkhum and ThawatchaiPhaechamud*
- Development of Liquid Soap Containing Methanolic Extract of Cork Tree Stamen
PrachyaKatewongsa, ThawatchaiPhaechamud*
- Clinical Study of Sexual Dysfunction in Men with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Ashok Shenoy K, Suresh K, NanditaShenoy, AdhikariPrabha M.R*, SudhakarPemminati, Ratnakar UP, Mukta N Chowta, UllalSheetal D
- Formulation and Evaluation of Osmotically Controlled Release System of Diclofenac
Sharma Tejal*, Solanki NS, Mahatma OP
- Antimicrobial Studies of Sonneratiacaseolaris Using Different Agar Diffusion Method
JongjanMahadlek, ThawatchaiPhachamud*, ChantanaWessapun
- Development and Evaluation of Multiple Regression Model for Prediction of Carcinogenic Risk
Lubna Alam, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed*
- Multifacetious Uses of Soapnut Tree – A Mini Review
VN Meena Devi*, M Rajakohila, L Arul Mary Syndia, P Nagendra Prasad, and VN Ariharan
- Design and Evaluation of Amlodipine Besilate and Atorvastatin Calcium Tablets
M Manikandan, K Kannan*, S Thirumurugu, R Manavalan
- Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Ni(II) Complexes with 2-substituted Benzothiazole Ligands & Amino acids
Premlata#, SumanVerma and Gita Seth*
- In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of root extracts of HeliotropiumeichwaldiStued. ex DC
Surendra Kr Sharma*, Naveen Goyal
- Bioavailability: A Pharmaceutical Importance in New Drug Development
PatilYogesh*, ChughAnkushand GJeybalan, KalraNaresh, SalunkeKrupal, BhavsarPrashant
- Method Development and Validation of Losartan Potassium by RP-HPLC
M Sumithra*, P Shanmugasundaram, ASK Sankar, Niharika
- A Pharmacognostic and Pharmacological Overview on Caesalpiniabonducella
Khan Nazeerullah*, Kumar Sunil, Singh Rishi Pal, DhankharNeelam
- Evaluation of Hepato-Protective Activity in the Ethanolic Extract of SidarhombifoliaLinn.againstParacetamol - Induced Hepatic Injury in Albino Rats
Ramadoss S*, Kannan K, Balamurugan K, Jeganathan NS, Manavalan R 
- Significance of Prognostic Score for Cancer Patient
SonawaneKalyani V*, BiranwarYogeshkumar A, Rajput Amarjit P, BaviskarDheeraj T, Jain Dinesh K
- Atherogenic Index of Plasma(AIP) in Post-Menopausal Women
SumanUmeshchandra, Umeshchandra DG, SM Awanti
- Formulation, Development and Evaluation of Novel Dosage Form Containing Silk Fibroin for Elderly Patients
Vijayanand P*, Sadanandam M, Venkata Reddy M, Kulkarni PK
- Evaluation of Parentral Antibiotic Utilization in Medical Inpatients
NA Aleykutty, RemyaRaju ,Santhosh M Mathews*
- Local Effects of Flowers of Calotropisgigantea in Patients of Painful Heel Syndrome
PravinDhone*, TJ Hemanani
- Production and Partial Purification of Cellulase from Bacteria Inhabiting Cow Dung
JahirAlam Khan* Dilip Kumar
- ESBL Production: Resistance Pattern in Escherichia coli and Klebsiellapneumoniae, A Study by NCCLS method
R Eshwar Singh, KG Raghukumar, M Veena, G Vishwanath, PN Sridhar Rao, BV Murlimanju
- Kinetic Determination of Tobramycin In Drug Formulations
ShazaWagieallaShantier, Elrasheed Ahmed Gadkariem, Kamal Eldin Ibrahim*, and Mohammed ElzainHagga
- Survey on Dermatoglyphic Related Personal Attitudes in Students of MIMS
M PramilaPadmini and B NarasingaRao
- Determination of Molybdenum (VI) in Amaranthus and Potato by New Extractive - Spectrophotometric Method with Isonitriso p-Isopropyl Acetophenone Phenyl Hydrazone
BattulaSreenivasaRao*, Som Shankar Dubey and Kiran BV
- Determination of Nickel by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry after Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction
Sánchez Rojas F*, Bosch Ojeda C and Cano Pavón JM
- Phytochemical screening of the common weed Chrozophorarottleri to explore the antioxidant property
T Narmadaa , R Ramya Devi, S Sivaraman, H SekarBabu*
- Antioxidant [In vitro] and analgesic activity [In vivo] of tannin fraction of stem bark of Ficusracemosa Linn
SankaradossNirmala*, Arun S, Naveen bathula, Sivanagamoorthi M, VelayudemRavichandiran
- Non Ionic Surfactant Vesicles – A Review
Sakthivel M*, Kannan K, Manavalan R, Senthamarai R
- The Effect of Cement Dust Exposure on Hematological and Cytogenetic Studies of Cement Workers
DivyaPriya S*, Suja S
- Role of Some Metal Ions in Enhancement of Photocatalytic Bleaching of Orange-G Dye
InduBhati*, RituKumawat, RameshwarAmeta.
- The Different Kinds of Reaction involved in synthesis of 2-substituted Benzothiazole and its derivatives: A Review
ShiwaniJaiswal, AbhinavPrasoon Mishra*, AshishSrivastava
- Anti-inflammatory Activity of Bougainvillea spectabilis Linn
Manivannan E*, Kothai R, Arul B, Rajaram S.
- Optimization of Hydrogen Production from Coal – Alkali Interaction
Kumar G,*Atma Ram Singh, S Srivastava, S K Srivastava
- A Review on Pharmacological Activities and Clinical effects of Cinnamon Species
MeenaVangalapati,* SreeSatya N, Surya Prakash DV, SumanjaliAvanigadda
- The Study of Pesticides Pollution in Drinking Water Based on Ground Water Sources
FarhangFarahmand, Ali Moghimi, FarhidFarahmandGhavi
- Utilization of Banana Waste for Effective Production of Cellulase by RhizopusSp
Maleeka Begum SF*, Savitha C and JismiJaison P
- Effect ofAquo-Glycolic media on the Anodization of Zircaloy-4 inSodium Methoxide.
*V JeevanaJyothi and ChAnjaneyulu
- Protective effect of silymarin on metiram fungicide-induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats.
Saber A Sakr, Wael M. Al-amoudi
- A Plant Review: ButeaMonosperma(Lam.) Kuntze
Ashish Mishra*, SaketVerma, ,AbhinavPrasoon Mishra
- Formulation and Evaluation of Aceclofenac Controlled Release tablets Employing Olibanum Resin
KPR Chowdary and G Rami Reddy*
- Morphology, Thermal and Antioxidative Properties of Water Extracts from Sonneratiacaseolaris (L.) Engl. Prepared with Freeze Drying and Spray Drying
ThawatchaiPhaechamud*, KotchamonYodkhum, ChutimaLimmatvapirat and PenpanWetwitayaklung
- GC-MS Study of Stem Bark Extract of Juglansregia L.
Asha A Kale*, Tushar V Gadkari, Swati M Devare, Nirmala R Deshpande, Jyoti P Salvekar
- Simultaneous Analysis of Eleven Heavy Metals in Extracts of Sonneratiacaseolaris (L.) Engl. by ICP-MS
Limmatvapirat C*, Charoenteeraboon J and Phaechamud T
- The Interaction of Surfactant with Bovine Milk Casein by Viscometric Method
Arun Sharma*
- Chemical Modification of Sodium Hyaluronate via Graft Copolymerization of Acrylic Acid Using Ammonium Persulfate
- XRD and FT-IR Studies on FeSO4 andCuCl2 Dopped Glycine Picrate Crystals: A Nonlinear Optical Material
Rajarajan K*, SamuSolomonJ ,Madhurambal G 
- Recent Trends of Oral Fast Disintegrating Tablets - An Overview of Formulation and Taste Masking Technology
Raja Shekhar S*, Vedavathi T 
- Suggestive Antibiotics to Pneumonia in HIV Cases
Muni Kumari A*, Arifa Sultana S and JayapalGowdu B
- Evaluation of the In Vivo Hypoglycemic Effect of Neem (AzadirachtaIndicaA. Juss) Fruit Aqueous Extract in Normoglycemic Rabbits
A VasudevaRao*, V RaghaSudhaMadhuri and Y Rajendra Prasad
- Formulation and Evaluation of Gastric Floating Matrixtablets of Metformin Hydrochloride Using Pectin and Xanthan
D ThaheraParveen*, S Nyamathullaand KV Ramana Murthy
- Antilithiatic Activity of Leaves, Bulb and Stem OfNympheaOdorata and Dolichos Lablab Beans.
Ramesh S Deoda*, HimarshiPandya, Mital Patel, Kavita N Yadav, Prasad V Kadam, Manohar J Patil.
- Assessment of Inter Observer Variability in Measurement of Ptosis
JanithaPlackalAyyappan*, RavipatiSarath, MohmZeeshanUddin
- Evaluation of Anti-Pyretic Activity of AnthocephaluscadambaRoxb. Leaves Extracts
Mohammed Rageeb Mohammed Usman*, Somani R Purushottam, MdAbullais, MdUsman
- Kinetic and mechanistic studies on the Oxidation of Voglibose by Bromamine –T in HCl medium
R Ramachandrappa, Diwya, PushpaIyengar*
- A Review on: Solubility Enhancement by Implementing Solid Dispersion Technique for Poorly Water Soluble Drug
Pritika Sharma*, AnupriyaKapoor, ShilpiBhargava
- Impact of Short Term Practice of Shavasana on Pulmonary Function in Bronchial Asthma
KA Chandrashekar *, MuniyappanavarNS ,Jnaneshwara P Shenoy , KF Kammar, Shivakumar J
- Highly Efficient, One-Pot, Solvent-Free Synthesis of AmidoalkylNaphthols Using a Caro’s Acid- Silica Gel as Solid Acid Catalyst
Montazeri N*, Pourshamsian K, Ghorchibeigi M, Fouladi M
- Antituberculosis Activity OfBarlariaBuxifolia Linn Using MicroplateAlmar Blue Assay (MABA)
Shivakumar BS, MRamaiah*, MR Hema, and VP Vaidya
- Hepatoprotective Activity of Leaves ofParkinsoniaAculeataLinn Against Carbon -Tetrachloride Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats.
Ghalib I Hundekari*, SyedaShahana**, MA Shookur, ShaikhRoohi, ZS Farooqui.
- Sodium Alginate Based Oral in Situ Floating Gel of Metformin Hydrochloride
Rama Sarrof*, Amir Shaikh, YogeshPawar, SubhashKumbhar
- Synthesis and in-vitro antimicrobial evaluation of some novel phthalyl substituted aryl sulphones and sulphonamides
SmitaSoni, Manu Seth and PramillaSah* 
- Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of Bis-pyrrolidinyl Ketones
AA Al-Kadhimi*, AJ AL-Hamdany, SS Jasim
- Nanoparticles: Advances in Drug Delivery Systems
Nishikant C Shinde*, Nisha J Keskar, Prashant D Argade
- Does Amblyopia Cause Disability in School Children
RavipatiSarath*, JanithaPlackalAyyappan, Syed Saif Ahmad
- Molecular basis and pharmacological approaches for the management of Hutchinson–Gilford Progeria Syndrome
Balaji A Sai*, Dileep Kumar, VSP Pavan Kumar N, RanjithBabu V
- Quality Assessment and Recharge Potential of Ground Water of Chasnala Coal Mines – A Case Study
KumarG, SinghSK, MurariK, PandeyV, Om Prakash, SinhaBK, PrasadSK
- A Study of Antibacterial Activities of Indole Derivatives
DM Hiremath*, SC Hiremath and MS Yadawe
- Evaluation Of Effect Of Ritodrine And Its Comparison With Magnesium Sulphate In Preterm Labour.
Dash B*.